Friday afternoon when the three girlfriends got back from the beach, Linda still had to go to her chemistry class. That didn't bother her, though. She hummed to herself as she showered, and then she dressed in skin tight jeans and a clinging black jersey that clearly outlined her perfectly round grapefruit-size tits. She grabbed her notebook and hurried off to class.

She was careful to get there early so she could get a seat in the front row. Professor John Wells, who taught the course, was a very attractive guy. Linda wanted to make sure she could see him well, and she wanted to be very sure he could see her. Everybody said that Professor Wells, meek and married, would never dream of fooling around with a student, but Linda had other ideas.

Wells hurried into the classroom just as the bell rang, his horn-rimmed classes sliding down his nose, his thick black hair flying. His suit coat was buttoned wrong, his fly was halfway open, and as he approached the lectern he dropped his pile of notes. There was nothing unusual about any of this. Professor Wells just couldn't get his sit together. However he did know a lot about chemistry, and once he got going on the subject, his awkwardness vanished.

Linda didn't understand a word he was saying. Ordinarily that would have worded her, but not today. She had a fiendish plan to kill two birds with one stone – to win the bet she'd made with her roommates, and to pass the chemistry course. She just hoped it would work. She could barely keep froth wriggling with excitement as Professor Wells droned on.

About halfway through the lecture she noticed that he was looking at her tits. He always did that when she sat in the front row. Fine, she was ready for him. Hp black jersey was very low cut, showing the plump cleavage of her ripe young tits. Then she dropped her pencil on the floor and leaned over to pick it up, knowing Wells could see right down her jersey. He'd be able to see all of her tits except the nipples.

Linda took her time about straightening up, and when she finally looked at Professor Wells again, his face was pink. He stuttered over seine statistics and forced himself to look away from her. Linda smiled broadly and pretended to take notes. At last the dreary hour was over, and the students hurried out of the room – all but Linda, that is.

She waited while Wells gathered up his notes. He was a tall, lanky man of about thirty-five, his handsome features somewhat obscured by his glasses. Linda speculated about how he looked naked, and she felt a horny tingling in her pussy. She wondered how big his cock was. She remembered her date with Herb at the drive-in movies and how hot and hard his prick had felt in her fist. She could hardly wait to play with another cock!

"May I help you, Miss Brown?" Professor Wells said.

Linda started. Shed been lost in delicious naughty thoughts. "Oh, yes, Professor," she said, "you sure could help me. I don't think I'm gonna pass this course."

Wells sighed. He'd hate to see Linda flunk his class. He looked forward to coming here three times a week just so he could look at her superb young tits, and today he'd had an especially nice view when she leaned over to retrieve her pencil. Looking at Linda's tits was the highlight of his week.

"Why don't we go to my office and discuss it, Miss Brown?" he said.

Linda beamed. This was just the chance she'd been hoping for. "Fine, Professor," she purred, "and why don't you just call me Linda."

Wells' office was small and crammed with books and papers, but there was a leather couch, Linda noted excitedly. She sat on one end of it, Wells on the other. Now what to do? She was sure that the shy chemistry professor had the hots for her, but he might be too respectable ever to admit it. She had to go into action fast. She whipped a hanky out of her purse and pretended to start crying.

"Oh, my gosh, I'm so worried," she sobbed. "I just know I'm gonna flunk your course, Professor."

Wells reacted just as she'd hoped, scooting over right next to her and putting his arm around her shoulders. "There, there," he crooned, "I'm sure I can help you."

Linda rested her head on his shoulder and put her hand on his thigh. "You're so kind, Professor," she said. "I just don't know how to thank you."

"It's nothing," he sighed.

Nothing, hell. Unknown to Linda, John Wells was wild with lust and terribly afraid he was going to get a hard-on. It seemed as if his wife was always pregnant and never wanted to fuck. He'd been horny for weeks. And Linda was such a gorgeous girl, a slim redhead with fantastic tits. She cuddled against him, cooing about what a nice guy he was, when in fact he wanted to rip off her pants and ram his cock into her.

"I just don't know how to thank you," she was saying. And as he muttered his reply, she raised her pretty face and kissed him. Wells felt her soft hot mouth on his mouth, and he simply couldn't resist returning the kiss. It was terribly wrong to fool around with a student, of course, and he'd never dreamed of doing it before, but now he found himself sliding his tongue into Linda's mouth. Her tongue tickled over his.

It was too much for the frantically horny professor. To his dismay he felt his cock going stiff as steel in his pants. His balls ballooned, filling with hot jizz, till they crowded his shorts. Shit, Wells thought, I hope she doesn't notice. He broke the kiss and smiled blandly at Linda.

"Well, just what parts of the course don't you understand, Linda?" he said, as if nothing unusual had happened. Then he turned beet red. The girl was staring at his fly.

