Wang stepped out of the Hafei at the southern end of Jingshan Park, having taken a somewhat circuitous route to get there. Jingshan is just to the north of the Forbidden City, in the very heart of old Beijing, and the young female driver, perhaps ignorant of the city’s basic geography, could have cut east far earlier in their journey. Carrying the blue canvas bag over his shoulder, Wang headed directly towards an outdoor exercise area, where he proceeded to change into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Joe kept a distance of between seventy and eighty metres between them, settling on a bench with a novel in his hands while Wang stretched and worked out. He was still in excellent physical condition, bench-pressing weights which would have troubled a man half his age.

He remained there for about twenty minutes. During this time Joe removed a green long-sleeved shirt he had been wearing to reveal a grey T-shirt underneath. He also took a red baseball cap from a moneybelt around his waist and placed it on his head to effect a basic change in his appearance. While Wang was doing pull-ups, Joe moved to a grass clearing two hundred metres away and made conversation with a small group of tourists so as not to draw attention to the fact that he was on his own.

Just after six o’clock, Wang crossed to the north corner of the gym area and drank water from a public fountain. He had changed back into his work clothes and draped a towel around his neck and now began to walk slowly towards the north-eastern corner of the park. Joe tailed him through an oasis of dappled light and evening birdsong, blending easily with the large numbers of tourists who were passing through the park on their way back from the Forbidden City. Throughout this time I was waiting for Joe to call me in, but he had decided not to risk the small chance that Wang might see me and recognize my face from the school. He was also certain that Wang lived nearby; with any luck, he would not have to tail him for more than a few blocks.

The professor left the park via a gate on Jingshan East Road, walked for three minutes along a crowded side road, purchased a copy of the Beijing Evening News and then turned into a hutong a few hundred metres from the Times Holiday Hotel. Hutongs are quiet, crumbling Chinese neighbourhoods, characteristic of old Beijing, most of which have been gradually and systematically torn down by the communist government in recent years to make way for yet more concrete-and-glass skyscrapers with no discernible purpose; in Shanghai, they are more commonly known as shikumen. As Wang disappeared, Joe broke into a sprint to catch up with him. Turning into the hutong he saw the professor up ahead at the end of a narrow alley criss-crossed by washing lines. There was nobody else nearby and he decided to take a chance.

“Excuse me!”

Wang stopped and turned round. It was as if his eyesight was failing him because he squinted and took several paces forward. Joe had spoken in Mandarin and the professor seemed unsure whether or not he was the person being addressed. Caged birds were singing on the balcony of an apartment building high above their heads. The two men moved closer together.

“Are you speaking to me?”

Joe was within fifteen metres now and yet still Wang seemed not to have recognized him.



“We met in Hong Kong several years ago. I wonder if we could go somewhere private to have a talk.”

Wang was holding both ends of the towel around his neck. He tilted his head to one side and stared at Joe as if he were a strange and rare bird.

“Were you followed here?” he asked.

“I really don’t know.” Joe was surprised that he had been so frank. “Which makes it all the more necessary that we go inside as soon as possible.”

Wang looked quickly to his left and, for an instant, Joe was concerned that he was going to try to run for it, to lose himself in the labyrinth of the hutong. Instead, he took a further step forward, frowning as he struggled to throw his memory back into a forgotten past.

“Let me put you out of your misery,” Joe said. An insect flew into his face and he waved it away. “You knew me as John Richards, a representative from Governor Patten’s office in Hong Kong. I interviewed you at a safe-”

“How extraordinary.” There was no artifice in Wang’s interruption, nor in the portrait of surprise painted on his face. He removed the towel from his neck and studied Joe’s eyes. “Why are you here?” he said, as if talking to an apparition. “I thought it was over.”

“Well, you see, that’s exactly what we need to talk about.”

Wang shook his head and turned. There was a certain fatalism in his movements. A woman carrying fresh cherries and lychees in baskets braced across her shoulders passed them and greeted Wang with a singing hello. This was clearly his neighbourhood, a place where he was known to the locals. Joe followed the professor to the end of a second narrow alley, perpendicular to the first, where he stopped and pulled out a key. His house appeared to be little more than a single-storey shack. The front door was made of rotting wood which clung to a rusty hinge. A blue shirt, frayed at the collar, hung on a coat hanger from a stretch of electric cable outside. Joe accidentally kicked an old tin of paint as he ducked to pass into the living room. It was dark inside until Wang switched on a bare lightbulb and closed the door behind them. The ceiling was less than six feet high and Joe lowered himself onto a hard wooden sofa to avoid banging his head.

