Rena felt frightened and confused as she followed Dave into the other room.

She didn't like the way things were going. She didn't like the way Jennifer had acted. She had never seen her friend like that before. It was as if Jennifer had turned suddenly into another person.

"Very nice," Dave Madden said, "isn't it kind of nice being alone?"

"No," she said.

She didn't like being anywhere alone with Dave. She knew he had ideas that she was afraid of, and she wouldn't have agreed if it hadn't been for her fear for the young boy.

Dave Madden was an animal and he wouldn't have hesitated a moment in shooting the young boy down. Rena had decided that she had a better chance with Dave than the boy had.

Dave sat down on the couch and patted the place beside him.

"Come on over here, doll," he said. "We've got a lot to talk about."

"We don't have anything to talk about," he said, "and I think I'd be better off sitting over here."

His eyes grew ugly and she was afraid he was going to come after her.

"You'd better get that pretty little ass over here," he said.

She ran her fingers nervously through her dark hair. She had never felt as afraid as she did now. Nor had she ever felt as helpless. Dave Madden was a man capable of doing anything.

"All right," she agreed.

He smiled at her as she walked across the room and sat down beside him. She crossed her legs.

"You're a pretty thing," he said, "as pretty as your friend. Course your tits aren't as big."

"Please don't talk like that," she said.

"Like what?" he asked her. "You don't like to hear talk about sex? What do you and your husband talk about?"

"I'm not married," Rena said.

"Not married," he said. "My God, don't tell me you're a virgin."

"Yes," she admitted softly.

Dave stared at her in disbelief. He could already feel his prick growing hard at her words. He couldn't believe his luck. Goddamn, but he'd found a hot little bitch and a virgin all in the same night. He took another long look at her slender body. Broken in right and she could be the hottest thing he'd ever handled.

"Goddamn," he said again.

He put his hand on her knee and squeezed. He felt her body tense as he played with her knee.

"I really like you, honey," he said. "I'd like to get your pants off. I'd like to put my big cock in your cunt. Just like I did your friend. Did you like watching us fuck in the back seat? Didn't it turn you on just a little?"

"Leave me alone," she begged him. "Can't you just leave me alone."

"Sure, baby," he said. "Right after you give me what I want. You're going to like this."

"I'm leaving," she said.

She jerked her knee out of his grasp and stood up suddenly. She thought she had seen his anger before but she was wrong. He gave a cry of rage and jumped up after her.

"Let me go," she said.

He slapped her hard across the cheek and she went stumbling backwards.

"You animal," she said. "Leave me alone. I'm leaving here."

"You crazy little bitch," he said. "Don't you understand? I own you. I'm going to do you just like I did your girlfriend and you're going to love it."

"No," she whispered.

"There's not a Goddamned thing you can do about it," he said.

She stared into his lust bloated face and she realized what he said was true. There was nothing she could do about it. He was physically stronger and much tougher. He would take her apart if she made a mistake.

"I don't want you to hurt me," she said.

"I'm not going to hurt you, baby," he said. "I'm going to make you happy."

He bent down and kissed her softly on the lips, and she couldn't help jerking her mouth away. She felt sick. She turned away but not before he could see the revulsion on her face.

"You bitch," he said savagely. "You fucking bitch. I'll teach you to turn away from me."

He slapped her down on the couch and then picked her up again. She felt as light as a feather in his strong hands. He began shaking her until she was afraid he was going to shake the teeth right out of her throat.

"Bitch," he said over and over. "Bitch."

He dropped her to the couch again. She was sobbing softly as he put his big hands on her shoulders. Before, she knew what he was doing he had ripped her blouse into shreds. "No," she screamed. "Oh my God, no!"

He ripped the blouse off her and she stood panting in just her pants and bra. He walked toward her with an evil gleam in his eye. She backed away until there was no place else she could go.

"Leave me alone," she said. "Please."

"Baby," he said. "I'm going to take your Goddamn clothes off and then I'm going to fuck the shit out of you. I'm going to teach you what it means to turn away from a man."

She clawed at his face but he grabbed her arm and twisted it down. She felt pain shoot through her shoulder. He let go of her and slapped her back against the wall. He kept her pinned there as he bent to kiss her soft white throat.

