Many thanks are due to those who helped me write and publish this novel:

First and foremost, to my editor, Keith Kahla, for his exceptional insight and recommendations to make Treason better. To others at St. Martin’s Press — Martin Quinn and other members of my marketing and publicity team — who I relied upon in many ways as Treason progressed toward publication — thank you for your support. And finally, thanks again to Sally Richardson and George Witte for making this book possible.

While writing each book, I’ve relied on subject matter experts to ensure I get the details correct. While I can handle most of the submarine parts, other areas require assistance. For Treason, thanks are due to Murray Gero, Eric Mason, Sam Carver, Matt Fulton, and LynDee Walker.

Finally, every book needs fine-tuning, and I owe thanks to those whose keen eye made Treason better — to Jeff Porteous, Sam Carver, Michael Williams, George Vercessi, Adelaida Lucena-Lower, and Rick and John Schwartz.

Thanks again to everyone who assisted, and I hope you enjoyed Treason!
