Chapter Twelve

Callie turned the shower to hot, as hot as she thought she could stand. It was only moments before steam started to fill the room. Callie watched in the mirror as her image faded in favor of a coating of moisture. She was an opaque ghost in the glass. She brushed the steam away, but it came back immediately. In a way, she was glad she couldn’t see her reflection. It would only show the truth—that she had aged more in the past couple of weeks than in the years before.

Tomorrow, Zane would leave, and there would be nothing here to bring him back. Sure he’d said a lot of stuff about wanting her, but he’d left her behind once. There was nothing to stop him this time. If Zane was safe and happy, then there was no reason for Nate to return, either. He would, of course. Duty would bring him back until they could find someone to take his place, but he would be marking time.

How had she run out of time so fast?

With shaking hands, she placed a towel within reach and stepped into the shower. They were leaving in the morning. She had one last night with them and only two hours before they had to be at the town meeting she herself had called. She’d thought about cancelling it so she would have more time with Nate and Zane, but these people were her friends and family. They had the right to know what was going on. The people coming after Zane were dangerous and would be until everything was sorted out. Bliss needed to be vigilant.

She felt sick at the thought of not being with them. For the first time, she really thought about going with Nate. Nate seemed to really want her to leave with him. Of course, he would probably regret it once she screwed up his career path by being a complete hick, hippy weirdo. Tears swelled in her eyes as she realized she couldn’t risk him coming to hate her when she didn’t fit into his world.

She was going to lose them both. This time it just might break her.

“Babe?” Zane’s deep voice cut through her misery. She turned away to hide her face as he pulled back the shower curtain. “Babe, are you crying?”

“How did you get in here? I locked the door.” The cooler air from outside her little shower stroked her skin, causing her to shiver. In an instant, the curtain closed, and she was warm again.

Unfortunately, Zane was on the wrong side of the curtain. She felt his hands cup her shoulders. “I spent years posing as a criminal. I can get through any door you put between us. If I can’t pick the lock, I assure you I can kick the door down.” He forcibly turned her around. “Now tell me why you’re crying.”

Callie was too shocked to hide her face now. He was still in his jeans. “Zane, you’re getting wet.”

He groaned and lowered his forehead to hers. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t thinking about my clothes. I was thinking about the fact that you’re crying.” His lips touched the tip of her nose. “Please don’t cry, babe. It tears me up.” His voice was rough, as though he was on the edge of tears himself.

He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Callie’s hands smoothed over his skin, stopping at each puckered scar to run a loving touch over it. She loved his body, every inch of it, every scar and imperfection made him the man he was. She wound her arms tightly around his lean waist.

“I love you,” she whispered against his chest. It made no sense to hold it back. She would never say those words in this way to anyone but Zane and Nate. When they were gone, she would close off that part of herself. “I love you so much.”

His hand tangled in her wet hair. “Then marry me.”

Callie’s heart lurched, threatening to pound straight out of her chest. Her head shot up to look into Zane’s painfully serious face. His eyes were a dark green, and he seemed to be waiting for her to reject him. “Marry you? I thought you would leave.”

Now a little smile curled his lips up. His hands ran down her back, waking every nerve in her skin until he curved his fingers around her buttocks and gave them a sizzling squeeze. “Never again, Callie. I will never leave you again. I made a mistake leaving the first time. Nate made a mistake, too, but I can’t force him to acknowledge it. We both love you so fucking much, but I think he’s going to leave. He’s my best friend, Cal. He’s my brother, but I’m choosing you this time.” He took a little breath. “Do you think you would be okay if it was just you and me?”

The thought of Nate on his own made her eyes water, but there was no chance she would turn Zane down. She would love him and make a home for him and thank her lucky stars that she had a man like this. She managed to nod.

He kissed her, deep and long. His tongue reached out to caress hers. She felt his longing in that kiss. He would miss Nate, too. They would be incomplete, but they would have each other.

