The first creature from earth to set foot-or treads-onto the moon will be a robot. It is in the design stage now and careful plans are being made for it to stroll around, sample the geology, search for life forms, examine the surface and measure the radiation of the moon. And of course send the information home. Unlike a man, the robot will then peacefully squat down and sit unmoving for all eternity, eye lenses staring without interest at its home world in the sky above. This little exploration-robot is so attractive a design that it has already caused a schism among the ranks of the scientists as to the necessity of sending men to the moon at all. But I think there is little doubt as to the outcome of that argument. I don’t remember any ticker-tape parades for robots. Rockets will reach the moon and the planets and, though there will be many robots aboard, there will also be at least one man. It will be hard to keep him alive, warm and comfortable-but he’ll be there…