“This is your home?” he said. He wasn’t feeling sentimental about their reunion and was not concerned if he caused any offence with the question. The room was barely larger than his bathroom in Shanghai.

“I am shortly to be relocated,” Wang replied, and said something about the entire hutong being razed at the end of the summer. Ahead of them was a tiny bedroom with a bare mattress, boxer shorts and books on the floor. There was a faint, possibly ineradicable odour of vermin. Wang went into a small kitchen where he lit a gas stove and filled a pan with water. “Tea?” he said and Joe accepted the offer, setting each of his phones to vibrate. While the water boiled, Wang went into the bedroom and put on a thin brown cardigan and a pair of trousers. His feet, Joe noticed, were unwashed and black and he wondered what had brought Wang to such lowly circumstances.

“So what do you want?” the professor asked. There were no pleasantries, no gentle probings to establish the other man’s character and credentials. Wang Kaixuan had spent eight years dealing with spies: they were all the same to him now. “I have told your people I have nothing left to say. I have abandoned the struggle. I wish to live my life in peace.”

Joe had calculated that it was safe to talk in Wang’s home, on the simple basis that he had survived undetected by the MSS for more than a decade. “And who are my people?” he asked, mesmerized that the charming, confident crusader of his memory had become little more than a paranoid loner hiding himself away in the depths of old Beijing.

“MI6. CIA. Does it make any difference? Why have they sent you this time? Why did I never see you again after our conversation in 1997?”

“I’ve been asking myself the same question,” Joe replied. Wang caught his eye and there was a flicker of confusion. The water was boiling on the stove and he went back into the kitchen, returning with tea.

“I cannot help you,” he said, sitting on a rickety wooden chair. Wang looked like an old man waiting in line to see a doctor. “You have risked my life coming here. I am not interested in any more of your propositions. You have lied to me before and you will lie to me again.”

“When have I lied to you?”

Wang looked as if he was about to spit on the floor. “You were actually the first of them, Mr. Richards,” he laughed. “You have that unique distinction. You presented yourself to me as a representative from Government House, did you not? And you would have carried on lying if only the others had given you the chance.”

“We both lied that night,” Joe said.

“Did I? Did I mislead you?” Wang’s contemplative eyes appeared to concede that he had been playing a complicated game, but there was no sense of regret or apology in them. He tried to sip his tea but found that it was too hot. “What is your real name?”

“My real name is of no concern to you.” A motorbike gunned in a lane behind the house. “You told me that you were not permitted to leave China. You told me that you had lost your job at the university, that you were a political undesirable regarded as a threat to the Motherland. You made a song and dance about human rights abuses in Xinjiang when all you were concerned about was encouraging young Uighurs to commit acts of terror.”

He had gone too far, but he had done so deliberately. Joe was convinced that beneath the complex layers of Wang’s personality, hidden behind the vanity and the lies and the self-delusion, lurked a decent man. He wanted that man to emerge again, to engage with him, to see that Joe Lennox was somebody whom he could trust.

“You may say anything you like about me,” Wang replied quietly. “You may say that I was responsible for the deaths of innocent people. That is probably true. You may say that I used what talents I was given to trick and to confuse my own people. But do not ever say that I did not care about what I was doing. Never say that. It is others who did not care and others who betrayed me. Did you leave that night and resolve to do something about what was happening in Xinjiang? Did you use your powers to investigate the abuses which were being carried out every day in cities across Eastern Turkestan? Did you, Mr. John Richards? Or were you just like everybody else in the West? You heard that a terrible thing was going on in a land far away and you did nothing.”

The speech had been heartfelt and powerfully delivered, and Joe had to remind himself that he was dealing with an actor of considerable gifts. He felt the dull pulse of his conscience, of his own moral shortcomings, but the feeling was not new. He looked at the wall nearest the kitchen where Wang had taped a photograph of a young Chinese man.

“Who is that?” he asked.

Wang turned slowly and looked at the picture. His eyes narrowed to a confused frown and he shook his head. “Excuse me?”

“Who is that man in the photograph?”

Wang produced a hollow laugh. “What is happening?” he said, speaking now in Mandarin. “Why are you here? I thought you were one of them. Have they not explained to you?” He was talking as if Joe were a child who had been protected from the truth.

“Explained what? One of whom?”

“One of the Americans. Did they not tell you about my son? Do you not know about him?”

“Nobody has sent me,” Joe replied. “I am not with the Americans. I have come here of my own volition. Nobody has told me anything.”