"Animal," she whispered.

She felt sick and disgusted at his touch. She brought her knee up in an instinctive reaction. She heard his grunt of pain as her knee hit his balls.

This time she'd really gotten him mad and she hadn't hurt him enough to stop him.

He slammed her back against the wall and his fist slammed into her stomach. She was out of breath for a moment and he gave her no time to get her strength back.

"Do you want to play rough?" he asked her. "I'll teach you how to play rough, you fucking cunt!"

He grabbed her by the head and began pushing her head back against the wall. Again he slammed her until she was seeing stars. He slapped her cheeks until she tasted blood.

"Oh my God, stop," she pleaded.

He didn't stop. He kept hurting her until she felt like she had no strength left. Finally he released her into a sobbing heap on the floor.

He grabbed her hair and lifted her head up.

"I'm going to fuck you, cunt," he said. "I'm going to stick my cock right up your pussy and in your mouth and anywhere else I want to. I'm going to give it to you, bitch, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Everything he said was true and there was no sense righting any longer.

She nodded her head. "All right."

He picked her up and leaned her back against the wall again. This time his mouth was hard as he pressed against her. She felt his tongue probing her lips and she opened up. His hot tongue darted into her mouth and touched her own.

"There," he said. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it? But we haven't started good yet."

He kissed her again on the mouth and allowed his tongue to explore the inside of her mouth. She felt a little weak and sick, but she knew better than to try to pull away again.

She tensed as she felt one of his big hands pawing her breasts.

"Hell," he said. "Take that damn thing off. I don't want a woman wearing bras. I like to see titties flop."

She reached behind her back and unhooked the clasps of her bra. She bit back a sob as she felt his eyes touching her in a way no man ever had.

She dropped the bra and it fell to the floor. She removed her arms and allowed him to look at her tits. He stood there for a long time just looking.

"Fantastic," he said.

He pressed her against the wall with his strong, stocky body while his hands freely groped at her ripe tits. For the first time she felt a man's fingers bruising her tender flesh.

"They feel real fine, honey," he said, "they're small but they feel real fine."

She wanted to be sick to her stomach but she somehow controlled herself. She could feel his hardness pressing against her stomach. She shut her eyes but that didn't help. She was suddenly flooded with mental pictures.

She could still see Jennifer and this man in the back seat. She could hear the soft cries they made. She could still see Jennifer's blonde head bobbing up and down on his immense shaft.

His fingers clutched her titties tightly and he started running his thumb over her nipples.

She tried to will herself not to feel anything.

She tried to think of other things. Nothing helped. Even as a girl, her breasts had always been sensitive. One touch could drive her crazy. She had always had to be so careful.

He felt her nipples begin to stiffen and he laughed lewdly.

"All you virgin pieces are just alike," he said. "You're hot for it."

"No," she lied, through clenched teeth. I don't like it. You're an animal and I get sick looking at you.

He laughed again because he knew she was lying. He kissed her mouth and found her bps warm. He sucked at her tongue but she struggled to keep it from him.

He didn't get angry. He only got more determined to teach her a lesson. He was going to make the coldhearted bitch beg for his cock before he was done.

He fondled her titties a few moments longer and then he stepped back from her.

"Okay, sweetie," he said. "I want to see what you've been hiding all these years. Strip the rest off. Right now!"

He walked back to the couch and sat down. He wasn't afraid of her trying to run away again. She was too frightened for that. He licked his lips as he watched her firm tits heave.

She was really turning him on. She looked so sweet and innocent and so damned scared.

"All right," he said, leaning back on the couch. "Hurry it up. I want you to strip the rest of your things off. I want to see that sweet virgin cunt of yours. Hurry!"

She couldn't hurry. Her fingers trembled as she undid her pants. She couldn't seem to get the buckle to work right. Finally she had it undone and she looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Go ahead," he said. "Strip them off."

Tears stung at her eyes as she realized the hopelessness of her situation. It wasn't like the movies. Her charming hero was going to be too late to rescue her virtue.

"Get on with it," he repeated.

His eyes were ugly and there was no mercy to be found in his face. He was hungry for her. He looked at her like a hungry cat eyeing a canary.

