The Times, 28 ноября 1996.
The Times, 30 августа 1996.
S. G. F. Brandon: The fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church.
Послание к Галатам, 1:15,16.
S. G. F. Brandon: The fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church.
Послание к Коринфянам, 11:4.
W. L. Knox: Some Hellenistic Elements in Primitive Christianity.
R. Furneaux: The Other Side of the Story.
Guignebert: Le Monde Juif vers le Temps de Jesus.
R. Eisler: The Messiah Jesus and John the Baptist.
Перевод Доникейской Христианской библиотеки, том iii.
S. G. F. Brandon: The fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church.
Евсевий Кесарийский: История христианской церкви.
К. Kohler: Jewish Encyclopedia.
Н. Schonfield: The Passover Plot.
H. Maccabee: The Mythmaker.
To же.
В. L. Mack: The Lost Gospel.
J. Klausner: Jesus of Nazareth.
Иосиф Флавий: Иудейская война.
То же.
D. Я. Schlatter: Geschichte Israels von Alexander dem Crossen bis Hadrian.
Комментарии Пика к Библии.
J. М. Allegro: The Treasure of the Copper Scroll.
To же.
S. G. F. Brandon: The fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church.
А. Д. Williams: The Hebrew-Christian Messiah.
Вторая Книга Ездры, 13:11.
Тоже, 16:7.
Иосиф Флавий: Иудейская война.
Комментарии Пика к Библии.
Н. Schonfield: The Passover Plot.
W. О. E. Oesterley and G. H. Box: A Short History of the Literature of Rabbinical and Mediaeval Judaism.
Milman: History of the Jews.
S. G. F. Brandon: The fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church.
С. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
G. Delaforge: The Templar Tradition in the Age of Aquarius.
R. Brydon, из частной переписки.
L. Charpentier: The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral.
К. M. Kenyon: Digging up Jerusalem.
С. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
А. Sinclair: The Sword and the Grail.
J. Marsden: The Tombs of the Kings.
Baron St Clair Bonde: из частной переписки.
J. Fisken, из частной переписки.
Peter Preston: The Fraternity of Yorkshire West Riding Newsletter, осень 1994.
H. Thurston: The Stations of the Cross.
Апокриф о Святой Веронике.
F. P. Caslells: English Freemasonry.
F. P. Caslells: English Freemasonry.
Dr. Anderson: The Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of London, 1738.
Gould: History of Freemasonry.
E. Ashmole, запись в дневнике.
Hugh & Stilson: History of Freemasonry.
J. S. M. Ward: Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods.
Протокол Эдинбургской ложи св. Марии № 1, 23 марта 1684.
Протоколы Великой Аожи Древних и Принятых масонов Шотландии.
R. F. Gould: History of Freemasonry.
R. F. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Mackey: Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.
Hansard 1799.
R. F. Gould: History of Freemasonry.
Jeremiah How: The Freemasons’ Manual (1862).
C. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
R. F. Gould: History of Freemasonry.
Thory: Historie de la Foundation de Grand Orient (1812).
А. Whitaker: The Origin and Progress of the Supreme Council of the 33-rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite for England, Wales, The Dominions and the Dependencies of the British Crown (1933).
To же.
Официальный бюллетень Южной Юрисдикции (1878).
История Верховного Совета (1831).
А. Pike: Morals and Dogma.
А. Whitaker: The Origin and Progress of the Supreme Council of the 33-rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite for England, Wales, The Dominions and the Dependencies of the British Crown (1933).
А. Whitaker: The Origin and Progress of the Supreme Council of the 33-rd degree of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite for England, Wales, The Dominions and the Dependencies of the British Crown (1933).
М. Friedman: City of the Great King.
T. W. Doane: Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other religions.
J. Campbell: The Masks of God-Oriental Mythology.
E. Male: The Gothic Image.
G. L. Simons: Sex and Superstition.
M. Briffault: The Mothers.
Microsoft: Encarta 96 Encyclopedia.
L. Charpentier: The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral.
C. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
Т. Wallace-Murphy & М. Hopkins: Concurrance of the Oracles.
M. Baigent, R. Leigh & H. Lincoln: The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.
C. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
Microsoft: Encarta 96 Encyclopedia.
H. Schonfield: The Essene Odyssey.
A. Douglas: The Tarot.
M. Goodwin: The Holy Grail.
To же.
G. Walker: The Secrets of the Tarot.
E. Pagels: The Gnostic Gospels.
To же.
Microsoft: Encarta 96 Encyclopedia.
E. R. Chamberlin: The Bad Popes.
G. L. Simons: Sex and Superstition.
B. G. Walker: The Secrets of the Tarot.
To же.
R. Eisenman & M. Wise: The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered.
C. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key
To же.
S. R. Kaplan: The Encyclopedia of Tarot.
Неизвестный автор: Secret Societies of the Middle Ages.
Барон Сен-Клер Бонде, из частной переписки.
С. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
G. Phillips: The Search for the Graal.
To же.
N. Chadwick: The Celts.
А. О. H. Jarman: «Geoffrey of Monmouth and The Matter of Britain», Wales Through the Ages, vol. I.
T. W. Rolleson: Myths of the Celtic Race.
А. О. H. Jarman: «Geoffrey of Monmouth and The Matter of Britain», Wales Through the Ages, vol. I.
The Wordsworth Dictionary of Phrases and Fable.
Chambers Bibliographical Dictionary.
E. S. Drawer: The Mandeans of Iraq and Iran.
A. Daraul: Secret Societies.
C. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
Drawer, цит. сочинение.
