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acceptance versus worry, 209
access tiers, 408
accidental multiverse, 189
activity rhythm, 43
actual threats, 370–71
Adam and Eve, 61
Adams, Douglas, 50–51
adaptive language of fitness (Wright), 265–66
ADHD, 313, 376
Afghanistan, 2, 115, 158, 215, 299, 347
afterlife, 200, 225
Age of Anxiety, 403–4
Age of Reason, 337
aggregators, data, 347
aggression, 5
aging population, 59, 119–20, 124, 225–37, 283–84, 289, 292–94, 370–71, 407, 478
AIDS/HIV, 46, 126, 201
airport security, 437
air-traffic control, 12
Akin, Todd, 140
alcohol use, 46, 84, 370
Alexander, Stephon H., 438–39
aliens, space, 72–76
Allen, Woody, 136
alloparents, 381–82
Almheiri, Ahmed, 183
Alter, Adam, 399–400
Altmeyer, Robert, 279
Alzheimer’s disease risk profile, 407
American Mathematical Society (AMS), 388
American Psychiatric Association (APA), 84
Amish, 65
anesthesia, 29
AngelList, 445
Animal Liberation Front, 50–51
Aniston, Jennifer, 156
anomalies, 180–83
Anonymous, 353
anthropocebo effect, 213
Anthropocene Age, 10, 210–11, 213
anthropology, 51, 82, 146–49, 418
antibiotics, 201
anti-matter, 356–57
anxiety, 284, 285, 370, 373–76, 403–4
Apple Computer, 320–21
Archilochus, 51
Archimedes, 421
Argentina, 450
Arikha, Noga, 427–30
Aristotle, 105, 207, 336
Armageddonists, 3, 10, 60–64, 62–64, 72
Armstrong, Lance, 269, 270–71
Armstrong, Neil, 268
arrogance, 269–71
art, 215
artificial intelligence (AI), 349–51, 413, 448–49. See also robots; Singularity, The
asteroids, 147
Atran, Scott, 80–82
augmented reality, 77
auroras, 19
Australia, 119
authoritarianism, 15, 277–79
autism, 201, 263, 292–93, 299–301, 376–78
bacteria, 201–2, 295–98, 338–39
Baldwin, Stanley, 379
Barlow, John Perry, 316–17
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 417–20
Bateson, Mary Catherine, 456–57
Bayes’ Theorem, 471
Beethoven Ludwig van, 206–7
behavioral economics, 104
behavioral genetics, 104
bell curve, 468–69, 472
Benford, Gregory, 67–71
Bergen, Benjamin, 48–49
Berlin, Isaiah, 51
Berlinski, David, 389
Berreby, David, 233–37
Big Bang, 195
Bigelow Aerospace, 69
binomial probabilities model, 470–71
BioBricks, 23
biocomputers, 22
biofuels, 149
Bio-Lego, 23
biological engineering, 22–23
biometric data privacy, 284, 406–9
biophilia, 313
biosphere, 109
biotechnology, 448–49
bioterrorism, 12, 20
Bjork, Robert, 398
black-hole information-loss paradox, 182, 185, 187
Blackmore, Susan, 306–9
Black Plague, 120, 210
blacks, 438–39
Black Swans, 464–67, 469
Blake, William, 127
Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne, 45–47
Boccaletti, Giolio, 332–35
Bohm, David, 193
Bohr, Niels, 186, 192, 282
Boko Haram, 63–64
Bomblies, Kirsten, 431–32
bonding, 86–89
Borges, Jorge Luís, 450, 452
Born, Max, 282
Borwein, Jonathan, 385
Bosch, Hieronymus, 40
Bostrom, Nick, 448
Botox, 167
Bowles, Samuel, 360
BP (British Petroleum), 35
Brahms, Johannes, 415
brain. See neuroscience
Brassier, Ray, 216
Brazil, 233
breast cancer, 286–88
Bredekamp, Horst, 215
Brockman, John, 417–18
Broecker, Wallace S., 448
Bronze Age, 210
Brooks, Rodney A., 123–24
Brower, David, 50
Buddhism, 62, 81
bullying, 94, 166, 269–71
Buss, David M., 154–57
calculators, 384
calibrated peer evaluation, 385
cancer, 201, 230, 270–71, 286–88, 293, 295–98, 303, 370, 471–72
cannabis, 46
capture concept, 35–37
carbon cycle, 210–12, 237
Carlin, George, 48
Carr, Nicholas G., 41–44
cascading crises, 12–13, 16, 436–37
catastrophic risks, 9–13, 146–49, 204
catharsis, 206–8
Catholicism, 62–63, 65
cell phones, 14
censorship, 48–49, 316–17. See also freedom of expression
CERN, 174–80, 183, 197, 198–99, 273, 280
Challenger disaster, 268
Chalupa, Leo M., 424–26
cheating, 269–71, 331, 432, 458
chemotherapy, 287, 295
chess, 39
children, 220–21, 244, 247–48, 313, 399–400, 437
brain development, 45–47
language acquisition and, 48–49, 419–20
parents and, 31, 379–82
reproductive biotechnology, 23, 118–22
with special needs, 376–78
technology use, 39–40, 93–97, 319–20, 399–400
China, 5, 68, 102, 111, 114–17, 123–24, 233–35, 238–39, 317, 440, 442
