Kramer, Dynamic of Destruction, 8–9.
New York Times, 29 сентября 1914.
Kramer, Dynamic of Destruction, 30.
Так называют обострение международных отношений, вызванное оккупацией французами марокканского города Фес в 1911 г.
Международный конфликт 1905–1906 гг., возникший из-за соперничества европейских держав в Марокко.
Lloyd George, War Memoirs, т. I, 52.
Все ссылки на путеводитель Хатчетта по Выставке, Paris Exposition, 1900: guide pratique du visiteur de Paris et de l'exposition, взяты из онлайн-версии на сайте
The Times, 24 мая 1900.
New York Observer and Chronicle, 25 октября 1900.
The Times, 18 апреля 1900.
Lieven, The Aristocracy in Europe, 1815–1914, 7.
Zweig, The World of Yesterday, 215.
Addison and O'Grady, Diary of a European Tour, 1900, 30.
Zweig, The World of Yesterday, 26.
Dowler, Russia in 1913, глава 1, везде.
Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, глава 4, везде.
Tylor, Primitive Culture, 2.
Blom, The Vertigo Years, 8.
New York Observer and Chronicle, 27 декабря 1900.
New York Observer and Chronicle, 11 октября 1900.
Тернер Фредерик Джексон (1861–1932) – американский историк и публицист, сторонник дальнейшей экспансии США на мировой арене.
Herring, From Colony to Superpower, 345.
Cronin, Paris on the Eve, 37.
Zweig, The World of Yesterday, 216.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 230–31.
Blom, The Vertigo Years, 265–8.
New York Observer and Chronicle, 18 октября 1900.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 81.
Hewitson, «Germany and France», 580.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 243–4.
Cronin, Paris on the Eve, 36.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 243.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 136; New York Observer and Chronicle, 1 ноября 1900.
Ridley, Bertie, 338.
New York Times, 24 июня 1897; Spectator, 26 июня 1897.
RA VIC/ MAIN/QVJ (W) 22 июня 1897 (экземпляры принцессы Беатрис).
Massie, Dreadnought, XVIII.
Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 200, 74.
Massie, Dreadnought, XX.
Roberts, Salisbury, 664–5; Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 184–5; Massie, Dreadnought, XVIII–XX.
Kipling and Pinney, The Letters of Rudyard Kipling, т. II, 303.
Massie, Dreadnought, XXX; Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 191–2; Roberts, Salisbury, 661.
Cannadine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, 9–11; Lieven, The Aristocracy in Europe, 1815–1914, 205; Cecil, Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury, 159.
Roberts, Salisbury, 8–12, 28.
Tuchman, The Proud Tower, 9.
Roberts, Salisbury, 714–15; Tuchman, The Proud Tower, 6.
Cecil, Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury, 176.
Roberts, Salisbury, 111.
Cecil, Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury, 3–4, 6, 8.
Gilmour, Curzon, 125.
Massie, Dreadnought, 195.
Roberts, Salisbury, 6.
Король прибег к игре слов. В английском языке используются два слова со значением «маркиз». Одно из них прямо заимствовано из французского (marquis), а другое «англифицировано» (marquess).
Там же, 34.
Bánffy, They Were Divided, Kindle version, loc. 6086.
Cannadine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, 36–9.
Hamilton, Parliamentary Reminiscences and Reflections, 1886–1906, 253.
Roberts, Salisbury, 624, 651.
Там же, 626.
Там же, 65.
Там же, 647; Gilmour, Curzon, 125.
Cecil, Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury, 247.
Roberts, Salisbury, 44.
Там же, 46–50.
Там же, 628.
Howard, «The Policy of Isolation», 82.
Cecil, Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury, 90.
Там же.
Howard, «The Policy of Isolation», 81.
Там же, 79–80.
Beesly, Queen Elizabeth, 107.
Chichele Professor – специальное профессорское звание оксфордского колледжа Всех Душ, учрежденное в честь архиепископа Генри Чичела – основателя этого колледжа. (Примеч. ред.)
Burrows, The History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain, 34; Otte, «Almost a Law of Nature?», 75–6.
Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 179.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 19.
Перевод О. Юрьева.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 229.
Roberts, Salisbury, 495–6.
Там же, 692.
Там же, 615–16; Herring, From Colony to Superpower, 307–8.
Проконсулом, или генеральным консулом, назывался глава британской администрации Египта в период английского контроля над ним.
Cecil, Life of Robert, Marquis of Salisbury, 3, 218.
Gilmour, Curzon, 128.
Mansergh, The Commonwealth Experience, т. II, 27.
Tuchman, The Proud Tower, 46–7.
Там же, 56.
Spender, The Public Life, 81.
Гомруль – движение за автономию Ирландии, а также название пакета реформ, расширявших возможности самоуправления этой страны.
Massie, Dreadnought, 233–9.
Spender, The Public Life, 89.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 230– 32.
Roberts, Salisbury, 748.
Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 396.
Neilson, «The Anglo-Japanese Alliance», 52.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 230–31; Roberts, Salisbury, 745.
Bond, The Victorian Army and the Staff College, 191.
На самом деле имеется в виду, конечно, не Тяньцзинь (Tianjin), а Циндао (Qingdao).
Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in // Europe, 376.
Там же, 395.
Massie, Dreadnought, 306.
Neilson, «The Anglo-Japanese Alliance», 49.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 29.
Massie, Dreadnought, 308; Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 235–6; Eckardstein and Young, Ten Years at the Court of St. James, 227.
Nish, «Origins of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance», 12.
Морская лига – существовавшая в те годы общественная организация, выступавшая за всемерное усиление военно-морского флота Великобритании.
Там же, 13.
Собственно князем (сяку) Ито Хиробуми стал лишь в 1907 г. В 1901 г. он был еще маркизом (косяку).
The Times, 4 января 1902.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 240.
Екклесиаст, 10: 16.
Benson and Esher, Letters: A Selection from Her Majesty's Correspondence, т. III, 414.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 119.
Там же, 104.
The Times, 4 января 1896.
Roberts, Salisbury, 624.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 195.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 21.
Там же, 195.
Kennedy, «German World Policy», 614.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 234.
Massie, Dreadnought, 358.
Там же, 259.
Kröger, «Imperial Germany and the Boer War», 38.
Имеется в виду Хлодвиг Карл Виктор цу Гогенлоэ-Шиллингсфюрст (1819–1901). У автора почему-то Готфрид фон Гогенлоэ, но это не может быть он, так как этот жил в 1265–1309 гг.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 222–3.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 246–7.
Там же, глава 14.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 22.
Eckardstein and Young, Ten Years at the Court of St. James, 112.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 238.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 231.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 267–71; The Times, 6 февраля 1901.
Lerchenfeld-Koefering, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 65, 58, 34.
Beyens, Germany before the War, 14–15.
Там же, 14.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 82, 138–9.
Hopman, Das ereignisreiche Leben, 125.
Hull, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 17.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 162.
Lerchenfeld-Koefering, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 11.
Zedlitz-Trüt-zschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 58–9.
Hopman, Das ereignisreiche Leben, 140.
Epkenhans, «Wilhelm II and «His» Navy», 12.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 143, 142.
Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 212.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 36.
Lerchenfeld-Koefering, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 33.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 82, 139, 148; Röhl, The Kaiser and His Court, 15–16.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 69.
Röhl, The Kaiser and His Court, 15–16; Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 148.
Beyens, Germany before the War, 58–9.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 199.
Röhl, The Kaiser and His Court, 13.
Wilhelm II, Reden des Kaisers, 32–3.
Lerchenfeld-Koefering, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 19.
Wilhelm II, Reden des Kaisers, 44.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 226–7.
Hull, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 15–16.
Schoen, Memoirs of an Ambassador, 138.
Röhl, The Kaiser and His Court, 23–4.
Ibid., 25–6; Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 73–4.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 75–6.
Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1–2, 16–18.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 22.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 233.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 22.
См., например, Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 184, 235, 272.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, глава 2; Clark, Iron Kingdom, 558–62.
Wilhelm II, Reden des Kaisers, 51.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 126.
Hull, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 31–3.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 23.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 37–8, 67; Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 120.
Fesser, Reichskanzler Fürst von Bülow, 46–7.
Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 93.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 233.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 119.
Wilhelm II, Reden des Kaisers, 56.
Holstein et al., The Holstein Papers, 175.
Clark, Iron Kingdom, 564.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 228; Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 211–12.
Lerchenfeld-Koefering, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 23.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 17.
Hull, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 31.
Langsam, «Nationalism and History», 242–3.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 18.
Epkenhans, «Wilhelm II and «His» Navy», 15.
Там же, 16.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 232.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 244–5.
Там же, 246.
Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 282.
Lerman, The Chancellor as Courtier, 1.
Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 281–2.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 201.
Lerman, The Chancellor as Courtier, 86–90.
Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 283.
Berghahn, «War Preparations and National Identity», 315.
Kennedy, «German World Policy», 617.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 226.
Там же, 235.
Massie, Dreadnought, 126.
Eckardstein and Young, Ten Years at the Court of St. James, 33.
Massie, Dreadnought, 129–30; Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 294–5.
Massie, Dreadnought, 124; Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 127.
Hewitson, Germany and the Causes, 146–7.
Там же, 147.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 249.
Winzen, «Prince Bulow's Weltmachtpolitik», 227–8.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. III, 100.
Winzen, «Treitschke's Influence», 155.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 51.
Epkenhans, «Wilhelm II and «His» Navy», 17.
Winzen, «Treitschke's Influence», 160–61.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 4.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 209.
Epkenhans, «Wilhelm II and «His» Navy», 13.
Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre, 110.
Kennedy, «German World Policy», 622.
McMeekin, The Berlin – Baghdad Express, 14.
Виргинские острова. Ныне – территория США.
Cecil, Albert Ballin, 152–3.
Winzen, «Treitschke's Influence», 159.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 241.
Этот «современник» – Джон Джервис, 1-й граф Сент-Винсент – тоже британский адмирал.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 105.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 140.
Там же, 84.
Pless and Chapman-Huston, Daisy, Princess of Pless, 263–4.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 180.