She was still crying as she skimmed the form fitting pants down her legs and stepped out of them. She dropped the pants on the floor and stood up straight again. His dark eyes went over her body.

"Hot damn," he said. "Godalmighty, you're a fine piece of woman!"

She felt naked and dirty but there was nothing she could do about it. She closed her eyes but she immediately had to open them again. She couldn't stand the mental pictures that formed in her mind.

She kept seeing his stiff rod slamming into Jennifer and she kept hearing Jennifer's soft cries.

"This can't be happening to me," she said softly.

"It's happening," he said. "It sure is happening. You've hidden your sweet body too long. It's time you found out what a woman's body is for."

Dave had never been as strongly attracted to a woman as he was this one. There was something very sexy about her. Something that made his blood hot and put an ache in his balls.

Clothes had hidden her body deceptively. Clothes had made her look skinny and she sure wasn't skinny. She had a tiny, perfect body. Like one of those shaggy darkhaired dolls the little girls had.

She wouldn't look at him and he found that this turned him on even more. He liked her to be so afraid of him.

"Now the panties," he said. "I want to see your pretty pink cunt."

"Don't make me take off anymore," she begged him. "I'll be good. I'll do the cooking and cleaning and things and I won't try to run away. Only don't do this to me. Please."

"Quit your damn crying and get your fucking panties off!" he commanded. "You act like your cunt's virgin gold. You're not the first cunt who ever got fucked and you won't be the last."

She was sobbing loudly as she skimmed the flimsy panties down her legs. She stepped out of them and her fingers immediately covered her mound.

He allowed her to keep her hands there, for a few brief moments, because that turned him on even more.

"Move your fingers," he finally said.

"I can't," she moaned.

"Move your Goddamn fingers," he said.

"Please don't make me," she begged. "Go do Jennifer, but please leave me alone!"

She was frantic. She didn't, know what to do. She was willing to betray anyone to keep this evil man away from her body. She told herself that Jennifer wouldn't mind. Jennifer had loved it. She would be more than willing to fuck him again.

"Jennifer will," she said. "Jennifer's good. She'll do anything you want."

"I want you," he said. "Now move your hands or I'm going to come over there and change your looks around."

He meant it. He would have hurt her just as he would have killed the boy. She moved her hands and felt his eyes touch the sacred spot between her legs.

"Sweet looking," he said. "You have a fine pussy."

Her pussy hair was thick and raven black, a startling contrast to her ivory thighs. She did have a fantastic body. Like one of those models out of a centerfold magazine.

Dave still couldn't believe his luck. Two beautiful women in one night. And one of them a virgin.

"Come over here," he said, once more patting the place beside him on the couch.

This time she didn't protest as she walked to him. He stopped her in front of him so that he could run his eyes all over her naked body. He couldn't get enough of her.

"Damn," he said softly.

He reached around her shoulders and pulled her against him. Her flat belly quivered as he touched his lips to her skin. He ran his fingers down her back and touched her delicate ass. She shivered as his fingers caressed her. He pulled apart her plump cheeks and let his fingers explore her crack.

"Stop," she pleaded.

Her pleading only turned him on more. He wanted this dark-haired virgin. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted any woman. There was just something about her that made his balls hotter than hell. He took her hand and placed it on his rigid prick. She jerked her hand away as if she had been hurt.

"You don't like it yet, do you, sweetie?" he asked her. "Or maybe you're scared of it. Well don't worry. You're going to get used to it. Real used to it."

"I won't," she said.

He grabbed her and pulled her down in his lap. He positioned her so that he was sure she felt his hard bulge pressing into her crack. He played with her titties until he felt her sigh.

"Kiss me," he told her.

This time her lips were warmer than before. She offered him no resistance when his tongue probed. Her mouth opened and his tongue went deep into her mouth.

She responded by touching his tongue with her own. He knew she was not completely turned on yet. She was just accepting him. But he knew he was going to get her turned on. She had been too long without a man and he didn't think it was going to take long to light her fire.

He felt her nipples responding to the touch of his fingers once again. Her nipples grew into hard points as he caressed her. She had smaller titties than her friend but her nipples grew almost as big when they hardened.