"Why, Professor Wells," Linda giggled, "you've got a hard on."

"Oh, Christ," Wells moaned. "I'm sorry, Linda. This is so embarrassing."

"Why?" Linda cooed. "There's nothing wrong with getting a hard on. It's just natural. Ummmm, I bet it's a big one. Let me look."

"Linda!" Wells gasped.

Too late – the pretty red-haired teenager was already tugging open the zipper of his fly. She laid his pants open and jerked down his shorts. His stiff cock and swollen balls burst free of their confinement. Linda gawked at them, her green eyes huge with curiosity.

She'd never seen a cock before. She'd only touched Herb's prick in the dark, inside his pants. Now she feasted her eyes on Professor Wells' enormous rigid dick. She estimated that the pale blue-veined monster was about seven inches long, and it looked as thick as her wrist. The head of his cock was a big dark red knob. His balls looked enormous, too, baseball size sacs and thatched with wiry black hairs.

"Oh, wow," Linda breathed, "your cock's so big."

As she went on gawking at his hard on, Wells was town between morality and lust. He knew it was absolutely wrong to get involved with his students and that he could lose his job over it, but he hadn't been laid in weeks and Linda seemed to be so uninhibited and willing. It wasn't the first time one of his girl students had hinted that she'd put out for him in exchange for a passing grade.

"Oh, I just have to feel it," Linda said eagerly. Speechless with shock, Wells watched her reach out and run her fingers up and down his lewdly wagging cock. Her soft warm touch felt delicious, and he couldn't suppress a lusty shiver. The she curled her fingers around his prick and began to pump it slowly and sensuously. Wails groaned and almost shot his load. He knew he should call a halt to this wicked scene, but be just wouldn't bear to make her stop.

"Gosh, your cock's hot," Linda said wonderingly.

She really liked pumping his prick. It was a lot bigger than Herb's, and it felt very exciting to bold it in her fist. The flesh was scalding hot and smooth as silk, and his hugely thick rod throbbed heavily under her fingers. As she pumped his prick, his slit of a pisshole started to leak little bubbles of clear juice. He still hadn't said anything, but he was trembling and breathing hard.

"Well, this just isn't fair," Linda grinned. "Here I'm playing with your cock, and you don't have anything to play with. Why don't you take off my bra, Professor?"

Wells swallowed hard. He'd be insane to do a thing like that. But he thought of her gorgeous tits, which he'd been staring at all term, and then his hands were on her jersey, tugging the tight garment off over her head, tousling her flame-colored curls. He dropped the jersey on the floor, and reached around her, fumbling with the catch of her bra. He finally got it open and drew her bra off.

"Oh, Christ," he moaned.

Her tits were even more enticing naked. Plump and round, perfectly firm, they were creamy skinned and poking out saucily. She had small red nipples, soft and cone-shaped. Wells simply couldn't resist copping a feel, especially with Linda pumping his cock in her hot little fist and getting him excited as hell. He reached out and closed his hands over her tits, squeezing the hot throbbing flesh.

"Ummmmmm, feels nice," Linda sighed. "Yes, play with my tits, Professor."

Wells didn't want to be reminded of his position just then. "You could call me John," he panted.

Linda grinned and pumped his cock faster. More of that glistening juice bubbled from his piss hole, and she brought her fist up to squeeze the huge knob of his cock head, smearing the slick cream all over her palm and fingers. She ran her hand down his thick hot pole, slippery with juice, and Wells moaned softly. His hands felt exciting on her tits as he molded and squeezed. She felt in pussy getting flaming hot and very wet.

"Oh, gosh, this is so exciting," she purred.

Wells had to agree. It was so exciting that he was almost coming. He tried to come back to his senses but he could think about was how tight and hot her teenage cunt must be. His wife wasn't interested in fucking any more except to start another baby. She was nuts about babies but not about sex. Unfortunately, Wells was nuts about sex and always had been. His cock was so stiff and swollen, it almost hurt.

Linda's hot plump tits were swelling in his hands, getting even firmer and bigger. He ran his thumbs back and forth over her soft red nipples and watched than stiffen. The flaccid cones grew into long rigid buds, throbbing body under his thumbs. Her fist was slick and fast on his bloated dick. Wells was sure he could fuck her. That was the idea, wasn't it, a fuck in exchange for a passing grade?

And why shouldn't he do it? The girl was so obviously willing, and he was so achingly horny. A man had to have some fun in his life. It wasn't fair, dammit, that he should be the sole support of a woman who wouldn't even fuck him. And if his wife wouldn't fuck, wasn't he entitled to fuck somebody else? Swiftly Wells convinced himself that he was right.