Chinese Room thought experiment, 28–29
Chomsky, Noam, 135
Christadelphians, 62
Christakis, Nicholas A., 421–23
Christian, David, 107–9
Christianity, 62–63, 65, 81
CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development), 283
circle of empathy (Lanier), 359
Clark, Andy, 349–51
Clarke, Arthur C., 168
Clausewitz, Carl von, 4
climate change, 2, 9, 11–12, 59, 68, 82, 211, 308–9, 358, 366, 371, 373, 448, 449, 456–57
cloning, 23
clouds, 34
coal, 69
Cohen, Joel E., 233–34
cold war era, 6–8, 10–11
Colombia, 251
coma, measuring consciousness, 414
complementarity, 185–86
complex systems, 19–21, 78–79, 101
computers. See also artificial intelligence (AI); Internet
augmented reality, 77
automation trend, 289–90
blind spots related to, 210–12
cognitive consequences of electronics, 461–63
data disenfranchisement, 171–73
digital revolution, 31, 134
Druid/Engineer divide, 50–52
fascism and, 166–67
illusion of knowledge and understanding with, 396–98
loss of intellectual humility, 396–98
objects of desire, 93–97
positive contributions of, 244–45
posthuman geography and, 352–54
risk to liberal democracy, 240–45
“smart” solutions, 53–55
stifling of progress, 56–57
touch interface and, 310–11, 454–55
use by children, 39–40, 93–97, 319–20, 399–400
virtual reality, 38–40
wearable monitoring devices, 284, 406–9
conjugacy, 471–72
connectedness, 12–13, 16, 17–18, 78–79, 280–82, 436–37
conquest, as aggression, 5
conscientiousness, 478
consciousness, 26–29, 32–33, 135–38, 414, 473–74
contraception, 62–63
conversation, fear of, 93–94
cooperation, 358–67, 371–72, 376–78
Copenhagen Institute, 282
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 198
copyright, 255, 316, 317
coronavirus, 202
corporations, 352–53, 459
Correlates of War Project, 105–6
corruption, 244, 250–53, 269–71
coupling, 78–79
courseware, 320
crash of 1987, 464
Creation, 61
credit agencies, 172
creolization of the world (Glissant), 214–17
Crick, Francis, 267
crime, 221–22, 238–39, 244, 250–53, 259–60, 284, 315–18, 408–9, 437, 440–43
Cronin, Helena, 127–30
crowd sourcing, 408
crowd wisdom, 79
Crutchfield, James, 20–21
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 38–40
Cuban missile crisis, 10, 11
cultural evolution, 431–32
cultural homogenization, 214–17
cultural learning, 349–51
cultural prehistory, 61
Curie, Marie, 267
Curiosity space rover, 141
cyberspace, 53
cyberwarfare, 2, 12, 316
Dahl, Roald, 26
Dalrymple, David, 352–54
Dark Ages, 52, 58, 59, 63, 64, 258
Darwin, Charles, 62, 128, 129, 326, 327
Das, Satyajit, 110–13
data disenfranchisement, 171–73
data mining, 171–73
dating services, 150–57
Dawkins, Richard, 431
Day of Judgment, 62, 63
death, 32–33, 200, 225–32, 236, 370–71, 441
De Biase, Luca, 461–63
de Broglie, Louis, 193
deception, 155
deceptive clarity (Linn), 397
decision-making process, 340–42
Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace, 316–17
deep brain stimulation, 300–301
deep learning algorithms, 350–51
Deepwater Horizon drill rig disaster (Gulf of Mexico), 35
definition of worrying, 131–33, 135
De Grey, Aubrey, 289–91
DeHaene, Stanislaus, 410–14
Delbrück, Max, 282
dementia, 230, 233, 407
democracy. See liberal democracy
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 251
Deng Xiaoping, 102
Dennett, Daniel C., 14–16, 27, 128, 223
de novo mutations, 292–94
depression, 85, 262, 299, 300–301, 374, 377–78
Descartes, René, 27
description, importance of, 325–27
desirable difficulties (Bjork), 398
Devlin, Keith, 383–86, 387
diabetes, 234, 283, 293
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 83–85
Diamond, Jared, 116
Dickens, Charles, 417
dictators, 15
digital commons, 254
digital humanities, 463
digital revolution, 31, 134, 310–11, 454–55
digital tattoos, 450–53
disaster relief, 204
disaster scenarios, 308–9
disease. See bacteria; infectious disease; viruses and specific diseases
diversity, 78–85, 438–39
Dobelli, Rolf, 322–24
doctoral-level education, 346, 459, 466–67
Dolly (cloned lamb), 23
Doraiswamy, P. Murali, 83–85
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 454–55
