Another low grunt made me cry out.

My knees started to collapse. I took a deep, shivering breath and spun around to face the creature.


Not there.

No one there.

I swallowed. Swallowed again. My mouth suddenly felt bone-dry.

Another growl. I realized where it came from. From the back of the Marlings’ house.

They’re about to jump out the window, I told myself. Those are the sounds I hear every night just before they climb out the bedroom window.

And I’m standing out here in the open. I’ll be the first thing they see!

My legs didn’t want to work. But I gritted my teeth, took a deep breath-and forced myself to move.

My sneakers slid on the wet grass. I slipped, but I didn’t fall.

I scrambled to the bushes that divided my aunt and uncle’s house from the Marlings’ house.

I dropped to my knees, panting noisily. My heart pounded so hard, my chest hurt.

I ducked my head. And grabbed for the straps on my camera case.

A high, shrill animal howl floated out from the Marlings’ open bedroom window. The light of the moon made the side of their house gleam.

The yard was nearly as bright as day. Everything glistened from the frosty dew.

Ducking low behind the bushes, I could see every leaf, every dew-covered blade of grass.

I tugged at the zipper of my camera case. I knew I had to pull the camera out-fast. But my hands were shaking so bad, I couldn’t budge the zipper.

Another howl made me turn back to the window.

A shadow moved.

A leg slid out.

Another leg.

A slender form dropped to the ground.

It all happened so quickly. As if time had been put on fast-forward.

My eyes on the window, I struggled to unzip the camera case.

Another body crawled out from the darkness of the Marlings’ bedroom window.

Two forms stood on the ground and stretched.

Two humans!

Not wolves.


What were they wearing?


Dark fur capes, draped over their shoulders, hanging heavily behind them.

They had their backs to me. I couldn’t see their faces.

Hands on their waists, they stretched, bending back, bending from side to side, as if limbering up their muscles for a long jog.

And then they raised their heads to the moon-and howled.

Turn around! I pleaded silently, trembling behind the bushes. Please turn around! I want to see your faces!

“Ohhhh…” I uttered a startled moan as their fur capes began to move. The heavy capes began to curl around them, to tighten around their bodies.

And I realized they weren’t capes. They were some kind of animal skins.

Furry skins. With arms. And legs…

The dark skins wrapped themselves tightly over the two humans. The fur spread over their bodies, slid over their heads, covered their legs, their arms, their hands.

“Ohhhhh…” I shook so hard, I let go of the camera case and hugged myself. Hugged myself tight, trying to hold myself in, trying to keep myself together.

The two figures howled again, raising their furry arms over their heads. Silvery claws slid out from their paws.

The two creatures raked the claws at each other playfully, pretending to attack. Growling and grunting, they lowered themselves to all fours.

No longer humans.

Animals… wolf creatures…

Hannah is right, I realized. She told the truth. The Marlings are werewolves. They turned into wolves under the moonlight.

Gasping for breath, I snatched up the camera case. I fumbled once again with the zipper. Finally managed to pull it open.

And they turned. They both turned toward me.

Two wolves!

Their dark eyes stared out from beneath fur-covered foreheads. Their furry snouts snapped open to reveal rows of curled animal teeth.

Werewolves. The Marlings were werewolves. Human and wolf at the same time!

The werewolves nuzzled each other, growling softly. I raised the camera. I pulled myself up to my knees.

I’ve got to snap a picture. Do it now, Alex! I ordered myself.

But my hands shook so badly, I wasn’t sure I could hold the camera steady enough.

Do it! Do it!

I raised the viewfinder to my eye. I stood up a little higher to see over the top of the bush.

“Ohhh.” As I raised myself, a sharp twig scraped the side of my face.

And I dropped the camera!

It landed on the grass with a THUD.

The two wolf creatures turned.

And saw me!