"Miss Brown – uh, Linda," he panted, "perhaps we ought to take off our clothes before they get wrinkled."

"Sure, John," Linda purred.

That was a laugh. Professor Wells' clothes were always wrinkled anyway. But Linda contained her amusement. Things were going just as she'd dreamed, and she didn't want to fuck up now. She stood and skinned out of her jeans. She kicked off her shoes. Wells gawked at her luscious young body, clothed in just, a tiny pair of blue bikini panties. She began to inch down the panties.

"Come on, John," she grinned, "you, too."

"Huh? Oh," Wells muttered.

He got up and awkwardly removed his clothes. He had a lot more to remove than Linda did, and by the time he finished she was already stretched out on the couch, stark naked. Her bush was gorgeous, a neat triangle of copper-colored curls. Her thighs were slightly parted, and he could see the gleaming wet red flesh between her legs, peeking out from its fringe of red fur. Naked, he stretched out beside her.

Linda grinned and rubbed her warm soft pussy fur against his painfully swollen cock. She reached down and fisted his cock head, giving it an enticing squeeze. Wells moaned and slipped his hand between her legs, exploring her luscious young pussy. The flesh was scorching hot, puffy, and very wet. That excited him even more. The girl was actually horny for him! Wanting to get her even more aroused, he grabbed the slick little lump of her clit and started kneading it.

"Ooooooo," Linda squealed, "John, that feels terrific."

She wasn't shitting him. As his fingers rolled her horny little joy button, massaging and releasing, hot pleasure ripped through her pussy. She felt her virgin cunt mouth gushing a big hot load of juice alt over his hand. Moaning, she squeezed his huge bulbous cock head and felt his steamy cream squirting into her palm. Panting, they frigged each other, getting more crazily aroused by the second.

Wells brought his other hand into action. Still roughly kneading her clit, he searched out the drooling little mouth of her cunt and popped the tip of his middle finger inside. Linda gave a squeal of excitement and ground her pussy downward, trying to get more of his big stiff finger up her box. Wells pushed his finger in deeper, as deep as he could get it. He shivered lustily as he explored the inside of her virgin cunt.

It was incredibly tight, hardly big enough to admit his thick middle finger, and her powerful cuntal walls gripped and squeezed. The inner flesh of her pussy was hot as a blast furnace and very juicy and slick. He imagined sticking his cock into this wet tight tube, and he creamed all over Linda's squeezing fist. He started to jerk his finger in cocklike motions, working it roughly up and down in her red-hot twat.

"Eeeeeee!" Linda squealed. "Oh, shit, that feels good. Yes, yes, John, fuck me with your finger."

Her naughty words added to his excitement. He finger fucked her tiny hot cunt, his reaming finger making a loud slurping sound as it forced the gushing cream out of her snug box. Linda screeched with pleasure and started humping her frantically horny pussy up and down the thick spike of his finger. It felt so damned good to have something big and hard jerking in her cunt.

"Ooooooo, yeah, fuck it to me," she whined, "fuck that big finger in my pussy, get me off."

His finger was quickly drenched with her scalding cream. Her young cuntal muscles tugged urgently at his finger, pulling it even deeper into the juicy pulp of her cunt. As her pleasure mounted to fever pitch, Linda let go of his cock and just lay there groaning, her eyes rolling wildly, her tongue rolling out. Suddenly she stiffened, then began to come.

"Ahhhhhh!" she wailed.

Wells raised himself on an elbow to watch her come, still plunging his finger hard and fast in her convulsing pussy. His wife had never came like this – howling, bucking, beating her heels against the couch. Linda drenched his whole hand with her furiously flooding come-juice. Her cunt was in violent spasms, squeezing and releasing his deeply lodged finger.

"Ooooo, am I coming," she whined. "Feels so fuckin' good, ahhhhhh!"

Wells almost came, too, just from watching her. She was gorgeous, only eighteen, and she had the tightest little box he'd ever known. Not that he'd known very many. Before his early marriage, there'd been just a little screwing around in the back seats of cars. He'd never had a really super fuck in his life, but he sensed that this sexy little student could give him one.

Finally Linda went limp and panting, her lovely green eyes hot and glazed. "Ummmmm, that was nice," she sighed. "I bet it'd be even nicer if we fucked."

"Did I hear you right, Linda?" Wells gulped. It sounded too good to be true.

She flashed him a wicked grin. "Yes, Professor," she said, "you heard right. I want you to fuck me. I want you to stick that great big cock of yours in my pussy. Is that clear enough, or would you like it in Latin?"

"English will do," Wells grinned.

He rolled her onto her back, and she eagerly parted her legs, bending them back at the knees. He knelt between her legs, and Linda stared rather nervously at his hugely thick seven inch cock. Could she possibly take that massive boner into her virgin cunt? Well, she'd just have to. She wasn't going to back out now. Too many things were at stake.

