The distinct lack of an antiseptic smell was slightly encouraging, I decided. And the interior of this school looked nothing like the School, our former prison.

"Zephyr, is it?" A tweedy, teachery woman smiled uncertainly at us. She said her name was Ms. Cuelbar.

"Yeah?" said Gazzy. "That's me."

The teacher's smile grew. "Zephyr, you're with me," she said, holding out her hand. "Come along, dear."

I nodded briefly at Gazzy, and he went with the woman. He knew what to do: memorize escape routes, gauge how many people there were, how big they were, how well they'd be likely to fight. If he got the signal, he could burst through a window and be out of here in about four seconds flat.

"At least he's not Captain Terror anymore," I murmured to Fang.

"Yeah, Zephyr's a big improvement," Fang said.

"Nick? And Jeff? I'm Mrs. Cheatham. Welcome to our school. Come with me and I'll show you your classroom," another teacher chirped.

I tapped the back of Iggy's hand twice. Watching him and Fang go down the hall was really hard. Teachers came for Angel and Nudge, and then it was just me, fighting my overwhelming instinct to get out of there.

The teachers seemed okay. They hadn't really looked like possible Erasers-too old, not muscled enough. Erasers hardly ever made it past five, six years old, so when they weren't morphed, they looked like models in their early twenties.

"Max? I'm Ms. Segerdahl. You're in my class."

She looked fairly acceptable. Harmless? Whatever. Probably couldn't conceal many weapons under her skirt and sweater.

I managed a smile, and she smiled back. And our school day had begun.