Eckardstein and Young, Ten Years at the Court of St. James, 55.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 265.
Massie, Dreadnought, 106. 49. Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 296.
Там же, 265.
Roberts, Salisbury, 485–6.
Massie, Dreadnought, 107.
Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 184.
Tuchman, The Proud Tower, 131–4.
Там же, 132.
Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 28.
Автором понятия считается живший в XVII в. адмирал Артур Герберт, 1-й граф Торрингтон.
Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 205–6.
Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 184.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 36–7.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 345.
Там же, loc. 375–6.
Там же, loc. 391–5.
Beyens, Germany before the War, 129.
Massie, Dreadnought, 165.
Steinberg, Yesterday's Deterrent, 69.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 93–4.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 203.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 383–7.
Там же, loc. 427–31.
Herwig, «From Tirpitz Plan to Schlieffen Plan», 53–5.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 592–5; Lambi, The Navy and German Power Politics, 147.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 239.
Steinberg, «The Copenhagen Complex», везде.
Tirpitz, Politische Dokumente, т. I, 1.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 35.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 598–601.
Там же, loc. 438–43, 465–77; Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 35; Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 37–43.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 479–83.
Там же, loc. 529–48.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 183–4.
Kennedy, «German World Policy», 620.
Fesser, Der Traum vom Platz, 184.
The Times, 16 August 1902.
Williams, «Made in Germany», 10.
Там же, 11.
Geppert, «The Public Challenge to Diplomacy», 134.
Там же, 143–4.
Thompson, Northcliffe, 45.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 178–81.
Roberts, Salisbury, 666.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 247.
Там же, 237.
Там же, 248.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 33.
Rüger, The Great Naval Game, 12, 98.
Rüger, «Nation, Empire and Navy», 162.
Offer, The First World War, 82.
French, «The Edwardian Crisis and the Origins of the First World War», 208–9.
Thompson, Northcliffe, 296.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 416.
Offer, The First World War, 222.
Там же, 223–4.
Там же, глава 15.
«Двенадцать дней Рождества» – английская народная песня с перечислением разнообразных подарков, причем в список также входят лорды и леди.
French, «The Edwardian Crisis and the Origins of the First World War», 211–12.
Thompson, Northcliffe, 134.
O'Brien, «The Costs and Benefits of British Imperialism, 1846–1914», 187.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 11.
Roberts, Salisbury, 109.
Gardiner, Pillars of Society, 53.
Massie, Dreadnought, 404.
Gardiner, Pillars of Society, 54.
В отличие от первого лорда адмиралтейства эта должность подразумевает оперативное командование силами флота и на нее назначаются не политики, а профессиональные военные моряки.
Там же, 56.
Massie, Dreadnought, 408.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 14.
Gardiner, Pillars of Society, 57.
Там же, 57.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 15.
Там же, 18.
Gardiner, Pillars of Society, 55–6.
Massie, Dreadnought, 410.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 7–9.
Там же, 33.
Там же, 36.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 55.
Там же, 54–5.
Massie, Dreadnought, 485.
Herwig, «The German Reaction to the Dreadnought Revolution», 276.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 107.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 50.
O'Brien, «The Titan Refreshed», 153–6.
Rüger, «Nation, Empire and Navy», 174.
Gordon, «The Admiralty and Dominion Navies, 1902–1914», 409–10.
O'Brien, «The Titan Refreshed», 150. 52. Там же, 159.
Steiner, «The Last Years», 77.
Там же, 76, 85.
Имеется в виду император Фридрих III, отец Вильгельма II, который был болен раком и правил всего несколько месяцев.
Otte, «Eyre Crowe and British Foreign Policy», 27.
BD, т. III, Appendix, 397–420, 417.
Там же, 403–4.
Там же, 415–16.
Там же, 419.
Stevenson, Armaments, 101.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 695–9.
Herwig, «The German Reaction to the Dreadnought Revolution», 278.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 831–5.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 8–9.
Там же, 62.
Herwig, «The German Reaction to the Dreadnought Revolution», 279.
Там же, 281.
Steinberg, «The Copenhagen Complex», 38.
Steinberg, «The Novelle of 1908», 28.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 112–13.
Berghahn, Germany and the Approach of War, 57–8.
Herwig, «Luxury» Fleet, 62; Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 764–7.
Massie, Dreadnought, 701.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 813–17.
Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre, 298n76.
Steinberg, «The Novelle of 1908», 26, 36.
Там же, 39.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 749–56.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 140–42.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 758–61.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. I, 357.
Thompson, Northcliffe, 153.
Одна из «чиновничьих» должностей в британском правительстве. Ее занимает не член парламента, а специалист-администратор.
Действительно, он был произведен в почетные адмиралы королевой Викторией.
Имеется в виду племянник знаменитого Гельмута фон Мольтке – Мольтке-младший.
BD, т. VI, 117, 184–90; Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. I, 358–60.
Steinberg, «The Novelle of 1908», 41–2.
Hopman, Das ereignisreiche Leben, 152.
Otte, «An Altogetherby, The Road to Verdun, 169. Unfortunate Affair», 297–301.
Там же, 301–2.
Там же, 305–7, 314.
Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 239–40.
Otte, «An Altogether Unfortunate Affair», 329.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 291.
Einem, Erinnerungen eines Soldaten, 122.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 7.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 156.
Cannadine, The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy, 48–9; Grigg, Lloyd George, 203–8, 223.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 423.
Мухаммед Ахмед ибн ас-Саййид абд-Аллах – суданский религиозный лидер, провозгласивший себя Махди, то есть «Мессией», и организовавший в стране восстание против египетского и британского правительств.
Eubank, «The Fashoda Crisis Re-examined», 145–8.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 45.
Tombs and Tombs, That Sweet Enemy, 428–9; Roberts, Salisbury, 702; Eubank, «The Fashoda Crisis Re-examined», 146–7.
Tombs, 126.
Thompson, Northcliffe, 55–7.
Roberts, Salisbury, 706–8.
Mayne et al., Cross Channel Currents, 5.
BD, т. I, 300, 242.
Mayne et al., Cross Channel Currents, 5.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 234.
Eckardstein and Young, Ten Years at the Court of St. James, 228.
Rich, The Tsar's Colonels, 88.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 105–6.
Ousby, The Road to Verdun, 168–9.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 106.
Joly, «La France et la Revanche», везде.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 55.
Там же, 122–4.
Barclay, Thirty Years, 135.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 121–4.
Ousby, The Road to Verdun, 120.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 28–40; Keiger, France and the Origins, 25– 9.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 38–9.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 83, 218–21, 250–52 и везде.
Tombs and Tombs, That Sweet Enemy, 426.
Там же, 426–7.
Barclay, Thirty Years, 140–41.
Lincoln, In War's Dark Shadow, 17.
Keiger, France and the Origins, 11–12; Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 353–4.
Sanborn, «Education for War and Peace», 213–14.
BD, т. II, 35, 285–8.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 1–10.
Hayne, «The Quai d'Orsay», 430.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 67.
Там же, 90.
Там же, 18–19.
Там же, 54.
Там же, 24, 91.
Там же, 191.
Monger, The End of Isolation, 104–5.
Andrew, Théo phile Delcassé, 190, 196–7.
Там же, 181.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 109.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 65.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 103.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 95.
Там же, 209.
Там же, 65, 68; Hayne, French Foreign Office, 103.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 186–7.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 86.
Там же, 84.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 186.
Monger, The End of Isolation, 772.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 207–8.
Cronin, Paris on the Eve, 63; Tombs and Tombs, That Sweet Enemy, 439–41; Mayne et al., Cross Channel Currents, 14–16.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 209.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 94.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 212–14; Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 10–13.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 87.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 27; Weinroth, «The British Radicals», 657–8.
Clark, Kaiser Wilhelm II, 192.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 52–4.
Sharp, Anglo-French Relations, 18.
Lloyd George, War Memoirs, т. I, 3.
Scarborough Evening News, 24 октября 1904.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 255–8.
По местному времени было уже 9 февраля.
По другим данным, потери русского флота составили 5045 человек убитыми, 803 ранеными и 6016 пленными. Японцы же потеряли 117 человек убитыми и 538 ранеными.
Herring, From Colony to Superpower, 360–61.
McDonald, United Government, 70–71.
Kleǐnmikhel», Memories of a Shipwrecked World, 176.
Lincoln, In War's Dark Shadow, 224.
McDonald, United Government, 71; Lincoln, In War's Dark Shadow, 225.
McDonald, United Government, 71, 73.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 144.
Figes, A People's Tragedy, 179–86.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 149.
Airapetov, Generalui, 12.
Figes, A People's Tragedy, 16.
Совершенно достоверных подтверждений этому нет, личный врач Александра III и после революции отрицал пристрастие царя к спиртному.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 39.
McDonald, United Government, 16n39.
Там же, 16.
Izvol'skiǐ and Seeger, The Memoirs of Alexander Iswolsky, 270n.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 64–71; Lieven, Nicholas II, 40–42, 58–9, 166– 7.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 69.
Steinberg, All the Tsar's Men, 29–31. 21. Там же, 30.
Lincoln, In War's Dark Shadow, 33.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 42.
Neklyudov, Diplomatic Reminiscences, 4.
McDonald, United Government, 65–6.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 70.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 225.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 64.
Там же, 71.
Там же, 141.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 62.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 102.
McDonald, United Government, 70.
Там же, 70.
Там же, 73 и главы 2 и 3.
Там же, 40–41.
Radziwill, Behind the Veil, 226.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 65–6.
Kleǐnmikhel», Memories of a Shipwrecked World, 211–12.
Radziwill, Behind the Veil, 230.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 227.
Там же, 55n8.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 221.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 55.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 149; Figes, A People's Tragedy, 191.
Radziwill, Behind the Veil, 357; Lincoln, In War's Dark Shadow, 343.
Figes, A People's Tragedy, 230; Radziwill, Behind the Veil, 361.
Lieven, Russia and the Origins, 23–4.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 415.
Szamuely, The Russian Tradition, 19.
