"Aaahhh!" Alisha screamed as she clutched the desk, her whole body shaking, her tits rubbing into the leather top. "Ooohhh, come on, Eric, come on! Fuck me, fuck me! Make me come, honey, make me come!"

She thrust back at Eric's massive cock as it slammed into her cunt, filling her fuck passage. Her blonde hair tossed wildly as she strained against the bonds holding her over the desk. Her mouth was open wide, gasping, shrieking with lust.

"Yeahhh!" Eric yelled as he gripped her ass, beating his cock into her hot wet pussy. "Come on, whore, come on! I'll make you come, whore, I'll make you come, or I'll whip the shit out of you!"

She collapsed over the desk, gasping, her ass still waving slowly as she came down.

"Ohhhhhh, that was sooo nice," she purred, "if you untie me, I'll get your cock hard again, baby, and you can watch what they do to little Miss Cherry over there."

Eric grinned as he reached for the bonds around her wrists. "Shit, you little bitch, I reckon you could get a faggot's cock up."

Renata turned away from them and back to the sobbing Cathy.

"Enjoy that?" she asked.

"Please, let me down!" Cathy begged. "I won't – aagghhhh!"

She heaved on the ropes as Nolan cut her ass with the riding crop, beating another thin red line into the general mass of pulped and bruised flesh.

"Enjoy that!" Renata repeated.

"Yes, yes!" Cathy screamed, her ass burning with the most terrible pain.

"Good," Renata said, "because now Conrad is going to take that little cherry of yours. But first, we must get you warmed up, a little foreplay you might say. How would you like that? Would you like a little foreplay?"

"Oh God. Yes, yes! I would!" Cathy moaned, struggling with her bound hands against the leather straps that held her to the apparatus. "Open your legs, baby, real wide," Renata said with a nasty smile. She stood there watching as the helpless little girl shuffled her feet put until her ankles came to the side supports of the apparatus.

"Open your legs, baby, real wide," Renata said with a nasty smile. She stood there watching as the helpless little girl shuffled her feet out until her ankles came to the side supports of the apparatus. It was turning Renata on, watching Cathy's helpless struggles. She slid her hands up to her tits and played with her nipples as she grinned at the weeping girl.

Cathy stood there, her legs wide open, her dark pussy mound trembling with fear. She looked at Conrad, wanting to beg him, yet knowing what would happen if she did.

"Tie her ankles, Nolan," Renata said, her fingers playing with her nipples, making them hard and crinkly.

Cathy wept fresh tears as the leather straps were put around her ankles.

They all watched her, no pity on any of their faces. Renata kept the slow squeezing going, her nipples and he was getting more and more aroused. Conrad stood waiting, playing with the cat, running it through his hands, staring at his helpless niece. On the sofa sat Eric, a grin on his face while Alisha lay along the cushions, playing with his soft cock, caressing it, licking his cockhead, taking it between her skillful lips.

"Good," Renata said as Cathy was finally completely trussed up.

She knelt down in front of the spread-eagled girl and ran her hands over her thighs, playing with her stocking tops and then moving up over the creamy white of her thighs, up toward the puffy lips of the young virgin's cunt.

"What a nice pussy," Renata's finger slid between Cathy's pussy-lips and over the bound girl's clit. "Ooohhh, the things this cunt could do if it was taught right. Would you like us to teach you how to use this little cunt of yours?"

Renata continued playing with Cathy's clit, sliding her fingers over the hard bud that was hidden so deeply between Cathy's pussy lips.

"Oh please, I – yes, yes!" Cathy wept helplessly. "I would like that."

"Good, because that's what we're going to do. I'm going to play with your pussy, because I love pussy. I might even suck it a little, if I led like it. And Conrad is going to whip your tits and – ooohh, that so nice, you know, that's real nice. Gets you all horny for the real thing. Don't you think so?" Her finger played along Cathy's pussy crack and stroked her sensitive clit.

Cathy stared at her horrible uncle and nearly passed out. He was grinning, playing with the whip. He was going to beat her with that thing, and the massive bulge in his pants was getting even larger. His cock looked as if it was bigger than Eric's. His prick would split her in two, it would kill her! And he was her uncle, that was the most horrible thing about it all.

"Don't you think that will be fun?" Renata said softly, playing with the bound girl's pussy.

"Oh no, oh please! No, please – aagghhh! Ohhhh, God, stop them! Aaagghhh!"

Cathy twisted in pain and horror as Nolan lashed her ass with the riding crop and Conrad stood there smiling, playing with the cat, the tails slipping through his fingers with terrible menace.

