We were tooling back to the lake in Price’s car. I said, “You promised him immunity if he’d talk. I don’t get it. He had his wife murdered. He’s got all that kiddie porn. How can you do that?”

“Sometimes you let the little fish swim through the trap so you can get the big fish,” Price said. “And sometimes the little fish get trapped anyway. Just leave it to me, Small.”

He drove us to Arnold’s cabin and we all got out and leaned against his car. Price said, “Where are y’all really staying?”

“We have a little place at the bottom of the lake under a plastic dome,” Virgil said.

“Whatever,” Price said. “I’ll keep the pressure on the Doc and have the particulars unfolded by noon tomorrow. I’ll meet you here, say a little after one and lay it out.”

Price got in his car and drove away. Virgil and I motored across the lake toward the drug dealer’s place. The lake lapped and hissed and the moonlight came out thin and silver and flowed over its surface like something radioactive.
