Steven M. Greer, M.D., Steve Alten (editor) Unacknowledged: An Expose of the World's Greatest Secret


I would like to thank Steve Alten, Tim Schulte, Barbara Becker, and the team at A&M Publishing for assisting with this book, which has been a Promethean task of editing and writing. Out of thousands of pages of interviews, transcripts and government documents, we have collected the best and most representative sample that tells the narrative of Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs), how they operate, what they are hiding―and most of all, WHY.

I would also like to thank the courageous men and women of The Disclosure Project who have come forward to recount their experiences while in the military and government. These top-secret witnesses have exhibited true courage and patriotism in coming forward and telling the world what is going on in the extreme secret world of UFO-related USAPs. We owe them our gratitude for the gift they have given humanity.

Many thanks to the 5,000 people whose generous crowd-funding support made this book and the Unacknowledged film possible.

With special thanks to Alexander S.C Rower, Sekai Chideya, M.D., MPH, Guilerme Feltre, David G. and J.Z. Knight.

Lastly, I would like to thank my wife, Emily, without whose love and support this book―indeed the entire Disclosure Project―would not exist. For 27 years, Emily has been the unsung hero of this effort and has selflessly, and with love, supported this great work with me. Thank you!

Steven M. Greer M.D.

29 January 2017
