Simone shrieked when we entered the theme park. ‘I wanna go on that one!’
‘I’ll take you,’ Leo said. ‘The roller coaster?’ I said. Both Simone and Leo nodded enthusiastically. ‘That’s as good as some in the States,’ Leo said. ‘Oh, thank you very much. Nice to know my homeland passes the Leo Alexander Roller Coaster Test of Civilisation.’
‘Yep.’ Leo grinned down at Simone. ‘You sure, sweetheart? It’s awfully fast.’
‘I’ll be okay if you go with me,’ Simone said. ‘Mr Chen, sir?’
‘You go,’ Mr Chen said. ‘I’ll stay on the ground and guard.’
Leo grimaced. ‘That’s my job. You should take Simone.’
‘And spoil your fun? Besides, I think Simone would prefer to go with you.’
‘Yeah, Leo, let’s go!’
‘I’ll stay down here and keep Mr Chen company.’ Leo hesitated. ‘Are you sure?’
‘Go!’ Mr Chen and I both shouted together.
They shared a huge grin and ran. We followed them at a more sedate pace.
They returned to us, disappointed.
‘Simone’s too small,’ Leo said. ‘And I’m too big. They won’t let either of us on.’
‘Use your magic to make me bigger, Daddy,’ Simone said.
‘I don’t have magic, you know that,’ Mr Chen said.
‘Let’s go on that one instead,’ Leo said, pointing at the pirate ship.
‘Okay!’ Simone yelled and grabbed his hand.
When we reached the priate ship Mr Chen and I sat on a bench where we could see them waiting in the queue. Simone waved to us, jumping up and down. Then she fell over. Leo helped her up, then put his hands on his hips and told her off, exasperated. She slapped him. He tickled her. She wriggled with delight.
‘Tell me about the Mountain,’ I said.
He sighed. ‘What do you want to know? The damage is extensive.’
‘What was it like before the demons attacked?’
He put his elbows on his knees and studied his hands. ‘The Celestial Mountain?’
I nodded.
‘Tell me.’
He looked up at Simone, wistful. ‘The base of the Celestial Mountain is always in clouds. There is no physical way down; you must be carried by a Shen. The top of the Mountain is covered in trees; not much lawn, it doesn’t grow well there.’
‘How many buildings?’
‘I have no idea.’ He smiled. ‘It would be like counting the buildings in the Summer Palace in Beijing. One leads to another. Walkways through mountain passes, between the peaks. Seven peaks. Arching bridges over the deep gorges.’
‘It does sound wonderful.’
‘Michelle hated it.’
‘She needed an audience. She lived to sing. She demanded that I stay here with her, so I did.’ He watched Leo and Simone without really seeing them. ‘She was fabulous. Every time I needed to go to the Mountain, to rebuild myself, she kept telling me she would be all right here, with Leo to guard her.’
‘But she wasn’t.’
‘Her family came to Hong Kong to visit her. Her mother, her father, her brother—all of her family. They didn’t know about me, what I am, they came to see Simone. Family is important, so I left her and went to the Mountain. The demon came. It took Leo down. Her father and brother tried to defend her and her mother. The demon killed them and took Michelle and her mother. Fortunately, it was unaware of Simone’s existence. No attempt was made on her.’
He hesitated.
‘Why did it kill them? Why not swap them for your head?’
He didn’t look up. ‘I don’t think the demon knew that humans are more fragile.’
I gasped. The demon had pushed his fun too far and killed Michelle and her mother by mistake. Now I understood why Leo felt the way he did. ‘Do you know who did it?’
He nodded without speaking.
‘Leo failed you.’
‘Despite what he thinks,’ he said, ‘he didn’t fail. He wasn’t ready. I knew he wasn’t ready, but family is important.’ He watched Leo and Simone board a ride. They both waved and he waved back and smiled. ‘It was my mistake. One of the biggest mistakes of my life.’
‘Leo was your wife’s bodyguard before she met you, wasn’t he?’
‘I am glad we encountered each other. He is by far the greatest warrior of his generation. I have been able to bring his skills to a level he would not have otherwise achieved. Because of his proximity to me, he has been free of the virus and I have helped him to live longer.’ He smiled wryly. ‘He does not see that as an advantage, though.’
‘Virus?’ I said; then, ‘Oh my God.’
He glanced sharply at me. ‘You never need to be told anything twice. Sometimes you don’t even need to be told once.’ He looked down at his hands. ‘I’m surprised he didn’t tell you.’
‘He shouldn’t bring guys home like he does. He should be more careful.’