Drake, Frank, 73
dreams, 28
Droit-Volet, Sylvie, 41
drones, war and, 2
drug trafficking, 244
drug use, 46, 260, 440–43. See also pharmaceuticals
Druid/Engineer divide, 50–52
Duntley, Joshua, 157
Dweck, Carol, 220
Dyson, Esther, 203–5
Dyson, Freeman, 12–13
Dyson, George, 17–18
Earth, 67–76, 161, 355–57
ecological chaos, 108–9, 111
ecology, 25, 462
economics, 67–71, 75–76, 104, 105–6, 112, 149, 171. See also financial crisis of 2008; financial markets
Economist Intelligence Unit, 171
effective versus neurotic worrying, 212
Eger, Evelyn, 412
Ehrenfest, Paul, 161–62, 267
Ehrenzweig, Anton, 474
Ehrlich, Paul, 114
Einstein, Albert, 74, 160, 177, 180–83, 193, 198, 199, 212, 267, 282
electric power grids, 12
electroencephalogram (EEG), 413–14
electromagnetism, 181–82
electronic tattoos, 453–53
e-mail, 56, 90–91, 307
empathy, 262–63, 359
Enlightenment, 63, 81, 337
Eno, Brian, 158, 439
Enriquez, Juan, 450–53
entrainment, 86–89
environment, 45–47, 210–12, 213, 288, 293–94, 303, 312–14. See also climate change
ecological chaos, 108–9, 111
water resources, 83, 332–35, 378
epilepsy, 262
epistemology of information, 463
error catastrophe threshold, 125–26
Eshleman, Von R., 74
eugenics, 66
Evans, Dylan, 100–102
Everett, Daniel L., 390–93
evidence, reasoning from, 460
evil, nature of, 368–69
evolutionary prehistory, 61
evolutionary psychology, 104
evolutionary theory, 104
exaggerated expectations, 302–5
excellence, war on, 265–68
exercise, 370
expanded reality, 192–93, 195–96
experimental mathematics, 384–85
exponential probabilities model, 469–70
extinction, 23–24, 80, 146, 214–17, 448
eye glasses, augmented, 77, 406, 407
Facebook, 43, 87, 171, 173, 254–55, 315–16, 408, 428
facial-recognition technologies, 453
falsifiability, 188–89
fascism, technology-generated, 166–67
fat tails/kurtosis, 464–67
Fehr, Ernst, 360
Ferguson, Niall, 112–16
fertility rates, 118, 121–22, 235, 236
Feyerabend, Paul, 198
Feynman, Richard, 149, 268
financial crisis of 2008, 13, 111–12, 159–63, 368, 371, 436, 469
financial markets, 12, 20, 79, 267, 368–69. See also financial crisis of 2008
Finn, Christine, 310–11
fire departments, 444
Firestein, Stuart, 302–5
firewall paradox, 183–85
Fisher, Helen, 150–53
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 110, 113, 322
flash crashes, 20, 79
flipping a coin, 470–71
flu, 201, 202
Flynn Effect, 344
Foreman, Richard, 473–74
Four Second Rule, 42
Fourth Culture, 246–49, 143, 144–45
freedom, 203–5, 243
freedom of expression, 48–49, 248–49, 463. See also censorship
free will, 218–24
Freud, Sigmund, 66, 370
Friedman, Howard, 478
Frith, Chris and Uta, 273–74
Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster (Japan), 36
Fukuyama, Francis, 100
Fuller, R. Buckminster, 390–93
functional magnetic resonance imaging, 410–11
fundamentalism, 50–51, 56–66, 177–79, 184–90
Futurist movement, 461
Galileo, 421
Gallant, Jack, 412
game theory, 104
Gamow, George, 267
gangs, prison, 259–60
Gardner, Howard, 223–24
Gates, Bill, 391
Gatto, Taylor, 279
Gefter, Amanda, 180–83
Gelernter, David, 90–92
breast cancer research, 286–88
education of girls, 47
myths about men, 150–53
objective/subjective asymmetry, 127–30
pharmaceuticals and, 377–78
sex differences in the mind, 419–29
sex ratio in China, 238–39
gene therapy, 167
genetically modified organisms (GMO), 23, 24, 50
genetic engineering, 23, 132
genetics, 125–26, 204, 288, 292–94, 420. See also genomics
genetic sequencing, 273, 280, 292–94, 295, 297–98
genius, war on excellence and, 265–68
genomics, 24, 273, 288, 292–94, 295–301, 408
geomagnetic storms, 19–20
Germany, 118, 206, 244, 441
Gershenfeld, Neil, 168–70
Gibbon, Edward, 258
Gibson, William, 446
Giddings, Steve, 184–87
gift of worrying, 477–78
Gil, Sandrine, 41
Gilliam, Terry, 209
Glissant, Édouard, 214
globalization, 80–85, 214–17, 243–44, 364–67, 431–32
global warming, 211, 371, 448, 456–57
Gold, Joel, 373–75
Goleman, Daniel, 210–12
Good, Irving J., 32
good life, ideas of, 107–9
goodness, expectation of, 368–69
Google, 34, 42, 56, 164–65, 171, 315, 316, 326–27
Google Images, 454
