Shari felt a terrible pressure on her arms. She had yet to open her eyes, feeling herself slowly rising from the black fuzz of her unconsciousness to a kind of gray hazy aware state. She remembered having been clamped to the wall, her cunt exposed, her asshole and pussy violated by those wicked streams while she came and came and came in front of those horrid boys. Again, the girl felt her pussy clench down on nothing. It was then she realized she was roped to the ceiling as her friend Diane was. There was a terrible pulling sensation around her shoulders and upper arms, while the girl realized her toes weren't touching the floor.
"She's comin' to," Doug whispered.
"Yeah, she's gonna be hot, man, real hot by the time we get through with the cunt," Frank agreed.
"She's hot now, stupid! Man, any cunt who cums like that just by gettin' ‘er cunt sprayed up's gonna be one wild fuck, you can bet on that."
Blinking her eyes open, Shari looked around, then up. She saw that cuffs had been slipped around her wrists and buckled tightly, the brown leather cutting into her flesh. Chains were attached to the cuffs, the links being stretched upward and fastened to some hooks in the overhead shadows.
It was Diane! Oh God, they had changed her hanging position, having turned her upside down and attached her feet to the cuffs dangling from the ceiling. She tried jerking her torso up at times, her long brown hair sweeping over the floor. Red marks on her belly and ass told Shari the boys had been doing something to her friend.
"What happened to you? Oh, oh, it's terrible!" Shari gasped, working her fingers against the wrist cuffs.
"They… they beat me after they tied me up like this. The blood's rushing to my head, making it hurt! Oh, Shari, it hurts me so!" Diane wailed.
"Shut the fuck up!" Doug growled.
He reached around, slapping the teen hard across the belly. Diane wailed, swinging like a pendulum from the ceiling while her hands dropped to the floor. Frank gagged her, stuffing a foul rag in her mouth, then attaching it with a rope wrapped around her head.
"Time for you, right? Here, it's somethin' Frank and I put together down here in the workshop." Doug produced a small leather riding crop and tapped it lightly against one hip.
Shari's eyes became round, focused on that tiny instrument of pain. Frank was behind her, holding her still while Doug approached her.
"Worked on your friend with this. You can see the results," Doug said proudly, jerking his head in the direction of the hanging Diane.
Shari looked once more at the red marks scarring her friend's white flesh. She gasped, feeling her heart start to pound hard all over again. What kind of animals were these boys? How on earth had Diane ever met them? They should have been locked away in some mental institution instead, they were wandering around free, tormenting her and her friend.
"Stop, please, stop! I won't tell anybody about this, just don't hurt me," Shari rattled, her mind reeling at the thought of being beaten by this animal.
"No use, baby. You're up here, and you're gonna take it just like your friend."
With that, Doug cocked his arm back, slashing the crop across her right cheekbone.
The force of the blow snapped her head aside, forcing the girl to choke on a stifled scream. Shari whimpered, her legs drawing up as another blow slashed across her belly. The fiery pain shot up to her brain, then radiated down to her pussy. Shari felt her body swinging from left to right, the movement increasing the agonizing pull of the weight of her body against the chains. Her shoulders hurt her so while the cuffs slipped and chafed against her wrists.
"You… you bastard! How can you do something like this to us? You don't even know us!" Shari screamed, tears rolling down her face.
"Because your friend was dumb enough to invite us. She thought she'd have herself a good time fuckin' around with us-you know, big guys, gonna plug her pussy with our cocks and make her feel good. She didn't know what we really dug," Frank sneered.
"Too bad, cunt. Now you're both gonna pay for that," Doug added, cocking his arm back once more for another blow.
It was a true horror for the girl. No one bad ever touched her this way. Her mother hadn't even slapped her for being naughty as a little girl. And now these animals were whipping her. There was Doug, crashing that awful leather crop against her body. He slashed the crop down once more, making sure the leather sliced across the girl's left nipple. Shari thought she would faint again. The clamps had made her tit nubs oh, so very sensitive. And there he was, beating that instrument of pain against them, making her feel as if he were going to rip them off.
Doug changed his manner now, pulling off his t-shirt and tossing it to one side while working his sensuous lips. He didn't look like the youthful teenager he bad appeared to be earlier. There was a subtle change, something in his expression that turned him into an executioner. Shari shuddered in her bonds, watching as he cocked his arm back yet again and brought the crop down.
It was against her belly once more, making her legs jerk up, then kick out.
"Man, this cunt's gettin' to me with all that Goddamned screamin'. Besides, the neighbors are gonna hear her. Let's gag the bitch," Doug said, nodding in the direction of a small cabinet to the right.
Frank moved over obediently, pulling the door around and rummaging about in the shelves. Shari sagged in her chains, grateful for the small respite. Her ease disappeared, however, when Frank pulled out what appeared to be a ball with leather straps and a black leather hood.
