FOR THE FIRST four months that Otto was at the school, he was kept closely watched and not allowed any contact or communication with the outside world whatsoever.
‘Your body and your blood belong to the Führer,’ the principal informed him many times, ‘but it is clear that your mind still resides with your Jew abductors. Therefore, Jungmann, we will keep you close, eh?’
Incarcerated in the Spartan confines of a uniquely confident and self-satisfied institution, Otto soon realized that making his protest was not to be as easy as he’d hoped. His plan, such as it was, had been to fight the entire school until they either killed him or threw him out. The problem, he discovered, was that the more he fought, the more spirited and ‘German’ they considered him to be. Every blow he delivered and every beating he took confirmed the school in its belief that rare ‘blood’ flowed in his veins. They held that no Jew could ever show such courage or loyalty and therefore the fact that Otto had maintained these characteristics despite their malicious influence was further proof of Nazi racial theories. The principal saw his happy challenge as simply to redirect Otto’s splendid fighting spirit back in its proper direction. What was more, the harder that task was, the further proof it provided of how wicked and manipulative the perfidious Jew family who had brought Otto up had been. In the principal’s mind, the more Otto fought, the more noble he appeared and the more spitefully cunning his adoptive parents seemed.
Otto had also won for himself the amused respect of his peers, which of course made him angrier still. Right from the first boxing match when he had gone three rounds with the school champion he had been admired as a fighter, which was really the only quality the school thought worthy of respect. Otto’s snarling aggression and willingness to mix it at any time and with anyone was regarded as magnificent, endearing almost. Otto had a pleasant, open sort of face (when it wasn’t bruised and battered beyond recognition) and people had always been drawn to him, liking him on sight. It was the same at the Napola, and very soon the school began to treat him as a sort of pet. A valuable dog that had an impressive mean streak and killer instinct which, when tamed, would make him the best of his breed.
It made Otto almost crazy with frustration. He could not make them hate him the way he hated them. In fact, he began to realize, they felt sorry for him. A fine lad, ruined by Jews. Anti-Semitism was the number one subject at the school, it informed every lesson whatever the subject, and Otto became a living, breathing mascot for the school’s creed. Brave, aggressive and headstrong because of his blood and misguided because of his upbringing.
Lying silently in his dormitory amongst boys with whom he refused to speak and with whom he fought every single day, Otto realized he must rethink his strategy. Clearly just fighting was not enough.
He almost smiled to think how Paulus would have laughed to hear him admit that.
He missed Paulus so much.
Paulus was the clever one, the thinker, the strategist. He would know the right way to behave. He would have a plan. He always did.
Thinking of Paulus reminded Otto of how wretchedly lonely he was. So lonely that he had occasionally even found himself considering making a friend or two amongst the other boys. They weren’t such a bad lot, country lads mainly, farmers’ sons and party kids. All bound together in common cause against the pathologically harsh discipline which the school clearly seemed to feel was the only way to educate future leaders. These Jungmannen, as they were called, were harassed constantly by often sadistic group leaders who were barely older than they were. This suffering of course formed a close bond in the dormitories and Otto would have liked very much to take some comfort in being part of the group. But he could not. Not ever. These same jolly boys chucking balls, laughing at farts, exchanging dirty postcards and comparing strap marks from the beatings they all regularly endured, these were the same boys who believed that his mother and the girl he loved were vermin.
He would not forget that just to make his life in this prison easier. He could not.
Nonetheless, as the days and weeks passed he found himself slowly compromising on his attitude towards his captors. His anger never subsided but he started trying to manage it. He could see that by behaving in such an openly combative manner he was really only hurting himself.
Besides which, he missed his parents and his brother so much that he resolved to try to behave at least well enough for them to allow him to go outside of the school occasionally. He knew that he could make no direct contact with his family but he longed at least to have news of them.