P. Berresford Ellis: Celtic Inheritance.
G. Ashe: The Quest for Arthur’s Britain.
G. Phillips: The Search for the Graal.
To же.
To же.
M. Goodwin: The Holy Grail.
G. Phillips & M. Keatman: King Arthur, The True Story.
E. М. Hallam: Capetian France 987 — 1328.
М. Barbour: The New Knighthood.
E. M. Hallam: Capetian France 987 — 1328.
M. Barbour: The New Knighthood.
W. L. Wakefield: Heresy, Crusade, and Inquisition in Southern France, 1100–1250.
J. Allegro: Lost Gods.
To же.
R. Fawtier: The Capetian Kings of France.
E. M. Hallam: Capetian France 987 — 1328.
To же.
M. Barbour: The New Knighthood.
E. M. Hallam: Capetian France 987 — 1328.
N. Cohn: Europe’s Inner Demons.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
E. M. Hallam: Capetian France 987 — 1328.
N. Cawthorne: Sex Lives of the Popes.
Sismondi Republicques Italiennes.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
R. Barber: Knight and Chivalry.
G. Lizenard: La Dossier de Г Affaire des Templiers.
M. L. Barbour: James of Molay The Last Grand Master of the Temple, Studia Monastica, 1972, т. 14, стр. 91 — 124.
T. W. Parker: The Knights Templar in England.
Barbour, цит. произведение.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
G. Disgard: Les Registres de Boniface VIII.
Acta Aragonesia, 1, 26.
M. Barbour, Calender of the Close Rolls 1302 — 7.
C. Kohler: Documents Chypriotes du Debit de XIV’s Siecle.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
F. W. Bussel: Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages
H. de Curzon: La Maison du Temple de Paris.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
J. J. Robinson: Born in Blood.
А. Forgeais: Collection des plombs histories trouves dans la Seine
Guiseppe Pia: «The First Photograph of the Holy Shroud», Sindon, апрель, I960.
H. Kersten & E. R. Gruber: The Jesus Conspiracy.
M. Frei-Sulzer: «Nine years of palynological studies on the Shroud», Shroud Spectrum International 1 (3), 3–7 июня 1982
Philip Campbell: «Shroud to be dated», Nature № 323, стр. 482 (октябрь 1986).
S. Bowman: Interpreting the Past, Radiocarbon Dating
D. Dutton: «Still shroud in mystery», Nature № 327, стр. 10 (1987).
M. S. Tite «Turin shroud», Nature № 327, стр. 456 (1987).
M. S. Tite «Turin shroud», Nature № 332, стр. 482 (1988).
T. J. Phillips: «Shroud irradiated with neutrons?», Nature № 337, стр. 594 (1989).
P. E. Damon et ah: «Radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin», Nature № 337, стр. 611–615 (1989).
H. Kersten & E. R. Gruber: The Jesus Conspiracy.
N. P. L. Allen: «Is the Shroud of Turin the first recorded photograph?» South African Journal of Art History, 11 ноября, стр. 23–32 (1993).
N. P. L. Allen: «Verification of the nature and causes of the Photo-negative Images on the Shroud of Lirey-Chambery-Turin», dearturn.html.
L. Picket & С. Prince: Turin Shroud.
I. Piczek: «Is the Shroud of Turin a Painting», http:// www.
J. Walsh: The Shroud.
Dr. A. A. Mills: «Image formation on the Shroud of Turin» Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 1995, том 20, № 46, стр. 319–326.
М. Barbour: The Trial of the Templars.
M. Barbour: The New Knighthood.
E. Burman: Supremely Abominable Crimes.
C. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
Der Untergang des Templer-Ordens, II, 35.
P. A. Limborch: The History of the Inquisition.
To же.
G. R. Scott: A History of Torture.
R. Bucklin: «The Medical Aspects of the Crusifiction of Crist», Sindon, декабрь 1961.
J. F. Zilva & P. R. Pannal: Clinical Chemistry in Diagnosis and Treatment.
E. Burman: Supremely Abominable Crimes.
F. W. Bussel: Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages
М. Baigent, R. Leigh & Н. Lincoln: The temple and the Lodge.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
F. W. Bussel: Religious Thought and Heresy in the Middle Ages.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
P. A. Limborch: The History of the Inquisition.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
M. Barbour: The Trial of the Templars.
J. S. M. Ward: Freemasonry and the Ancient Gods.
To же. Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age..
To же
E. Burman: Supremely Abominable Crimes.
To же.
To же.
Anon: Secret Societies of the Middle Age.
Н. Schonfield: The Passover Plot.
I. Kobez & H. Friedenwald: The Jews in Medicine.
G. W. Buchanan: Jesus — The King and His Kingdom.
J. S. Minkin: The Teachings of Maimonides.
B. Kohen: Moses Maimonides’ Letter to Yemen.
D. Tompson: The End of Time.
R. F. Gould: History of Freemasonry.
Fred Olsen, из частной беседы.
G. Phillips and M. Keatman: King Arthur: The True Story
Pierre d’Arcis documents: Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris: Collection de Champagne, vl54, folio 138.
«The Holy Shroud and the Verdict of History», The Month, vol. Cl, 1903.
С. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
D. Mitrinovic: Freemasonry and Catholicism in the New Order. Lectures 1926–1950.
J. M. Allegro: The Treasure of the Copper Scroll.
H. H. Rowley: «Apocalyptic Literature», Peake’s Commentary on the Bible.
C. Knight & R. Lomas: The Hiram Key.
To же.
Dr. A. A. Mills: «Image formation on the Shroud of Turin», Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 1995, том 20, № 46, стр. 319–326.