Wang had not expected this. The professor buttoned his cardigan to the neck and crossed to the front door. He opened it, peered outside, and came in again like a neighbour with a piece of gossip. Sitting down in his chair, he continued to stare at Joe, almost as if he had misjudged him.

“This young man was the reason for everything. Did you not work it out? This boy was my son.”

“I don’t understand.” Up to this moment Joe had felt that everything had been within his control. Now there was a new factor in play. He looked down at the cold concrete floor, craving a cigarette.

“My son, Wang Bin, was shot dead during a riot in Xinjiang. He was starting to become active in the independence movement. I was a grieving father when you met me. I was crazed with anger and the desire for revenge. I wanted to bring about change in my country. I wanted to bring back Wang Bin. I thought in my madness that my salvation lay in England.”

This is an act, Joe kept telling himself. These are lies. Wang’s dignity and his rage are identical faces that he can put on to achieve any end. “Your son?” he said.

“Yes, my son.” Wang touched the broad, happy face in the photograph. The young man could not have been older than nineteen or twenty. “You were too young to understand, Mr. Richards. Perhaps that is why I did not tell you. A man without children cannot understand the impact of a child’s loss.” Joe was staring at Wang’s blackened feet. “Your colleagues, on the other hand, were cleverer than you were. Or perhaps I should say they were more cynical. They realized that my grief would compel me to act. And so that is what I did.”

Joe assumed that Wang was speaking about Lenan and Coolidge and felt, in his confusion, a small sense of relief that Wang’s story chimed with the versions he had heard both in London and from Shahpour. “Those men were not my colleagues,” he said. “The man you knew as Lodge was a British intelligence officer who was working for the Americans without our knowledge. TYPHOON was an American operation.”

Wang held up his hands. “I do not want to know,” he said, although Joe could sense his fascination. Wang had spent a lifetime absorbing secrets; he thrived on information. “As I have told you, my work with your organization is over.”

“I don’t think it’s that simple,” Joe said.

“And how is that?”

“Because I think you still know things that could be important for us.”


The repetition was a taunt. In this game, nobody helped anybody. Nobody loved thy neighbour.

“Yes. For me and for you. For the British in bringing an end to the violence, and for you, in saving hundreds, possibly thousands of innocent lives.”

Wang looked confused, as if Joe were trying to trick him with words. They were speaking in English again, switching between the two languages like a struggle for power. The professor finished his tea and went into the kitchen, reigniting the gas on the stove. As he did so, Joe opened his moneybelt and withdrew the surveillance photograph of Shahpour Moazed and Miles Coolidge arguing at Zapata’s. It had been folded and a faint white line was visible between the two faces. “I’m going to show you a picture,” he said. “I want you to tell me what you think of these men.”

Wang turned away and sniffed, a man of long and weary experience who was above playing such childish games. But Joe had judged him correctly. As he held out the photograph, the professor snatched at it and studied the image closely.

“These men? What do I think of them?” He laughed again, but without feeling. “I think you know how I feel about Miles Coolidge. And I believe that his friend has a big problem.”

“And why do you say that?”

“Because he has discovered that the world is not as straightforward as he would like it to be. Is he a friend of yours, Mr. Richards? Because he is very much like you. He allows unscrupulous men to control him.”

“I’m not like that any more,” Joe said, and regretted it, because the response sounded feeble. The photograph was a test, of course. Joe’s decision to come to Beijing and to seek out Wang was based on a simple premise: that Shahpour had been telling him the truth. Everything flowed from that. If Wang now confirmed his story, Joe would know that his instincts had been correct. “What kind of problem does he have?” he asked.

“His problem is that his employers are still determined to continue with their policy of chaos in China. Even after everything they have learned. Even after everything they have seen with their own eyes, they maintain fantasies of influence. They believe that by mimicking the activities of the same Islamist fanatics who have so troubled their own country in recent years, they will bring about rebellion in China. I would assume that this is the reason the British have sent you to talk to me.” Joe felt a surge of excitement, the certainty now that TYPHOON was reborn. He wanted to ask Wang to elaborate, but his host needed no prompting. “The politicians and spies in Washington to whom you have allied yourself, the men to whom your Iranian friend is answerable, have tasked him with recruiting agents at the Olympics site here in Beijing. Did you know that? Construction workers, security guards, officials at the Olympic village. These are the new targets.”

“Shahpour is recruiting them?” Joe asked. He experienced a moment of fear because the American had said nothing about this at M on the Bund.

