About the Author


Chris Ryan joined the SAS in 1984 and was involved in numerous operations with the Regiment. During the first Gulf War he was the only member of an eight-man team to escape from Iraq, three colleagues being killed and four captured. It was the longest escape and evasion in the history of the SAS and for this he was awarded the Military Medal. He wrote about his remarkable escape in The One That Got Away (1995), which was also adapted for screen.

He left the SAS in 1994 and is now the author of many bestselling titles for both adults and children, including the Alpha Force series and four previous Code Red adventures. His adult thriller, The Watchman, is being adapted into a movie.

His work in security takes him round the world and Chris has also demonstrated his skills in different scenarios by appearing in a number of television series, including Hunting Chris Ryan, Pushed to the Limit and Terror Alert.

Chris is also involved with the RSPB in their campaign to protect endangered species, including the hen harrier, and Chris has appeared in a BBC TV documentary about this.