Zane urged her close, rubbing his jean-clad erection against her belly. “I love you, babe.” He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back so she looked into his eyes, couldn’t miss an inch of his scarred, gorgeous face. “I’ll never let you down, Callie. I’ll try so hard to be the best husband you could have.” His throat worked up and down, choking on some unnamed emotion.

Callie easily read his face, knew what he was saying. She lifted her hands to cup his face. He would try to be everything to her. He would try to make up for the fact that Nate wasn’t with them. She sighed. She’d been so selfish. She’d thought only of how much she would miss Nate and not once of how much Zane would miss him. Nate and Zane might never have kissed or had any sexual feelings towards each other, but they were soul mates. Zane’s life would be less for the lack of Nate in it. She went on her toes and kissed him, her tongue licking along his plump lower lip, causing him to shiver. She felt a thrill race through her. She had power over this big, glorious man. It was a good thing because he had so much power over her.

“Touch me,” he demanded. His fingers tore open the fly of his jeans. He shoved them down over his hips, cursing the friction the wet denim caused. “Next time I’ll take the damn things off before I get wet.”

She grinned up at him, sliding her hands down over the hard plane of his chest to the well-defined abs. “No clothes allowed in the swimming pool. That should make it easier.”

He groaned as her hand grasped his cock. He filled and overflowed her palm. “Oh, babe, this is a great place to visit, but we can’t live here. I’m always hard around you. I can’t walk around with a naked erection. I might get called a pervert.”

He felt so good. Callie let her hand stroke him from the broad base of his cock to the engorged purple head. She was fascinated by the way he shook and moaned as her hand tracked across the silky skin. “That could be a problem. I don’t think there’s any way to hide this monster. It could scare the children.”

His eyes widened in startled dismay. “There are kids here?”

She laughed at his horror. She also noticed that his cock was weeping. She swiped her thumb over the slit of his cock, and he gasped. “No kids. This is an adult community, but there are family resorts if you like the lifestyle. I was thinking about our kids. If you want them, that is. I’m not getting any younger.” She brought her thumb to her mouth and licked off the pre-cum.

“Oh, god, that’s sexy.” Zane groaned. “Babies. You want babies.”

“I do.” Callie got to her knees. The water from the shower beat a nice rhythm along her spine. On this point, there would be no negotiations. She was going to have his babies. “You want something permanent with me, mister, then there better be some serious impregnation going on.”

She licked the tip of his straining dick, and his head fell forward. “Way to play hardball, babe. Damn, all I can think of now is the fact that I can ride you bareback. I’ve never had sex without a condom.”

She let her hand find his heavy sac. She rolled his balls gently in her palm. She was going to have to have him soon. Her pussy was throbbing, and her thighs were wet in a way that had nothing to do with the spray from the shower. “We can decide on the timing, Zane, but it better be soon,”

Zane reached down, locked his hands under her shoulders and lifted her up. With flawless accuracy, he hauled her up, shoved her back against the tiled wall of the shower and slammed his cock home.

Callie gasped as he penetrated her, his cock forcing its way deep into her cunt.

“No time like the present.” His face was strained as he held himself deep inside. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

She felt so full. Callie forced her legs to move, to try to grasp his hips. She steadied herself by placing her hands on his broad shoulders. She could barely breathe he was so deep inside her. “You didn’t even take off your pants, Zane.”

“No time. Get used to it. Now that I don’t even have to use a rubber, I’ll take you when and where I want to.” His voice shook as he held her in place. Callie was grateful for the restraint. He was big. It took her a moment to get used to him, to relax. The startling intrusion was quickly morphing into pleasure. Her pussy was wet, and she felt herself soften around him. He slid in another inch, and Callie felt his balls against the cheeks of her ass. “God, I’ll never stop wanting you.”

Callie gripped his shoulders, sinking her nails into the flesh there, willing him to move. She was so ready, so eager to feel him. “Then you should fuck me, Zane.”

