
This book has deep roots. It started with Mary Bennett and her colleagues at St Hilda's College, Oxford, who spotted something that deserved a chance. By delightful coincidence, I was writing it when the present Governing Body appointed me to an Honorary Fellowship, a distinction of which I am more proud than I can say.

Specifically, I owe thanks to Manda Scott and Leslie Hills who talked me through various climbing scenarios; to Professor Sue Black, whose powers of explanation and description were invaluable as always; my editor, David Shelley, whose insights show me how to make it better; Stephanie Glencross, whose instinct for story is second to none; my copy editor, Anne O'Brien, who keeps me on the straight and narrow; and my agent Jane Gregory and her team.

I don't think I could do this without my wife Kelly and my son Cameron. I suspect I am no fun at all when I'm in the thick of it, but still they give me their love, indulgence, support and most importantly, their laughter. Only another thirty-five to go, guys…

I had been told about her.

How she would always, always.

How she would never, never.

I'd watched and listened

But I still fell for her,

How she always, always.

How she never, never.

from 'Her'

by Jackie Kay