Google News, 347
Google Plus, 408
Gopnik, Alison, 379–82
Gottschall, Jonathan, 433–35
Gould, Stephen Jay, 313
government. See also liberal democracy; politics
alternative forms of, 100–102
censorship of the Internet, 316
funding of science, 290–91, 328–31, 422–23
need for coordination of laws, 371–72
protecting complex systems from catastrophe, 21
regulatory capture, 35–36
sociopolitical forces in science, 421–23
Gowers, Tim, 273
GPS, 19, 20, 79, 396
gratitude, 274–75
gravitational lensing, 74–75
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 110, 113, 322
Greece, 107, 166, 453
Greens, 51
Grothendieck, Alexander, 267
groupism, 4, 147–49
groupthink, 266
growth, 107–16
G-type stars, 147
Guatemala, 251
hacking, 284, 408–9
Haidt, Jonathan, 278–79
Hainmueller, Jens, 359
Hales, Thomas, 387
hallucinogenic drugs, 441, 443
handprints, 211–12
Hannay, Timo, 26–29
hantavirus, 202
Happé, Francesca, 273–74
happiness, 138, 301
harassment, 94
Harris, Sam, 259–60
Harvard Business School, 284
Harvard School of Public Health, 211
Haun, Daniel, 364–67
Hawking, Stephen, 72, 185
health care, 200–205
heart disease, 201, 230, 234, 370, 441
hedgehog/fox distinction, 51
Heffernan, Virginia, 134
Heider, Fritz, 273
Heisenberg, Werner, 192
helmets, 200, 204
Henry, John, 62
herd mentality, 281
heresy, 62, 63–64
heroes, 267–76, 282
Heyes, Cecilia, 350
hidden-variables theory, 193–94
Higgs, Peter, 272
Higgs boson, 139, 140, 174–75, 177–78, 180, 197, 300, 319
high blood pressure, 283
higher education, 346, 385–86, 390–93, 459, 466–67
higher mind, 87
Highfield, Roger, 272–76
Hillis, W. Daniel, 164–65
Hinduism, 81
Hiscox, Michael, 359
history, 61, 427–30, 444–46
HIV/AIDS, 46, 126, 201
Hobsbawn, Eric, 216
Hoffman, Donald D., 135–38
holography/complementarity, 185–86
Holton, Gerald, 224
Homer, 153
Homo erectus, 61, 80
homogenization, 80–85, 214–17, 281
Homo sapiens, 61, 114, 343–44
Hood, Bruce, 328–31
Hubble’s constant, 356
hubristic pride, 269–71
Huffington, Arianna, 283–84
Huffington Post, 91–92, 401
human capital, 346
Human Genome Project, 273, 288, 295, 299
human geography, 352–54
Human Microbiome Project (HMP), 297–98
human/nature divide, 312–14
human rights, 4–5, 243
Hume, David, 103
Humeau, Marguerite, 216–17
Humphrey, Nicholas, 454–55
Hypatia, 58
hypercivilization, 147
hyperworry, 372
Iacobini, Marco, 261–64
IBM, 171
ice ages, 147
identity theft, 316
idiocracy/stupidity, 343–46, 458–60
imagination, 198–99, 370–71
imagined threats, 370–71
immigration, 119–20, 124, 235, 236, 244
immunization, 201–2, 403–4
impact, 328–31
impulse control, 134, 221
income inequality, 108, 166–67, 171–73, 381
incompetent systems, 98–99
India, 115, 233, 234
indirect reciprocity, 273–74
individuality, 4, 33, 78–79, 267–68, 272–76. See also heroes; homogenization
Industrial Revolution, 31, 69, 289–90, 337, 384
infectious disease, 201–2, 296–97, 403–4. See also bacteria; viruses
influenza, 201, 202
information-ecosystem metaphor, 462
Information Revolution, 31, 134
Inquisition, 421
Instagram, 173, 255
instant gratification, 42–43
intellectual property rights, 98–99, 254–56, 316, 317
interdependencies, 358–63
intergenerational conflict, 229–32, 236–37. See also aging population
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), 106
International Data Corporation, 171
International Space Station, 68–69
International Telecommunication Union, 318
Internet. See also social media
backup systems, 16, 17–18
cyberattack risks, 2, 12, 284, 316, 408–9
cyberspace, 53
David and Goliath scenario, 15
devaluation of written word and, 87, 90–92
electronic tattoos and, 450–53
fragility of complex systems, 19–21
illegal drugs and, 442
impact on adolescent brain development, 46
instant gratification and, 42–43
intellectual property rights, 254–56
leveling influence of, 14–16
new opportunities, 131–32
news articles on, 342
online silos, 401–2
patience deficit and, 42–43
Popular Culture and, 246–49
power and, 315–18
as reference library, 427
risks of interconnectedness, 12–13, 17–18, 280–82
risk to liberal democracy, 240–45