“Your wish…” Zane grunted just before he started to thrust into her. Callie felt every nerve in her body ignite. He held her so tight her nipples rubbed against his chest. His mouth covered hers. His tongue plunged and retreated in time to the rhythm of his cock. Callie did nothing but hold on as Zane pounded into her. She was caught between the tile and Zane and the pulsing heat of the shower.

It happened suddenly. He hit that perfect spot, and Callie went flying. She moaned and buried her face in his shoulder as the sensation took her. A second later, Zane stiffened, every muscle tense. He pumped into her as though he wanted to fuse them together. As he slowed, he leaned over to kiss her again. This time he was gentle, nibbling at her lips as his hips pumped softly.

“Sorry for the quickie. You felt so good, so right. Callie, that was amazing. We’re going to make a baby. Nate’s going to freak out. He’s always…” Zane’s face fell.

Callie let her feet drop to the floor, though she held on to Zane. “He always wanted kids?”

Zane pulled her close. “Yeah. He wanted the whole white picket fence thing, though I suspect his fence would have been much more expensive than a plain picket fence. Maybe wrought iron. Babe, don’t take his moving on as a reflection of you. He loves you. He just needs more than this place can give him.”

“Do we have to give up on him?” Callie asked, hearing the longing in her voice. “Maybe we should just go with him. It’s not like we have jobs we’re married to.”

Zane kissed her forehead and reached for the soap. “You like your job. I don’t even have a job, but I know I’ll like the one I get. I’m going to take out a loan on the empty building beside Stella’s.”

Callie knew it well. “Oh, that’s supposedly haunted.”

Zane soaped his hands and then started to clean her. His fingers rubbed and massaged until she sighed and leaned against him. He was already stirring, his erection coming back to life. “Then the ghost better get used to me. I’m going to open a bar. I’ll go to the bank on Monday. If I can’t get a loan from there, I’ll hit up Stefan.” His voice cheered measurably. “Yeah, maybe I’ll just do that. He’s like your brother, right? A family loan. If you want, you can help me run it, or you can keep working with Nate. It’s up to you. Just know that I’ll take care of us. I’ll provide for you. When I get the bar running and making money, you won’t have to work.”

His hands skimmed along her breasts and down to her pussy, where he rubbed for an awfully long time. “I like to work, Zane. If we can’t convince Nate to stay with us, I’ll help you with the bar. I think I’ll be a good waitress.”

He cleaned her thoroughly. “As long as the patrons understand you’re a taken woman, I’m fine with that. Maybe I should just beat Nate until he agrees to stay.”

There was a loud snort, and Callie jumped.

Zane just sighed and muttered, “Sneaky bastard. How long have you been out there?” He peeked through the shower curtain.

Callie sneaked a glance and saw Nate sitting against the wall of the bathroom. He had one knee up, and his eyes stared at some place below the shower curtain.

“Long enough to know I should leave.”

Nate’s words cut through her. She scrambled out of the shower. She dripped across the tile, but Nate’s arms were open as she kneeled in front of him. He didn’t seem to care that she was soaking him through. She felt his breath as his arms closed around her.

“Zane’s right. I’m not very smart. But I need more than I can get here, Callie. Can you forgive me?”

She felt the hitch in his chest when he said the words and knew how much they cost him. She also knew she couldn’t reject him. She loved him. Zane loved him. Wherever he went, he would be a part of them. “Know that you’ll always have a home with us. I love you, Nate.”

His arms tightened around her. “I love you, too, baby.”

She wanted him. For as long as he stayed, she wanted him. “Come to bed with us.”

There was the saddest smile on his face. “You sure you want me there?”

Zane reached out a hand. He’d shoved his soaked jeans off his body and stood there in all his glory. “Come to bed with us. She misses you. I don’t, but she does.” There was wicked grin on his lips and a twinkle in his emerald eyes. “Come on, Nate. Stay with us for as long as you can, man.”