"You feel so good, sugar," he said. "Your titties feel so Goddamned good it makes me want to taste them. I want to get your tit in my mouth and suck on it a while."

"Please," she whispered.

He only grinned as he pushed her off his lap and made her stretch out on the soft carpeted floor. He bent over her on his knees. He kissed her throat and the soft white of her shoulders. He sensed that she was still trying to fight her feelings.

"Don't fight it," he told her. "Just relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

He kissed the tops of her firm titties. He captured one nipple and rolled it gently between his thumb and forefinger. She squirmed as if she were really trying to get away but he didn't think she was serious.

He bent down and touched his lips to her nipple. He felt her shivering as he began licking her salty flesh. Her nipple grew in his lips and he bit down gently.

"Stop that," she begged him. "Please stop that. Oh, please stop, pleaseeee!"

He couldn't have stopped then if he'd wanted too. He'd already tasted one sweet nipple and he couldn't help his hunger. He moved his mouth from one nipple to her other. He sucked more of her tender flesh into his mouth each time.

Her fingers tugged at his hair but she didn't try too hard to pull him away. It was like she had no strength in her fingers.

He left her titties and moved his lips down to her flat belly. She tasted so hot and clean. He sucked at her body and pushed his tongue into her tiny navel.

"Ooooooo," she moaned.

He knew she was feeling it then. He knew she didn't have the will to stop him from doing anything he wanted to do. He moved his lips down until he was touching just above the beginning of her thick pubic hair. He could smell her sweet pussy.

"God, baby," he said. "God, you taste so good!"

"What are you doing?" she asked. "Oh, don't do that. Don't. What are you doing, you filthy animal?"

She was a crazy tittle bitch for all the while she begged him to stop, her fingers tugged him lower.

He pushed his tongue into the curly mat of her pussy hairs. She tasted fine. He went lower and kissed the plump tips. This time he felt her hips jerk.

"You love it, cunt," he said. "You're wild for it."

"No," she lied.

All the while her fingers kept tugging him closer to her cunt. He put his hands on her thighs and pulled them apart. He licked his lips as he looked into her juicy inner cunt.

"I'm going to eat that stuff," he said.

"No," she said.

He sensed her tensing up again. Her fingers pulled at his head and she felt as if she were struggling to get free. He was tired of her futile protests. He held her thighs in a strong grip.

"Don't keep fighting me," he warned her. "I've already told you that I'll hurt you. Don't fight."

He felt her go limp. He knew she was still fighting inside, but that didn't matter. She wouldn't be able to control her desire for even a little while. There wasn't a woman alive who could control herself once he got his tongue in.

"You're going to like this," he told her. "You're going to like my hot tongue in your cunt. Believe me. I can drive you wild. I know how to eat pussy."

He pressed his face into her sweet tasting cunt. He kissed her plump pussy lips until she was squirming hotly. He tasted her tangy juices as she grew wetter.

He slipped his tongue up into her.

"Stop," she pleaded, but she didn't sound as if she really wanted him to stop.

She got even wetter as he began to work his tongue in her. He licked her tangy juices away from her pussy hairs and off the entrance to her cunt. He sucked at the flesh of her delicious cunt lips.

"Please stop," she begged.

He pushed his tongue deep into her sweet tasting cunt and she quit trying to push his head away. Instead her fingers tugged at his hair urgently.

"Oh, dear Jesus," she moaned softly. He almost laughed because he knew she was getting carried away. He started to really work on her cunt. He licked at her feverishly, as if he was trying to suck all of her juicy cunt between his lips. He was driving her wild. He felt her shivering all over.

"Oh God!" she cried out loud.

He searched with his tongue until he found her tiny, sensitive bud. It was already hard and he felt her hips jerk as his tongue touched her. Her hands pulled at his head with a strength he didn't know she had.

"God, God, God," she moaned over and over.

He put his hand under her fine hot ass and lifted her higher. Her luscious cunt spread apart for him even wider and he drove his tongue savagely into her.

"Oooooo," she cried. "You're making me feel funny. You're making me feel so strange all over."

He sucked her clit between his lips and began to nibble gently. This was enough to drive her crazy. She was getting as wildly aroused as any woman he had ever eaten.

