Reading Notes

1. Discuss the different role of women in Medalon, Karien and Fardohnya.

2. Dacendaren devotes a great deal of time trying to get Mikel to steal something, even though the Karien boy consistently denies the existence of any other gods. Discuss the reason for this and why it is so important to the God of Thieves.

3. R’shiel has a long conversation with Xaphista, in which he tries to seduce her into joining him. Why does he fail?

4. Is the Princess Adrina a product of her environment or simply a spoilt brat?

5. The God of War demands that R’shiel leave Sanctuary because he fears the Harshini will weaken her resolve. What affect would living in Santuary have on R’shiel, both long term and short term?

6. The demons meld to save Tarja at the end of Treason Keep. What effect could being possessed by a demon have on Tarja when (or if) he recovers?

7. Adrina tells Cratyn that her slaves are better off in slavery than as his free serfs. Discuss the differences between being a slave living in luxury, or a peasant living in abject poverty. Which would you prefer?

8. Brak explains the dangers of coercion to R’shiel at some length. Discuss the reasons for his concerns and why R’shiel feels she has no choice.

9. Many of the characters are confronted with evidence that the Primal Gods exist, yet refuse to acknowledge their existence. Discuss why these characters refuse to accept the evidence of their own eyes.

10. How would their lives have been changed if Adrina and Damin had met in Greenharbour several years earlier?