Nate kept one hand on her, but he reached the other out to Zane. For a blissful moment, they were connected, and Callie felt complete.

“Look at me, baby.” Nate’s voice was thick as he nudged her head up. He nodded at her, and she stood as he accepted a hand up from Zane. The minute Nate was on his feet he was pulling her into his chest, his arms capturing her. He lowered his mouth to hers, and she marveled in all the ways he was different from Zane.

Where Zane overpowered, Nate cajoled. His mouth moved gently against hers, an invitation to play. She flowered open beneath him, allowing his tongue full access. He glided into her mouth with velvety seduction. Though she’d just come, Callie felt herself heating up all over again.

Callie pressed her body to Nate’s. She loved the feel of him, even through his clothes. Unlike Zane, he’d gotten fully redressed, and now the fabric of his shirt rasped at her nipples. His belt buckle was cool against her belly. Her hands on the strong muscles of his back, she dragged the shirt out of his waistband. She pulled it up so she could get at his warm skin. Nate cursed and pulled himself out of her embrace.

His blue eyes were hot as he tugged the shirt up and over his head, not bothering with niceties like unbuttoning or folding. He simply tossed it away and went to work on his belt buckle. While Nate tore out of his clothes, Zane moved in behind her. His big hands ran up her torso and cupped her breasts. His mouth found the nape of her neck and kissed the supersensitive skin there. Zane’s thumbs circled her nipples, making them ripe and hard.

Callie gave herself over to Zane’s touch as she watched Nate. He kicked out of his boots and shoved his pants and boxers off, tossing them to the side. His dick was already at full attention. It jutted from his body, bobbing as though seeking something. Nate grabbed it with one hand and stroked up and down.

“She is the prettiest thing ever, isn’t she, Nate?” Zane’s deep voice was a grumble. He was pressed so close to her she could feel it on her skin when he talked.

Nate’s eyes were firmly on her breasts as he stroked himself up and down. His hand smoothed his erection from balls to base. The head of his cock was already becoming coated with pearly liquid. “She’ll be even prettier when I’m done.”

There was a deep chuckle from behind. Zane pinched her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Callie moved restlessly under his hands. Her breasts were so sensitive.

“Are you going to use her for target practice?” Zane asked. His cock moved against her back.

“I want her covered in us, man.” Nate’s words came out as a harsh groan. His thumb brushed the head of his cock. Callie watched breathlessly as Nate’s cock seemed to swell and pulse.

“Bed, Callie.” There was no doubt that Zane’s words were a command. “Hurry, he won’t last long.”

Callie scurried out of the bathroom, unsure of what they were planning. It didn’t matter. She trusted them. She was sure whatever they wanted would end in her screaming in pleasure at some point. She was willing to do anything to make her time with Nate memorable.

Callie brushed back tears at the thought. Tonight wasn’t about sadness. She was going to enjoy every moment she had left with him. She threw herself on the bed and watched as Zane and Nate placed themselves on either side.

“Lay back, darlin’.” Nate’s face was flushed as he pumped away at his cock. “Play with yourself.”

Callie laid back and let her fingers drift down. If they wanted a show, she would give them one. She felt so free and powerful in that moment, she barely recognized herself. With these two men she wasn’t Callie, the shoulder to cry on, the responsible one. With Nate and Zane, she was a lover, a sexy vixen who took two men at once and left both of them satisfied.

“I don’t know what just went through your head, babe, but it was hot.” Zane groaned, and his hand was stroking his cock, too.

She smiled as she plucked at her own nipples. One hand stayed caressing her breasts, but the other hand started to make its way lower. “I was thinking I can handle both of you. I was thinking I want both of you tonight. One in my pussy, and one in my ass.”

“Fuck.” Nate’s cock strained, and Callie watched, fascinated by the way his heavy balls squeezed up tight. “Play with your pussy, baby. I want your fingers wet.”

