Maddock pulled in to the parking lot of the Cherokee Suites. He cut the engine of his '75 Bronco and took in the pitiful site — faded paint, sagging roof, cracked windows. He shook his head at Bones’ living situation. This was no place for a seasoned and talented warrior of Bones’ caliber. But his friend had to want to take steps, and that’s why Maddock had come. His former comrade in arms hadn’t been interested in his business proposition last night in the casino, but maybe now, after some time to reflect and calm down a bit, he would be open to reason.
He found the room number Angel had given him and knocked on the door. Hopefully Bones wouldn’t be still in bed with one of his hookups. Something told Maddock his friend’s mood was too dark lately for such frivolity. A few seconds came and went. Maddock knocked again.
“Unless you’re a hooker, go away. I don’t need to find Jesus and I don’t need housekeeping.”
Maddock smirked. “I’m sure it’s a pigsty in there, Bones. Open up.”
Maddock heard the thump of feet hitting the floor and stomping across the room. The door cracked and the Indian’s face looked out at Maddock from behind his unkempt hair. “Get your own room, Maddock, they’ve got vacancies. You’ll love it. These twin beds are like king size luxury mattresses compared to the barracks cots.”
“Yeah, I remember your feet always used to hang off. How’s the flea situation?”
“They don’t eat too much.”
“That’s good. Can I come in for a few minutes?”
Bones undid the security chain and pulled the door open. He stood aside while Maddock entered, took in the gloomy, disheveled look of the place at a glance, and then opened the curtain. Bones closed the door and squinted at Maddock. “Too bright.”
“Since I’m hoping you’ll see that light, that works for me.” Maddock took one of the two chairs at the little round table in front of the room’s only window and turned one of them toward his friend.
“Sit. Hear me out.”
“Is this about that treasure stuff you were blabbing about last night?”
“Yes. But I’m not just talking about it, Bones. I’m doing it. I already bought the boat and the equipment. Now I’m looking for a qualified partner, preferably one I’ve worked with before.”
Bones said nothing, but Maddock took solace in the fact that he wasn’t laughing yet. And he couldn’t really blame him if he did. It was a common reaction Maddock got from a lot of people. Treasure hunting, huh? He could hear the doubt lurking in their voices, practically hear them saying, Why don’t you just get a real job? None of them knew the first thing about treasure hunting, though, especially underwater treasure hunting. But Bones did, even if he acted like he didn’t give a damn.
“What kind of boat you get?”
Maddock grinned. Finally he was getting somewhere. “You remember Marco Cosenza’s boat?”
Recognition took hold over Bone’s features. “The Sea Foam?”
Maddock smiled and nodded.
Bones looked incredulous. “That old scow?”
“One and the same.” Maddock’s thoughts flashed to a whirlwind adventure through and beneath the streets of Boston in search of Paul Revere’s famous lanterns. The distant look in Bones’ eyes told him his friend was doing the same.
“I’ve done a lot of work on her: overhauled the engine, new wiring, fresh bottom paint, retrofitted with state-of-the-art electronics…”
“So you’re saying that ship is dependable and ready to go? Because I don’t have a Sea Tow membership.”
“She’s more than up to the task, Bones. The question is… are you?”
Bones looked around the dingy room. “It’ll be tough to give all this up, but…” His eyes lingered on a pile of empty beer cans on the floor, a hard liquor bottle among them. “But okay, I’m in.”
Maddock gave him a hard stare. “Don’t just say ‘I’m in’. This is a serious commitment.”
“Uh oh. I’ve heard that before.”
“This is a partnership. I’ve already paid for the major stuff we’ll need up front, but I’ll need you to carry your financial weight going forward. Fuel, repairs, permits…”
“… hookers, blow. Priorities, Maddock.”
“You’ll need to give it your all. That’s all I ask.”
Bones stood, folded his arms, and frowned.” It sounds workable, but there’s one problem.”
“And that is?”
“I’m not sure I can handle you being my boss.”
“I won’t be your boss, I’ll be your partner. I can’t do this myself. I spent everything I saved up while in the Navy on the boat and startup costs. Besides, when things get heavy, there’s no one I can count on more than you. You’ve proven that time and again. That’s why I’m here. There’s no shortage of guys who would go in on this with me, but I know you can do it.”
Bones moved to the window and stared through the dirt-smudged glass. “You’ve got a better opinion of me than I do.”
“That wasn’t always the case.”
Bones chuckled. “Only because I thought you were an ass. Still do, just as not as big of one as before.”
“That’s the spirit. Seriously, though. You’re at your best when you’re under pressure or doing something that matters. This life isn’t you.”
“I said I’m in. No need to get all Sigmund Freud on me.” He turned to face Maddock. “Lucky for you, I didn’t drink all the money I earned in the service, and Charlie’s treated me okay. I’ll put in all I’ve got.”
Maddock nodded. “Hopefully we can get some of the old gang in on it at least on a part-time basis. I gave Willis a call and he said he’s game. Apparently, he hasn’t been able to find steady work in Detroit.”
“At least there’ll be somebody else on the crew who doesn’t have a stick up his butt.” Bones smiled. “I know we’re partners, but I’m going to go ahead and make an executive decision.”
Maddock raised his eyebrows expectantly.
“I know which treasure I want to hunt for first.”