My ribs hit a hard edge and I am sliding and falling again, until I come to land with a jolt in something soft. I put out a hand; it sinks down with a squelch and a foul smell rises around me. Looking up I can make out the jutting roof of a ground-floor room, which I must have hit on the way down, and above it, an open casement, from which a man’s head is hurriedly withdrawn. I have landed, it seems, on the midden-heap in the House of Vesta’s back yard; revolting as it is, it may have saved me from the broken bones I should have had from such a fall. The sound of shouting echoes from within; he will be out here any minute in pursuit. I push myself up from the mass of rotten vegetables and God knows what else and stagger towards the wall that borders the yard. I feel no pain yet in my side or my legs, but I am winded and my senses have been overtaken by a wild panic, my heart still hammering. Ahead of me in the wall is a gate, but it is fastened shut. Snatching quick, ragged breaths, I weave towards the far corner of the yard where a gnarled tree grows, some of its branches extending over the other side as if pointing the way. My legs feel unpredictable beneath me and I will myself to every step; looking back towards the house, I see a figure in the oblong of light from the open door. I pull myself up to the lower branches of the tree and scramble higher; as I throw myself over the wall I hear a loud cry. It is only when the noise stops abruptly as I hit the ground again that I realise the voice was my own.

Pushing myself up on my elbow, I glance around. I seem to have landed in a lane behind a row of houses. The light has drained almost completely from the sky overhead and the backs of the buildings either side cast the narrow street into deep gloom. I catch the sound of footsteps, running. A few yards ahead in the alley a squat man in a cloak is crouching, arms outstretched stiffly; I stifle a cry of alarm and skitter backwards away from him until I realise he is not moving a muscle. I squint at him suspiciously through the gloom, easing closer until he is revealed to be a handcart covered in sacking, of the kind a man might use to take vegetables to market. The footsteps draw near. I glance down the alley, but see only sliding, teasing shapes growing out of the dark. I climb into the cart and cover myself with the sacks. Curled up small, I can just fit. The wood reeks of manure. I hunker down and discover with a creeping dread that something is in the cart with me; I can hear it breathing, raw and ragged, close to my ear. I am on the point of leaping out when I realise the breathing is my own and the fierce war drum I hear is the sound of my blood pumping.

Running footsteps outside; they skid to a halt somewhere further down the lane. Voices carry through the dark.

‘Well, he won’t get far, not in that state.’

‘I thought you said he brought it up.’

‘The boy says he drank half a glass before he made himself sick. It must have done something.’

The second man curses. ‘Then why wasn’t he easier to deal with? You as good as had him by the collar, Devil take you! Did I not warn you about him?’

‘He had a knife. She said she’d taken their weapons.’

‘There you are, then. I told you not to underestimate him — he is a cunning dog. What else did you hear?’

‘He was asking after Robert Dunne. It was all he wanted to talk about.’

Balled up in the cart, under my sackcloth, I cannot quite catch the murmured discussion that follows. My right hand strays down to my belt, and with a wash of relief I find that I must have sheathed my knife before I threw myself from the window, though I have no recollection of doing so. At least I will have some small defence if they should discover me. From the street there comes a cough, and a stamping of feet; I grip the cart’s sides and concentrate on slowing my breathing. The side of my face feels wet.

‘It would serve us better to watch and wait,’ says the first voice. I would swear that I know it, though I do not dare look out to confirm. An attractive voice, if you did not have to look at the face it came from; educated, with a dark timbre. It is a voice I have not heard since I was in Oxford two years ago. ‘We know where to find him.’

‘But if he should discover-’

‘Peace, John! We will find a better way. I have an idea.’

The first man makes some further protest, but it is brief, and the footsteps retreat. I remain still under the sacking, unsure whether they have really gone. Shouts and fragments of drunken catches float in from the street beyond the houses, but the two voices seem to have disappeared. I wait a few minutes longer before I risk peering out of the cart.

Though the lane is sunk further in shadow, it appears to be empty. With some effort I swing a stiff leg over the cart’s side to climb out and tumble on to the ground, pulling myself to my feet to assess the damage. My right side burns with pain when I breathe; I suspect I have cracked my ribs on the way down. My legs are bruised and aching, but I must be grateful that the midden-heap saved me from breaking any limbs. My head throbs and my pulse is still racing, though my vision has returned to normal and the strange sensations brought on by the nutmeg are receding. The night air feels cool on my face. As I stand there, taking shallow breaths so as not to strain my ribcage, I recall a young novice at San Domenico who claimed to have marvellous and terrible visions of angels and demons, after which he would often fall down as if in a dead faint; the other youths were enthralled by his tales and more learned monks than me declared him to have been touched by God and devoted themselves to interpreting his visions, until the novice master, a man of limited imagination but unrivalled common sense, discovered that the boy had been stealing nutmeg from the kitchen and consuming it, ground up, in copious quantities. I exclaim aloud and strike my forehead with the heel of my hand, amazed that I did not think of this sooner — the wine that smelled of spices in Dunne’s cabin must surely have contained a heavy dose of nutmeg. That could explain the strange extremity of his drunkenness, the hallucinations, the irrational fear. Whoever gave it to him probably intended it to take effect over the course of the evening, leaving him confused and disconcerted, unable to defend himself from any attacker, just as the madam at the House of Vesta had intended for me. That was a curious coincidence too — had Dunne’s drinking companion learned the trick at the House of Vesta? If so, then we need only establish who among the ship’s company was also a regular visitor to the brothel. My thoughts flit immediately to Savile and his superior smile as he spoke of the sacred flame.