Callie slid her finger through her juicy pussy. Her clit was already pulsing as though the very air in the room was causing it to swell and beg for release. Callie’s eyes darted between Zane and Nate, both watching her, both near to reaching a climax of their own. Callie pressed down hard on her pulsing clit and came forcefully, her juices flowing out of her cunt. She closed her eyes and rode the little wave.

Nate moaned and then something warm and sticky started to splash across her breasts. She opened her eyes to see Nate standing right over her, shooting his cum across her skin. A second later, another stream of hot cum landed as Zane groaned and came. Their cocks were so beautiful, pulsing and giving up their semen. Jets of pearly liquid splashed across her breasts, mingling their essences across her skin.

Heavy pants filled the room as the men came down. Zane got on his knees on the bed beside her, lining his softening cock up to her mouth. “Lick me clean.”

Callie let her tongue come out to run along his cock, gathering the cum that had been left behind. Suddenly Nate was there, too, crowding her, holding his dick out for her ministrations. She turned her head from side to side, cleaning first one and then the other cock until both were clean but hardening again.

Zane pulled away and hopped off the bed. He placed a hand on her head and winked before walking away. Callie heard the bathroom door open. Nate seemed happy he was no longer competing for her attention. He pushed his cock at her.

“Get me hard again, baby.” He groaned as he pushed his cockhead into her mouth. “God, I want to fuck you.”

He loomed over. Callie relaxed back and let him use her mouth. She whirled her tongue around his rapidly reviving cock. He filled her mouth with a salty, manly flavor.

“Don’t move, babe.” Zane’s voice cut through the quiet. “This should be warm.” She felt Zane moving a cloth across her breasts, cleaning them. He chuckled as he worked, lingering on her nipples, getting her hot all over again. “This is so sexy right now, but it won’t be when it cools off. I want you pretty and clean when we get you dirty again.” He pulled away the cloth. “Nate, let her up on her knees.”

Nate growled and continued to thrust softly at her mouth.

“Damn it, do you want me to get her ready or not?” Zane asked.

Nate pulled out of her mouth. He had her up and on her hands and knees before she could take a breath. “Take me. Your mouth feels so good.”

Callie ran her tongue down to his balls, delighting in the way they squeezed up as she licked them. She closed her eyes and sucked one, and then the other, into her mouth. She could feel Zane get off the bed. Callie had moved back to Nate’s dick and was laving the head with little strokes when she felt the bed move under Zane’s weight again. She had to concentrate on what she was doing because Zane’s hands were suddenly caressing the cheeks of her ass.

“Stay still, Callie,” Zane said behind her. “I’m going to play with you for a minute.”

Nate groaned, and his cock seemed to swell in her mouth. Callie tried to hold her body still while she continued to work Nate over with her tongue. She shivered as Zane poured lube in between the cheeks of her ass. She took Nate deep. Her chin hit his balls as Zane spread her wide and pressed a finger in. Little prickles of sensation sparked in her ass as Zane pressed deep, past the tight ring of muscles. It was almost pain but a little like pleasure. She groaned around Nate’s thick cock.

“How tight is she?” Nate said on a growl.

“So fucking tight. She’s going to grip you like a vise.”

Nate came out of her mouth with a little pop. He put a hand on her head and stroked her gently. “Why me? I got her virginity. Why give up this?”

Zane pulled out and then pressed forward again. Callie let her head fall to the bed as she pushed back against him.

“You were listening in, man,” Zane said. Callie could hear the arrogant pleasure in his voice. “We can’t make babies if I’m fucking her ass.” Zane pulled his finger out and pulled her up, twisting her around like a doll to bring her mouth to his. He pressed his lips against hers. “You okay with this, babe?”

Callie nodded and turned back to Nate. There was a stricken look in his eyes. “I want him. I think the question is does Nate want me?”

Nate’s hands dropped for a moment, and he sat back on his heels. His voice was quiet, and he held her eyes with his. “I love you, Callie. I’ll always love you.”

