Appendix IV NLP Training Videotapes

These tapes allow you to observe a complete demonstration of NLP in action with follow–up information—an excellent way to experience the power of NLP, or refine your skills.

1. Resolving Grief. A man who had lost an infant son and many other loved ones is assisted in turning these experiences of loss into resources. Observe this powerful demonstration by Conni–rae Andreas of a new method, developed by herself and Steve Andreas. Introduction and follow–up. (57 min., $50)

2. A Strategy for Responding to Criticism. This strategy, modeled by Steve and Connirae Andreas, allows a person to be open to feedback without experiencing bad feelings. Steve's demonstration of installing this strategy is followed by discusssion and a follow–up interview. (40 min., $50)

3. The Fast Phobia/Trauma Cure. An intense 20–yearphobia of bees is eliminated in 6 minutes, using Bandler's fast phobia/ trauma cure. Demonstration by Steve Andreas. Discussion and follow–up interview. Also included is a 15–minute follow–up interview with a Vietnam veteran whose "post–traumatic stress syndrome" lasting 12 years was completely changed in one session using this method. (42 min., $50)

4. The Swish Pattern. In the first demonstration Steve Andreas uses the standard swish on a simple habit, nail–biting. Then Connirae demonstrates an auditory swish with a woman who went into a barely–controlled rages when her daughter spoke in a certain voice tone. (71 min., $65)

5. Eliminating Allergies: Retraining Your Immune System, Three clients lose their allergies to food (wheat and milk), cats, and darkroom chemicals. Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith demonstrate their adaptation of a method developed by Robert Dilts. Introduction, discussion, and follow–up interviews. (55 min., $50)

Advanced Tapes

1. Shifting the Importance of Criteria, A "workaholic" is helped to decrease the importance of work, and increase the importance of personal needs. An 18–month follow–up interview details the scope of the resulting changes. Demonstration by Connirae Andreas. (31 min., $50)

2. "The Last Straw" Threshold Pattern. Richard Bandler first modeled how people go "Never again!" with unsatisfying relationships, situations, or personal habits. The Andreases demonstrate eliciting this pattern, followed by a discussion of a number of different examples. Recommended for those with prior NLP training. (60 min., $50)

3. Changing Beliefs. The Andreases demonstrate the submo–dalities belief change pattern in an Advanced Submodalities Training. An explanation accompanies the demonstration, which is followed by questions, discussion, and preparation for a hands–on exercise using the pattern. A three–month follow–up interview with the client is also included. (104 min., $85)

4. Future–Pacing: Programming Yourself to Remember Later. How people program themselves to remember something automatically in the future is explored in this session taken from the second day of a 24–day Practitioner Training in January, 1985. (79 min.,


If you order any three (or more) videotapes, you can receive 15% discount. ($7.50 off a $50 tape, $10.00 off a $65 tape, and $13.00 off an $85 tape). All prices are postpaid (Special 4th class book rate) within the U.S. First–Class and Airmail postage is extra.

Specify VHS or Beta.

Also available in the European PAL and SECAM systems. Foreign orders, please pay in US dollars drawn on a US bank. Call or write for postage charges outside of the US. Order from:

NLP Comprehensive

2897 Valmont Rd. Boulder, CO 80301 (303)4424102

Other videotapes are in production: write for current list.
