Goose Chase

Who is it?” Markita shouted.

“It’s me!”

“Me who?”


Markita opened her front door to find a stranger standing before her. “May I help you?”

Terrell smiled. “Hey, baby, why you look so disappointed?”

Markita smiled, but wasn’t for the bullshit. If it wasn’t for the fact that the nigga was tall, dark, and handsome, she would have slammed the door in his face. I ain’t hardly disappointed, Markita thought, wondering who he was and what he wanted.

“Were you expecting someone else?” Terrell asked.

“No.” Markita smiled. “I’m not expecting anybody, but you gonna have to come on, ’cause The Young and the Restless is on.”

“Damn, it’s like that?”

“Like what? What do you want?”

“Well, I’m a friend of Gena’s, and she told me she was staying here. I just wanted to drop by and see how she was doing and check on her, you know, see if she needed anything.”

Immediately, Markita let her guard down, not realizing that the handsome stranger standing in front of her was the enemy who had been hunting Gena, not the friend he was pretending to be.

“Oh, Gena, she’s not here right now. You want me to tell her you stopped by?”

“Yeah, that would be great. Do you think you can take my number down and have her call me?” asked Terrell.

“Yeah, sure, let me get a pen.”

And that was it right there. Markita turned from the doorway, took two steps, grabbed a pen off the coffee table, and turned around to find Terrell standing right behind her, her front door closed.

“What are you doing? I didn’t invite you in.”

“I invited myself,” said Terrell, as he began to unzip his pants and fondle himself in front of Markita.

“Oh, my God! Help!” screamed Markita as she tried to run. She made a dash for her bedroom and slammed the door shut, locking it simultaneously. She picked up the telephone receiver and dialed 911. But as the phone rang, Terrell busted through her bedroom door, saw her with the phone in her hand, and snatched it away, disconnecting the call as he slapped Markita so hard she fell back on the bed and then onto the floor. Desperately, she began to crawl across her bedroom floor, but Terrell was on top of her just as she reached her bedroom doorway.

“Where you going? The party’s just about to begin.”

“Heeellpppp!” Markita screamed.

“Shut the fuck up,” said Terrell as he punched her head, grabbed her by her throat, and yanked her off the floor. “If you fucking scream I’ll kill you, do you understand me? Do you understand me?” he hollered like a maniac in her ear.

“Yes, yes, I understand; please don’t hurt me.”

“You do what I say, everything I say, and I might let you live.”

“Okay, okay,” said Markita as she felt him letting go of her neck.

“Take your clothes off.”

Markita didn’t know what to do. She was standing there desperately trying to think of something, something to do or something to say, that would get her out of the situation she was in.

“What the fuck is you standing there for?” said Terrell as he savagely attacked her, pushing her onto the bed and ripping at her clothes.

Markita tried to fight him, she tried to use her strength, but Terrell was physically stronger, and he hit Markita again, this time on her face, immediately swelling her eye, and it was then that Markita stopped fighting. She let him have his way. As he pulled at her clothes and ripped off her pants, she simply lay there imagining it all as a bad dream.

Terrell raped Markita repeatedly, pinning her down, holding the back of her neck as she lay on her stomach. Then he pulled out of Markita and quickly reinserted himself into her other hole. Markita almost leaped from the bed, but Terrell grabbed her arms and held her tightly. She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Oh, God, please, no, stop, please no!” she screamed as Terrell ripped into her. She could feel the wetness and suspected that she was bleeding. The only sound besides her cries, was Terrell’s grunting. He sounded like a wild animal.

“Stop it!” Markita screamed. “Please, help, please, stop!”

Terrell held her arms in place and continued to brutalize her anus.

“Stop it, please!”

More grunting.

“Help me, please!” she screamed louder.


“Help me!”


“Somebody help me, please!”

More grunting, followed by a wild cry of carnal pleasure as Terrell exploded inside her asshole. His thrusting and throbbing caused her to let out a blood-curdling cry.

“Shut up! Shut up! You fucking whore, you know you like it.”

Terrell continued to breathe heavily, trying to regain his expended energy. “Markita.”

It was then that she realized he knew her name, and she had never told it to him.

“I have a question for you. And I need for you to be really honest with me.”


“I need you to call Gena for me and I need you to tell her to come over here.”

“What?” Markita again tried to force her way out from under Terrell. He gripped her arms tightly.

“You heard me; I need you to call Gena and tell her to come over here. You probably will have to make it sound like an emergency or something.”

“How the fuck am I supposed to do that? I don’t even know where she is. I don’t even know how to reach her.”

“Tell me where I can find her.”

“I don’t know!”

“Where can I find her?”

“I don’t know!”

“Don’t lie to me, Markita,” Terrell said. “I know that she lives here.”

“Gena don’t live here!” Markita struggled to break free. “I don’t know where you got your information from, but they telling you wrong! Gena used to live in the apartment next door, but that was long ago!”

“Her cousin said that you two live together.”

“Her cousin lied!”

“Why would she lie to me?”

“Who the fuck knows! Get off of me!”

“Tell me where I can find Gena.”

“I don’t know. I swear I don’t know, and if I did, I wouldn’t fucking tell you anyway,” Markita screamed at the top of her lungs.

Terrell scooped her up and wrapped his massive arms around Markita’s neck. He kissed the back of her neck and licked her around to the right side of her ear, and then twisted in one quick, forceful motion. Her neck sounded like a dry twig when it snapped.

Terrell remained on top of her as her body spasmed and convulsed. Once he was finished, he climbed off her and began to search her apartment for evidence of Gena’s whereabouts. Gena had lots of clothing in Markita’s apartment, some of which she had worn recently. It was in an older pair of pants that Terrell found what he was looking for, however. It was a business card for 4-U-Self Storage.