safe mode for, 17–18
search engines, 164–65, 461
“smart” solutions, 53–55
interplanetary economy, 67–71, 75–76
interstellar travel, 355–57
intersubjectivity, 87
inter-universal Teichmüller theory, 388
intimate-partner battering, 156, 157
investment banks, 159–63
IQ (intelligence quotient), 343–46, 458–60, 478
Iran, 118, 244, 456
Iraq, 1–2, 158
Islam, 62, 63, 65, 81
is-ought fallacy, 103–6
Italy, 235
Jacquet, Jennifer, 213
James, William, 41, 223
Japan, 118, 119, 124, 235
Jardin, Xeni, 286–88
Jefferson, Thomas, 453
Jeffery, Kate, 229–32
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 60–62
Jerome, St., 58
John of Patmos, St., 60
journalism, 36–37, 139–45, 150–53, 248–49, 342, 347–48, 379, 401–2
Judaism, 62, 65, 81
Kaczynski, Ted, 50–51
Kahneman, Daniel, 3, 223, 475
Kant, Immanuel, 105
Kauffman, Stuart A., 336–39
Kaufmann, Eric, 65
Kedrosky, Paul, 444–46
Kelly, Kevin, 117–20
Keltner, Dacher, 278–79
Kennedy, John F., 10
Kennedy, Robert, 108–9
Kenrick, Douglas T., 343–46
Kepler, Johannes, 336
Kerouac, Jack, 311
Keynesian economics, 112, 149
Khrushchev, Nikita, 10
Kickstarter, 212, 445
King, Stephen, 434–35
Kinsbourne, Marcel, 86–89
Kirilenko, Andrei, 172
Klein, Gary, 403–4
Knutson, Brian, 370–72
Kosko, Bart, 468–72
Kosslyn, Stephen M., 362–63
Krause, Kai, 319–21
Krauss, Lawrence M., 195–97
Kreye, Andrian, 206–8
Krishnan, Shunmuga, 43
Kuhn, Thomas, 198
kurtosis/fat tails, 464–67
Kurzban, Robert, 238–39
Kurzweil, Ray, 32, 34, 236
Lang, Serge, 267
language impairment, 420
Lanier, Jason, 359
Laplace, Marquis de, 339
Laplacian Demon, 339
Large Hadron Collider (LHC), 174–80, 183, 197, 198–99, 273
LaTeX, 385–86
Latinos, 119–20, 438–39
learning disabilities, 376
Leavis, F. R., 417
LeDoux, Joseph, 285
Lehman Brothers, 163, 465
Lehrer, Jonah, 269, 270
leverage, financial, 163
Levi, Margaret, 358–61
liberal democracy, 99, 100–102, 105–6, 112–13, 240–45, 248, 250–53
libertarianism, 51, 200–202, 316–17
Library of Congress, 255–56
lifestyle choices, 370–71
Lih, Andrew, 254–56
Linn, Marcia, 397
Lisi, Anthony Garrett, 225–28
literature, personal letters in, 90–91
living standards, 107–16
Livio, Mario, 188–90
Lloyd, Seth, 159–63
local cooperation, 365, 367
locality, 184–87
Lombrozo, Tania, 396–98
Lorentz, Hendrik, 181, 182
LSD, 443
Luther, Martin, 223
lying, 269–71
Lysenkoism, 66
MacNamara, Robert, 10
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), 6–8
Maddison, Angus, 107
magic, 168–70
malware, 79
manual skills, 306–9
many-worlds explanation, 192–93
Mao Zedong, 108
Marcus, Gary, 447–49
marijuana, 46
market economy, 81, 105–6. See also financial markets
Marolf, Donald, 183
Martin, Ursula, 325–27
Maslow, Abraham, 277
Massey Energy, 35
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs), 385–86, 390–93
material progress, 107–9, 319–24
mate value, 154–57, 323
mathematics, 273, 383–89
Maxwell, James Clerk, 181–82
McEwan, William, 125–26
McLuhan, Marshall, 134
mediasphere, 462
mediologists, 462
meditation, 284
memes, 431
mental health, 83–85, 299–301, 368–69. See also psychiatric disorders
metaworry, 370–72
Metzger, Gustav, 216
Metzinger, Thomas, 440–43
Mexico, 119, 251
Michelson, Albert, 181–82
Michelson-Morley experiment, 181–82
microbiome, cancer and, 295–98
Microsoft, 42, 315
Middle Age, 210
Milgram, Stanley, 368
Mill, John Stuart, 105
Miller, Arthur, 110
mindfulness, 284
mining, 35, 69
misplaced worry, 131–33
Mitchell, Tom, 411
Mochizuki, Shinichi, 388
modern passion of worrying, 475–76
molecular control mechanisms, 24–25
money laundering, 244
“monsters from the id,” 147–49
Montaigne, Michel de, 113
MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses), 385–86, 390–93
Moore, G. E., 103
moralistic punishment, 104
morbid anxiety, 373–75
Morley, Albert, 181–82
Mormonism, 60, 62, 65
Morozov, Evgeny, 53–55
Morrison, Jim, 156
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 49
MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 201
Mueller, John, 3
multitasking, 46
music, catharsis in, 206–7
Musk, Elon, 68–69
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), 6–8