"This'll take care of you, baby. You ain't gonna be wailin' your ass off and calling the cops," Doug said, taking the ball from his buddy.
"No, don't… oh don't!" Shari protested, jerking her head from left to right. It was her only freedom, the freedom to shout in pain after every beating blow. But now they were taking even this away from her. The girl screamed, twisting around, kicking her legs back and forth in scissor fashion as Doug shoved the ball deep into her mouth, drawing the leather straps around her ears and tying them together behind her skull. Shari chewed down on the latex, nearly gagging from the awful taste of the red gagging ball. She had to swallow several times to keep from choking on the spit gathering in pools behind that awful thing.
"This'll take care of the rest of it," Doug said, flopping the hood open, then slipping it over her head.
Doug pulled the hood down, sliding it tightly over her skull and working it down until the bottom fringe brushed over her shoulders. The nose piece fitted hard against her nostrils, nearly choking the wind from her. Doug adjusted the hood, making sure the slitted eyepieces were even with the girl's eyes.
"Yeah, that's it, man. She's hot now. That leather hood stretches real nice over her fuckin' skull." Frank worked his fingers into her asscheeks, and twisted two of them into her shitter.
Shari screamed into the gagging ball, feeling the two digits worming their way into her asshole. She kicked her legs again, the hot, spicy feeling of those fingers sparking its way into her cunt. She felt herself bouncing on the chains, the resulting painful tug nearly popping her shoulders.
"Okay, baby now we start again. That's the way we should've started with her. Man, she looks natural that way-gagged and hooded."
Doug stared up at her, licking his lips. The twisting, gagged, bound body in front of him aroused the boy even more than before. He moved up to her, brushing the back of one hand up against her cunt. Then he grabbed at her pussy, twisting the hairs and her labes in his fist. The pulling, tearing sensation shot through the girl like a heated knife. Shari jerked her knees up, crying through the ball, gasping for breath as the leather hood pressed hard against her nostrils. It was difficult inhaling even a small puff of air.
"Go for it, baby! Come on, go for it while I beat the fuckin' shit outta you!" Doug shouted, his face reddening with the words.
"Hey, man, I got me a hot ass back here," Frank shouted over her shoulders. "She's movin' her ass around real nice every time I stick my hand in her asshole."
"Go for it, buddy. She's gonna get fucked all the way around. She might as well know what it's like havin' somethin' up her shitter!"
"Yeah, real nice, real nice. Too bad you ain't here baby. You didn't like havin' somethin' up your shitter, did you?" Frank shouted to Diane, laughing at her as she watched in horror what was happening to her friend.
"Let her go! Let us go!" Diane pleaded, shaking her head, then covering her eyes in horror.
"Come on, baby, come on, go for it, cum with the whip the way, you came with the water," Doug taunted, rubbing the leather now up against her cunt.
Shari blinked twice, peering through the slits in the leather hood. Doug's eyes were half closed. A line of spit trickled from his lower lip. He was grinding his teeth together, staring at her the way a wolf stares at its prey. Shari felt as if she were going to die from fright. She was certain he would kill her-tear out her throat and leave her dismembered in front of her friend before turning the last of his fury on the helpless Diane.
Shari bit down on the ball, her heart pounding so hard she thought it would surely tear through her ribcage. Her elbows and shoulders were hurting worse and worse. A throbbing sensation took over her body as the girl dangled down toward the floor. The whip hissed back once more, striking her inner thighs, inches below her pussy. Shari chewed down on the bail, trying to keep herself from shouting and screaming.
Another blow, this one criss-crossing the first. Shari's thigh flesh was on fire from the dry smacking slaps. And there were more coming. Doug concentrated on her left thigh now, smacking the leather strands harder and harder until the tips were nearly touching the bottom junction of her cuntlips. Sparks exploded into her pussy, making her squeal into the rubber gagging ball. Her tits were bouncing from the impact again and again while Frank shoved a third finger up her asshole and jammed the offending digits up to the knuckles.
"Man, I could fuck her ass right now-nice and tight and ready to have a dick," Frank said, rubbing his cock through his Levi's.
"Take your time, man. She's gonna be good, but I want this cunt yelpin' for cockmeat."
Doug slashed a broad X across her lower belly, making her knees jerk up and out again. She curled her back, trying to twist her ass away from the fucking fingers. Then quickly, Doug struck the crop just under her kneecap, starting to beat her lower leg again and again, until Shari was sobbing and crying into the ball. Her tears were staining the inside lining of the strangling hood.