Desperately, gnawingly lonely as he was, he longed also for a friend. And so he set himself the task of earning a pass out. He kept on fighting, of course, but he began principally to do it within the rules, in boxing and military classes. He also began to give the Hitler salute, having perfected a way of giving it with two fingers very slightly crossed, which always made him feel closer to Paulus. And he began to make an effort on the playing field, which, along with fighting and soldiering, seemed to be the only area of achievement the staff were interested in. He even started to exchange the odd word or two with those hearty farmers’ sons who tried sometimes to engage him in conversation.
By the middle of the spring of 1936, Otto finally managed to get through a week without being disciplined for insubordination and he decided that the time had come to approach the principal in the hope of being allowed out of the school.
The principal had of course been delighted to note the change in Otto’s attitude, and slapped him on the back while Otto stood rigidly to attention before him.
‘Well now, boy,’ the principal said indulgently. ‘Of course, I should be happy to let you have an afternoon free each week as the other boys have. The only thing is how can I trust you not to go and visit those Jews you once called family?’
‘Because they are Jews, sir,’ Otto replied, ‘and I wear the uniform of a Napola Jungmann.’
The principal smiled but he was far from convinced.
‘You are saying that you are done with them? That you have no family feelings left?’
Otto might not have been as clever as Paulus but he knew enough not to overplay his lie.
‘No, sir. I still love my ex-mother and father because they were kind to me. However, I am a Jungmann of the Napola and I belong to the Führer. Therefore I cannot visit my ex-family because whatever I may feel for them personally they are still Jews.’
‘Well, who do you wish to visit then?’ the principal asked.
‘A girl, sir.’
‘Ahh!’ The big man laughed. ‘Now that I can believe. What girl?’
‘A fine German girl, sir. She is the daughter of my ex-mother’s ex-maid. She is a member of the BDM and her stepfather is in the Sturmabteilung.’
‘Now that sounds more like it!’ the principal said. ‘I’ll tell you what I’ll do. To start with you can invite her here. Sundays are visiting days when older boys may entertain family or a friend to tea. You can invite this girl. Sit down at once, boy, and write her an invitation. I’ll see that it is posted.’
And so the following Sunday Silke came.
She had scarcely been able to reply to the invitation fast enough. For once even she had the support of her stepfather, who had been hugely impressed when Silke received a letter from such a prestigious institution as a party academy.
When Otto first caught sight of Silke he nearly broke down and cried. He had had no word nor sight of anyone he loved in many months and when he saw his old friend smiling through the railings waiting to be admitted he was almost overcome. Then, when the moment came and the great iron gate was opened, they rushed to each other and hugged and hugged and actually jumped for joy in each other’s arms before they had even spoken a word. It was only the awareness of grinning faces around them that made Otto let go of Silke at all.
‘Hey watch out, miss,’ one of Otto’s dorm mates called out. ‘He normally punches before he speaks.’
‘Looks like now we know what makes him smile,’ another laughed.
The faces and the voices were friendly. Everyone was pleased to see the wild boy of the school hugging someone. Especially a pretty girl in a BDM uniform. For once Otto did not resent their intrusion — he was too happy to be back in contact with at least one part of the life he loved and had lost.
Together Otto and Silke walked and talked in the school grounds for the whole allotted two-hour visit; they missed tea but didn’t care. Silke had made a point of going to the Stengel apartment the night before so she was able to give Otto recent news of his family.
‘They’re all well,’ she said. ‘Things are a bit easier at the moment for them. What with the Olympics coming up, some of the restrictions on Jews have been lifted. Even the signs on the park benches have gone, so your dad can go and sit in the Märchenbrunnen on nice afternoons.’
‘How is my dad?’ Otto asked.
‘Oh he’s fine, absolutely fine,’ Silke replied, but the slight catch in her voice gave away the lie.
‘Silks,’ Otto said, ‘you’re my only friend now, you have to tell me the truth.’
