Adara Sherman pulled a baseball cap out of her shoulder bag as she headed north on South Columbus, and it was a good thing, too, because her target passed just fifty feet in front of her. He glanced her way, but she had been purposefully walking along right next to a man about her age pushing a baby stroller with a five-year-old boy in tow, and she turned to the boy just as her target glanced at her.
“How old is your adorable sister?”
The boy looked up at the lady who had just spoken to him, then to his dad. “How old is Mary, Daddy?”
The father smiled at the good-looking woman in the ball cap. “Just turned six months.”
“She’s a doll.” Adara looked back to the boy. “I bet you take good care of her, don’t you?”
The little boy beamed and assured the nice lady that he did, and the dad made a moment’s more conversation.
The target had passed by on King Street by now, and Adara felt confident that the white-haired man with The Washington Post had dismissed the family of four from having any part in a surveillance detail.
Midas was still in Adara’s earpiece, and he’d heard every word. “Either you just did all that for OPSEC, or you are using this exercise as an excuse to pick up dudes with baggage.”
Adara fought a smile as she slipped off her ball cap and made a left on King Street, falling in behind her target. “Which seems more likely?”
Midas joked, “I guess I won’t tell Dominic… this time.”
“That’s good of you. I’m seventy-five feet behind him and on the south side of the street. He’s on the north. Moving slowly. I’ll soften up, give him some more room.”
Midas said, “I’ll stay on his side, two hundred feet back but ready to close quick if necessary.”
Chakir and Mehdi walked shoulder to shoulder through a thick group of tourists standing on the corner, both keeping their eyes on their target, wondering where the hell the man was going. Seconds later he slipped into a coffee shop, and the two men from Detroit stopped walking, then stood at the corner, facing King Street like they were waiting to cross at the light.
The crossing signal turned green, however, and neither man moved.
Across the street and fifty feet ahead of the men, Adara Sherman stopped and began looking through the window of an upscale antiques store that had not yet opened for business. She wanted to check her immediate surroundings for anyone standing close by, using the reflections to do so, before reporting in to Midas that the target had stopped. But before she spoke, Midas’s voice came into her ear.
“Uh… Adara? I think Mr. C. might have thrown us a curveball.”
Adara found herself free of anyone who might overhear her conversation. “What’s going on?”
“Not one hundred percent sure, but I might have a couple dudes tailing you.”
The blonde fought the urge to look behind her. “Interesting. That wasn’t the drill today.”
Midas replied, “Clark told us to keep our heads on a swivel. Maybe he has more going on than he said in the brief. Unsub description to follow: Two males, light-olive complexion, early twenties. Both have backpacks. One has a brown T-shirt and a ball cap, the other a green-collared short-sleeve. They are about fifty feet back from you, but on the opposite side of the street from your poz. I’m too far back to be sure they are looking your way, but the second you stopped, they pulled up at the corner, and now they are just hanging out.”
A man stood next to Adara now, looking in the same antiques store, so Adara did not reply. Midas would know she’d received the message, and if these guys were only fifty feet behind her looking her way now, she didn’t want them to see her mouth moving.
Midas said, “Since this wasn’t part of the declared exercise, let’s just play this as real world. We don’t acknowledge them, but we try to lose them while still keeping eyes on the target. It’s going to be tricky. Clear your throat if you acknowledge.”
Adara did so, and she immediately turned left in front of the antiques store on South Fayette Street, breaking off coverage of Laird again, but also forcing the team tailing her to either break off from her or follow her down a quiet residential street.
She made a quick right onto Commerce and continued to the southwest, hoping to catch up with the target. Now that she knew the men on King wouldn’t be able to see her, she asked, “What’s my tail doing?”
Midas did not answer for a few seconds. Finally he said, “They let you go. Didn’t even look your way or give it a moment’s thought. They are still on King. You know… I could be wrong about them.”
“I’m sure you have a good nose about these kinds of things. If your gut tells you to keep an eye on them, don’t write them off just yet. Laird stopped into a coffee shop, I’ll get a block ahead and double back.”