I emerge from the lane into a cobbled street lined with tall houses, the upper storeys leaning inwards. It is now fully dark, though here and there a candle burns in a window, and occasionally a wan moon peeks out through a gap in the clouds, allowing me enough light to see the curve of the street as it leads downhill. If I follow it, I reason, it must eventually lead me to the harbourside and from there to the Star. I pause to look behind me, wondering what to do about Sidney. I can hardly risk returning to the House of Vesta in search of him; I am in no state to fight now, even if I could confront Doughty alone, and Mistress Grace is sure to have more armed men at her disposal.

I curse again and limp along the street, keeping close to the buildings on my left, neither seeing nor caring that I am stumbling through the gutter. I cannot think of going back to look for Sidney unarmed. Fear of what may have befallen him constricts my throat; if he has been drugged and attacked too, it is all my fault for thinking I could out-manoeuvre what was so clearly a trap. I have gained nothing by it, except a few bruises and the confirmation that John Doughty is in Plymouth and asking questions about Dunne’s death. And the near-certainty that the man he was talking to as I hid in the alley, the ‘friend’ so keen to reacquaint himself with me, could be none other than the book dealer Rowland Jenkes.

At the Star, I let myself in through the yard, keeping to the shadows. The three sides of the building rise up in darkness; from the stalls come the soft stamps and snorts of horses, sunk in sleep. Groping my way around the walls to the door of the tap-room, I find it locked. I hesitate briefly, before deciding I am willing to pay the price of inconveniencing the servants for the sake of my bed and a bath. I hammer on the door and call out. There is no immediate response; I call again and somewhere overhead a casement opens and a voice advises me to shut my fucking noise, people are trying to sleep. I bang on the door one more time and stand back, wondering if I dare break a window. When I raise my voice again, I am surprised by a sudden loud splash from behind me; I realise, as the smell hits my nostrils, that the contents of a chamber pot have been flung from the casement above. I am fortunate that whoever threw it could not see to take aim; it missed only by a few feet. Next time I might not be so lucky. I lean against the door, trying to muster the will to find a storehouse or empty stable where I can sleep until the servants wake, when I hear the fumbling of a lock on the other side and the door creaks open. The maid Hetty stands on the step in a shapeless nightdress, a candle flame throwing shadows on her pale face. She pauses, taking in my bruises and my limp with a knowing glance, and smirks openly.

‘Oh, it’s you. Enjoy your evening at the House of Vesta, did you, sir?’

‘A little too stimulating for my taste.’ I am in no mood for her provocations, but recognise that it behoves me to show some humility here, since I am in the wrong. ‘I am sorry to wake you.’

She waits until I am almost across the threshold. ‘Looks like they know how to throw a punch, them virgins.’

The timing of this remark is impeccable; I cannot help laughing. ‘What I would really like, Hetty,’ I say, turning, ‘is some hot water. As much of it as you can spare. Can that be arranged?’

‘You’ll have to wait till morning,’ she says. ‘And it’ll cost extra. If you’ve any money left.’

‘Put it on our account,’ I say. Poor Sidney. He will need a hold full of Spanish treasure to meet the bill we are mounting up here.

She squints at my eye and hands me her stub of candle. ‘Try not wake the other guests, won’t you? I’ll bring the water first thing. Watch you don’t get blood on the sheets. Mistress Judith will have a fit.’

‘I’ll do my best. Thank you for your sympathy.’ I touch a finger gingerly to the cut above my eye. It seems to have stopped bleeding for now. Hetty sniffs; it is clear she thinks I have only myself to blame. She is probably right. ‘Do you not need the light to get back to bed, though?’

‘Don’t worry, sir — I know my way around this place at night better than the mice,’ she says, and as if to prove it, disappears into the shadows, leaving me alone at the foot of the stairs. Somehow I find the thought of her scurrying silently around dark corridors disquieting.