mystery of worry, 135–38
nanotechnology, 301, 448–49
narcissism, 3–4, 269–71, 278–79
National Academy of Sciences, 19
National Cancer Institute, 286–88
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 288, 297
nationalism, 235–36
National Review Online, 401
National Survey of Children’s Health, 420
naturalistic fallacy, 103–6
natural selection, 101, 103–4, 121–22, 128, 129, 138, 213, 229–32, 343–46
Naughton, John, 98–99
Neanderthals, 61, 80
negative specific heat, 160–61
Nesse, Randolph, 19–21, 101
networks, 12, 41–44. See also social media
Neumann, John von, 267
neurometrics, 284, 406–9
neuromodulation, 262–64
neurophenomenological state-classes, 442
neuroscience, 26–29, 45–47, 151, 210–12, 218, 262–64, 273–74, 410–14
neurotic versus effective worrying, 212
Newman, John Henry, 62
Newton, Isaac, 127, 160, 192, 336–39
New York Times, 139–42, 143, 144–45
Nigeria, 63–64
Nixon, Richard M., 286, 303
Nobel Prize, 35–36, 257, 282
noninvasive neuromodulation, 262–64
normal bell curve, 468–69, 472
North Korea, 384
Norton, Michael I., 143–45
Nørretranders, Tor, 121–22
nuclear fuel, 36, 70
nuclear weapons, 2–3, 6–13
Obama, Barack, 100, 172, 315
objective/subjective assymetry, 127–30
Obrist, Ulrich, 214–17
obscene words, 48–49
observation, importance of, 325–27
obsession, with impact of worrying, 328–31
O’Donnell, James J., 475–76
oil spills, 35
Olympic Games, 272, 284
Oneal, John, 105–6
O’Neill, Brian, 237
100-Year Starship (100YSS), 355–57
open platforms, 342, 408, 461
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 267
optogenetics, 301
Orbital Technologies, 69
O’Reilly, Tim, 58–59
outsourcing, 306–9, 396
Overbye, Dennis, 139
packaging worry, 456–57
Pakistan, 2
pandemics, 79, 308–9
Paralympics, 275
parasites, 298, 432
parents, 31, 379–82
Parker, Bruce, 246–49
Parkinson’s disease, 301
passback, 93
pathological synchrony, 79, 82
patience deficit, 41–44
PayPal, 68
Penn, Sean, 91–92
Pentecostalism, 207
perfect justice, war and, 4
pharmaceuticals, 37, 83–85, 288, 300–301, 302–5, 333, 375, 377–78, 440–43
phatic speech, 86
phenethylamine, 441
phenotechnology, 442
phobias, 370
physiological needs, 277, 278
Pickover, Clifford, 387–89
pi-meson, 356–57
Pinker, Steven, 1–5, 106, 279, 418, 434, 436–37
Pitt, Brad, 156
Pizarro, David, 56–57
placebo effect, 213
Planck, Max, 149
Planetary Resources, 69
Plato, 391
pleasure of agency (Wood), 360
poetry, 463
Poisson probabilities model, 469–70
Polchinski, Joseph, 183
politics, 158, 242–44, 250–53, 260, 315, 369, 421–23, 453. See also liberal democracy
Polity Project, 105
polygamy, 238–39
polygyny, 238–39
Polymath Project, 273
Popper, Karl, 198
Popular Culture (Fourth Culture), 246–49
aging. See aging population
decline in, 117–20
growth of, 68, 114–16
immigration trends, 119–20, 124, 235, 236, 244
portage cities, 444–45
Posner, Richard, 236–37
posthumanism, 352–54
Poundstone, William, 77
poverty, 108, 381
power, 277–79, 315–18, 379
PowerPoint, 88
powersats, 75–76
presentation technologies, 385–86
present-ism, 91–92, 427–30
press. See Internet; journalism
printing press, 46
prisons, 259–60, 437
privacy, 132, 284, 406–9
probability models, 468–72
Protestantism, 65
Provine, Robert, 477–78
Prozac, 83
psychiatric disorders, 83–85, 219, 292, 293, 299–301, 410
PTSD, 284, 374
Putin, Vladimir, 5
p values, 464–65
quantum mechanics, 174–80, 182–87, 191–94, 195, 273, 339
quantum theory, 177
quarks, 189–90. See also Standard Model
Quarter of a Second Rule, 42
queueing theory, 469–70
radiation, 72–76, 293–94
radio, 46, 48–49, 72–76
railroads, 69
Randall, Lisa, 174–76
Rawls, John, 105
Raza, Azra, 295–98
reciprocal altruism, 104
reductionism, in physics, 339
Rees, Martin, 9–13, 215–16
Regis, Ed, 355–57
regulatory capture, 35–36
relationships, 150–57, 323
relativity, 74, 177, 181–82, 184–85, 195
religious institutions, 15, 58, 60–66, 81
reproductive biotechnology, 23, 118–22
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 329
resource shortages, 1–2, 9, 69, 75–76, 115–16, 308–9
respect, 153
retirement age, 235
retroviruses, 297
Richardson, W. Mark, 389