There was a “but” in those words that she didn’t need him to verbalize. He loved her, but he needed more. Tears pricked her eyes, but she wouldn’t shed them. She leaned into him.

“I love you, too. Be my first, again.” Callie whispered the words against his lips.

His head sagged, and when he looked back at her, he was haunted. “Always.”

“Let me lay down, babe.” Zane’s hands were gentle on her back, urging her on.

Nate pulled her along, and Zane settled underneath her. She straddled his hips. His huge cock jutted up, naked and powerful. He took himself in hand as she lowered herself on top of him. Inch by inch he filled her. His cock stroked into her pussy. His green eyes watched as she sank onto him. She sighed as he sank home.

Almost immediately, she felt Nate’s hand on her back, pressing her onto Zane’s chest. Her nipples rasped against Zane’s skin as Nate moved in behind her. She heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper and then the pressure of something way bigger than a finger pressing against her anus, seeking entry. She took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

“This is the prettiest little asshole I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to fuck it. Relax, Callie. I need you to push back against me. It’s just like the plug. Flatten your back and press out.”

Nate’s hands gripped her hips as he pushed forward. Callie felt her anus strain to keep him out. She tried to follow his orders. She flattened her back, pressing her chest against Zane.

Zane kissed her. He whispered to her. He told her how beautiful she was, how much he loved her. Nate’s cocked pressed forward, fighting the tight ring of muscles that sought to keep him out. Tears welled. The pressure was almost too much, and then he slid in.

“Oh, god.” Callie fought tears. It was like he’d shoved a hot poker up her ass. He was so much bigger than the plug they had used before.

“Give it a minute, Callie.” Zane soothed her, running his hands through her hair, kissing her forehead. “Try just this once, and if you don’t like it, we won’t do it again.”

Nate was holding himself still against her backside. He was covering her. It felt like there wasn’t any part of her they weren’t touching. Despite the discomfort, the intimacy of being completely enveloped by them was the best feeling she’d ever had. She’d never felt safer and more cherished than she did in that moment.

“I’m fine.” She managed to talk though it felt like she couldn’t breathe. She was so full. Her hands shook as she placed one on Zane’s face and the other snaked around to touch Nate. “I want this.”

She did. She wanted to be with them in every way possible, for as long as they had.

“Good, darlin’, because I can’t hold back any longer. I’ll try to go slow.” Nate’s words sounded like they were ground between his teeth. He started to pull his cock back, and Callie felt her eyes go wide. She had nerves in her ass that she never knew she had, and now every one of them was screaming in pleasure at the slow, steady drag of Nate’s dick.

Zane grinned up at her. “Not the last time then, babe?”

“Oh, no.” She pressed back against Nate. She couldn’t stand the thought of him pulling out.

He pressed back in with a groan. “Your ass feels so good. It’s so tight. I can feel every inch of you.”

“You done playing around back there? Because I really need to fuck this pussy.”

Nate hissed and suddenly pressed forward. Callie could feel his abs against her backside. He was all the way in. “Damn straight, Zane. Let’s fuck our woman.”

Callie held on for dear life as they worked in tandem. When one pressed forward, the other pulled out. Zane’s hands were on her waist, guiding her up and down his cock. Nate’s pulled at her hips, forcing his big dick in and out of her ass. The sensations rushed along her skin. Her breath came out in rabid pants. Something was building inside her cunt, her ass. The twin pleasures were fighting for precedence. Then suddenly she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see. She could only feel as she came apart. Her clit pulsed. Her pussy creamed as she came and came. The nerves in her ass lit up and sparked a fire that raced through her.

She heard Nate shout as he frantically pounded into her ass. He stiffened behind her, and his hands tightened. Zane’s face flushed, and Callie felt him pulse as he came, flooding her with his cum.

Nate fell forward, shoving her on to Zane’s chest. She could feel him breathing heavily against her back. He pressed his lips to the back of her neck.

“I love you, Callie,” Nate whispered.

She just wished that was enough.