"Ooohhhh, God help me!" Cathy screamed as Nolan continued whipping her with the riding crop. Her ass exploded with agony, the searing pain shot ail over her body while Renata stroked her cunt, massaging the sensitive flesh.

The combination of the agony of the whip and the soft caress on her pussy was doing strange things to Cathy. Her head spun, her mind collapsed into surging, whirling pain that rose over her in almost sensual waves. She straining against the bonds as gasped, her legs the riding crop lashed her ass once more.

"Yessss!" she screamed. "Yessss, I'd love it!"

The whipping stopped and she fell, the bonds on her wrists keeping her up. She had no idea what she had agreed to, only that her body still throbbed with exquisite agony that was burning, rushing into her pussy where Renata's fingers played with her, gently, insistently.

"Stand up!" Conrad snapped as he moved closer to his helpless niece.

In a daze, Cathy obeyed. On rubbery legs, she wavered, hanging on the ropes, staring at him through misty eyes.

He took the cat and ran the tails gently over her swelling tits, easing them over her shrinking, terrified flesh.

"Now, are you ready?" Conrad asked.

Cathy choked and almost fell again. She suddenly remembered what it was she had agreed to. She stared down at the cat's tails running over her tits and the hard buds of her nipples. As Renata's fingers worked on her pussy, stroking her flesh, caressing her clit, it set up like most terrible conflict in the young girl. The horror and fear battled with a sensual awakening that was slowly churning in her cunt, making her virgin pussy walls throb with sensations that Cathy had never felt before in her fife.

"If I have to ask you again, then Nolan will whip your ass as well," Conrad said. "Now are you…"

"Yes, yes, Uncle, yes!" Cathy screamed. "Excellent!" Conrad smiled and drew his arm back.

Cathy's eyes bulged at the sight of the cat as the tails swung through the air and lashed her tits. She saw the tight knots whip her titflesh, saw her right tit jump and heave, then slide back into place, but with red marks and lines all over it. As the cat swept back and lashed in toward her left tit, the pain exploded over her.

"Aaagghhhh!" she wailed, her whole torso jumping and jerking, her arms straining, her legs giving out.

The cat lashed her left tit and the agony erupted again, rushing through her body and beating back on itself, like waves rolling into each other.

"Uuurrghhh!" she moaned as the cat lashed her, changing with each stroke, hitting each of her lovely tits in turn. Soon her tits were a mass of red flesh, the cat beating marks of pain into them with each stroke.

Conrad changed his pattern, whipping her tits upward, then down, spreading the pain around all of the delicious tit-globes that thrust so temptingly out from her rib cage.

As Renata kept up the soft caresses on Cathy's cunt, awful emotions started building in Cathy. Her pussy was burning with a different fire than the horrible ones in her ass and tits. The one in her cunt grew with each lash of the cat and each gentle caress of Renata's fingers. It grew, and the pain of the whip diminished, but the feeling in her cunt embraced the agony as well, as if it was a part of it.

Cathy screamed and wept, her body thrashing, her tits jerking as the cat lashed across them. She had lost all sense of time and place, and she could only feel the eruptions of agony, and the slow growth of that unknown passion in her cunt.

"Yeahhhh!" Renata exclaimed suddenly through Cathy's screams. "She's getting wet, I knew she was ready!"

"Don't count your chickens," Conrad said, lashing the cat casually across Cathy's tits. "I know her mother only too well. That bitch wouldn't get wet in a thunder storm."

He whipped Cathy again, laying the cat across the girl's swaying tits.

"She's ready for you," Renata said, her fingers playing with Cathy's cunt. "You want her the usual way?"

"Yeah, just one more. There," he said as he lashed Cathy and dropped the whip. "Let her down."

Cathy dropped to the carpet as the bindings were taken off her hands. She wept and moaned as she rubbed her tits, trying to stop the pain, but it didn't help much. In fact, the touch of her hands increased that strange feeling that had been growing in her cunt.

"Stand up!" Conrad snapped.

Cathy got to her feet as fast as she could and stood facing her uncle.

"Put your stockings straight."

Cathy was confused. She bent down and tried to straighten the seams of her stockings, but it was very difficult, particularly as her hands were trembling, almost out of control.

But Conrad seemed satisfied. He looked at her and grinned. "Now take off my jacket."

Cathy moaned as she walked forward to obey. She could see Eric on the sofa, with Alisha's mouth around his cock, sucking at hiss now-hard prick, while she played with his balls.

Cathy reached up and slid Conrad's jacket off his shoulders, walking over and putting it on a hanger in the closet as he ordered.

He sat down in a chair. "Now my shoes."