Shivering with lusty excitement. Wells pressed the huge knob of his cock head against the mouth of her copper-fringed twat. He pushed mid managed to pop the rock-hard bulb into the tight hollow of hot twat mouth. Linda gasped. Already it felt like a cannonball was being shoved in her cunt. She forced herself to relax and her tiny virgin cunt mouth expanded a little, letting his giant cock head glide all the way in. Her pussy was even tighter than Wells had thought, so tight that he was making no progress. "You're awfully tight, Linda," he panted. "You have fucked before, haven't you?"

"Nooooo," Linda moaned. "Go easy, Professor. Your cock's so fuckin' big, it feels like it's splitting me in half."

Wells moaned. He hadn't dreamed he'd be fucking a virgin. That made him wildly aroused, but he was careful not to follow his instincts and cram his cock to the hilt in her exquisitely snug pussy hole. He caught his breath and started easing his thick meat into her very slowly and gently. Linda whimpered and clawed the couch.

"Owwwwwww," she sobbed.

Reluctantly Wells said, "You want me to stop?"

"No," Linda gasped, "no, dammit, I want you to fuck me. Keep going, stick your cock all the way into me."

Wells wasn't sure that was possible, her virgin cunt was so tight, but he kept pushing. Linda, over her first fright, realized that she wasn't going to be split in half. Her elastic cunt tube was stretching to take his enormous prick, and her oozing pussy juice was making the way slick and smooth. She felt her tiny cunt slowly filling with thick throbbing meat, felt his big shaft tugging and massaging her pussylips, and she began to get excited.

"Uhhhhhh, yeah," she gasped, "keep doing it, get your cock into meeeeee." Wells was dripping sweat by now, struggling not to come, fighting the powerful urge to fuck her hard and deep. He grunted and pushed, his cock deliciously sheathed in the gripping wet tube of her cunt. At last he felt his cock head butting up against her womb, and he paused, gasping for breath, his swollen balls resting against her soaked slit.

"Well, you're not a virgin any more," he sighed. "Your cock's all the way into me." Linda panted.

"Yeah, does it hurt much?" he said.

"Oh, I think I'm gonna live," she grinned. "But is this fucking, John, just lying here like this?"

"No," he laughed, "this is fucking." He began to move his cock in her, slowly at first, then with growing speed and force as her freshly popped cunt relaxed and expanded around his jerking meat. At first Linda gasped and looked scared when she felt his big hard dick ramming up and down in her tiny pussy, but soon her pretty face was flushed with excitement and he could feel her sizzling pussy juice squirting all around his cock.

"Ummmmm," she moaned.

"That's it, honey," Wells panted, "cream for me. You're starting to like it now, aren't you?"

Linda dug her nails into his sweaty shoulders and moaned, "Oh, wow, yes, it's starting to feel so good. Your big cock feels real good in my cunt, John. You can fuck me harder now."

Wells breathed a sigh of relief. It had been hell holding himself in check while he busted her cherry. He started fucking into her the way he really wanted to, cramming his big hard dick fast and deep in her scorching pussy pulp, making the couch creak and shake. Linda's eyes rolled crazily, and her little pink tongue lolled out as her pleasure grew and grew.

"Fuck, yes!" she screeched. "fuck my pussy, John, fuck that big cock into meeee."

Wells leered down at the fuck-crazy girl and watched her thick hot pussy cream spurting around the base of his cock. He was fucking the juice right out of her, and it splattered his belly and balls and dribbled down her ass crack. She gurgled with bliss as he crammed his seven inch boner again and again into her tight juicy fuck hole.

"You really like it now, don't you?" he demanded. "You love the way my cock feels in your pussy, don't you, Linda?"

"Shit, yes, don't ever stop," Linda moaned. "Fuck me crazy, John, fuck!"

She sounded as if she were going out of her mind with pleasure, but she wasn't as out of it as Wells thought. Through her fluttering eyelashes she watched him fuck her, delighted with her success. The bashful clumsy professor had turned into a real tiger, his face contorted with lust as he whined and hammered his big cock in her gushing pussy hole.

"Fuck it to me, John," she wailed. "Fuck me with that big ol' cock. Ohhhhhh, shit, I think I'm coming. Yes, yes, now! Oooohhhhhhh!"

As her luscious young body began to rock and her cunt closed tight around this prick, Wells couldn't hold out. He bellowed his pleasure and flooded her twat with red-hot jizz. They writhed together till they went limp and gasping.

"Well, Professor," Linda grinned, "do you think that was worth a 'C'?"

"At least a 'C'," Wells sighed. "And if you can meet me again tomorrow, I'll make it a 'B'."