Richter, Gerhard, 217
Ridley, Matt, 65–66
Rindermann, Heiner, 345–46
Robinson, Kim Stanley, 69
robots, 59, 123–24, 132–33, 236. See also artificial intelligence (AI); Singularity, The
Rogers Commission, 268
Roman Empire, 58, 65, 81, 247, 258
romantic love, 150–57, 273–74
Rosenathan, David, 83–84
Rosenberg, Robin S., 362–63
Rovelli, Carlo, 198–99
Rowan, David, 171–73
Royal Society, 394
Rushkoff, Douglas, 376–78
Russett, Bruce, 105–6
Russia, 118, 119
Sabbagh, Karl, 368–69
Saffo, Paul, 50–52
Sagan, Carl, 67–68, 70, 73
Salcedo-Albarán, Eduardo, 250–53
Sampson, Scott, 312–14
Samuelson, Paul, 149
Sanger, Larry, 401–2
Sapolsky, Robert, 218–22, 235–36
SARS, 201
SceneTap, 452–53
Schank, Roger, 458–60
Schiller, Friedrich, 206–7
schizophrenia, 84, 85, 219, 292, 293, 299–301, 410
Schmidt, Gavin, 347–48
Schneier, Bruce, 315–18
Schrödinger, Erwin, 193, 337, 415
Schwartz, Peter, 436–37
science. See also specific subjects and scientific fields
Age of Anxiety, 403–4
alternative institutions, 268
big business and, 37, 287–88, 394–95
blown opportunities, 257–58
compartmentalization, 415–16
decline in news media coverage, 139–45
decline of scientific hero, 267–68, 272–76, 282
diversity in, 438–39
in educational institutions, 425–26
elite versus “scientifically challenged” majority, 424–26
as enemy of humankind, 394–95
extending life span, 225–28, 230–32, 236
failure to understand everything, 387–89
Fourth Culture as threat to, 247–48
free will versus, 218–24
human/nature divide and, 313–14
impact of increased medical knowledge, 203–5
impact on reproduction, 23, 118–22
importance of impact in research, 261–64, 328–31
importance of science literacy, 241–42
is-ought fallacy, 103–6
“monsters from the id,” 147–49
objective/subjective asymmetry, 127–30
obsession with impact, 261–64, 328–31
peer-reviewed life-science publishing, 261–64, 330–31
physical threats, 146–47
positive contributions of, 244–45
public funding for research, 290–91, 328–31, 422–23
social media impact on coverage, 143–45
sociopolitical forces in, 421–23
undervaluing of, 319
university partnerships with industry, 261–64, 330
war on excellence, 265–68
science capture, 37
scientific method, 341
search engines, 164–65, 461
Searle, John, 28
seatbelts, 372
Segre, Gino, 280–82
Seife, Charles, 35–37
Sejnowski, Terrence J., 299–301
self-actualization needs, 277–79
self-driving cars, 31, 56–57
self-esteem, 47, 156, 270, 277, 278
self-interest, 359, 364–65
self-reflection, 95
self-sufficiency, 307
semantic search, 164–65
serenity prayer, 373–74
Seventh-Day Adventists, 62
Shakespeare, William, 136, 326
shame, 270
Shermer, Michael, 103–6
Shockley, William, 267
short-term memory, 428–29
Shostak, Seth, 72–76
Silk Road, 81
silos, online, 401–2
Simmel, Mary-Ann, 273
Singularity, The, 30–34, 50, 58, 207, 349–51
Sitaraman, Ramesh, 43
Slashdot, 401
sleep habits, 85, 203, 284, 404, 406
Slovic, Paul, 3
Smale, Stephen, 267
smallpox, 403–4
smartphones, 14, 79, 93–97, 399–400, 453, 454
“smart” solutions, 53–55
Smith, Cameron, 355
Smith, Laurence C., 114–15
smoking, 46, 200–201, 370
Smolin, Lee, 191–94
Snow, C. P., 51, 246, 417–20
social chaos, 20
social determinism, 420
social media
access tiers, 408
children and, 94
disconnect between news and understanding, 347
electronic tattoos and, 451–52
human interaction and, 86–89, 94–95
impact on adolescent brain development, 46
impact on science coverage, 143–45
instant gratification and, 43
intellectual property rights, 254–56
power and, 315–16
social prejudice, 262–63
Socrates, 148
solar energy, 75–76
solitude, 95–96
South Korea, 239
South Park (movie), 49
Soviet Union, fall of, 3, 5, 11, 353
space aliens, 72–76
Space Ark, 355–56
space-warp propulsion, 356–57
SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies Corporation), 68–69
Spain, 235
Sperber, Dan, 131–33
spice drugs, 441
SSRN (Social Science Research Network), 465
stalking, 156–57
Standard Model, 177–79, 180, 189–90, 197
Stapel, Diederik, 269, 270
status seeking, 322–24
steam engines, 69
Sterling, Bruce, 34
Stigler, George, 35–36, 37
