My life was always screwy compared to other kids' because my mother worked. She had to, from the time she was fourteen and her parents died after a subway train derailed at Times Square. They were on their way to the movies. She was taken in by her uncle Bill; there was nobody else. She worked in his Sweet Shop 'N Luncheonette every day after school, and that's where she met my father. She got married at seventeen, and after my father took off, Uncle Bill would slip her an extra dollar or two on rent day. Then he died, and Aunt Vivian never gave us an extra penny. Mom said we should be grateful the witch let her keep the job.
I always wanted a father. Any kind. A strict one, a funny one, one who bought me pink dresses, one who wished I was a boy. One who traveled, one who never got up out of his Morris chair. Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief. I wanted shaving cream in the sink and whistling on the stairs. I wanted pants hung by their cuffs from a dresser drawer. I wanted change jingling in a pocket and the sound of ice cracking in a cocktail glass at five thirty. I wanted to hear my mother laugh behind a closed door.
If I could choose a father, I would have chosen someone exactly like Joe. I fell for him, same as her. I was a pushover. I dressed up when he was coming. I laughed at his jokes and made sure we had beer in the fridge, even if we had to do without milk to buy it.
Joe and Mom had a date every Wednesday and Saturday for a year. Plenty of Sunday afternoons he'd take us for an outing, Rockaway Beach or even the city, just to get a soda at a drugstore. We waited forever, both of us, for him to propose. Christmas was coming, and Mom wanted a ring, or at least a promise. Joe couldn't afford a ring. He'd lost his job at the hardware store during the hard times and did a little of this, a little of that, to stay flush. A couple of nights pumping gas, three afternoons a week delivering seltzer and soda.
Mom was beginning to lose hope, and on Sunday mornings, after her date with Joe, she was starting to slam the coffeepot around something awful instead of humming to herself.
Then came Pearl Harbor, and we listened to the president's speech like everybody else, staring at the radio like we'd miss a word if we looked anywhere else. I was only nine, so I knew that something terrible had happened but at least it wasn't my fault. Later that night we heard feet pounding up the stairs, and it was Joe. He said we were in for it now, and everybody was saying Germany would be next. He said he was going to enlist, and asked her to marry him on the spot. My memory of his proposal is all mixed up with the voices on the radio talking about death and fire and lost ships in a place I'd never heard of, and Mom sobbing into Joe's shoulder.
Everybody seemed to die or disappear on us, so you could see how Mom and I lived through the war years with our fingers crossed, waiting for Joe to return. I stood over her on Saturday nights when she wrote him, telling her things to put in that I'd thought up all week, things to make him miss home so he'd fight stronger. I knew he wouldn't die. Not with us to come home to.
Four years went by. He had furloughs, when he'd show up handsome in his uniform and we got to parade him around, each of us holding on to an arm. Then he went back, and we got to worry and study the newspapers and his V-mail, just like everybody else. He felt even farther away when we got that mail, as if his personality had been squashed into the letters that were photographed and shrunk by Uncle Sam.
Joe didn't come home until a year after the war ended.
"Just a bit of mopping up to do," he wrote to us. He was stationed in Salzburg, Austria. I knew right where Salzburg was, because we'd stuck a big map on the wall in the kitchen. Everybody's geography got better during the war. I knew where Normandy was, and the Philippines, and Anzio, Italy. I could stick a pin in them right now without hardly looking. Pin the tail on the battle, Mom used to say. And pray Joe's not in it.
Those last months were the worst. It seemed like every day someone else's father or husband or son came home, and there was a party in someone's living room or backyard. When Margie's father came home, she walked around in a glow for weeks. I almost hated her. Your father was only a private, I wanted to say. Phooey.
We didn't talk about it, but I knew what my mom was feeling, because it was just what I was feeling. It was like Joe had been a dream.
And then, suddenly, one April morning, Joe returned, blowing in the front door with his arms full of flowers. I remember the splash of cold spring air on my cheeks, how he kept the door open and even Grandma Glad didn't close it. All the neighbors came over to say hello and stayed until one in the morning. General Eisenhower himself couldn't have gotten me to bed that night. I was wearing a present Joe had brought back, a bracelet that I kept twisting around on my wrist. Real gold, he said.
I never took the bracelet off, even in the bathtub. I never once thought about who'd owned it before. I was too busy pushing up the sleeves of my sweaters so everybody could see it.
Within two months of coming home, Joe had opened his first appliance store in Queens. "How do you like that?" he said. "Everybody wants to loan me money now." Then he opened another in Brooklyn, and he was planning to open two more. Everyone wanted to buy a brand-new Bendix washer from the Spoon.
When they got married down at City Hall, a photographer was there from Life, the magazine that was on every coffee table in America. He was looking for servicemen who were tying the knot. So Joe goes right up and tells him the story, how he'd stolen Beverly Plunkett, the prettiest girl in Queens, how he was called "the Spoon" and she was called "the Dish."
But here's the thing: Mom never had a nickname. Joe made it up. He conjured up the headline he wanted right out of the air, like Mandrake the Magician. He sold it the way he sold appliances.
The picture was on the mantel, in a silver frame. In it they're jumping off the third step of City Hall down to the sidewalk, arm in arm. Her blond waves are bouncing, her mouth dark with lipstick. It is in the very middle of winter, snow on the sidewalks, husbands and brothers and fathers heading off to war. But look at Beverly Spooner. Nothing ahead but blue skies. You can see it in her gleaming teeth, in the gardenia on the lapel of her camel hair coat, in the way one of her gloved hands is bunched into a fist, ready to punch Herr Hitler's lights out if he gets in the way of her happiness. Over their heads, the headline hollers:
I was there that day, at City Hall. Mom asked if I could be in the picture, too. I saw the photographer's gaze move over me, a plain-faced nine-year-old in my plaid coat, my legs all goose-bumpy from the cold. He took the picture, but even then I knew it wouldn't be the one they'd pick. I wasn't a part of that glamour, that glow. In the article they didn't even mention me. It was like Mom got married for the first time.
We'd stopped at a bar before we went. I waited outside with the corsage in a box. I felt very important. Grandma Glad had refused to come. I would be their only guest. Good-bye, Evie Plunkett, I kept saying to myself. Evie Spooner. Evie Spooner. The new name tasted like strawberry jam. I would get that, and a dad, too.