"Alisha!" Renata said sharply. "You've had enough cock to last you. Bring Eric here and undress Nolan, he's busting to get laid."

"As long as I get him," Alisha said, staring at Renata with almost open hostility.

"You get what I say," Renata replied coldly. "You reckon, bitch?" Alisha said, licking Eric's cock. "You wanta go over that bar with me and see who can take the most?"

Renata went a little white. "Just bring him here, and get Nolan ready."

Alisha got off the sofa with a great big grin. She took hold of Eric's cock and led him over by it.

"There!" She laughed. "There's a nice lady who wants to hold your cock, honey. See how she does with it." She swayed over to Nolan and ran her hands down the front of his pants.

Cathy pulled Conrad's second shoe off and went on to his socks, weeping the whole time. Behind her, she could hear Alisha giggling as she undressed Nolan.

"Now my pants," Conrad said, standing up. Cathy's trembling fingers reached for his zipper and cased it down. She could feel his massive cock, and it terrified her, it was so enormous! She got his pants off and then his shirt. All that was left were his shorts, and they bulged almost to the tearing point with his cock.

"Take them down."

On her knees, with tears still rolling down her cheeks, Cathy reached up and took hold of the waistband of her uncle's shorts. She pulled, and the head of his cock appeared. His cock was so large that Cathy moaned and lost her breath for a moment. She pulled his shorts lower and his massive thick cockshaft began to show. It would take both her hands to reach around it, and she would never get it in her little virgin cunt!

Her sobs got louder as she saw more of it. His cock had to be a foot long, and as thick as her arm. She would be helplessly skewered on that, split in two.

Conrad stepped out of his shorts and stood naked in front of his niece, his massive fuckrod sticking out and ready for action.

"You like my cock?"

"Y-yes, Uncle!" Cathy wept.

"Then kiss it, right there," he said, sliding his fingers up his shaft to his cockhead.

"Oh, Uncle, that would be wrong! Please, let me go – I won't say anything I won't."

"I need a whip here!" Conrad growled.

Renata turned from Eric's cock and pouted. "Shit, I ain't had anything tonight and I got her ready. Here, Alisha, take that and do as Conrad says."

She tossed the riding crop to Alisha.

"What the fuck? Are you gonna take both of those cocks and…"

"Alisha, come here," Conrad said.

The little blonde scurried over, the riding crop in her hand.

"Be patient, honey," Conrad said to the little blonde actress, "my little receptionist is getting above herself. Now, whip this cunt's ass everytime she fucks up."

Cathy stood in front of him, trembling from head to toe.

"Bend down and kiss my cock," Conrad said.

Cathy took one look at Alisha with the riding crop in her hand and slowly bent at the waist. Her soft lips drew closer to the horrible, swollen cockhead. It bobbed at her lips, and she gave it a quick peck of a kiss, keeping her lips firmly shut.

"Is that the way to kiss a cock?" Conrad asked.

"I don't know, Uncle," Cathy said, trembling, waiting for the blow of the riding crop.

"Did Alisha kiss cock like that?"

"No, no, Uncle!" Cathy wept.

"So she should whip you and then make you cry again, shouldn't she?"

"Yes, Uncle," Cathy whispered.

"Good, just one stroke for now."

The riding crop lashed Cathy's ass and she screamed in pain, but it was as if the pain was more distant, as if the riding crop was hurting less.

"Now, kiss my cock."

Cathy moved her soft lips to the head of Conrad's monstrous prick. She had to hold the shaft, because it was so long and jumped around so much that she couldn't keep her lips on it. She allowed her lovely young mouth to open and her soft lips to slide over the cockhead, taking in the thick hunk of cock meat.

Incredibly she managed to get her lips around the enormous cockhead. It filled her mouth and thrust at the entrance to her throat, but it was in, and it didn't taste as bad as she had been sure it would. There was a slightly salty aroma, but that was all. She held the massive, thick rubbery cock in her mouth and sucked on it, her long dark hair failing over her face, her body heaving in the tight waist cincher.

Cathy burst into tears as she looked at the prick that she had to impale herself on. She felt even worse as she turned and saw Renata taking two cocks deep into her body, groaning with lust at each long ramming fuck-stroke. Renata's throat muscles bulged with Nolan's cock, while Eric slid his cock into her cunt with long slow strokes.

"Sure hope you can take it, babe," Eric said. "Because I got a long way to go before I come again." He grinned at Nolan. "You'll probably shoot twice before I unload."

Nolan grinned back, his muscles swelling as he slid his cock in and out of Renata's mouth. "Change places after I come?"

"Sure," Eric replied, "as long as it's warm and wet."