I take two wrong turns before I identify the corridor that leads to our chamber, every creak of the boards seeming to echo through the whole building. I let myself in quietly. The window drapes are drawn, casting the room in hushed shadows. I ease off my boots and my stinking clothes, leaving them where they fall, and collapse on to the bed, and into oblivion.

I am jolted from a heavy dreamless sleep by the sound of someone entering the room. I try to sit up but my limbs feel inert and will not respond; it takes a few minutes before I can be certain of where I am. Memories of the night’s events tumble through my sleep-fogged brain, even as the stiffness and pain in my body grow more insistent. Someone is moving softly around the room. My heart hammers; I am defenceless here, naked, unable to move. The footsteps come closer; there is a pause before the bed curtains are pulled back and I cry out, as the intruder also yells in surprise.

‘Christ’s bones, Bruno — are you trying to scare me to death?’ Sidney yanks the curtain back fully and turns away just as fast. ‘And put a shirt on, can’t you — I don’t want to see your wares on display.’

I reach out with some effort and pull a sheet over the lower half of my body. My head sinks into the pillow with relief.

‘Thank God — I was worried about you,’ I croak.

‘Me? Bit late for that — I’ve been waiting for you half the bloody night. Eventually some girl turned up with your message to go on home without you — I must say, you could have let me know a little sooner.’ He tosses his jacket on to one of the chairs and strides to the window.

‘I never sent any message,’ I begin, as he throws the shutters wide and a faint dawn light picks out the shapes of furniture. Sidney turns and makes another noise of shock.

‘What happened to you?’ He points to my torso. I look down and note the colourful map of cuts and bruises.

‘I had to jump out of a window. I thought it was the ground floor, but I was mistaken.’

He cups a hand across his mouth. ‘Sorry, I’m not laughing. Really.’ He stands, yawns, stretches out his long arms above his head and plants himself in front of me, peering at my injuries, clutching his chin in imitation of a physician. ‘At least you can still walk. So it was a trap. Did they rob you? Tell me what happened.’

I push myself up on to my elbows, wincing at the complex stabs and jolts of pain involved. He perches on the end of the bed while I recount the events of the previous night. He chuckles at the appearance of Toby, but when I mention the wine he slaps me on the leg — the nearest part he can reach — to show his irritation.

‘You never touch the wine in a whorehouse, Bruno, certainly not on a first visit in a strange town — are you really so green? It’s the oldest trick they know. You’re damned lucky they didn’t get your purse.’

‘I realise that now,’ I say, piqued. ‘And I don’t need you adding to my bruises. But the wine was spiced with nutmeg. And I’d wager that’s what Dunne was given the night he was killed — the effects sound just the same. Wild drunkenness, hallucinations, morbid fear.’

Sidney scratches his chin. ‘I didn’t even know nutmeg could do that. Is it common knowledge?’

‘To someone familiar with the properties of herbs, I’d say.’

We fall silent, both thinking of Jonas.

‘But listen,’ I say, ‘that is not the biggest news.’

His eyes grow wide as I tell him about the appearance of John Doughty.

‘Extraordinary. Drake said Doughty would not dare set foot anywhere near Plymouth. Just goes to show that Drake is not always right.’ He evidently takes some satisfaction in this thought. ‘But why was Doughty at the House of Vesta?’

‘He was a sailor. They must know him there. The madam was obviously helping him — she took me to the boy, sent up the spiced wine-’

‘Why the boy?’ Sidney says, frowning. ‘To test whether you were telling the truth about knowing Dunne?’

‘Perhaps. Or because she suspected I was only there to ask unwelcome questions, and she wanted to learn what they were.’

‘Either way, it seems beyond doubt that the place is somehow connected with Dunne’s death. In which case — why deliberately lure you towards it?’

‘He thought he was going to march me out of there at knife point, to wherever his mysterious friend was waiting.’

‘The one you are persuaded is Rowland Jenkes.’

‘You think I am mistaken?’

He rasps a hand across the stubble on his jaw and stands, stretching. ‘I only say you are putting two and two together and making five, ever since you saw this man in black and decided he was watching you.’

‘He was.’ I struggle to sit up further. ‘We know a book dealer with no ears has been interested in Drake’s Judas book for months, with Dunne’s agency. Who else could fit that description, who would also know me well enough to address me by name? Besides, I heard his voice.’

‘It’s two years since you last saw him, and you were under the influence of something that causes hallucinations.’ He catches sight of my look and sighs. ‘You are probably right. I just can’t imagine what he’s doing with John Doughty, though.’

‘No more can I.’

He crosses the room to the other window and opens those shutters. Light spills across the floor. ‘You’ve left this place in quite a state, too. I hope you’re going to clear up after yourself.’

I ease myself horizontal. ‘Sorry about the clothes. They’ll have to be laundered again.’

‘I’m not talking about the clothes. I mean your travel bag. Stuff everywhere.’

