Somehow, the team could not rejoice, nor even relax. They were back in Washington DC, reunited, alive, nursing their wounds, but a kind of sinuous tension wove among them, a thread of threat and uncertainty. It was all down to reports and half-sentences, dark mutterings and exaggerated truths. Karin still hadn’t called in, but reports told of her traveling to Russia.

From where the new darkness emanated.

They should be celebrating in their usual manner, but this time it was different. They were all sitting or standing inside a darkly illuminated warehouse, a safe area designated and guarded by the President’s Secret Service staff until final announcements were made regarding their innocence.

Even Secretary Crowe was among them, determined to support the team and thank them for saving her life.

“How is Lauren?” Drake asked Smyth.

The soldier smiled. “I was with her earlier today at the hospital. Another week maybe, and she’ll be okay to leave.”

“Fantastic. Maybe you two can sort yourselves out then, eh?”

“I think we already have.” Smyth looked younger when he smiled, Drake decided. Long may it last.

Mai stood beside Luther, both leaning across a barrel, drinks in hand and surveying the room. “It won’t be long now,” Mai said. “And then we’ll be free.”

“What’s the first thing you’re gonna do?” Luther asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. Call Grace, probably. Grace is my foster daughter. Sort of.” She sighed. “It’s complicated.”

“Always is,” Luther said. “And after that?”

“A shower. A sleep. A good meal.”

“Cool, do you want some company?”

Mai narrowed her eyes and returned the warrior’s gaze with a cool glare of her own. “I’ll allow you to pay for my meal, yeah.”

“Well, that’s a start. I assume you’re allowing me to share it with you?”

“Steady on, Luther. That’s a big presumption.”

But even then, with her heart lifted, Mai couldn’t help but stare up into the rafters where the shadows coiled. It wasn’t anything physical, or obvious, just something out there in the world oppressing their contentment.

Most of the team stayed together, perhaps feeling a deeper solace in company. Drake sat with Alicia and Dahl, quietly reassured. Hayden and Kinimaka chatted a meter or so to their right, and the big Hawaiian asked her if she’d like to try again. Hayden’s smile of joy was more than enough of a response.

At one point they managed to get hold of Yorgi, though the line was crackling and the young thief sounded incredibly distant.

“I am okay,” he yelled intermittently, as if through thick ice. “I am being… I think… strange… but nothing I can rely on. It is… cold… the north.”

All was good. Drake yelled out a promise to join him if they needed him but Yorgi’s reply was lost to the severed connection and the snow and ice. He hated to think of their friend struggling on alone.

Luther and Molokai both sat on the hard floor, shot glasses arrayed around them like small offerings, all of them empty. Kenzie slid them over a fresh bottle with her boot. In the same movement she caught Dahl’s eye.

She beckoned him over to a corner.

“I am leaving,” she said. “Right now, I’ve done my time with this group. Earned my pardon. If you don’t want me, Torsten, I don’t want to be here.”

Dahl felt something tug at his heart. “I can’t say I’m not torn, Kenzie, but I haven’t changed my mind.”

“The ball and chain comes first?”

“Family,” he amended. “Family comes first.”

“Tell me this… if you didn’t have children what would you do?”

The look on his face said it all but, for Kenzie, that was even worse. She didn’t strike him, didn’t swear at him, but he knew right then and there that their friendship was firmly over.

“I hope you get back to your family,” she said.

He tried to shake the feeling of anxiety that had nothing to do with Kenzie. “Thanks. I will.”

“Goodbye, then.” Kenzie raised her voice to address the entire warehouse and stalked toward the door.

“Goodbye, Kenzie,” Dahl whispered, closing one door and wondering if he would live to regret it.

Heartfelt farewells came from the entire team; strange for some, not so for others. Kenzie had made herself one of them with her fearless fighting, her loyalty and her determination. She would always be one of them.

Drake hated to see her go. The thought, what’s next? rattled around his head like a crazy demon. During the hunt for Tempest he’d imagined the team taking a break, taking a vacation or revisiting loved ones, finding some form of life in the world that might help them through the coming battles.

Crowe took the call soon after that. They had all been fully pardoned.

Team SPEAR left the building.