‘Don’t worry, he’s careful. He’s been tested; he’s clear. As long as he stays with me, he will be free of the virus.’
‘And when you go?’
He didn’t look up from his hands. ‘He’ll probably have about a year.’
‘That’s awful.’ I suddenly realised: ‘I have never had a day sick since I joined your household. You did that?’
‘If you’d taken a sick day I think I would have dismissed you,’ he said. ‘One of the perks of the job.’
I turned to him and touched his sleeve, then pulled my hand away. ‘How long do we have, John? Until you go?’
He took a deep breath. ‘Simone will probably be able to handle anything thrown at her by the time she is eight years old. Then I will be able to release myself from this form and go.’
Less than three years. I would make the most of it.
‘Are you sure you can’t stay until she’s grown up? She needs you.’
‘I know,’ he said softly. ‘I don’t know how I will maintain this form for another three years. It will be even harder now that the Mountain is gone.’
‘Will I ever see you again?’
He gazed into my eyes. ‘It’s highly unlikely, Emma. It will take me a very long time to return. That is my nature. I’m not sure how long, but it will be a long time. I don’t think you will ever see me again.’
I turned away. Ms Kwan was right. There was no hope.
I turned back to him.
‘I was hoping that you would look after her for me. When I’m gone.’ I stared at him.
‘You will do this for me?’ He studied me carefully. ‘You won’t have to do it by yourself—Jade and Gold can help you. But I can’t think of anyone more suitable to care for her after Leo and I are both gone.’
I shook my head, speechless. I struggled to find the words.
‘Please do this for me, Emma. All of Michelle’s family are gone. You will be all that she has left. I will ensure that you have everything you need.’
I choked on the words. ‘Of course I will, John. I am so honoured.’
‘Thank you.’ He looked relieved. ‘As soon as Jade and Gold return we will make the arrangements.’
‘What happened to them?’
‘The demons killed them.’
‘So where are they now?’
‘Here come Simone and Leo.’
‘You’re up, Emma,’ Leo called as they approached us. ‘Missy here requires the services of a female.’
‘You have to take me to the toilet, Emma,’ Simone said loudly. ‘Hurry up, I want to go on some more rides.’
When we returned to the apartment Mr Chen stood on the balcony and watched the waves. I went out and stood next to him. ‘Do you want to swim again?’
He turned to me and smiled gently. ‘Yes, I do. But I think we’ve done enough today.’
‘Okay,’ I said, and went inside.
I found Leo and Simone and rounded them up. ‘Come on, guys, we’re taking him down to swim.’
‘Simone’s too tired, I’ll stay here with her,’ Leo said.
‘No, Leo, I should stay near Daddy,’ Simone said, serious.
‘She’s right, Leo. We’ll just have a walk along the beach while he swims.’ Leo sighed loudly.
‘You’re the one that’s tired,’ I said. ‘Just a walk, then we’ll sit on the sand. Let him swim.’
‘You don’t even need to change,’ Simone said. ‘Let’s take Daddy to his water.’
‘You’re right, it’s good for him.’
We all went down to the beach, Mr Chen in his black swim shorts. He hesitated as we neared the water and checked behind us; the sun was setting between the highrises. ‘I’ll only go for a short time.’
‘Go,’ I said. ‘We’ll just sit here and wait for you.’
He passed his towel to me and walked down to the water. The evening breakers were stronger, but he seemed to have no difficulty wading through them. He dropped vertically into the water and disappeared.
The three of us strolled along the edge of the ocean while the sun set. Venus came out over the surf, then more stars.
We stopped and sat together on the sand, watching the waves. Simone sat in Leo’s lap and he wrapped his huge arms around her. The sky above the ocean darkened from purple to indigo. The breeze freshened, full of the sound of the waves and the smell of the sea. More stars came out.
A small group of dolphins appeared in the water. They surfed from the large breakers into shore, so close that we could see them clearly. We watched, entranced.
‘Does that happen often?’ Leo said.
‘I’ve never heard of anything like it happening before,’ I said.
Simone pulled herself free and stood to watch them, rapt. Then she sat in Leo’s lap again.
‘They say hello. Daddy sent them. They say he’ll be back soon,’ Simone said.
The dolphins turned and leapt above the water as one, high enough for their shining bodies to arc over the waves. Then they were gone.
Later Mr Chen waded out of the surf, his dark eyes shining with contentment. We rose to meet him and I handed him his towel.
He took it and threw it around his shoulders. We walked back up to the apartment together without saying a word.