‘OK, Wolfgang’s not so fine,’ Silke admitted. ‘He just seems to have lost hope. I think the problem is that there’s simply nothing for him to do. He just sits around really, which is really hard for your mum. I think she finds his kind of emptiness pretty depressing to be around. I mean she hasn’t said anything to me, but it’s obvious really. He used to be such fun and now he just sits there. Drinking when he can get it and smoking too, which is so stupid because it makes him cough till it looks like his head’s coming off. And of course since your Mum’s at home most of the time now they’re kind of bumping into each other a bit.’
‘Mum’s at home?’ Otto asked in surprise.
‘Oh God, yes,’ Silke replied, her face falling. ‘I forgot, you didn’t know, did you? They finally got around to banning Jewish doctors from working in public health institutions. She can’t go to the clinic any more.’
Otto gripped his fists tight.
‘Jesus wept!’ he hissed. ‘Don’t they ever stop? Haven’t they got better things to do? She did nothing but good there, ever. They are fucking crazy!’
Otto and Silke both knew what a truly cruel and terrible blow losing the clinic would have been for Frieda. After her family it had been her life for sixteen years.
‘She practises from home now,’ Silke went on quickly. Otto’s face was reddening and his anger rising and she didn’t want the happy day ruined by him lashing out at a passing Nazi. ‘Just Jews of course but there’s certainly enough of them to keep her busy, let me tell you, and they pay her what they can, which means food’s not a problem. The main thing is that she misses you so terribly, Ottsy. It’s turned her grey and she’s only thirty-six. But now we’re back in contact again it’s going to be so much better. Now at least she’ll get news. That’s the important thing, it was not knowing anything that was killing her. I can’t tell you how thrilled she was when I told her I was going to see you. She grabbed hold of me and Pauly and we all did a little dance. Your dad even banged out a tune on the old piano. It’s a while since we’ve heard that. Dust flew! Of course I’m going to go straight round there after I leave you to tell them all about it, so you’d better make sure I can give them a good report!’
Otto smiled. ‘Good old Silke.’
Silke frowned slightly.
‘Don’t say that, Ottsy,’ she said, pretending to make a joke out of it. ‘You always do and it makes me sound like a dog.’
Otto just laughed. ‘Tell me about Pauly. I miss him ever so much.’
‘Do you now?’ Silke teased. ‘You actually miss the Paul Monster! Can I quote you on that?’
‘No, you bloody well can’t!’ Otto said, grabbing hold of her. ‘If you dare tell him you’ll be sorry!’
He began tickling her as he’d done so often when they were kids, growling comically like a bear while Silke screamed with laughter.
But they weren’t kids any more, of course, and as Silke struggled in his arms Otto was conscious of how close her face was to his. How white were her teeth. How red her lips.
‘So tell me about that bastard Pauly,’ he said, disengaging from her. ‘Not that I care of course.’
‘You boys are so stupid,’ Silke said. ‘Of course you care, and you won’t be surprised to hear he’s as strong and steady as ever. He handles the budgeting and shopping for your mum these days and manages to get good stuff too, even though there’s less cash around and fewer and fewer places where Jews are allowed to spend it. It’s kind of like Pauly’s taken over from your dad as man of the house. But he still studies, goes to school every single day. All the other Jews in his class dropped out in the end but Paulus has stayed on. Sitting on his own in the corner working away for his exams. I don’t think they really notice him any more. He says he gets in hardly any fights now you’ve gone.’
‘Ha!’ Otto laughed. ‘Bloody wimp.’
‘Bloody clever, more like. He wants to go to graduate school.’
‘Of course he does, the silly twat,’ Otto snarled. ‘What is the point of being a qualified Jew in Germany? For a clever bloke he can be pretty damned stupid.’
‘He wants to get out, Otts,’ Silke said, glancing around to be sure that the nearest other boys were out of earshot. ‘You know that. He thinks he’ll be a lawyer in England or America one day. He says he wants to defend the oppressed.’
‘He is the bloody oppressed.’
‘I think that’s the point,’ Silke replied gently. ‘He wants to make something out of what’s happening to him. It’s the same as you in a way. Neither of you could ever give in. You just have different ways of dealing with it, that’s all.’
