
What does October Bring? That’s a very good question. I know Beggars Night, at the very end of October, would bring us treats. This was one of Halloween’s many aspects that make the 31st of October so special. Halloween isn’t just about receiving treats. Halloween is also a chance and a possibility. A chance to thumb our collective noses at death and the great unknown, and a possibility, even if for only one evening a year, the curtain separating this world and the next might be drawn back just far enough for us to catch a glimpse of what is waiting for us on the other side. Or using Mr. Lovecraft’s phraseology; we might get to meet The Lurker at the Threshold!

I mentioned treats earlier. And that’s how I see this collection. I loved all those candies. B-B Bats and bite-sized Baby Ruth bars were great, but those little foil-wrapped Reese Cups were my favorites. And you, the reader are exceedingly fortunate to be holding a literary version of one of those foil-wrapped Reese Cups. On the outside though, instead of foil, you have a beautiful Daniele Serra cover to catch your eye and give you some hint of what awaits you between the covers. Of course you won’t find a diabetic coma-inducing mixture of Chocolate and Peanut Butter between those covers, but I can promise you though, that you will still find two great tastes that taste great together; H. P. Lovecraft and Halloween!

Every story in this anthology has been written a current Mistress or Master of the macabre and Lovecraftian. No voice is alike nor are any voices similar. This means that each story is to be savored as an individually wrapped and uniquely flavored Halloween treat. Each one sharing only a seasoning of Mr. Lovecraft’s essential Saltes.

So now that the nights are getting longer and the season of the witch draws nigh, turn down the lights and prepare yourself to enter a world of dreams, fantasies and horrors.


Doug Draa


August 2018