Процитировано в Robert Chandler, «Searching for a Saviour», Spectator (London), 31 марта 2012.
Kennan, Siberia and the Exile System, 55.
Dowler, Russia in 1913, 198.
Vinogradov, «1914 God: Быть или не быть войне?», 162.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 378.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 86 и гл. 3.
Weinroth, «The British Radicals», 665–70.
Gilmour, Curzon, 201.
Именно главнокомандующим, а не начальником штаба, как в тексте.
Hinsley, British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey, 135–6.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 364–5; Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 113–15.
Jusserand, What Me Befell, 203.
Lieven, Russia and the Origins, 6.
Stevenson, Armaments, 53.
Lieven, «Pro-Germans and Russian Foreign Policy», 38.
Airapetov, Generalui, 10–11.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 379–82.
Там же, 404.
Lieven, «Pro-Germans and Russian Foreign Policy», 41–2.
Spring, «Russia and the Franco-Russian Alliance», везде.
Там же, 569.
Soroka, «Debating Russia's Choice», 14.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 33.
Taube, La Politique russe d'avant-guerre, 15.
Там же, 43.
Soroka, «Debating Russia's Choice», 11.
Там же, 4.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 138.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 159.
Lieven, «Pro-Germans and Russian Foreign Policy», 43–5.
Levine and Grant, The Kaiser's Letters to the Tsar, 118, 120.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 250–52.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 130.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 14.
На деле их по его инструкциям рисовали профессиональные художники.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 185; Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 146.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 248.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 159–60; Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 152–3; McDonald, United Government and Foreign Policy in Russia, 78–9.
Levine and Grant, The Kaiser's Letters to the Tsar, 191–4.
Lerman, The Chancellor as Courtier, 128– 30.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. I, 161.
Hopman, Das ereignisreiche Leben, 144.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 192.
BD, т. IV, 205, 219–20.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 102–3.
Taube, La Politique russe d'avantguerre, 90.
Там же, 101.
Soroka, «Debating Russia's Choice», 15.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 49.
Csáky, Vom Geachteten zum Geächteten, 67.
В оригинале: «Je l'ai regretté tous les jours, mais je m'en félicité toutes les nuits». Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 325.
Radziwill, Behind the Veil, 380.
Taube, La Politique russe d'avant-guerre, 105.
BD, т. IV, 219, 235–6.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 416.
Soroka, «Debating Russia's Choice», 3.
Так называлось протекавшее в конце XIX в. противостояние российской и британской агентуры в Центральной Азии.
Taube, La Politique russe d'avantguerre, 103. 106. Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 183–5. 107. Hinsley, British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey, 158.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 352.
Menning and Menning, ««Baseless Allegations»», 373.
Grey, Twenty-five Years, т. I, 154.
Spring, «Russia and the Franco-Russian Alliance», 584.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 189.
Geiss, «Deutschland und Österreich-Ungarn», 386.
Angelow, «Der Zweibund zwischen Politischer», 58; Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 107.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 367.
Там же, 362.
Stevenson, Armaments, 4.
Stone, Europe Transformed, 315.
Франц-Карл, как утверждают, получил прозвище Добрый лишь потому, что никто не мог придумать ничего еще. (Примеч. авт.)
Речь об австрийских Габсбургах. Испанские пренебрегали этой опасностью и полностью вымерли к концу XVII столетия, что привело к так называемой Войне за испанское наследство. (Примеч. пер.)
Redlich, Emperor Francis Joseph, 40.
Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs, 23.
Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 26–7.
Там же, 50.
Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs, 230–31.
Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 35–50; Redlich, Emperor Francis Joseph, 17–18, 188.
Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs, 172.
Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 45–6.
Там же, 52.
Она прожила до 86 лет, но так и не узнала о судьбе своего мужа. (Примеч. пер.)
Теории эти включали в себя версии с политическим убийством и даже с неудачным абортом. (Примеч. пер.)
Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs, 265.
Там же.
RA VIC/MAIN/QVJ (W) 4 августа 1874 (экземпляры принцессы Беатрис).
Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 48.
Leslie, «The Antecedents», 309–10; Williamson, «Influence, Power, and the Policy Process», 419.
Lukacs, Budapest 1900, 49–50, 108–12.
Deák, Beyond Nationalism, 69.
Vermes, Istv'an Tisza, 102.
Freud, Civilization and Its Discontents, 61.
Steed, Through Thirty Years, т. I, 196.
Wank, «Pessimism in the Austrian Establishment», 299.
Там же; Johnston, The Austrian Mind, 47.
Boyer, «The End of an Old Regime», 177–9; Stone, Europe Transformed, 304; Johnston, The Austrian Mind, 48; Urbas, Schicksale und Schatten, 77; Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 254.
Boyer, «The End of an Old Regime», 174–7; Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs, 291; Stone, Europe Transformed, 316; Stevenson, Armaments, 4; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 44–6.
Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs, 293.
Czernin, In the World War, 46; Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, 746; Steed, Through Thirty Years, 367; Wank, «The Archduke and Aehrenthal», 86.
Там же.
Steed, Through Thirty Years, т. I, 367; Bridge, The Habsburg Monarchy, 7.
Czernin, In the World War, 48.
Там же, 50; Afflerbach, Der Dreibund, 596–7.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 389.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 179–80.
Bridge, «Tarde Venientibus Ossa», везде.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 82–4; Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre, 229.
Берлиц Максимилиан Дельфиниус (1852–1921) – лингвист и педагог, разработчик популярной методики обучения иностранным языкам и основатель международной системы школ, использующих эту методику.
Hoetzendorf, Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hötzendorf, 174–5.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 73–4.
Hoetzendorf, Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hötzendorf, 66; Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 89, 104.
Hoetzendorf, Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hötzendorf, 30.
Там же, 210.
Там же, 31; Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 111; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 49–50.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 440.
Там же, 267.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach, 55–7.
Herwig, «Disjointed Allies», 271; Angelow, «Der Zweibund zwischen Politischer», 34; Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 220–28; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 36.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 254–5, 427–8; Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 127, 228.
Musulin, Das Haus am Ballplatz, 80; Stevenson, Armaments, 38–9; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 114.
Bridge, «Austria-Hungary and the Boer War», 79.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 260; Steiner, The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy, 182–3; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 112.
Wank, «Foreign Policy and the Nationality Problem in Austria-Hungary», 45.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 232–4; Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 212–13.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, XXI.
Schorske, Fin-de-siucle Vienna, 213– 19.
Там же, 346–8.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 230.
Lukacs, Budapest 1900, 129–32.
Offer, The First World War, 121–7.
Там же, 128.
Wank, «The Archduke and Aehrenthal», 83n33.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 84–5.
Förster, «Der deutschen Generalstab», 95.
Offer, The First World War, 129.
Deák, Beyond Nationalism, 128–9, 134–6.
Lukacs, Budapest 1900, 184n.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 218–20.
Offer, «Going to War in 1914», 217.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 33.
Lieven, Russia and the Origins, 22.
Neklyudov, Diplomatic Reminiscences, 5.
Bernhardi, Germany and the Next War, 28.
Offer, «Going to War in 1914», 216.
Rathenau, Briefe, 147.
Rathenau and von Strandmann, Walther Rathenau, 142– 3.
Stromberg, «The Intellectuals», 115, 119.
Tanner, Nietzsche, 4 и везде.
Blom, The Vertigo Years, 354.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 128.
Cronin, Paris on the Eve, 43–6.
Там же, 47.
Wohl, The Generation of 1914, 6–7.
Blom, The Vertigo Years, гл. 8.
Tuchman, The Proud Tower, 88–97.
Там же, 106.
De Burgh, Elizabeth, 326–7.
Butterworth, The World that Never Was, 323.
Barclay, Thirty Years, 142.
Gooch, «Attitudes to War, 95. 24–7.
Hynes, The Edwardian Turn of Mind, 26–7.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 224.
Там же, 12.
Tuchman, The Proud Tower, 32; Blom, The Vertigo Years, 184–5.
Travers, «Technology, Tactics, and Morale», 279.
Miller et al., Military Strategy, 14n28.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 171.
Hull, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 133–5.
Hynes, The Edwardian Turn of Mind, 201.
Там же, 199.
Gildea, Barricades and Borders, 268–7.
Ousby, The Road to Verdun, 155–6.
Bourdon, The German Enigma, 170.
Hynes, The Edwardian Turn of Mind, 286–7.
Blom, The Vertigo Years, 334 и гл. 13.
Leslie, «The Antecedents», 312.
Я благодарен бригадному генералу Дэвиду Годсалу за разрешение процитировать этот отрывок из неопубликованного дневника капитана Уилмота Колфилда.
Gooch, «Attitudes to War», 94.
Bernhardi, Germany and the Next War, 26.
Joll and Martel, The Origins of the First World War, 276–7.
Lukacs, Budapest 1900, 130–32.
Schorske, Fin-de-Siucle Vienna, 133–46.
Bernhardi, Germany and the Next War, 57–8.
Berghahn, «War Preparations and National Identity», 311ff.
Nolan, The Inverted Mirror, 25.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 165.
Hewitson, Germany and the Causes, 92.
Eby, The Road to Armageddon, 6.
Martel, The Origins of the First World War, 280– 81.
Cannadine et al., The Right Kind of History, 19–20, 23–4.
Langsam, «Nationalism and History», 250–51.
Joll and Martel, The Origins of the First World War, 274–5.
Bernhardi, Germany and the Next War, 57.
Там же, 20.
Berghahn, «War Preparations and National Identity», 316.
Cannadine et al., The Right Kind of History, 53.
Roberts, Salisbury, 799.
Kennedy, «German World Policy», 616–18.
Fischer, «The Foreign Policy of Imperial Germany», 26.
Joll, 1914, 18.
Hewitson, Germany and the Causes, 95.
Thompson, Northcliffe, 155–6.
Steiner, «The Last Years», 76.
Ousby, The Road to Verdun, 154–6.
Hewitson, «Germany and France», 574–5, 580– 81.
Nolan, The Inverted Mirror, 56.
Herwig, The Marne, 32–3.