She was really wet and he knew she was about to climax, and he didn't want that yet.

He felt her frantic tugging as he lifted his head.

"What's the matter, baby?" he asked her. "I thought you didn't want me to do that."

"Bastard," she screamed. "Filthy bastard, why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm going to make you beg for it, cunt," he said. "I'm going to make you beg and scream for my cock and you're going to love it when I give it to you. You're going to thank me."

"No," she said. "Never. Just do it and get it over with!"

"Not until you beg, honey," he said.

She kept her mouth closed and he was glad of that. He didn't want her to start begging too fast. He liked it better when it took a little longer to break the resistance down.

He knew it would happen sooner or later. He had known all along that she was a hot piece and all that it would require would be finding the right button to turn her on.

He had every confidence that he could make her beg, if he could just hold out long enough. His cock was so stiff now that it was hurting him.

He stretched out beside her and took her hand. He placed her hand on his bulging trousers.

"Feel that," he said. "Think about my big hot rod in your cunt. Think about it, cunt. Feel how hard I am and think about it going into your pussy. Think about me tearing your pussy up. Think about it, baby."

"I don't want to," she said.

He kept his hand on top of hers so that she couldn't move away. He could feel her trembling, and he decided it was time to really give her something to tremble about.

"Take it out, cunt," he said. "I want you to feel a real man's cock."

Rena bit her lips nervously. She fumbled with his zipper but she finally got it down. She didn't want to look and she especially didn't want to feel his throbbing weapon, but she had no choice. He would force her if she refused, and that could mean pain.

"It's not going to bite you," he said. "Take it out!"

She was still trembling violently but she reached her hand inside his trousers and touched his cock. She forced herself not to jerk her hand away as she felt his sticky flesh.

"You're wasting time, baby," he said. "Take it out."

He grew impatient with her fumbling and unbuckled his trousers himself. He pulled them apart and quickly jerked them down his legs. He felt his cockhead brush wetly against her soft cheek and she jerked away.

She didn't get far. He grabbed her shoulder and held her in a fierce grip.

"Don't leave, baby," he said. "The fun's just started. We haven't even warmed up yet!"

He grabbed her by a handful of her raven black hair and made her look.

"Feel of it some more, sugar," he said. "Feel of it. I want your fingers wrapped around my cock and I want you to squeeze some jism out."

She hesitated only a moment as she touched his prick again. She kept asking herself why he didn't get it over with. Why didn't he just fuck her and be done? He could. He didn't have to play so many games.

She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and then moved her hand up and down. She suddenly felt her hand get sticky as he leaked onto her fingers.

"See how hot you've got me, sugar," he said.

She closed her eyes as she moved her hand up and down. Maybe he would come this way and leave her alone. However, she didn't really believe he would.

"Just leave that thing for a second, sugar," he said. "Come on over here and straddle my face. I'm going to suck your sweet pussy again while you suck my dick."

"I couldn't do that," she said.

"You'd better," he warned.

He grabbed and pulled her on top of him. He kissed her lips softly and then he made her sit up. He made her turn around so that she was facing away from him.

"Sit up just a little," he said. "I'm going to lick your hot cunt juices away." She raised up a little and she felt his tongue licking at her pussy hairs.

"No," she moaned, as a hot shiver went through her. "No, please. Not again."

But his tongue wouldn't stop licking at her and she opened her thighs wider and she sank down on his face. His hot tongue parted her lust swollen cuntlips and thrust deeply into her cunt. She felt weak and trembly all over.

"Oooooooo," she moaned.

He pushed at her back until she had to bend over. Her face was inches above his cock and she knew what he wanted. She stared at his cock with a half excitement and half revulsion.

"I just can't," she whispered, but she remembered his warning and she knew she'd better.

She bent over closer and touched her lips to the ruby tip of his cock. She could feet it pulsating beneath the touch of her lips. Then she tasted his salty flavor of his leaking cum and she jerked back.

She wasn't turned off by what she'd done. Instead she felt a deep warmth all over.

Dave kept licking her cunt and causing her to tingle.

She found she couldn't resist putting her mouth back on the ruby crown. She felt him jerk as her lips touched him and again she tasted the rich, salty flavor of his cum. This time she didn't jerk her mouth away.

