Back at the station Reid realized he was starving. Having told everyone to gather in the briefing room in half an hour for an update, he decided to have a quick sandwich in the canteen. Already seated there having their dinner were DS James Lane and DC Timothy Wey; like their superior both had been busy all day conducting in-depth interviews, but sadly they had no direct information regarding the whereabouts of Amy.
Having grabbed himself a toasted cheese sandwich and coffee Reid headed for an empty corner table as he wanted to go over his notes before the meeting, but no sooner had he sat down than a press officer came up to his table.
‘We’ve got good coverage in the Evening Standard and we’ll get the early issues of the morning papers as well, and they’ll all run with the appeal for information about Amy Fulford. I’ve also had a call from the Crime Night TV people and have a meeting set up for tomorrow. If you want a reconstruction I’ll need time to get it organized and arrange a lookalike.’
Reid said he would make the decisions after the meeting, hoping they might have more details that would warrant a slot on the show. He took a bite of his sandwich, and asked between mouthfuls if any useful CCTV footage had been recovered. The press officer said that was his responsibility and if his officers found any CCTV of Amy to bring it to him, as the TV people would love it.
Marcus knew he’d had far too much scotch to drive, but felt the two mugs of strong black coffee had sobered him up somewhat. By now he had a five o’clock shadow and was looking scruffy; he’d not even combed his hair and just pulled on an old fleece jacket to see Lena.
By the time he arrived at the house Agnes was long gone. He rang the doorbell, and then, as he had a key, he waited only a few moments before he let himself in. The house was in darkness so he turned on the hall lights and called out for Lena but there was no reply. He swore impatiently, wondering where she was, when he heard the faint sound of laughter from the TV room. He listened at the door and then heard Amy’s voice; it shocked him and for a second he thought she was in the room, but then came the sound of Lena sobbing. He tapped on the door and eased it open. She was sitting curled up on the sofa, and had taken a blanket and wrapped it round herself. She gave him a wretched look and then gestured towards the TV.
‘I’ve been watching all our old home movies. I had to get the video machine out of the garage to play them.’
Although he felt he should go and put his arms around her he hesitated and asked if she would like him to fix a drink. She pointed to an open bottle of wine, and suggested he get himself a glass.
‘I’ve had that detective round at my place all afternoon, along with forensics guys taking Amy’s stuff to be examined. I think they will also want to do the same thing in her bedroom here.’
Lena shivered and hugged the blanket closer. ‘I gave my identical sweater to an officer, it’s apparently what she was wearing when she left the Newmans.’
Marcus came and settled himself beside her as she spoke.
‘I’ve watched all the videos, some of them from when she was just six or seven years old, right up to the time just before she went to boarding school. I was just replaying one earlier of Amy ice-skating at Hampton Court Palace; you were like a lunatic falling over and she was laughing so much she had tears streaming down her cheeks. Anyway, the reason I played it again was because, I mean I might be wrong but…’
‘Wrong about what?’ he demanded tensely.
Lena stood up and rewrapped the blanket around her like a cocoon.
‘It’s the way she looks – no, that’s not right, it’s something else, an expression in her eyes. In some of the videos I hadn’t even watched before I noticed she never smiles, or laughs, and there is a hooded look to her. I can’t explain it, but a couple of times when she looks directly into the camera she seems to be angry, and on two occasions she puts her hand up to hide her face, not wanting to be filmed.’
‘How old was she then?’
‘Thirteen, why?’
‘Well she’d have started puberty so was probably just being stroppy – you know, with her hormones…’
‘I don’t think it was just that, it was as if something else was disturbing her.’
‘Can you get to the point, Lena, because I need to talk to you about something serious?’
‘I am being serious, for heaven’s sake,’ she snapped, then stood up and started to pace around the room. ‘Looking at the videos, and seeing the change in her manner, it could be something happened to her, something that neither you nor I were even aware of – do you understand what I’m saying?’
He reached out, took her hand and drew her in to sit beside him. ‘Please just keep quiet for a few minutes and let me tell you why I’m here.’
‘But it’s important – don’t you understand what I am trying to tell you?’
‘Yes I do, but what you’re thinking about her change in behaviour may be more recent.’
He still held onto her hand, too tightly, and she tried to ease it from him but he wouldn’t let go. Finally she relaxed and waited as he gave a long sigh, then she listened intently as he explained what had taken place at his flat that afternoon and in particular the discovery of the old porn films and magazines that Amy might well have looked through.