‘I fight, Pauly studies, eh?’
‘No,’ Silke scolded, ‘not completely, Otts. You don’t just fight. You need to remember there’s more to you than that. You always loved your woodwork and your music.’
‘Silks. These days I just fight.’
Otto was silent for a moment. Contemplating the possibility of his brother’s departure. His mother and father too.
‘Well,’ he said finally. ‘It’s lucky it’s me that got sent to this place and not him. He’d hate it and you can tell him that from me. They’re all so bloody thick. And I’m talking about the teachers! Honest, I’m not joking, they call it an elite academy but the place even makes me feel sophisticated. The so-called lessons are just a joke. We do German folklore and pagan legends instead of proper history. And they keep going on and on about blood and soil and soil and blood. What’s blood and soil got to do with the price of eggs, I’d like to know? They’re bloody obsessed with it. And of course there’s endless stuff about the Jews. They manage to get us into everything, with Negroes, Slavs, Chinks and gypsies thrown in behind us as fellow Untermensch. That’s how Germany’s going to conquer the world by the way, because Germans are best and everyone else is varying degrees of shit. It’s that simple. It’s actually what they teach. Science class is basically how to assemble a machine gun and the rest of the time we do sport and sadism. We’re always doubling over some hill with a backpack full of rocks. Or running barefoot over broken stones or refolding all our kit in under a minute. Pauly would go mad.’
Silke laughed. ‘Tell me everything. I want to know all the details of your day.’
‘Do you want to know how to strip down, clean and reassemble a sub-machine gun?’
The precious afternoon passed all too quickly and when they heard the ‘five minute’ bell ringing neither of them could believe the time had flown already. Otto was particularly devastated. Being with Silke had returned him so completely to his old life, his actual life, that the prospect of returning to the false one he now lived was a desperate and cruel one.
‘Will you come next week, Silks?’ he pleaded. ‘I don’t think they’ll ever actually let me go out, so please say you’ll come next week.’
‘I’ll come if you promise to try not to have too many new cuts and bruises on your face when I do,’ she said with a smile, reaching up and putting a hand on his cheek. Otto may have been fighting less but he still had plenty of recent wounds to prove his belligerence remained undiminished.
‘You’re such a handsome boy, you know,’ Silke said, gently touching his scars.
‘I have to fight them, Silke,’ Otto protested, ‘sometimes at least. To show them I’m a Jew.’
‘Bide your time, Otts,’ Silke whispered. ‘There are better ways. Look at me. I fight them too, you know, and my face is still lovely, don’t you think?’
Otto smiled, but if Silke had been hoping that he’d take the opportunity to pay her a compliment, she was disappointed.
‘Yes,’ he laughed, ‘you’ve still got the same old ugly mug as ever, Silks. You’re talking about the Rote Hilfe, aren’t you?’ he added in a whisper. ‘I couldn’t join them, Silks.’
‘Why not?’
‘Dagmar wouldn’t like it. She hates Commies.’
Silke’s usually sunny smile darkened somewhat.
‘Yeah. I find most millionaires’ kids do,’ she said.
‘Dagmar isn’t a millionaire’s kid any more, Silke,’ Otto said firmly. ‘They executed her dad, remember.’
‘Yeah. OK. She’s had it very tough I admit,’ Silke said, ‘but once a princess…’
The bell rang for a second time.
‘I’d better go,’ Otto said. ‘It’s a ten-K run in full kit for lateness and I’m not kidding. You’d better hurry too or you’ll get locked in.’
‘I wouldn’t mind, Otts!’ she said rather too eagerly, grabbing at his hand.
‘Believe me, you would. This place is hell. Promise you’ll come back next week.’
‘Only if you promise not to fight!’
‘Can’t promise that,’ Otto shouted as he ran off. ‘Cos I don’t want to lie to you.’
‘Promise!’ she shouted. But he was gone.
Silke turned towards the gate, knowing that nothing on earth would stop her from visiting the following week.