ONE more dread added to an already dreadful day. Cassie sat in the Boxster, the engine idling, at the curb across the street from the house on Lookout Mountain Road. The family had left the curtain behind the big picture window open. She could see in through the living room to the lighted kitchen where the three of them sat at the table eating. She couldn't see it from this angle but Cassie remembered from the open house that the chair where the girl now sat had a phone book on it. She probably thought of herself as too old for a booster chair, yet she needed the extra inches.
She looked away from the window to the sign. A short strip of painted wood had been hooked to the bottom of the realty sign below the name of the Realtor.
Cassie had never bought a house before but knew that the new sign meant an offer had been accepted. The place was being sold and the family would move soon. She gripped the wheel tightly. It made her elbow and shoulder throb. She thought about Leo's plan to give the money back. She knew there might not be time for another job – and no job would have the kind of money that had been in that briefcase. She found herself hoping Leo would fail in his efforts. She couldn't help it. She wanted the money now. She wanted to run.
Her cell phone rang. She dug it out of her backpack and answered. It was Leo but he didn't say his name. The connection was horrible. She was surprised he had gotten through to her in the hills at all.
"How you feeling?" he asked.
"The same."
"Well, you know those… you were waiting on? I just got a call. It looks like… and I'll pick them up tonight."
She heard enough to be able to fill in the blanks.
"Good. But they won't do me any good if I don't have the money."
"… ill working on that. I'm reaching… Maybe tomorrow I'll know something. One way or anoth – "
"What am I supposed to do in the meantime?"
"I didn't get that."
"What am I supposed to do in the meantime?" she asked loudly, as if the force of her voice could improve the fragile connection.
"We talked about this, Cass. You go to wor… your thing. Everything normal until we get this figured…"
"Whatever. This connection sucks. I want to go."
She sounded sullen and she didn't care.
"Look, sweetheart, we're almost there. I'm just waiting on – "
"I don't want to give it back, Leo. We're making a mistake. You are making a mistake. I have a really bad feeling about this. We need to go. Just go. Now!"
Leo was silent for a long time. He didn't even bother reminding her not to say his name. She was thinking that she had lost the connection when he finally spoke.
"Cassie, look," he said in an overly calm voice. "I'm getting… ibes, too. More than I usually get. But we have to… and cover all the bases. It's the only way to be…"
Cassie shook her head and glanced over at the realty sign once more.
"Sure, Leo. Whatever you say. Just be sure to call me and let me know when you figure out what to do with my life."
She flipped the phone closed and turned it off in case Leo tried to call back. As she did it she had a sudden idea of creeping into Leo's house while he slept and getting to the money. She would take only her share, leaving the rest for Leo to do whatever he wanted with. As angry as she was with Leo, the idea filled her with guilt. She pushed the thought aside and looked back at the house.
She saw the husband standing up at the table and looking through the length of the house and out to the street. At her. She saw him put his napkin down and start coming around the table. He was going to come out to her, to see what she was doing in front of his house. She quickly dropped the Boxster into gear and drove off.