Midas said, “These two guys are moving again. Still west on King.” A pause. “Can’t be sure, but I think I see the target leaving the coffee shop and heading west.”
Adara chuckled a little. “Wait, are they tailing me, or are they tailing our target?”
Midas said, “I thought it was you because of their movements mirroring yours, but if your movements were mirroring our target’s, who knows?”
Adara said, “But it doesn’t make sense that they would be following the same guy we are if they are with Clark.”
Midas asked, “Unless Clark is training another team, too.”
Adara didn’t believe that for a second. “Maybe they are waiting for me to show back up.”
Midas said, “Possible. I’ll stay behind them, and watch this closely.”
Midas followed the two men, trying to also keep sight of the white-haired target, well over one hundred yards ahead on the sidewalk. But this wasn’t all he was doing. He had tailed enough people in his life to know that it could feel like looking through a drinking straw if he wasn’t careful. Keeping eyes on one person in a crowd had a tendency to make the follower lose sight of the fact that he or she was also out in the open and subject to potential surveillance or other threats. For this reason he took his time now to, as nonchalantly as possible, scan the entire crowd in view on the street. In front of him, around him, behind him, even in windows of buildings above him.
Everything seemed okay behind him, but he wasn’t going to walk backward and give himself away. For all he knew, Clark was monitoring them right now, making sure he and Adara didn’t violate their cover-for-action by making a game out of today’s surveillance.
Far across the street and ahead, near where Adara had been standing in front of the antiques store, a young man with curly black hair walked with a gait that caught Midas’s eye. He was purposeful, almost storming through the slower moving crowd around him, and his head was fixed on something across the street from him.
Out of the hundred people or more Midas laid eyes on in his sweep while he walked over the next three minutes, only this one man stood out to him.
Midas said, “Adara, what’s your location?”
“South West Street and King Street. I’m making a left onto King, unless you tell me otherwise.”
Midas knew this put Adara a hundred feet or so right in front of the guy in the untucked white button-down.
“I’ve got a possible third unsub. You mind serving as bait to see if he locks onto you?”
“Not at all. I’ve got eyes on the target across the street.”
“Okay,” Midas said, “make a left onto King and stay across and behind the target, and I’ll watch the three guys behind you to see what they do.”
Adara did as directed, kept her head down and talked into her mobile phone now, pretending to have a conversation with her mom about her upcoming visit to D.C. and the different museums they’d visit. This kept her right hand and her phone shielding her face in the event the target looked back over his left shoulder.
Adara lowered her tone to a soft whisper. “Midas, target is four blocks from the Metro and heading in that direction.”
Midas replied, “Roger that. The three unsubs are not looking at you at all. I do believe all three are focused on our target.”
“So weird. Could this be unrelated to the exercise?”
“I have no idea,” Midas said. He had purposely narrowed the distance a little between himself and the two in front of him, and this helped him get a better angle on the face of the man across the street. Even from this distance he could see the man’s hard, determined countenance as he walked forward, his eyes almost never wavering from the direction of the white-haired man.
Midas said, “I don’t like this. I don’t like their attitudes, I don’t like their proximity to you and our target, and I don’t like the two backpacks the duo in front of me are carrying. I’m going to call Clark. I’ll take the hit if I fail today’s course.”
Adara said, “Negative. We are in this together, pass or fail. Plus, my phone is already out. I’ll call him. I want you watching these guys. Call me back if anything changes.”
“Copy that.”
She hung up the phone and dialed Clark’s number.
Saleh answered his cell phone when it buzzed in his pocket. “Yeah?”
It was Badr, behind the wheel of the Nissan Pathfinder, which had been circling the neighborhood to the west, hunting for a place to wait before rushing in to pick up Saleh, Chakir, and Mehdi in case they found a good opportunity to kill Eddie Laird.
He said, “There is a Metro station right here. Three blocks in front of where Laird is walking. What if he is heading there?”
Saleh knew he’d have to improvise. They couldn’t lose this man for an entire day, and they couldn’t follow him onto the trains without losing their getaway vehicle. On top of this, Mohammed and Omar forbade them from going into D.C.