Nolan, The Inverted Mirror, 30.
Bourdon, The German Enigma, 163–4.
Nolan, The Inverted Mirror, 58.
Там же, 61.
Gooch, «Attitudes to War», 96.
Förster, «Facing «People's War»», 223–4.
Ritter, The Sword and the Scepter, 102.
Joll, The Second International, 196.
Stevenson, Armaments, 38.
Ferguson, The Pity of War, 31–3.
Förster, «Im Reich des Absurden», 213–14; Feldman, «Hugo Stinnes», 84–5.
Steed, Through Thirty Years, 359.
Lieven, Russia and the Origins, 16–17; Bushnell, «The Tsarist Officer Corps», passim.
Airapetov, Последняя война императорской России, 44–58.
Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre, 102–3.
Bourdon, The German Enigma, 207.
Eby, The Road to Armageddon, 4.
Howard, «Men Against Fire», 17.
Перевод Владимира Кормана.
Rohkrämer, «Heroes and Would-be Heroes», 192–3.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 169.
Hynes, The Edwardian Turn of Mind, 28–9.
Linton, «Preparing German Youth for War», 177–8.
Там же, 167.
Там же, 180–83.
Weber, France: Fin de Siucle, 215–17; Porch, The March to the Marne, 207–10.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 92–3.
Там же, гл. 5, 106–7; Harris, The Man on Devil's Island, 365–6.
Porch, The March to the Marne, гл. 7.
Там же, 189.
Clark, Iron Kingdom, 596–9.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 333.
Berghahn, Germany and the Approach of War, 174–8.
Gooch, «Attitudes to War», 97.
Rohkrämer, «Heroes and Wouldbe Heroes», 199–203.
Stromberg, «The Intellectuals», 109.
Urbas, Schicksale und Schatten, 67–8.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 581.
Stromberg, «The Intellectuals», 117–18n37.
Там же, 120; Weber, The Nationalist Revival in France, 108–9.
Laurence, «Bertha von Suttner», 184–5.
Там же, 196.
Blom, The Vertigo Years, 192.
Laurence, «Bertha von Suttner», 186–7; Joll and Martel, The Origins of the First World War, 260–61; LaFeber, The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations, 43.
Kennedy, Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 293.
Rotte, «Global Warfare», 483–5.
Bloch, The Future of War, ХХХ.
Там же, LXXI.
Там же, IX.
Там же, XIX.
Travers, «Technology, Tactics, and Morale», 266.
Bloch, The Future of War, XVI.
Там же, XI.
Dungen, «Preventing Catastrophe», 456–7.
Ceadel, Living the Great Illusion, 4, 20–21.
Angell, The Great Illusion, Kindle version, loc. 4285.
Там же, loc. 947–9.
Там же, loc. 633–4.
Там же, loc. 1149.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 142; Ceadel, Living the Great Illusion, 8–12, 22.
Offer, The First World War, 250.
Laity, The British Peace Movement, 189.
Cooper, «Pacifism in France», 360–62.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 383.
Chickering, «Problems of a German Peace Movement», 46, 52.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 239–53.
Wank, «The Austrian Peace Movement», 42–3; Dülffer, «Efforts to Reform the International System», 28.
Herring, From Colony to Superpower, 358–60.
Patterson, «Citizen Peace Initiatives», 187–92.
Herring, From Colony to Superpower, 357–8.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 345.
Cooper, «Pacifism in France», 366–7.
Morris, «The English Radicals» Campaign», везде.
Weinroth, «The British Radicals», 661–2.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 336, 368–9.
Zweig, The World of Yesterday, 226.
Cooper, «Pacifism in France», 363.
Anderson, The Rise of Modern Diplomacy, 253–5.
Там же, 255.
Morrill, «Nicholas II and the Call», 296–313.
Dülffer, «Chances and Limits of Arms Control», 98.
Dülffer, «Citizens and Diplomats», 30–31.
Joll and Martel, The Origins of the First World War, 258.
Massie, Dreadnought, 429.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 225.
Dülffer, «Citizens and Diplomats», 25.
Laurence, «The Peace Movement in Austria», 55.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 121.
BD, т. I, 274, 224–5; 276, 226.
White, The First Hague Conference, 114.
Tuchman, The Proud Tower, 252.
BD, т. I, 282, 229–31.
White, The First Hague Conference, 8.
Там же, 18–19.
Dülffer, «Citizens and Diplomats», 24.
Dülffer, «Chances and Limits of Arms Control», 102.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 227.
Там же, 228.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 388.
Stevenson, Armaments, 109.
Laity, The British Peace Movement, 171–2.
Laurence, «The Peace Movement in Austria», 29.
Stevenson, Armaments, 109–10.
Ceadel, Semi-Detached Idealists, 166.
Charykov, Glimpses of High Politics, 261.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 133.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 229–30.
Steiner, «Grey, Hardinge and the Foreign Office», 434–5.
Dülffer, «Efforts to Reform the International System», 40.
Howorth, «French Workers and German Workers», 85.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 269.
Laurence, «Bertha von Suttner», 194.
Joll, The Second International, 107.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 267–9; Joll, The Second International, 89–90.
Groh, «The «Unpatriotic Socialists»», 153–5.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 272.
Joll, The Second International, 100–105; Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 329–30.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 13.
Там же, 63–5.
Там же, 15, 375; Heinrich, Geschichte in Gesprächen, 327–8.
Goldberg, Life of International, 126–43, 197.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 247–9.
Joll, The Second International, 126–43, 197.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 275; Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 90–91, 107.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 67–8.
Там же, 64.
Там же, 91–2; Joll, The Second International, 152–7.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 102–3.
Joll, The Second International, 70.
Howorth, «French Workers and German Workers», 75; Chickering, «War, Peace, and Social Mobilization», 16–17.
Joll, The Second International, 49–54; Howorth, «French Workers and German Workers», 78–81.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 68–9.
Там же, 69–70.
Joll, The Second International, 123–4.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 64–6.
Там же, 77.
Там же, 114; Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 435–8.
Cooper, Patriotic Pacifism, 171.
Там же, 165–7.
Chickering, Imperial Germany, 317.
Weinroth, «The British Radicals», 676; Chickering, Imperial Germany, 118.
Cooper, «Pacifism in France», 365.
Angell, The Great Illusion Kindle version, loc. 2928–30.
Howard, «The Armed Forces», 217.
Stevenson, «War by Timetable?», 167–8; Herwig, «Conclusions», 232.
Howard, The Franco-Prussian War, 14.
Stevenson, «War by Timetable?», 167.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 146–7, 229, 232.
Там же, 150.
Stevenson, «War by Timetable?», 171.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 197n3.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 64–6.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 216.
Moltke, Erinnerungen, 11.
Herwig, «Conclusions», 231.
Showalter, «Railroads», 40.
Stevenson, «War by Timetable?», 192–3.
Evera, «The Cult of the Offensive», 73–6.
Hamilton, «War Planning», 13.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 90.
Herwig, «From Tirpitz Plan to Schlieffen Plan», 57.
Tirpitz, My Memoirs, т. II, 290.
Bond, The Victorian Army and the Staff College, 133.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 88.
Echevarria, «Heroic History», 573–90.
Echevarria, «On the Brink of the Abyss», 31–3.
Прусская винтовка Дрейзе была фактически в два раза скорострельнее, хотя в боевых условиях часто выходила из строя. Французская винтовка Шасспо была в этом и других отношениях еще совершенней – в частности, дальность прицельной стрельбы из нее достигала километра и более.
Howard, «The Armed Forces», 206–9.
Travers, «Technology, Tactics, and Morale», 268.
Welch, «The Centenary», 273–94.
Bloch, «The Wars of the Future», 307.
Там же, 314–15.
Cairns, «International Politics», 280–81.
Bloch, «The Wars of the Future», 314.
Travers, «Technology, Tactics, and Morale», 273–4.
Burkhardt, «Kriegsgrund Geschichte?», 72–4.
Mombauer, «German War Plans», 52n10.
Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 26–30; Evera, «The Cult of the Offensive», везде.
Travers, «Technology, Tactics, and Morale», 271n22.
Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory, 25.
Howard, «Men Against Fire», 10–11.
Messimy, Mes Souvenirs, 119.
Porch, «The French Army», 120.
Там же, 118.
Gooch, «Attitudes to War», 95.
Echevarria, «On the Brink of the Abyss», 27–8, 30–31.
Foley, German Strategy, 41.
Howard, «Men Against Fire», 8–10.
Cairns, «International Politics», 282.
Foley, German Strategy, 28–9.
Kießling, Gegen den «Großen Krieg»?, 43–50, 139; McDonald, United Government, 199–201; Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 139.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 126–31.
Förster, «Dreams and Nightmares», 345, 360.
Maurer, The Outbreak of the First World War; см., например, гл. 1.
Förster, «Der deutschen Generalstab», 61–95.
Csáky, Vom Geachteten zum Geächteten, 137.
Mombauer, «German War Plans», 59.
Steinberg, Bismarck, 57–60; Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 110–13.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 120–21.
Там же, 127.
Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 134.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 130–31.
Там же, 124, 129–31.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 277.
Echevarria, «Heroic History», 585; Mombauer, «German War Plans», 52n10.
Snyder, «Civil-Military Relations», 35.
Förster, «Dreams and Nightmares», 359–60.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 277.
Herwig, The Marne, 33.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 100–105; Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 117.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 301–2.
Foley, German Strategy, 6–7.
Herwig, «From Tirpitz Plan to Schlieffen Plan», 55.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 317.
Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre, 206.
Там же.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 46.
Там же, 42–6.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 300.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 201–2.
Maurer, The Outbreak of the First World War, 37.
Herwig, «From Tirpitz Plan to Schlieffen Plan», 59.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 59.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 223–5.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 311.
Hull, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 240.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 658; Foley, «Debate – the Real Schlieffen Plan», 222.
Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 203.
Groener, Lebenserinnerungen, 84.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 55.
Hull, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 258–9; Afflerbach, Falkenhayn. Politisches, 79.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 165.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 263–4.
