Many thanks to Carolyn Mays my editor at Hodder & Stoughton. Also thanks to Abby Parsons for all her assistance and to Justine Taylor for clear and clean copy-editing. At McClelland & Stewart, I would like to thank Ellen Seligman, and at William Morrow, my editor Daniel Mallory and assistant editor Marguerite Weisman. I would also like to thank my wife Sheila Halliday, who read the manuscript when I thought it was ready to submit and found even more room for improvement.
Thanks to my agents Domnick Abel and David Grossman for their continuing encouragement and support. Also thanks to the publicists — Kerry Hood at Hodder, Ashley Dunn at McClelland & Stewart and Megan Schumann at Morrow.
Thanks to Nicholas Reckert for the interesting walks that somehow always seem to suggest a possible crime scene. In this book, he is by no means responsible for Wytherton Heights, which is entirely of my own imagining.
As far as research is concerned, I want to give special thanks to Jenny Brierley, ICT Archivist at the West Yorkshire Archive Service, for her invaluable help in tracking down old police records.
I feel it might also be useful to mention three books I found particularly useful when researching the themes of my novel: In Plain Sight: The Life and Lies of Jimmy Savile by Dan Davies; Smile for the Camera: The Double Life of Cyril Smith by Simon Danczuk and Matthew Baker; and Violated by Sarah Wilson.
Last but not least, thanks to the sales teams who make the deals and set up the speical promotions, to the reps who get out on the road and sell the book to the shops, and to the booksellers themselves, without whom you wouldn’t be holding this volume in your hand. And thanks, of course, to you, the reader.