They both chuckled before they went back to fucking Renata's squirming body. Nolan held her ankles, stretching her stockinged legs downward so that Eric could work even deeper into her cunt.

"Get on it!" Alisha snapped.

Cathy turned back to the desk, shivering. She looked at the huge prick and knew it was impossible.

Alisha was tapping the riding crop in her hand and looked very ready to use it, so Cathy [missing text].

Renata was propped up on cushions on the sofa, her head hanging over the edge. Her legs were drawn up as Eric slid his cock into her hot little cunt and Nolan worked his big thick hunk of cock into her ready mouth. She moaned with delight, making sure that if Conrad was going to fuck his niece, she would get the most out of the other cocks around. Conrad didn't even seem to notice.

"Now I'm going to lie on my back on the desk and you're gonna get on my cock and fuck me, take your own cherry," Conrad said.

Cathy wept, her mouth full of the cock that was about to take her virginity, but she knew she had to answer. She cased his cock back out of her mouth.

"Yes, Uncle," she whispered.

"Good," he said, "let's go."

He slid his hand into her hair and pulled her to her feet. Cathy gave a low groan, but after what her ass and tits had been through, it was more degrading than painful.

He led her over to the desk where Eric had fucked Alisha. The bonds were there to remind her what would happen if she disobeyed. Conrad stretched out on the leather desk top, his cock sticking out like a rampant flagpole.

"Get on."

Cathy climbed up onto the desk and crouched between Conrad's legs.

"Up there," Alisha said, "don't make me use this."

Cathy sobbed and moaned, but she crawled up between Conrad's legs and finally reached for his cock, holding it as she trembled, wondering if she would ever get that monster into her virgin pussy.

Conrad grinned at her, waiting, his cock throbbing softly in her fingers.

"Get on it!" Alisha laid the riding crop across Cathy's ass. "You think I like pissing around with you? I wanna cock, so don't fuck me around, bitch! I'll take it out on you like you wouldn't believe."

Cathy moaned and lifted up so that she could slide Conrad's cock into the crack of her pussy. Incredibly her cuntal slit was damp and his thick cockhead worked over her trembling pussy-flesh easily. She wept as her uncle stayed just as he was, making her do all the work.

"Lean forward and spread your legs," Alisha said, tapping Cathy's ass with the crop.

It was horribly degrading, because Cathy wasn't even sure what Alisha meant, but she soon learned. The crop whipped her ass, and she screamed as she was made to lean forward, her hands on either side of Conrad's chest, and then she spread her legs wide open.

Conrad's cock was just at the entrance to her soft little pussy, and Alisha held the enormous, thick shaft while she pushed Cathy's ass dawn until the head of Conrad's fucker was just inside the entrance to her quivering cunt. There Cathy had to stay, holding herself up, her body splayed wide, above her uncle.

"Now slide him right in," Alisha said, "but make sure I can always get at your ass, you little cunt. One wrong move and I whip the shit outa you. Here's one."

She lashed the riding crop into Cathy's throbbing asscheeks and the helpless young girl screamed with pain, but she managed to hold herself up off the horrible cock that was just at the entrance to her cunt.

"Go on!" Alisha ordered.

Conrad still hadn't said a word, but his face showed that he was delighted with his niece's humiliation and pain. He put his hands behind his head and waited while the sobbing Cathy tried to push herself down on his rock-hard fucker.

The walls of her cunt grated with pain as the swollen cockhead slid another inch into bar cunt.

"Ooohhh, God!" Cathy moaned. "I can't, it hurts!"

She bent forward, trying to hide her face from Conrad's amused grin, but the riding crop whipped her sore flesh and she arched, screaming with agony, her cunt pushing down farther on the horrible cock. Her pussy walls spread wider, her cunt throbbed with pain, but the cock went in a little more, and she stopped, gasping, her body bathed in sweat. She could feel the very tip of Conrad's fuckrod pushing at the hard drum of her cherry.

"One more push should do it," Alisha said, leaning over the shaking, sobbing girl. "Now!"

"Ooohhhh, please!" Cathy sobbed. She wept, horrified at the approaching loss of her virginity.

"Do it!" Alisha yelled, raising the riding crop, lashing it down on Cathy's crimson ass.

With a terrible scream of agony, Cathy lurched up, her body shaking, then rammed helplessly down on the thick pole of her uncle's cock. Her cherry stretched for a moment, then tore, and the massive cock rammed up into her cunt. Her pussy walls erupted with agony as they were stretched almost to the breaking point. She shrieked as Conrad's cock filled her cunt, then she fell forward across his strong heaving chest.