Mombauer, «German War Plans», 57.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 280.
Showalter, «From Deterrence to Doomsday Machine», 696.
Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 152.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 88–9.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 390.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 84–5.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 225–9; Beyens, Germany before the War, 36–8.
Mombauer, «German War Plans», 48–79.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 390.
Hewitson, Germany and the Causes, 118.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 96–7.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 210.
Hewitson, Germany and the Causes, 131–3; Hewitson, «Images of the Enemy», везде.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 132–3.
Там же, 84.
Там же, 91–5.
Mombauer, «German War Plans», 57.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 71.
Herwig, «Disjointed Allies», 273.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 101.
Gooch, «Italy before 1915», 211–22; Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 167–9.
Maurer, The Outbreak of the First World War, 33; Herwig, «Disjointed Allies», 271–2; Ritter, «Zusammenarbeit», 535.
Herwig, «Disjointed Allies», 271n9.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 87–8.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 282.
Stone, «V. Moltke – Conrad», 201–2 и везде.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 85.
Stevenson, «War by Timetable?», 181–2.
Stone, «V. Moltke – Conrad», 204n7.
Kronenbitter, ««Nur los lassen»», 39.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 234, 237.
Stone, «V. Moltke – Conrad», 213–14.
Herwig, «Disjointed Allies», 278.
Menning, «The Offensive Revisited», 226.
Armour, «Colonel Redl: Fact and Fantasy», 175–6.
Там же, 179–80; Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 124–7.
Stevenson, «War by Timetable?», 177–8; Heywood, «The Most Catastrophic Question», 46, 54.
Menning, «The Offensive Revisited», 224.
Menning, «Pieces of the Puzzle», 782.
Fuller, «The Russian Empire», 109, 122–4.
Shatsillo, Ot Portsmutskogo, 199.
Fuller, «The Russian Empire», 110.
Stevenson, Armaments, 151–6.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 427–33.
Brusilov, A Soldier's Notebook, 11.
Fuller, The Foe Within, 46–8.
Turner, «Role of the General Staffs», 317; Paléologue, Ambassador's Memoirs, т. I, 83.
Rich, The Tsar's Colonels, 221.
Fuller, «The Russian Empire», 100–101.
Spring, «Russia and the Franco-Russian Alliance», 568–9, 578–9 и везде.
Menning, «The Offensive Revisited», 219.
Айрапетов, Последняя война императорской России, 174–5; Shatsillo, Ot Portsmutskogo, 65–7.
Menning, «Pieces of the Puzzle», 788.
Fuller, «The Russian Empire», 111–12, 118–21.
Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 178.
Fuller, «The Russian Empire», 111–13; Menning, «The Offensive Revisited», 225.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 440–41.
Menning, «Pieces of the Puzzle», 796.
Menning, «War Planning», 121.
Айрапетов, «К вопросу о причинах поражения русской армии»; Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 189–94.
Fuller, «The Russian Empire», 110–11.
Айрапетов, «К вопросу о причинах поражения русской армии»; Menning, «War Planning», 122–5.
Andrew, «France and the German Menace», 147.
Ignat'ev, 50 лет в строю, 390–91.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 182–3.
Ignat'ev, 50 лет в строю, 392.
Messimy, Mes Souvenirs, 118n1; Porch, The March to the Marne, 184–5.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 216–23.
Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 163.
Doughty, «France», 160.
Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory, 26.
Doughty, «France», 159.
Becker, 1914, Comment les Français, 43n174.
Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 164.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 129–32.
Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 137.
Doughty, «France», 154.
Там же, 154; Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 156.
Doughty, «France», 153.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 70.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 165–7.
Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 163.
Там же, 159.
Там же, 166.
Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive, 102–3.
Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 170–71.
Doughty, «France», 163.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 226.
Doughty, «France», 165–8; Doughty, «French Strategy in 1914», 434.
Doughty, «France», 165.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 232–3.
Messimy, Mes Souvenirs, 179.
Schoen, Memoirs of an Ambassador, 20; Rich, Friedrich von Holstein, т. II, 694.
Schoen, Memoirs of an Ambassador, 22–3.
BD, т. III, 71, 62.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 255.
Rich, Friedrich von Holstein, т. II, 695.
Hewitson, «Germany and France», 579.
Rich, Friedrich von Holstein, т. II, 691–3.
Там же, 702n1.
Hewitson, «Germany and France», 585–6.
Rich, Friedrich von Holstein, т. II, 680–81.
Там же, 683, 684.
Morris, Theodore Rex, 334–5.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 269–70.
Там же, 272.
Kaiser, «Germany and the Origins», 453.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 162.
Kaiser, «Germany and the Origins», 453.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 285.
Lee, Edward VII, т. II, 340.
The Times, 31 марта 1905.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 116.
Monger, The End of Isolation, 192.
Там же, 187.
Там же, 190.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 287–8.
Там же, 281, 283, 285.
Там же, 286.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 265.
Monger, The End of Isolation, 224 and n2.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 119.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 291–2.
Там же, 299.
Там же, 292–3.
Там же, 296–7.
Там же, 289.
Там же, 276–8, 278–9.
Там же, 296–301.
Weber, The Nationalist Revival in France, 31.
Monger, The End of Isolation, 202.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 135, 138.
Rich, Friedrich von Holstein, т. II, 707.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 122.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 303.
Weber, The Nationalist Revival in France, 32.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 40–41.
Там же, 42.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 117.
Rich, Friedrich von Holstein, т. II, 731.
Grey, Twenty-five Years, т. I; см., например, его письмо от 31 января 1906, 176–9.
Otte, «Almost a Law of Nature?», 82–3.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 13.
Grey, Twenty-five Years, т. I, 128.
Lloyd George, War Memoirs, т. I, 91.
Gilmour, Curzon, 26n.
Robbins, Sir Edward Grey, 23–4, 29.
Massie, Dreadnought, 585.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 41–2.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 35.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 42–3.
Otte, «Almost a Law of Nature?», 79.
BD, т. III, 200, 162.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. I, 98.
Rich, Friedrich von Holstein, т. II, 733.
Oppel, «The Waning of a Traditional Alliance», 324.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 281–2.
Herring, From Colony to Superpower, 363.
BD, т. III, 401, 337–8.
Lerman, The Chancellor as Courtier, 147–8.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 262; Lerman, The Chancellor as Courtier, 144.
Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 264.
Otte, «Almost a Law of Nature?», 83.
Foley, «Debate – the Real Schlieffen Plan», 44–5.
Craig, The Politics of thePrussian Army, 284–5.
Joll and Martel, The Origins of the First World War, 197.
Oppel, «The Waning of a Traditional Alliance», 325–6.
Dumas, The Franco-British Exhibition, 4.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 38–40.
BD, т. III, 299, 266–8.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 76.
Lloyd George, War Memoirs, т. I, 49–50.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 85–7.
Там же, 93–6.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 90–92.
Kennedy, «Great Britain before 1914», 173.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 125.
Offer, The First World War, 303.
Doughty, Pyrrhic Victory, 39.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 384–8.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 126; Fisher and Marder, Fear God and Dread Nought, т. II, 232.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 246–7.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 106–7.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 213.
Neilson, «Great Britain», 183–5; Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 187–93.
Jeffery, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, 96–7.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 196.
Porch, The March to the Marne, 228.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 114, 123, 155 и везде.
Doughty, «French Strategy in 1914», 435.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 138–41.
Jeffery, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, 37.
Williamson, «General Henry Wilson», 91.
Там же, 94–6.
Callwell, Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, т. I, 89.
Там же, 78–9.
Andrew, «France and the German Menace», 137.
Callwell, Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, т. I, 105.
Keiger, «Jules Cambon», 642.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 196.
Diöszegi, Hungarians in the Ballhausplatz, 197–200.
Hoetzendorf, Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hötzendorf, 63, 237.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. I, 372.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 248–51.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 290.
Wank, «Aehrenthal's Programme», 520–22.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass; see, for example, 385–8.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 371.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 217.
Musulin, Das Haus am Ballplatz, 57.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 95.
Czernin, In the World War, 50.
Williamson, «Influence, Power, and the Policy Process», 431.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 97.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 279; Bridge, The Habsburg Monarchy, 189– 90.
Diöszegi, Hungarians in the Ballhausplatz, 200.
Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, 597–8; Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 149–50.
Stevenson, Armaments, 82.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 240; Jelavich and Jelavich, The Establishment, 255–6.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 239n53.
Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, 774.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 65.
Baernreither and Redlich, Fragments, 21–2.
Там же, 35, 44.
Там же, 43–4.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 449–52.
Там же, 599.
Bridge, «Isvolsky, Aehrenthal», 326.
Bridge, «The Entente Cordiale», 341.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 433.
Baernreither and Redlich, Fragments, 37.
Bridge, «Isvolsky, Aehrenthal», 326.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 298–9.
Lee, Europe's Crucial Years, 326.
McDonald, United Government, 127.
Cooper, «British Policy in the Balkans», 262.
Taube, La Politique russe d'avant-guerre, 185–7; Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 200; Lee, Europe's Crucial Years, 184–5.
Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 225.
Hopman, Das ereignisreiche Leben, 147–8.
Reynolds, Shattering Empires, 22.
Schoen, Memoirs of an Ambassador, 77; Bridge, «Isvolsky, Aehrenthal», 332–3.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 419.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. I, 373.
Bridge, «Isvolsky, Aehrenthal», 334; Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 121–2.
Bridge, «Isvolsky, Aehrenthal», 335.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 419.
Bridge, «Isvolsky, Aehrenthal», 334.
Там же, 339.
McMeekin, The Russian Origins, 225.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 437.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 144.
McDonald, United Government, 136–51.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 435–6.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. I, 373, 379–80; Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 287.
Bridge, The Habsburg Monarchy, 296.
Steed, Through Thirty Years, 308–14. IX, ч. 1, 695, 671–3.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 624.
Sweet, «The Bosnian Crisis», 178–9.
Eby, The Road to Armageddon, 151.
Otte, «Almost a Law of Nature?», 92.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 149–50.
