I am indebted to the following people for their contributions to this book:
To the fantabulous team at Algonquin, including Chuck Adams, Michael Taeckens, Aimee Rodriguez, Katherine Ward, Elisabeth Scharlatt, and Ina Stern. A very special shout-out to Saint Craig of Popelars, who saw something special and made booksellers believe. To all of you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
To my first readers, Karen Abbott, Maggie Dana, Kristy Kiernan, Maureen Ogle, Kathryn Puffett (who happens to be my mother), and Terence Bailey (who happens to be my father), for their love and support and for talking me off the ledge at regular intervals.
To Gary C. Payne, for answering my questions on all things circus, offering anecdotes, and checking my manuscript for accuracy.
To Fred D. Pfening III, Ken Harck, and Timothy Tegge, for graciously allowing me to use photographs from their collections. Special thanks to Fred for reading and helping me fine-tune the text.
To Heidi Taylor, assistant registrar at the Ringling Museum of Art, for helping me track down and secure the rights to various photographs, and to Barbara Fox McKellar, for allowing me to use her father’s photograph.
To Mark and Carrie Kabak, both for their hospitality and for introducing me to Mark’s former charges at the Kansas City Zoo.
To Andrew Walaszek, for providing and checking Polish translations.
To Keith Cronin, both for valuable criticisms and for coming up with a title.
To Emma Sweeney, for continuing to be all I could ask for in an agent.
And finally, to my husband, Bob—my love and greatest champion.