"Take it, bitch! Take the leather. It's what you fuckin' deserve!" Doug shouted, bringing the crop down hard across her tits once more, then moving around and signaling with a jerk of his head for Frank to back off. The young man did, yanking his fingers out. Doug brought the crop down hard across the girl's asscheeks, reddening the full, pliant cheeks quickly with crashing blows from the crop. Shari jerked and twitched as if someone had touched ha with a burning iron, her asscheeks jiggling against one another as the leather smacked over her buns again and again.
"Shit, my arm's gettin' fuckin' tired."
Shari thanked God he was getting tired. Her ass was on fire. The beating of that horrid whip had felt as if he were setting fire to her ass.
"Lemme have a hand on it, man. I wanna see that bitch bouncin' around too."
Shari shook her head, screaming through the ball as she watched helplessly. Frank took the crop and moved behind the teen. Again, the crop smacked down on her asscheeks, the leather creasing her flesh and leaving long red marks in her skin. Shari thought she would die. The stinging heat was growing worse and worse. The blazing agony in her ass radiated to her pussy, making more and more juice ooze from her cuntal mouth to her thighs, mixing with her sweat. Stripes appeared on her ass where the crop cut into her. Through the ball, Shari cried out for mercy. But she knew there would be no mercy here.
"Stop it! Oh God, you're going to kill her!" Diane cried out.
Frank beat farther up, hitting the flesh around her shoulders. The stripes across her lower back hurt her terribly. For a moment, Shari thought she had no skin left. They were going to flay her alive. With complete despair, she let herself dangle from the chains, her head falling back. Her asscrack opened wide.
Frank smiled, seeing his opportunity. With a terrifying overhead slashing stroke, be brought the crop down between her asscheeks, making sure the leather strips hit her asshole hard.
More stars popped in front of the girl. It was as if someone had rammed a burning branding iron up her asshole. She screamed and shouted, her cries escaping from around the gagging ball and echoing through the room. It felt as if he had taken a handful of her assguts and yanked them from her gut. She screamed again and again, her chest hurting from the effort of shouting out her pain. Another blow around her thighs sent a rush of juice escaping from her pussy, wetting down her blonde cuntal curls.
"Man, she's juicin' like crazy down here," Doug said, rubbing his fingers over her pussy. Shari liked that feel even though her ass burned more and more.
"Yeah, it's ‘cause I'm heatin' up her assbud! Man, she's an ass person if I ever saw one. Bet she'll like gettin' ass-fucked!" Frank's voice was heavy with lust.
The big stud stopped the whip long enough to jab it into her shitter. Again, Shari yelped, her legs kicking out like those of a frog.
"Gimme that thing! Gonna fuck ‘er with that mother."
Shari cried out the moment she felt the blunt instrument work into her pussy. She jerked her ass back to get away from it. The tip of the crop slipped roughly into her pussy whatever she tried, forcing the wet, hot flesh open. The instant clenching of her cunt muscles around the weapon almost dragged it from Doug's band. He laughed, twisting it around, fucking down into the girl's body. When it touched her cherry, however, Shari's rutting stopped. Panic took its place.
How could she tell him she was a virgin? How could she tell him she was cherry?
"Hey, man, ran into something down in here," Doug said, pulling the crop out and sticking two fingers into her cunt-hole. Shari grimaced, her pussy snugging up to the invading digits as they slipped down until the tips touched her cherry. Again, the girl tucked her ass back, clenching her asscheeks together as Doug felt her cherry.
"What's up?"
"You ain't gonna believe this, but this cunt's got a fuckin' cherry!"
Doug's face reflected the surprise he felt. Twisting his fingers around, he pushed the sensitive membrane in, rolling up his eyes and watching the young teen dangling above him shuddering on her chains.
"Gotta pop this mother, baby. And I'm gonna do it with this."
Shari looked down and saw him gripping the riding crop hard with both hands. She shook her head. No! no! that wasn't the way it was supposed to be. Her mother had told her how men and women took care of these matters in the marriage bed-not with broom handles or whips!
But apparently that wasn't going to happen with Doug He took the instrument and shoved it back into her cunt, screwing it around and around, shoving it down like some terrible spear. In a moment, Shari felt it rubbing up against her cherry. In another second, the girl felt an awful achy pain that rose quickly to a sharp level.
Her face was a blur, her head jerking from shoulder to shoulder as the pain increased. There was a tearing sensation. And then… and then it was all over. Shari knew he had torn through her cherry. She let out a terrible shout, feeling the small tiny membrane ripping from its anchorage. He had fucked down all the way, and now he was sending the riding crop into her cunt, down where nothing had ever been before.
"Man, she's okay now," he said, pulling the stick from her cunt and wiping it against his trousers.
"Cherry! I didn't think kids were cherry any more after ten!" Frank shook his head.
"She won't have nothin' to worry about no more," Doug said, catching her chin in his hand and laughing up at bet. "Now it's smooth sailin' all the way, and we got one hell of a course plotted for you, bitch."