Menning, «Dress Rehearsal for 1914?», 8.
Там же, 11–15.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. I, 374.
Boghitschewitsch, Die auswärtige Politik Serbiens, т. III, 78.
Stevenson, Armaments, 115–16.
Boghitschewitsch, Die auswärtige Politik Serbiens, т. III, 93; Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 241–2.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 137.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 123–5; Stevenson, Armaments, 116.
Heinrich, Geschichte in Gesprächen, 124–5, 221–2.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 628.
Musulin, Das Haus am Ballplatz, 168.
Stevenson, Armaments, 117 –18, 125–6.
Turner, «Role of the General Staffs», 306; Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 629.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 439.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 91.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 118–19.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 142.
McDonald, United Government, 141–4; Lee, Europe's Crucial Years, 193–4.
Sweet, «The Bosnian Crisis», 183–4; Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 215.
Sweet, «The Bosnian Crisis», 182–3; Heinrich, Geschichte in Gesprächen, 169.
Menning, «Dress Rehearsal for 1914?», 7.
BD, т. V, 576, 603.
Berghahn, Germany and the Approach of War, 81.
Zedlitz-Trützschler, Twelve Years at the Imperial German Court, 263.
Afflerbach, Der Dreibund, 655.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 224.
Fuller, «The Russian Empire», 99.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 438.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 174.
Carter, The Three Emperors, 371.
Palmer, Twilight of the Habsburgs, 305.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 755–64.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 96.
Stevenson, Armaments, 122; Bridge, The Habsburg Monarchy, 295.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 726.
Fellner, «Die «Mission Hoyos»», 115.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 131.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 193–4.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 131.
Grey, Twenty-five Years, т. I, 182.
Lieven, Russia and the Origins, 37.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 470.
Stevenson, Armaments, 136.
Cooper, «British Policy in the Balkans», 261.
Stevenson, Armaments, 131–3; Boghitschewitsch, Die auswärtige Politik Serbiens, т. III, 77.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 244; Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 33; Neklyudov, Diplomatic Reminiscences, 46–50; Gieslingen, Zwei Jahrzehnte im Nahen Orient, 253.
Cooper, «British Policy in the Balkans», 279.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon, 1–2.
Mortimer, «Commercial Interests and German Diplomacy», 454.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon, 2; Cecil, Albert Ballin, 178; Massie, Dreadnought, 725–7.
Fesser, Der Traum vom Platz, 141; Fischer, War of Illusions, 74–5.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon, 31–2.
Keiger, «Jules Cambon», 642–3; Keiger, France and the Origins, 31–3.
Hewitson, «Germany and France», 591.
Berghahn, Germany and the Approach of War, 94.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. III, 12.
Cecil, Albert Ballin, 122–3.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 16.
Там же, 43.
Там же, 29n34.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. III, 19.
Cecil, Albert Ballin, 122–3.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 68.
Там же, 25–7.
Там же, 27–9.
Там же, 122.
Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 422.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 509.
Rathenau and von Strandmann, Walther Rathenau, 134.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 121.
Spitzemberg, Das Tagebuch, 545.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. II, 464.
Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 310–12.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 123.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 160.
Allain, Joseph Caillaux, 371–7.
Hewitson, «Germany and France», 592–4.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 143.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon, 127–8.
Stevenson, Armaments, 183.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 124; Mommsen, «Domestic Factors», 23.
Crampton, «August Bebel and the British», 221–2.
Keiger, France and the Origins, 35.
Messimy, Mes Souvenirs, 64–5.
Там же, 60.
Там же.
Keiger, «Jules Cambon», 646; Keiger, France and the Origins, 35.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 153.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 75.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 321.
Rose, King George V, 165–6.
Weinroth, «The British Radicals», 664.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 318.
Wilson, «The Agadir Crisis», 514–15; Dockrill, «British Policy», 274–5.
BD, т. VII, 392, 371–3.
The Times, 22 июля 1911.
Redlich, Schicksalsjahre Österreichs, 95–6.
Fesser, Der Traum vom Platz, 145; Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 313–14.
Callwell, Field-Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, т. I, 97–8.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 244–6.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 139; Messimy, Mes Souvenirs, 61.
Jeffery, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, 99–100.
Riezler, Tagebücher, Aufsätze, Dokumente, 180.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 124.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon, 135.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 83.
Andrew, Théophile Delcassé, 70n1.
Rathenau and von Strandmann, Walther Rathenau, 157.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 141.
Grey, Twenty-five Years, т. I, 233.
Stieve, Der diplomatische Schriftwechsel Iswolskis, 194–5.
Steiner and Neilson, Britain and the Origins, 79–80.
Там же, 80–81.
Messimy, Mes Souvenirs, 68.
Krumeich, Armaments and Politics, 21–9.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 21–21.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 124.
Beyens, Germany before the War, 61.
Fesser, Der Traum vom Platz, 148.
Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army, 291.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 125.
Ritter, The Sword and the Sceptre, 172.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 852–9.
Röhl, «Admiral von Müller», 656.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 81–2; Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 131.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 161–6.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach, 57.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 342.
Bosworth, «Britain and Italy's Acquisition», 683.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach, 10.
Там же, 38–9.
Gooch, «Italy before 1915», 222. 86. Там же, 225–8. 87. Там же, 206.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach, 6–8; Gooch, «Italy before 1915», 216–17.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach, 34.
Там же, 36.
Gooch, «Italy before 1915», 209.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 257, 289–91.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 241, 278–9.
Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon, 143–4.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 58–62.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 250, 284.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans, 35.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 346; Barraclough, From Agadir to Armageddon, 144–5.
BD, т. VII, 763, 788–9.
Cambon, Correspondance, т. III, 7.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 357.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars, 360–61.
Hoetzendorf, Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hötzendorf, 105.
Aehrenthal, Aus dem Nachlass, 232.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars, 72.
Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo, 179–80.
Jelavich, History of the Balkans, 110.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans, 34–5.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars, 80.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 249, 283–4.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 29–30.
Там же, 32–3.
Там же, 33.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance, 27–8.
Neklyudov, Diplomatic Reminiscences, 38 –9.
Там же, 45.
Там же, 80–81.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 62–4, 67.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 570, 568.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 150.
BD, т. IX, ч. 2, 5, 3–4.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 141–5.
Trotsky, The Balkan Wars, 65–6.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans, 79.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 203–4.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 92.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance, 116–17; Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 231.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance, 118; Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 412–13.
Игнатьев, Внешняя политика России, 1907–1914, 141.
Neilson, Britain and the Last Tsar, 328–9.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 92.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 203.
Bodger, «Russia and the End», 84.
Thaden, Russia and the Balkan Alliance, 132.
Bodger, «Russia and the End», 79.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans, 85.
Sazonov, Fateful Years, 49–50; Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 234n.
Taube, La Politique russe d'avant-guerre, 225–7.
Sazonov, Fateful Years, 54.
BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 711, 683–5; Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 154–5.
Sazonov, Fateful Years, 78.
Там же, 80.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans, 102.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 119.
Там же, 484–5.
Musulin, Das Haus am Ballplatz, 178.
Vermes, Istv'an Tisza, 199.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 246.
Csáky, Vom Geachteten zum Geachteten, 129; Leslie, «Österreich-Ungarn», 663.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 385.
Там же, 383–4.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 176.
См. письмо Bertie to Grey, 29 августа 1912, BD, т. IX, ч. 1, 671, 653–5.
BD, vol. Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 323; Afflerbach, Der Dreibund, 731–3; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 127.
Heinrich, Geschichte in Gesprächen, 380.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 214–15.
Boghitschewitsch, Die auswärtige Politik Serbiens, т. III, 159.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 124.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 153.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 132; Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 276.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 323; Afflerbach, Der Dreibund, 731–3; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 127.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 328.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 132.
Sazonov, Fateful Years, 78.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 178.
BD, т. IX, ч. 2, 303, 227–8.
Там же.
Rossos, Russia and the Balkans, 104–5.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 178.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 155–6.
Röhl, «Admiral von Müller», 659.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 157–8.
Röhl, «Admiral von Müller», 664; Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 276–7.
The Times, 22 ноября 1912.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 216.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 120–21.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 130–31.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 158–61.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 388.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 130–31.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. I, 256.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 250.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 161.
Crampton, «The Decline», 393–4.
BD, т. IX, ч. 2, 626, 506.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 377.
Там же, 381.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 134; Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 282–4.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 136; Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 296–7.
Crampton, «The Decline», 395 и след. 12.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 313–14.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 139–40. 94. Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 123.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 471.
Cambon, Correspondance, т. III, 27.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 246–8.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 151.
Vermes, Istv'an Tisza, 203.
Там же, 131.
Stone, «Hungary and the July Crisis», 157.
Leslie, «The Antecedents», 323–4.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 498; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 133–4.
Crampton, «The Decline», 417–19.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. I, 483–4.
Helmreich, The Diplomacy, 428.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 366–7.
Там же, 442.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 154–5.
Afflerbach, Der Dreibund, 748.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 129.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 513.
Там же, 312.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 179.
Williamson, Austria– Hungary, 135; Leslie, The Antecedents, 352–3.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, vol. I, 483–4.
Crampton, The Hollow Detente, 172.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 107.
Cooper, Patriotic Pacifism, 159–60.
Kennan, The Other Balkan Wars, 271.
BD, т. X, ч. 2, 476, 702–3.
Rose, King George V, 166–7.
McLean, Royalty and Diplomacy, 197.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 295; Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 84.
Kießling, Gegen den «Großen Krieg»?, 195–6.
Rosen, Forty Years of Diplomacy, 154.
Brusilov, A Soldier's Notebook, 3–4.
Gildea, Barricades and Borders, 419.
Rogger, «Russia in 1914», 96.
Sazonov, Fateful Years, 80.
Miliukov and Mendel, Political Memoirs, 284.
Kokovtsov, Out of My Past, 296.
Там же, 361.
Figes, A People's Tragedy, 216.
Там же, 241–5.
Rogger, «Russia in 1914», 95–6.
Там же, 101–2.