Saleh said, “You park there and keep an eye out for us. We will take him at the station if that is his destination.”
He quickly hung up and dialed Chakir across the street.
John Clark was a dozen blocks away, leaving La Madeleine and heading back to his Range Rover, parked near the market. He felt like he’d given his two trainees enough time to identify their target and settle into their coverage. Now he’d make it tougher. He reached for his phone to call Eddie to tell him to begin an SDR as well as to begin actively searching for his surveillance, but his phone chirped as soon as he started to dial.
“John, it’s Adara. We really hope we’re wrong here, but Midas and I think there is someone else tailing our target. Can you confirm you aren’t training anybody else or—”
“Just tell me what’s going on.”
Clark began hurrying back to his SUV.
“Three males, all in their twenties. I am between them and the white-haired gentleman, and Midas is behind with eyes on all three unknowns. First we thought they were with you, just tailing me, but now we are worried they might be doing a foot-follow on the unsub. That doesn’t make a lot of sense to us.”
Clark’s tone was as urgent as Adara had ever heard from him. “Those are most definitely not my guys. Where are you?”
“The target is entering the parking lot in front of the King Street Metro. What do you want me to—”
“I’ll call nine-one-one, and I’m on the way. Your target’s name is Eddie Laird. Get on him, and get him inside the station. There will be armed transit police there.”
Adara was confused. “Why do you think—”
Clark said, “He’s ex-Agency, senior staff. Get him!”
Adara just gasped into the phone. “Jesus. I’ll grab him now.”
The phone went dead and she picked up the pace, closing on Laird now as she reconnected with Midas.
Midas was only one hundred feet behind the men now, but one of the two stepped into traffic suddenly in front of the Hilton and crossed to the other side, joining up with the man in the untucked shirt. Just as this happened, Midas’s earpiece chirped.
He answered to hear Adara’s intense but in-control voice. “John says these three aren’t his, and our target, Laird, is now our principal. He’s ex — senior staff at Langley. We are to move him to the Metro and get him surrounded by armed transit cops.”
Midas said, “Roger that. Be advised, you’ve got two directly behind you now. There is one in front of me, crossing the street into the parking lot. I don’t think they like the idea of him getting out of here on a train.”
Adara said, “The hell with this, I’m running for Laird.”
“Do it!”
Eddie Laird’s phone rang and Adara closed even faster on him while he stopped to answer it. She wanted him inside the station, where at least there would be options for cover and likely some sort of police presence, but instead he started to sit down on a bench outside.
She hadn’t turned back around to look at the approaching men, so she was thankful when Midas gave her an update, although the news itself was bad.
“Packs are off their shoulders, they’ve separated, two have moved wide on your left, one on your right. These boys are gonna fuckin’ hit. I’m running for the guy on your right. If he has a weapon I’ll try to take it to engage the others.”
By now Adara had made it up to Laird, and as he rejected the telemarketing call and stood back up from the bench, she got right in front of him.
“Mr. Laird?”
Eddie Laird looked up now. “Well… if you’re one of Clark’s students, then that’s a definite fail.”
She took him by the arm and started leading him toward the large opening to the King Street Metro, one story below the tracks above.
“John will call when he can, but there are three men trailing you right now. Not with us. He wants you inside the station.”
Laird seemed surprised but not panicked. “Okay. Do these knuckleheads look like they mean business?”
“My colleague is behind them and in my ear. Midas?”
Midas replied, “They slowed when you made contact with Laird. They’re trying to figure out who you are and what you are doing. Still, they are squaring off for an altercation. Keep moving into the station.”
Adara just picked up the pace with her arm around the older man’s waist now. “This could get ugly,” she said.
“You armed?” he asked.
At the entrance to the station they moved through a thick crowd of tourists, just down the escalator from the tracks above the station concourse. “No,” she replied. “We can’t carry legally in D.C., and we didn’t know if you’d head into the District. You?”
Laird lifted the front of his shirt and Adara could see the butt of a small revolver.
“You’re my kind of guy, Mr. Laird.”
He said, “Never even drew my piece in Kabul. Would be ironic to get my ass in a shoot-out right here.”