
A few months later, Amanda was again in Rex's arms, in the bed they shared at Royce House in London. The earl and the countess were traveling, and Daniel had taken up bachelor quarters with Harry. "Have I told you lately that I love you, Lord Rexford?"

"Not lately enough, Lady Rexford. Lud, I cannot believe you are really my wife, or how happy one man can be."

"I hope you will be even happier at my news. I am going to have a baby."

Rex's brow puckered. "I am sorry, angel, but you are not."

"But the physician said I am breeding."

He shook his head. "The color does not lie."

She started to weep, there in his arms. "I wanted this child so badly, to raise with pride in his gifts, pride in his father and grandfather, his Uncle Harry, and Daniel. I must be going to lose the infant."

He was confused, but certain of what he saw. "No. That is not true, either."

She shoved away his arms. "Well, which is it? Either I am going to have a baby or I am not."

He thought for a minute. "You said his gifts. Are you carrying a son?"

"How should I know?"


"Your father wants an heir, so yes. I am carrying a son."

"That's true."

"How can that be?"

"Are you having a daughter?"

She smiled, beginning to see. "Your mother always wanted a little girl to pamper. Yes, I am having a daughter!"

"Twins, my love. You are not having a baby! You are having two! We are having two! Now I am doubly happy."

"And I love you twice as much, Lord Rexford."

"Truly, my lady?"

"Would I lie to you?"