She licked at the tiny hole until she had licked away every drop of his cum. Then she opened her mouth wider and took just the sensitive crown into her mouth. She pushed her tongue all around his throbbing tip and she felt him thrusting hard, trying to push his cock deeper into her mouth.

A hot spasm shook her body. She'd never felt like this. Never. She started grinding her cunt against his face as she felt her pleasure mounting.

Again he could sense when she was ready to come, and he pushed her away.

"No, you bastard," she sobbed weakly. "Not again. Don't do this to me again."

"I told you I'd get you hot, sugar," he said.

She tried to push him down so that her cunt could once more cover his face, but he was too strong for her. He pushed her off his body and grabbed her by the back of her head.

She was on her knees beside him and she felt her head being drawn down to his cock. She didn't mind sucking him, but her cunt was so hot. It was like she was burning up.

He pushed her head down farther until her lips were just bare inches away from his cum-tipped crown.

"Suck it good, girl," he said. "Suck my prick real good. I'll make an expert cocksucker out of you yet."

She was so confused. She hated and loved the things he was making her do. She couldn't understand her feelings. She'd never been so hot. She was acting worse than Jennifer had acted, worse than anyone could act.

"Suck it, honey," he said. "Suck it!"

He loved the feelings that went through him when he felt her sweet ripe lips touch his cock. She began using her lips and tongue to work on him, covering him with her saliva.

"Down the cock," he panted. "Lick down my cock right to my balls!"

She licked down the length of his cock all the way to his balls. Her tongue worked feverishly over his balls and he could feel them aching for release.

He pulled her head back up to the end of his cock.

"I'm going to fuck your mouth, cunt," he said. "I'm going to flood you with my jism. You're going to taste my cum before I put it in your cunt."

He thrust and she felt his cockhead against her lips. She didn't open them, at first, for there was fear in her. She wasn't sure she wanted to take his cum in her mouth. She could still remember how Jennifer had made those wet, gulping sounds when she had swallowed his jism.

"I don't think I can," she whispered.

His hand tightened on the back of her head and he slammed his blood-filled cockhead against her mouth once more. She couldn't breathe and she tried to move her lips away.

"All right, Goddamn it," he said angrily. "I'll really mouth fuck you."

He got up on his feet and he grabbed the back of her head. He held her firm as he brought her lips back to his cock.

"You're going to get a good mouth fucking this time," he said. "I'm going to put it right down your throat."

He gave a savage thrust and she couldn't keep her mouth closed any longer. She felt his cockhead breaking into her mouth and then there was the feeling of his long, thick shaft stretching her cheeks.

She tasted his leaking fluid and she felt his pulsating cockhead snug against the back of her throat. She could even feel his balls resting against her chin.

"Now you're going to get it, honey," he said.

He started guiding her head up and down his shaft and she kept feeling him leaking down the back of her throat. She'd never been so hotly excited in all her life.

It wasn't a feeling she understood. She would have thought that she would have been disgusted. She knew she would be sick afterwards, but right now she found herself thirsting for his cum.

"That's it, baby," he groaned. "Now you're doing it. Keep doing that with your tongue and mouth and you'll get a real taste of my cum. You're going to swallow a mouthful!"

There was nothing she could do to avoid what was going to happen. She knew she was going to take his thick jism in her mouth, and that he was going to make her swallow it.

She closed her eyes as he kept slamming his rubbery shaft deep in her throat. He was pumping faster, now, and she could actually feel his cockhead growing in her throat.

"God, baby," he yelled. "God, I'm getting there!"

Dave looked down and saw the most exciting sight he ever hoped to see. His cock was disappearing between her ripe lips while her hair flowed freely around her soft white shoulders. He could feel his balls aching hotly as he got ready.

"Here I come," he groaned. "Here I fucking come. Get ready for it, sugar. Hell, taste my hot cum. Taste it. Taste every drop. Swallow, it cunttttttttttt!"

She gulped noisily as she felt his cum spilling into her mouth. She tasted it in the hollows of her cheeks, and going down her throat. He had too much and she could feel his stickiness flowing out of the corners of her mouth.

