
‘De la rigueur, de la rigueur et de la rigueur, je connais pas d’autre moyen de réussir ’ (‘Rigour, rigour and yet more rigour, that’s the only way I know to succeed’) was a slogan in the television advertising for UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal), for the years 2001 and 2002.

The Canadian DNA Data Bank is situated in the Ottawa headquarters of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police/Gendarmerie royale du Canada, but the ‘annex’ in Gatineau Federal Park is invented, and the episodes concerning DNA profiling in this novel are a mixture of the real and the fictional; they do not represent the RCMP’s actual modes of procedure. The following article (which appears in both French and English) was drawn upon for details of DNA profiling procedures: Joanna Kerr, ‘RCMP’s DNA Data Bank Sets a World Standard’, The Gazette/La Gazette, vol. 62, no. 5-6, 2000 (journal of the RCMP/GRC).

Translator’s note:

Canadian French differs more in terms of idiom and vocabulary from the French spoken in France than Canadian English does from British or US English. The French characters here sometimes find the language difficult to follow, but the examples have necessarily been cut or modified in translation.

French police ranks, which were renamed some years ago along the same lines as the gendarmerie and the military, have been left in French. The hierarchy ascends as follows: brigadier, lieutenant, capitaine, commandant, commissaire. These are roughly equivalent but do not exactly correspond to the British ranks: (detective) sergeant, inspector, chief inspector, superintendent, chief superintendent, with the divisionnaire being equivalent to commissioner. As commissaire principal, Adamsberg is the equivalent of chief superintendent.

FRED VARGAS is a historian, archaeologist and an internationally best-selling author. Her novel, The Three Evangelists, won the prestigious British Crime Writers’ Association Duncan Lawrie International Dagger Award. She lives in Paris.