‘What?’ I jerk upright again, ignoring the spear of pain that shoots up my right side. He indicates the far end of the room, where my bag lies open, my few clean shirts tumbled out over the floor. I haul myself off the bed, wrapping the sheet around my waist, and kneel down.

‘I didn’t leave it like that. Someone has been through it.’

‘What did they take?’

I pick up the discarded clothes, and search through the bag. My books are still there, but a sheaf of notes I had brought to work on appears to be missing. There was nothing incriminating that I can recall, just a few calculations and jotted ideas for a possible book … An idea occurs to me, making goosebumps stand up on my bare skin. I cross to the bed and look under it for the leather satchel I had brought back from the Elizabeth last night. I take it out and find it empty.

‘My translation of the Judas book. It’s gone.’

Sidney throws his hands up and spits out a curse. ‘You left the room unlocked last night. I had the key. Damn it.’ He glances around to his own trunk, which remains securely padlocked. ‘Thank God they didn’t take anything more valuable.’

‘You don’t think a lost gospel is valuable?’ I shake my head. ‘Drake will be livid. I assured him I would keep it safe.’

‘Then you shouldn’t have gone haring off to that bloody brothel without locking the room,’ he exclaims.

‘I realise that now.’ We glare at one another until I punch my right fist into the palm of my left hand. ‘Damn it! The letter was clearly a ruse to get us out of the way so that someone could go through the room looking for those writings.’

‘But who would have known that you had it here?’ He looks at me. ‘No, don’t tell me — Rowland Jenkes.’

‘Do you have a better explanation?’

He opens his mouth to speak, but breaks off at the sound of a sharp knock on the door. Sidney opens it to find Hetty, pink-faced with the effort of carrying two pails of hot water, most of which she appears to have left along the floor to mark her progress. He takes one from her as she sets the other down. She wipes her hands on her apron, passes him the linen cloth she has draped over her shoulder and plants herself in the doorway, looking from one of us to the other. I gesture to the fact that I am wearing nothing but a sheet. Her eyes skim over the bruises on my chest with a look that says, I told you so. Reluctantly, Sidney reaches for his purse.

‘You can take this laundry down while you’re there,’ he says, handing her a coin and indicating the pile of my soiled clothes. She regards them with distaste before scooping them up, making a face as she catches the smell of the midden. I am expecting a facetious comment about where I spent the night, but she seems cowed into grudging respect by Sidney’s presence.

‘Hetty, you keep your eyes and ears open around this place, don’t you?’ I ask, as she turns to leave.

‘If it’s worth my while,’ she says.

‘Yes, I understand that. Did you see anyone entering or leaving this room last night, after you brought me the letter?’

‘What, apart from that woman?’ she shoots back, without missing a beat. Her mouth curves into a knowing smile, pleased that she has hit the mark. But I am too distracted by the thought that Lady Arden was alone in this room after I ran out in search of Sidney. She also knew that I had been working on Drake’s mysterious book. What possible use could she have for a half-finished translation of it? The idea is absurd, I tell myself, but my fists bunch at my sides; I have been burned before by a woman who stole from me when my guard was down.

‘No one else?’ Sidney asks, to cover the awkward pause.

‘Well, I wasn’t patrolling the corridor all night,’ Hetty sniffs, shifting the bundle of laundry from one hip to the other.

‘Never the less,’ Sidney says, forcing a smile, ‘if you do recall seeing anyone near this room, it would be enormously helpful.’ His hand strays idly to his purse. Hetty’s eyes dart after it like a cat watching a bird. ‘A man in black, for instance?’

She affects to think about this. ‘Can’t say I did. Probably best to make sure your door’s locked in future, though.’ She gives him a firm nod, as if this is the final word, and stomps away, flat-footed, down the corridor.

‘The very incarnation of charm,’ Sidney remarks, closing the door. ‘She wouldn’t cost you twenty shillings, that’s for sure.’

‘I hope you got your money’s worth?’ I ask, needled. I do not miss the implicit reproach.

‘I?’ He throws me the linen cloth and wanders over to the window as I kneel to wash the filth of the midden from my skin. ‘Last night was your adventure, Bruno. I was only waiting for you to finish your business.’

‘You waited a long time. The sun is almost up.’

A ghost of a smile hovers over his lips. ‘See how dedicated I am.’

I acknowledge the evasion with a nod. If he enjoyed the House of Vesta’s hospitality last night, he is not going to discuss it with me and I should know better than to ask.

‘I could have broken my neck there,’ I say, sounding like a petulant child. I twist to try and wash the scrapes on my back and yelp as white pain shoots through my ribcage.

‘Idiot,’ he says, but with affection. ‘Here, give me that.’ He strides over, takes the cloth from my hand and dabs it at the sore places between my shoulder blades, tender as a nurse.