“Shahpour?” Wang replied. “I know him only as Mark. All of you have so many personalities.” Joe shifted on the hard, unforgiving sofa. “He has certainly been instructed to recruit them. Whether his divided conscience will allow him to do so is a different matter. When I worked for Miles, he convinced me that we could bring about change in Xinjiang. I realize now, of course, that he was lying. He was interested in change because he was interested in oil and gas.”

Wang suddenly stood up and went into the bedroom. He was gone for some considerable time and Joe was concerned that the flow of information might now stop. He recalled how difficult it had been to draw out Wang’s secrets on that long-ago night in Hong Kong. He heard a rustle of papers, the scraping of a box, then the flap of what sounded like newspaper. Wang eventually emerged holding a cut-out article from the China Daily which he thrust into Joe’s hand.

“Read this,” he said.


CHINA: An international consortium in which the local Petrosina and Macklinson Corporation of the United States hold a 74 % and 26 % stake respectively is gearing up to develop the Yakera-Dalaoba gas field in Xinjiang province. The front-end engineering and design contract was awarded for a planned US$600,000,000 upstream facility in the Tarim basin and is scheduled for completion by some time during the first quarter of 2008.

“This is a recent article?” Joe asked. Wang was stretching a muscle which had tightened in his arm.

“Very recent,” he said. “Did you read what was written? A six hundred million-dollar joint venture, brokered by your good friend Mr. Lambert. His company now has all that they required from the Uighur people. They have their land, they have their oil and they have their gas. The Central Intelligence Agency may have failed in its efforts to destabilize Xinjiang, but it has surely succeeded in filling the bank accounts of America’s richest men.”

“But what about Beijing? Why would they start all over again? If you believe that about the CIA, this new operation makes no sense.”

“Oh it makes sense, Mr. Richards.” Joe was desperate to reveal his true identity, if only to stop Wang’s incessant, taunting repetition of the cover name. “Their goal for China is a loss of face. This is what Miles has stooped to. America understands that the Games of 2008 represent an opportunity for the People’s Republic to present a civilized face to the world. Think of it as a coming-out party, if that phrase is still used in England. In three years’ time, China wishes to announce itself as a superpower competing on an equal footing with the United States of America. This is the dream of the apparatchiks in Tiananmen Square and they are determined to realize it. They have already relocated tens of thousands of people from their homes, and they will relocate tens of thousands more, myself and my neighbours included, to make way for their roads and stadiums. They will drive tramps and beggars out into the countryside. They will seed clouds to control the rain, fill the streets with smiling volunteers. And the world’s press will come here and they will photograph the gleaming buildings and the successful athletes of the Chinese economic miracle and these journalists will tell the world that this is what the future looks like.”

“And the Americans want to stop that?”

“Of course they want to stop that. There can be only one superpower. There is no place for China at the top table. These few men who wish to do this are as unrepresentative of the American people as you, an Englishman, or I, a Chinese. And yet they hold the absolute power. They will do whatever it takes to humiliate Beijing.”

“And will you stop them?”

Wang flinched at the question, tired of Western temptations. He stood up and went back into the kitchen, preparing himself a second cup of tea.

“I no longer believe that terror is the answer,” he said, pausing in the tiny kitchen, as if delivering one of his lectures. “I looked back and added up the cost of every Uighur bomb on every bus and in every restaurant in China. What was the result? The people of Xinjiang are now worse off than they were when you and I first met, Mr. Richards. I have looked at New York and Bali and Madrid, and I have seen that nobody has gained from terror, not the victims nor the perpetrators. So my attitude to what is being planned for Beijing is pessimistic. If attacks are successful, the Chinese government will lose face, certainly. The Olympics will be remembered as a tragedy, a fiasco, and the world’s press will move on. But China will soon recover. Nations are larger than bombs. Meanwhile, any atrocity will be blamed on external forces, almost certainly Uighur separatists with tenuous links to al-Qaeda. As a result, innocent Muslims throughout Xinjiang will continue to suffer.”

“If you believe all that, then why didn’t you agree to help?” Joe asked.

“Help who? Mark? Let him help himself. I am finished with politics. My wife abandoned me because of politics. She believed we would be arrested and sent to a gulag. My son is dead because of politics. My only concern now is to wake up tomorrow morning and to go to work.”

“I’m afraid I cannot allow you the luxury of that decision,” Joe said, arriving at the most distasteful part of his chosen trade. “If you don’t give me the information I need, the British government will find a way of letting their Chinese counterparts know the full extent of your activities over the past eight years.”

Wang was in the process of sitting down as Joe spoke and he was silent as he absorbed the threat. He drew the palm of his hand across the smooth shaved expanse of his scalp and breathed slowly.