Geyer, Russian Imperialism, 249–54.
Там же, 274–5.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 168.
Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 371.
Hewitson, «Germany and France», 578; Kießling, Gegen den «Großen Krieg»?, 196.
Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 167–8.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 609.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince von Bulow, т. III, 33; Cecil, German Diplomatic Service, 317.
Spitzemberg, Das Tagebuch, 563.
Stevenson, Armaments, 286–9.
Röhl, The Kaiser and His Court, 173–4; Röhl, «Admiral von Müller», 661; Stevenson, Armaments, 252–3.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 145.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 84.
Röhl, «Admiral von Müller», 665; Balfour, The Kaiser and His Times, 339–40; Tanenbaum, «French Estimates», 169.
Stevenson, Armaments, 316–20. 33. Krumeich, Armaments and Politics, гл. 2.
Stevenson, Armaments, 221.
Doughty, «France», 163.
Там же, 162.
Weber, The Nationalist Revival in France, 97.
Там же, 94–5, 102.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 580.
German Foreign Office, Die grosse Politik, т. XXXIX, 292.
Nolan, The Inverted Mirror, 40, 82–3.
Stevenson, Armaments, 222.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 122–3, 130–31.
Там же, 145.
Williams, Tiger of France, 286.
Там же, 11–14, 24–7, 154.
Там же, 147.
Adamthwaite, Grandeur and Misery, 8; Hughes, Policies and Potentates, 223–7.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 274.
Cambon, Correspondance; Там же, III, 39.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 151.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 238.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 155–7.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 236–7.
Там же, 238–40.
Williamson, «German Perceptions», 206.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 439.
Sazonov, Fateful Years, 56.
Rose, King George V, 80.
Там же, 71.
Clifford, The Asquiths, 2–3.
Там же, 13–14.
Haldane, An Autobiography, 111.
Clifford, The Asquiths, 186.
Там же, 145.
Adam, Bonar Law, 107–9.
Jeffery, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, 115–16.
BD, т. X, ч. 2, 537, 780–83.
Churchill, The World Crisis, т. I, 185; Dangerfield, The Strange Death, 366.
Leslie, «Österreich-Ungarn», 669–70. 71. Afflerbach, Der Dreibund, 793–4, 806–8, 810–11.
Angelow, Der Weg in die Katastrophe, 26.
Wandruszka and Urbanitsch, Die Habsburgermonarchie, 331–2; Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo, 364–5.
Bodger, «Russia and the End», 88.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 87.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 117.
Sazonov, Fateful Years, 43–4; Kokovtsov, Out of My Past, 321–3.
Stieve, Der diplomatische Schriftwechsel Iswolskis, 17–18.
McLean, Royalty and Diplomacy, 67–8.
Shatsillo, Ot Portsmutskogo, 272–4; Stevenson, Armaments, 343–9.
Churchill, The World Crisis, т. I, 178; Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. I, 269.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. I, 195.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 68.
Spring, «Russia and the Franco-Russian Alliance», 584; Robbins, Sir Edward Grey, 271.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 266–76.
Там же, 252–3, 258–9.
Jeffery, Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson, 103.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 253.
Churchill, The World Crisis, т. I, 118.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 274.
Churchill, The World Crisis, т. I, 119.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 254–6, 265– 6.
Churchill, The World Crisis, т. I, 113.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 320–25.
BD, т. X, ч. 2, 416, 614–15.
Esher, Journals and Letters, т. III, 331.
BD, т. X, ч. 2, 400, 601–2.
Robbins, Sir Edward Grey, 285.
Rose, King George V, 164.
Bridge, «The Entente Cordiale», 350.
Angelow, Der Weg in die Katastrophe, 60–61.
Stevenson, Armaments, 2–9.
Там же, 4.
Herrmann, The Arming of Europe, 207.
Epkenhans, Tirpitz, Kindle version, loc. 862.
Kießling, Gegen den «Großen Krieg»?, 67–8.
Heywood, «The Most Catastrophic Question», 56.
Förster, «Im Reich des Absurden», 233.
Stevenson, Armaments, 358–9; Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 208–11, 242–4.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 88.
Brusilov, A Soldier's Notebook, 1.
Kießling, Gegen den «Großen Krieg»?, 43–4.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. I, 292.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 458.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 134; Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 252–3; Kronenbitter, ««Nur los lassen»», 39.
McDonald, United Government, 199–201.
Leslie, «The Antecedents», 334–6, 338–9.
Churchill, The World Crisis, т. I, 95.
Haldane, Before the War, 33–6.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 172.
Cecil, Albert Ballin, 182–96.
Hopman, Das ereignisreiche Leben, 209–10.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 172–3.
House and Seymour, The Intimate Papers, т. I, 249.
Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, 283–4; Maurer, «Churchill's Naval Holiday», 109– 10.
Brinker-Gabler, Kämpferin fur den Frieden, 167.
Haupt, Socialism and the Great War, 108.
Poincaré, Au Service de la France, т. IV, 173–4.
Geinitz, Kriegsfurcht und Kampfbereitschaft, 50–53.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 198.
Massie, Dreadnought, 852–3; Cecil, Wilhelm II, 198; Geiss, July 1914, 69.
Smith, One Morning in Sarajevo, 40.
Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo, 175–8, 208–9, 217 и гл. 10, везде.
Там же, 197.
Там же.
Там же, 373–5; Jelavich, What the Habsburg Government Knew, 134–5.
Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo, 294–301, 309; Jelavich, What the Habsburg Government Knew, 136.
Leslie, «The Antecedents», 368; Funder, Vom Gestern ins Heute, 483; Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo, 405–7, 409–10.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 459; Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo, 312; Funder, Vom Gestern ins Heute, 484.
Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo, 11–16, 316.
Margutti, The Emperor Francis Joseph, 138– 9.
Smith, One Morning in Sarajevo, 214; Hopman, Das ereignisreiche Leben, 381; Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 117–19; Hoetzsch, Die internationalen Beziehungen, 106–7.
Stone, «Hungary and the July Crisis», 159–60.
Kronenbitter, Krieg im Frieden, 460–62.
Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 140; Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 558–9.
Musulin, Das Haus am Ballplatz, 226.
Leslie, «The Antecedents», 320.
Wank, «Desperate Counsel», 295; Leslie, «Österreich-Ungarn», 664.
Leslie, «Österreich-Ungarn», 665.
Stone, «Hungary and the July Crisis», 161.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 150–55.
Leslie, «The Antecedents», 375–80.
Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 559.
Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik, 248.
Fellner, «Die «Mission Hoyos»», 122; Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 129–30.
Turner, «Role of the General Staffs», 308.
Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik, 252; Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 133–5.
Fellner, «Die «Mission Hoyos»», 125–6, 137.
См., например: Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 137–48; Geiss, July 1914, 70–80; Kronenbitter, ««Nur los lassen»», 182.
Sösemann, «Die Tagebücher Kurt Riezlers», 185.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 168–9, 177.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 153–5.
Mommsen, «The Debate on German War Aims», 60n16.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 168–9.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 172; Dülffer, «Kriegserwartung und Kriegsbild», 785; Joll and Martel, The Origins of the First World War, 274; Förster, «Im Reich des Absurden», 251–2; Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 177, 181.
Förster, «Im Reich des Absurden», 233.
Wolff, Tagebücher 1914–1919, 63–5.
Bach, Deutsche Gesandtschaftsberichte, 63.
Groener, Lebenserinnerungen, 140.
Stevenson, Armaments, 363–4; Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 182.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 135.
Там же, 173.
Herwig, «From Tirpitz Plan to Schlieffen Plan», 58; Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 159–60, 212–13.
Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss, 379–80n.
Sösemann, «Die Tagebücher Kurt Riezlers», 183.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 105.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 80; Sösemann, «Die Tagebücher Kurt Riezlers», 183–4.
Sösemann, «Die Tagebücher Kurt Riezlers», 184–5; Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss, 392.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 195n44; Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss, 381; Sösemann, «Die Tagebücher Kurt Riezlers», 184.
Fesser, Der Traum vom Platz, 181.
Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss, 381.
Turner, «Role of the General Staffs», 312; Geiss, July 1914, 65.
Fischer, War of Illusions, 478; Cecil, Wilhelm II, 193–6.
Joll, 1914, 8.
Kronenbitter, «Die Macht der Illusionen», 531; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 199–200.
Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik, 248.
Geiss, July 1914, 80–87; Sondhaus, Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf, 141; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 197–9.
Stone, «Hungary and the July Crisis», 166–8; Vermes, Istv'an Tisza, 226; Leslie, «The Antecedents», 343.
Geiss, July 1914, 114–15.
Jelavich, What the Habsburg Government Knew, 133.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 200–201; Geiss, July 1914, 90–92.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 201.
Jelavich, Russia's Balkan Entanglements, 256.
BD, т. XI, 56, 44–5.
Turner, «Role of the General Staffs», 312; Fischer, War of Illusions, 478–9; Geiss, July 1914, 89–90.
Hoetzsch, Die internationalen Beziehungen, т. IV, 301–2; Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 161–2; Hertling and Lerchenfeld-Köfering, Briefwechsel Hertling-Lerchenfeld, 307.
BD, т. XI, 27, 19–20; 45, 37; Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 272– 5.
Gieslingen, Zwei Jahrzehnte im Nahen Orient, 257–61; Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 276–9.
Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 201.
Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, 808n.
Austro-Hungarian Gemeinsamer Ministerrat, Protokolle des Gemeinsamen Ministerrates, 150–54; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 203.
Vermes, Istv'an Tisza, 232–3.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 265.
Geiss, July 1914, 142, 149–50, 154.
Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, 808n; Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold, 602–3. Полный текст в книге Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 286–9.
Gieslingen, Zwei Jahrzehnte im Nahen Orient, 267–8; Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 346; Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik, 659–63; Cornwall, «Serbia», 72–4.
BD, т. XI, 92, 74; 107, 85; Stokes, «Serbian Documents from 1914», 71–4; Cornwall, «Serbia», 75–9, 82.