"Ahhhhh," he moaned softly, as his cock spurted one last time into her mouth. "Now don't move your mouth, cunt. Just stay like that for a while."

She felt hot and uncomfortable as she kneeled there, but she remained as he told her to. She kept his cock in her mouth and she sucked on him gently.

It wasn't but a few moments before she felt his cock beginning to grow stiff again.

She knew what was coming next and she could feel her heart pounding quickly. She raised her eyes to him, while her lips remained on his prick, and she could see him grinning lewdly at her.

His hands played in her hair until his prick grew completely hard and then his grip tightened and he began guiding her head up and down.

She thought he was planning to come again in her mouth, but he only waited until his prick was slick from her saliva and his leaking fluids.

Then he pulled his cock out of her mouth and rubbed it gently against her cheeks.

"All right, baby," he said. "Now I'm going to make you beg for my rod."

He pushed her backwards on the floor and he stretched out beside her. He ran his fingertips lightly over her titties, down her quivering belly to the juncture between her thighs. He pushed her legs wider apart and started running his finger up and down her wet pussy lips.

He had carried her to the brink twice and he knew it wouldn't take any work to get her there again.

"You hot, baby?" he asked.

"Oh yes," she admitted softly.

His fingers slipped inside her warm, wet cunt and she shuddered. He had three fingers in her pussy and he moved them in and out slowly. He could feel her getting wetter.

"You're getting turned on," he said. "I know you want it and I'm going to give it to you. I'm going to ball you until you turn blue. I'm going to ball your cunt sore! I'm going to make you beg and beg and beg!"

She was moving in response to his caressing fingers. Her hips rocked from side to side and low moans kept being torn from her throat. She parted her lips and licked at the corner of her mouth.

"You're making me hot," she groaned. "You're making me so hot. Please don't tease me any more."

He went between her thighs and pressed his cockhead against her cunt entrance. He began moving his cockhead up and down the wet entrance.

"You want it?" he asked her.

She didn't answer. He pressed his cockhead snugly against her cunt and pushed a little. She was wiggling frantically now. Her legs opened wider and it was like her cunt was trying to suck his cock into it.

"Tell me pussy," he said. "Tell me you want it. Come on, beg me some!"

"All right," she sobbed. "I want it! I want it!"

"Tell me what you want," he insisted. "Tell me exactly what you want me to do."

"I want your fat cock," she groaned. "I want your big, fat cock inside me!"

It was what he was waiting to hear. He had broken her defenses down and he had made her beg for it.

Now he was ready to really fuck her.

He wasn't gentle. He was too turned on. He slammed his cock through her virgin cunt walls with one savage stroke. She screamed, but he wasn't listening.

He withdrew his cock partly and slammed it back into her again. This time his cock went all the way into her sweet feeling pussy. He could feel his balls resting against her.

"Now I'm going to fuck you," he said. "Now I'm going to really give you some of my big cock."

"Oh yes," she moaned. "Give it to me. Give it to me."

He started fucking her with deep strokes that slapped loudly against her. His balls were aching painfully and he knew he wasn't going to be able to last for long.

He brought his fingers up to caress her nipples and she went out of her mind.

"Jesus," she cried. "Jesus, I love it. It's not like what I expected. It feels so good. Jesus, it feels so good. Oh fucking Jesussssssss aghhhhhGHGHGHGGH!"

He'd had her so hot it didn't take her any time at all. He felt his cock get slippery with her flooding juices. Her sweet cunt felt so good that he couldn't stand it.

"Get ready," he grunted. "Get ready to take my cum. Get ready to have your pussy filled."

He fucked her faster and faster and she met his every thrust with a bucking of her ass.

"Give it to me," she groaned. "Fill my cunt with your cum. Fill me up."

She felt his cock growing within her cunt walls and she squirmed closer to him. She knew she would be ashamed later but right now she wanted to feel his cum squirting into her.

"Christ," he moaned. "Christ, I'm coming in your sweet pussy. I'm going to fill your cunt. Oh Christ, it feels so fucking goood. So fucking sweetttttttttt!"

She ground herself against him as she felt his thick jism erupting into her cunt. She kept wiggling against him long after his prick had gone limp.

Only then did she feel shame.
