"You must promise me you will take care of yourself, my dear. I know you are a fine, capable, and courageous man, and responsible in every respect. Still, I urge you to take extra caution at all times. You will be alone in an alien land, and have no one to depend upon but yourself.”
“I promise, Letitia. And I will, indeed, make every effort to keep myself wholly intact, and return as quickly as I can.”
“Oh, Finn, I have no doubt you will.”
“And I must tell you, love, and I mean this in the highest regard, you are showing a braver face at my departure than anyone could truly expect. You know I am embarking on a voyage that is rife with hazard, and danger of every sort. Yet, you do not falter, you do not yield to the fear, the dread, the torment that is tearing you up inside. I think no other could show such mettle as you are showing now.”
“I know you will come back, Finn. You have faced adversity before, but you always come through.”
“Yes, that's true. But this venture, you understand, is somewhat more treacherous than any I've faced before.”
“Ah, you'll persevere. I have no doubt of that.”
“You don't?”
“You are skillful, deft, cunning to a fault, my Finn.”
“I suppose I am, that's true, but anything could happen, you know. I don't wish you to worry, but-”
“I won't, really.”
“Won't? Won't what?”
“Worry. Not truly, I mean.”
“Well, you should, if I may say so, Letitia. It may be you are taking this all too lightly. As a fact, it would not be unseemly if you were-greatly concerned. Certainly, more than you seem to be now!”
“Give us a kiss here in the hallway, love, where no one can see and turn us in for lust between Man and the spawn of the beast, and be on your way to your balloon. The sooner begun, the sooner done, as some wise sage has said. Or if he hasn't, he very likely will…”