“I have two reactions to that,” he said finally. Birds were singing in the hutong. “The first is that I do not have the information that you require. The second is that I do not believe you are the sort of man who would carry out a threat of that nature. Blackmail does not become you, Mr. Richards.”

“Try me,” Joe said.

Wang smiled. He was like a disappointed father with a reckless son. He had faith enough in Joe’s decency, but the effort was costing him something in terms of his own patience. “Not far from here, at the eastern side of Tiananmen Square, a clock is ticking down to the start of the Games,” he said. “No doubt you have seen it on your visit to Beijing. I credit the Chinese MSS with enough common sense and intelligence to put a stop to whatever operations the Americans are planning between now and then. They have already had great success in dismantling TYPHOON. I see no reason why they should not succeed again.”

“And what about Shanghai?” Joe asked.

“What about it?” Wang actually looked bored.

“There is a Uighur sleeper cell in Shanghai.”

“You are only telling me what I already know. You are only repeating what Mark has already said.”

“Did he tell you that Ansary Tursun may be a part of it?”

Wang had been in the process of taking an apple out of a bowl. His hand froze and he replaced the fruit, turning to face Joe. “Ansary is alive?” It was as if Joe had spoken of Wang’s son. Any lingering doubts he may have held about the wisdom of his decision to come to Beijing were dispelled in this moment.

“Alive and well and working in a Muslim restaurant in Shanghai. Given that he has suffered as much as anyone else at the hands of the Chinese, it seems logical to me that he might be involved in a plot to harm them.”

“What do you mean by that?” Wang’s question carried a false note. It was possible that he was testing the extent of Joe’s knowledge.

“Eight years ago, you told me that Ansary had been tortured in a Chinese prison. I suspect that he was one of the first people you turned to when the Americans engaged your services. You also mentioned a second man, a student of yours, Abdul Bary. I suspect that he, too, became instrumental in the struggle for an in de pen-dent Eastern Turkestan. Am I correct?”

Wang nodded admiringly. “You are not incorrect,” he replied. There was a sound outside the door. It would not have surprised Joe if uniformed officers of the PLA had suddenly burst into the room. He had exercised the minimum precaution in reaching Wang’s home and had acted with wild impulsiveness in seeking him out. But it was just an animal scratching around in the dusty passage outside. “I did not know that Ansary was still alive,” Wang said quietly. “We were once very close. It is true. But we have not spoken for a number of years. We had what you might describe as a falling out.”

“What sort of falling out?”

“It was the same with Abdul,” Wang continued. He was nervously scratching his arm. “They became radicalized after 9/11 and fell under the influence of a Uighur fighter named Ablimit Celil. They are not the men they once were. It is one of the unfortunate consequences of your war on terror that it obliges good men into alliances they would once have considered foolish. It becomes more important to fight the war than to fight the war for a meaningful purpose. Does that make sense to you?” Joe nodded. Wang brushed an insect from his sleeve. “I never trusted Celil,” he said. “I never liked him. He was the kind who was emboldened by the actions of al-Qaeda and who allowed the independence movement to be infiltrated by external elements. We had a fight, a series of arguments. I believed that they had lost sight of the cause for which we were all once fighting. You say that this cell has American backing?”

Joe was confused by the inference behind the question. “Possibly,” he said.

“I doubt this.”

An expression of profound concern had formed on Wang’s face. He looked like an organized, resourceful man who had allowed a moment of stupidity to cloud his thinking.

“What do you mean?”

“Ansary and Abdul would have no business with Americans,” Wang said. “On the day of September 11th I was sitting with them in a hotel room in Kashgar. Tears were streaming down Ansary’s face as the second plane hit the tower. I looked at him and I saw in his eyes that they were tears of happiness.” Joe wiped a droplet of sweat from his forehead. “Ablimit spent a year at a training camp in the Pamir mountains. He became an agent of the Pakistani ISI. Surely the Americans know this?”

Joe was perplexed. “Not unless you’ve told them,” he said. “Did you say something to Mark?”

“I never thought to tell him,” Wang replied. “It was not my business. He spoke of a cell in Shanghai but he did not speak of names.”

“Celil?” Joe said, trying to remain thorough and logical. “How would you write that?”

Wang spelled out the letters. “The last I knew of him, he worked in Urumqi as a hotel doorman.” Wang wrote an address on a small piece of paper using a pencil which he had retrieved from the floor. “If you find him, let me know. Because if you find Ablimit Celil, you will find Ansary Tursun. And I would very much like to see him.”
