It was hot for late June, much hotter than it shoulda been. Ethel said that it was so hot and humid that it reminded her of Mississippi, where she was born and raised. Like we did every Wednesday, Troo and me had spent the morning being charitable with Mrs. Galecki, who Ethel had been taking good care of for a long time. The reason why we did that, besides adoring Ethel, was when we got back to school in September, Sister Imelda would make all us kids read out loud our stories entitled “How I Spent My Charitable Summer.” What with everything that’d been going on, I hadn’t worked on my story for a while, so I promised myself that I would do that tonight even if Hall was there. It was gettin’ harder and harder to figure exactly when Hall might show up. When he did come home, you could figure on him being what Mary Lane called “sloshed to the gills.”

After we were done helping Ethel out, she gave us each a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich, like she always did, and then Troo and me went over to the zoo to watch Sampson get fed, which was the other thing we did every Wednesday.

We’d just come out of the Honey Creek that ran behind the whole park and the air felt cool and nice on our bare legs. Troo had recently started smoking L &Ms that she’d stolen out of Hall’s pocket when he was passed out on the couch. She had also found a flat little blue French cap to wear that she said was called a beret. Troo just went ape for hats of all kinds. “I’ve been think ing,” she said, lighting up.

“About what?” We were up in our favorite zoo tree and I was admiring Sampson while eating my sandwich. Troo had eaten hers on the way over.

“About Sara Heinemann disappearing.” Troo took a puff off the cigarette and made the smoke go up her nose the way Mother did sometimes. “It’s called French inhaling.” She coughed and did it again. “I think Fast Susie is right. I think Sara has gotten herself murdered and molested just like Junie.”

I thought Sara had gotten herself murdered and molested, too, but I didn’t want to scare Troo by agreeing with her. And I also thought-no, I knew-that Rasmussen had done it, just like Junie. And that he’d also pushed Wendy down the Spencers’ root cellar stairs because it had been so stormy dark out that night that he probably hadn’t realized it was Wendy until it was too late. He probably hadn’t gone ahead and murdered Wendy because he knew a Mongoloid couldn’t point him out in a lineup, which was what happened if you got arrested in the movies.

Troo spat her cigarette down to the ground and wiggled off her tree branch onto mine. She pointed over at Sampson and made a surprised face and said, “Oh, look, Sally!” When I turned, she grabbed the other half of my sandwich out of my hand and stuck it in her mouth before I could stop her.


She grinned and said with her mouth full, “Remember how Junie was found over by the lagoon?”

I didn’t answer because I was mad. I’d been really looking forward to the rest of that peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich.

“Maybe that same guy who took Junie took Sara,” Troo said, fingering my braid, which was her way of saying sorry. “If we could find Sara’s body, we’d probably get a reward and our pictures in the newspaper like Mary Lane did when she called in that fire she set.”

“It’s Rasmussen, Troo. Rasmussen is that guy.” I brushed her hand away, worn out with her not believing me.

A couple of other people had come for Sampson’s two o’clock feeding. Two ladies with little kids I didn’t know. And also Artie Latour, who was one of Wendy’s brothers. Artie was two years older than me and was a really goofy tall guy with an Adam’s apple that was so big all you could do was stare at his skinny neck when he talked to you, getting hypnotized by this thing moving up and down like the grain elevator out at the farm. Artie also had a harelip from when he was born. Not too much else to keep in mind about him except he walked with his toes pointed in.

Troo hopped down from the tree after me and started over to where Artie was standing in front of Sampson’s cage, which wasn’t really a cage at all. In the winter Sampson stayed in his cage in the monkey house. (Heartbreak ing.) But in the summer, he liked to be outside where there were big orange boulders and a little pool of water and some shade off to the side where he could get out of the heat and eat his lunch in peace.

“Artie,” Troo called over to him.

Probably he didn’t answer because one of his older brothers, Reese, was the biggest bully in the whole world. Reese was always picking on Artie and had given him a good whack on the side of the head at the playground last year after he lost to Artie in Battleship. His ear swelled up to the size of a peach and now Artie didn’t hear so hot sometimes.

“Artiiieee,” Troo screamed.

He jumped away from the black iron railing. When he saw who it was, his face turned the same color as an orang utan’s butt. Artie had what Fast Susie called “the hots” for Troo.

“Wendy okay?” I asked, coming up next to him.

Artie shrugged. “She got some stitches.” He was such a good brother to Wendy, not like Reese, who always called her the idiot. Reese Latour would go to hell eventually, on this I would bet a million dollars.

Sampson was eating a banana, not singing while he ate, showing a lot better manners than those Latour boys. Troo had snuck us in for supper a couple of nights ago with the help of Mimi Latour, who was in the same grade as Troo. The Latours were having something called slumgoodie, which was in this big glass bowl and couldn’t hold a candle to Mother’s tuna noodle casserole. There was also a big stack of Wonder Bread and oleo and powdered milk to drink that tasted so much like I imagined melted chalk would. Reese Latour stared at Troo the entire supper, smiling at her like she was a piece of cherry cobbler.

Artie asked, like he didn’t care at all, “What’re you doing for the Fourth of July, Troo?”

The man who was feeding Sampson was Mary Lane’s father. I thought he should take some of that food home and feed it to Mary Lane so she wouldn’t be the skinniest darn kid in the world anymore.

Troo said, “The Fourth? Why, Sally and me wouldn’t miss the bicycle parade for all the tea in China.” She winked at him and Artie’s Adam’s apple gave his gum a little ride down his throat, he got so flusterated. He’d come in second last year to Troo in the bike-decorating contest and had won a subscription to a magazine called Boys’ Life. Troo had won a new set of streamers for her bike and a five-dollar certificate to the Five and Dime since the bike-decorating contest was sponsored by Kenfield’s Five and Dime… We Have What You Need!

Artie pulled on his bad ear, which he did all the time because he was sorta high-strung, like a racehorse. “Did you hear about Sara Heinemann bein’ missing?”

Troo was resting her arms on the iron railing, watching Mr. Lane toss Sampson’s lunch to him. “Yeah.”

“The cops came by this morning and said to make sure we lock our doors.” Artie bent down and began rolling up his pants legs. He was probably gonna go do a little cooling off over in the Honey Creek just like we had. “You and Sally should be careful. My ma says she’s not gonna let my sisters go out alone anymore after the streetlights come on. She says it’s not safe. That there’s a nut runnin’ around with a couple of loose screws.”

I was staring at Sampson and thinking about how he could keep anybody safe. How just to see his big hands and black hairy arms you’d know he’d never let anything bad happen to you. And then, like he knew what I was thinking, he looked at me and waved. And I waved back.

“Quit it,” Troo said, and knocked my hand down and looked around to see if anybody was watching. Her little blue French cap fell over her eye and she shoved it back. “He’s not saying hello to you. He’s just a gorilla batting at a fly, for Chrissakes.”

“No, Troo,” I said, reaching as far as I could over the railing toward him, wanting so much to stroke his smooth hair. “He’s much, much more than just a gorilla.” I waved one more time, and in answer Sampson ran to the edge of the pit and looked me straight in the eye and beat his chest over and over. “He is magnificent.”