Kronenbitter, «Die Macht der Illusionen», 536; Kronenbitter, ««Nur los lassen»», 159.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 373–5; Gieslingen, Zwei Jahrzehnte im Nahen Orient, 268–72.
MacKenzie and MacKenzie, The Diary of Beatrice Webb, т. III, 203–5.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 631–40.
Mombauer, «A Reluctant Military Leader?», 422.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 198.
Бестужев, «Russian Foreign Policy February – June 1914», 100–101.
Lieven, Russia and the Origins, 49.
Rogger, «Russia in 1914», 98–9.
Shukman, Rasputin, 58.
Bridge, «The British Declaration of War», 403–4.
Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith, 93, 122–3.
Rose, King George V, 157–8.
Hazlehurst, Politicians at War, 31.
Messimy, Mes Souvenirs, 126–7.
Cronin, Paris on the Eve, 427–9.
Afflerbach, «The Topos of Improbable War», 179.
Doughty, «France», 149.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 271–2, 278–83.
Там же, 265–8.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 460.
Poincaré, Au Service de la France, 224–6, 230.
Krumeich, Armaments and Politics, 217; Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 283.
Figes, A People's Tragedy, 232; Игнатьев, 50 лет в строю, 423.
Poincaré, Au Service de la France, 259, 269–70; Krumeich, Armaments and Politics, 291n153.
Poincaré, Au Service de la France, 246–7.
BD, т. IX, 101, 80–82.
Там же, 253–5; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 203.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 78.
Hoetzsch, Die internationalen Beziehungen, т. IV, 128.
Bridge, How the War Began, 27.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 201; Lieven, Russia and the Origins, 108–9.
Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 74.
Там же, 78.
Hayne, French Foreign Office, 116–21; Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 227–8; Cairns, «International Politics», 285.
BD, т. IX, 101, 80–2.
Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 81, 83.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 89–91.
Doughty, «France», 146–7.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 202–4.
Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik, 805.
Bark, «Июльские дни 1914 г.», 32–4; Bridge, How the War Began, 30–32; Игнатьев, Внешняя политика России, 1907–1914, 213–14.
BD, т. IX, 125, 93–4.
Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 76–7.
Там же, 77, 80.
Rosen, Forty Years of Diplomacy, 163.
Stengers, «Belgium», 158.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 335–42; Poincaré, Au Service de la France, 288; Krumeich, Armaments and Politics, 219– 20.
Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 82–3; Poincaré, Au Service de la France, 302; Doughty, «French Strategy in 1914», 443.
Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss, 375.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 295.
Там же, 301.
Bridge, «The British Declaration of War», 407; Haldane, An Autobiography, 288–9; Cecil, Albert Ballin, 205–9.
Bridge, «The British Declaration of War», 408; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 135–6; BD, т. XI, 91, 73–4; 104, 83–4.
Geiss, July 1914, 183–4.
Bülow, Memoirs of Prince Von Bulow, т. III, 122–3.
Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss, 368–469.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 301.
Hobhouse, Inside Asquith's Cabinet, 176–7; Robbins, Sir Edward Grey, 289–90.
BD, т. IX, 185, 128.
BD, т. IX, 170, 120–1.
BD, т. IX, 216, 148.
Eubank, Paul Cambon, 171.
Там же, 169.
Trumpener, «War Premeditated?», 66–7; Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik, 739, 741.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 202–3.
Bridge, Russia, 52.
BD, т. IX, 135, 99; 147, 103; The Times, 27 июля 1914; Bark, «Июльские дни 1914 г.», 26; Bittner and Ubersberger, Österreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik, 759; Verhey, Spirit of 1914, 28–31.
BD, т. XI, 162, 116; 245, 160–61.
Renzi, «Italy's Neutrality», 1419–20.
Там же, 1421–2.
Hobhouse, Inside Asquith's Cabinet, 177.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 345.
Afflerbach, «Wilhelm II as Supreme Warlord», 432.
Игнатьев, Внешняя политика России, 1907–1914, 218–19.
Geiss, July 1914, 283.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 171.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, vol. II, 460–61.
Vermes, Istv'an Tisza, 234.
Rosen, Forty Years of Diplomacy, 163.
Zweig, The World of Yesterday, 243–5.
BD, т. XI, 270, 174; Poincaré, Au Service de la France, 368.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 171.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 335–42; Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 83.
Schmidt, Frankreichs Aussenpolitik, 345–7; Herwig, The Marne, 17.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 199–200.
Geiss, July 1914, 260–61.
Там же.
Bridge, Russia, 50; Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 86.
Там же, 87–8.
Там же, 78; Geiss, July 1914, 291.
Cimbala, «Steering through Rapids», 387.
Bridge, How the War Began, 65–6; Bark, «Июльские дни 1914 г.», 31–2; Kleǐnmikhel», Memories of a Shipwrecked World, 202–3.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 204–5.
Geiss, July 1914, 284–5; Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia, 447; Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 168–9.
Ekstein and Steiner, «The Sarajevo Crisis», 404; Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 347.
Hankey, The Supreme Command, 154–6.
Geiss, July 1914, 288–90.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 300–302; Geiss, July 1914, 296–7; Turner, «The Russian Mobilization», 86.
Verhey, Spirit of 1914, 17–20.
Там же, 53–6. 22. Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 151–2, 164, 168–9.
Geiss, July 1914, 291–2, 308–9.
Turner, «Role of General Staffs», 315.
Там же.
Austro-Hungarian Gemeinsamer Ministerrat, Protokolle des Gemeinsamen Ministerrates, 156–7.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. II, 669–70.
Geiss, July 1914, 323.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 199–200; Hewitson, Germany and the Causes, 197; Turner, «Role of General Staffs», 314–15.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 204.
BD, т. XI, 293, 185–6.
BD, т. XI, 303, 193; Robbins, Sir Edward Grey, 293–4.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 140–3; Hazlehurst, Politicians at War, 84–7.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 349.
BD, т. XI, 369, 228– 9.
The Times, 29, 30 и 31 июля 1914.
Bucholz, Moltke, Schlieffen, 280–81.
Bach, Deutsche Gesandtschaftsberichte, 107.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 205.
Там же, 208.
Там же, 206.
Herwig, «Imperial Germany», 95; Fischer, War of Illusions, 502–4.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 174; Verhey, Spirit of 1914, 59–60.
Stone, «V. Moltke – Conrad», 216–17.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, 670–71; Williamson, Austria-Hungary, 206–8.
Stone, «V. Moltke – Conrad», 217.
Afflerbach, «Wilhelm II as Supreme Warlord», 433n22.
Verhey, Spirit of 1914, 46–50, 62–4, 68, 71; Stargardt, The German Idea of Militarism, 145–9.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 216–20.
Groener, Lebenserinnerungen, 141–2, 145–6.
Mombauer, Helmuth von Moltke, 219–24.
Там же, 223–4.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 174–5.
The Times, 1 августа 1914.
BD, т. XI, 510, 283–5.
Robbins, Sir Edward Grey, 295; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 136–7; Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith, 38.
DDF, 3-й выпуск, 532, 424–5; BD, т. IX, 447, 260.
Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 304.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 353n34; Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 304–5; Hazlehurst, Politicians at War, 88.
Бодлианская библиотека Оксфордского университета, Papers of Sir Eyre Alexander Barby Wichart Crowe, MS Eng. E. 3020, 1–2.
Bridge, Russia, 76–9.
Воейков, С царем и без царя, 110.
Lieven, Nicholas II, 203.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 463–4.
Там же, 465–7; Joll, The Second International, 162–6.
Goldberg, Life of Jean Jaurus, 469–72.
Poincaré, Au Service de la France, 432–3.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 174–7; Albertini, The Origins of the War, vol. III, 88–91.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. III, 85, 89; Krumeich, Armaments and Politics, 227.
Albertini, The Origins of the War, т. III, 106–7; Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 180–82.
Keiger, Raymond Poincaré, 189.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 147n82; Lichnowsky and Delmer, Heading for the Abyss, 422.
Adam, Bonar Law, 170.
Hazlehurst, Politicians at War, 96–7; Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith, 145; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 136ff.
Hankey, The Supreme Command, 161–2; Hazlehurst, Politicians at War, 97–100.
Geiss, July 1914, 231.
Stengers, «Belgium», 152–5.
Там же, 161–3.
BD, т. XI, 670, 349–50; Tuchman, The Guns of August, 107–8; The Times, 4 августа 1914.
Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith, 150.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. II, 12–13.
Robbins, Sir Edward Grey, 296.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. II, 20; Nicolson, Portrait of a Diplomatist, 305–6.
Grey, Twenty-Five Years, т. II, 321–2; Wilson, The Policy of the Entente, 145–6; Великобритания, парламентские дебаты, палата общин, 5-й выпуск, т. LXV, 1914, cols 1809–34; The Times, 4 августа 1914.
Hazlehurst, Politicians at War, 32; Grigg, Lloyd George, 154.
BD, т. IX, 147, 240–41; Schoen, Memoirs of an Ambassador, 200–201, 204.
Krumeich, Armaments and Politics, 229.
The Times, 5 августа 1914.
Joll, The Second International, 171–6.
Hollweg, Reflections on the World War, 158n; Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 176–7; BD, т. XI, 671, 350–54.
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor, 181.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 208–9.
Williamson, Politics of Grand Strategy, 361.
Gregory, Walter Hines Page, 51–2.
Там же, 151.
Joll, 1914, 15.
Lubbock, Letters of Henry James, 389.
Morison, Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, 790.
Bosworth, Italy and the Approach, 78.
Brock and Brock, H. H. Asquith, 130n2.
Bond, The Victorian Army and the Staff College, 294–5, 303.
Strachan, The First World War, т. I, 239–42.
Там же, 278–9.
Kessler, Journey to the Abyss, 857–8.
Smith, One Morning in Sarajevo, 264–8.
Fuller, The Foe Within, гл. 8, везде.
Craig, Germany, 1866–1945, 368.
Cecil, Wilhelm II, 210–12.
Там же, 296.
Joll, 1914, 6.
Хорошее описание последних лет жизни Вильгельма см. у Cecil, Wilhelm II, гл. 14–16.