stochastics, fat tails/kurtosis, 464–67
Stodden, Victoria, 340–42
Strauch, Barbara, 139–42
stress, 85, 135, 203, 218–19, 221, 283–84
Strogatz, Steven, 78–79
stroke, 234, 370
stupidity/idiocracy, 343–46, 458–60
stuttering, 420
subjective experience, 27
Sudan, 251
Sully, James, 183
Sumner, Seirian, 22–25
Superconducting Super Collider (canceled), 175
superstition, 65–66
surveillance, 316, 410–11
Susskind, Leonard, 182
Swan, Melanie, 406–9
synchronization, 78–79, 82
synergy, 362–63
synthetic biology, 12–13, 22–25, 50
tablets, 14, 93–97, 399–400
taboo words, 48–49
Taiwan, 239
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 464–67
Tales of the Unexpected (TV series), 26
Taliban, 215
tattoos, digital, 450–53
tax evasion, 244
Taylor, Timothy, 60–64
teamwork. See cooperation
Tegmark, Max, 30–33
telescope technology, 73–75
television, 39–40, 46
television signals, 72–76
Teller, Edward, 267
Terman, Louis, 478
terrorism, 2–3, 11, 12, 20, 132, 206, 433, 435, 437, 451
testosterone, 218, 238–39, 419
thalidomide, 441
themata, 224
Theory of Everything, 190
Thiel Fellowship program, 268, 352
Third Culture, 246, 417–18
Thirion, Bertrand, 412
Thompson, James, 345–46
Thutmose III of Egypt, 60
time, 41–44, 240–41, 427–30
Tooby, John, 146–49
Topol, Eric J., 292–94
touch interface, 310–11, 454–55
Tracy, Jessica L., 269–71
trade, in market economy, 81, 105–6
transhumanism, 50, 352–54
transparency, 14, 106, 242–43
transport, 69, 355–57
tribalism, 148, 348, 358
trust, 153, 155
Tudge, Colin, 394–95
Turing, Alan, 28
Turkle, Sherry, 93–97
Tversky, Amos, 3
Twain, Mark, 86
Twitter, 43, 87, 241, 254, 255–56, 315–16
typewriters, 311
U2, 207
Ukraine, 415
uncertainty, 289–91
understanding, 347–48, 387–89
Ungaretti, Giuseppe, 461, 463
UNICEF, 46–47
uniform probability model, 470
Universal Turing Machine, 278
universe, 195–96, 355–57
unknown unknowns, 1, 289–91, 447–49
unnecessary worrying, 134, 200–202
Upper Big Branch mine disaster (Virginia), 35
Up with Technology, 445
urbanization, 115–16, 118–19
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 283–84, 421
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 412
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 317
U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 48–49
U.S. National Security Agency, 172–73
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), 36
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 36
Ussher of Armagh, Archbishop, 61
U.S. Supreme Court, 48–49
utopian ideologies, war and, 4
vaccination, 201–2, 403–4
Vassar, Michael, 277–79
vegetative state, measuring consciousness, 414
Venter, J. Craig, 200–202
video cameras, 451, 452–53
video games, 38–40, 46, 247, 433–34
Vienna Circle, 415
Vietnam, 1
Vinge, Vernor, 6–8, 32, 34
violence, 156, 157, 259–60, 433–35, 436–37. See also video games; war
Virgin Galactic, 69
virtual reality, 38–40
viruses, 125–26, 201–2, 282, 295–98, 403–4
vocabulary, 48–49, 419–20
Volcker, Paul, 111–12
Voodoo, 207
Voyager 1 spacecraft, 67–68, 70, 355–56
Wallich, Henry, 112
Walmart, 171
war, 1–13, 38–40, 75, 105–6, 247, 316
War on Cancer, 286–88, 303
War on Drugs, 260, 440–43
water resources, 83, 332–35, 378
Watson, James, 267
Watters, Ethan, 85
Weber, Max, 336
Weibo, 254, 255
Weinberg’s Dream, 339
Weinstein, Eric R., 265–68
Weisman, Alan, 113
West Nile virus, 201
whistleblowers, 369
whooping cough, 202
Wikipedia, 164, 428
Wilczek, Frank, 257–58
Williams, George C., 19, 101
will to survive, 405
Wilson, E. O., 313
Winer, Dave, 405
wireless devices, 34
Woit, Peter, 177–79
Wood, Elisabeth, 360
Woolf, Virginia, 237
World Health Organization (WHO), 85, 233, 283
World Trade Organization (WTO), 318
World War I, 7
World War II, 1, 4–5, 73, 167, 461
World Wide Web, 280, 342. See also Internet
worry gap, 370–71
Wright, Sewall, 265–66
writing, 87, 90–92. See also journalism
Yeager, Chuck, 226
Y2K-bug, 2, 456
yoga, 284
YouTube, 171, 254, 412, 451
Zeilberger, Doron, 387–88
Zeilinger, Anton, 415–16
Zimmer, Carl, 298
zoonotic transfer, 201, 202, 210
Zoroastrianism, 81
Zweig, Stefan, 214–15, 217
zygomatic arches, 221