The next day was Saturday and in the morning when Myrna got up Neal had already left on his business trip. She spent a lazy morning drinking coffee and fussing with some clothes, and then in the afternoon she decided to go shopping.

She had two hours in the department stores before she became weary of it and decided to return home. After coming off the speedway, she zoomed into one of the boulevards and then ten seconds later she saw the flashing lights behind her.

Oh shit, she thought. The one thing she didn't need was a speeding ticket.

The cop who came to the window looked as tough as they make them. Myrna smiled at him as she handed over her driver's license. "Was I doing something wrong?"

He growled at her. "You were doing fifty in a thirty-mile-an-hour zone, lady."

"Oh God, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it. Honestly, I didn't."

"I'm writing you a ticket."

"Do you really have to?"

She started flirting with him. She hated the idea of getting a ticket and she thought what the hell, give it a try. She was sure it wouldn't work, but she was very wrong. He flirted back. He seemed in no hurry at all to write the ticket. In a moment he was calling her Myrna. Another few minutes and they were talking about what kind of Italian food they liked. He teased her and said she just didn't want him to write a ticket against her. She teased him right back and said it wasn't true. "I like cops."

He grinned at her. "Really."

"Yes, really."

"Okay, let's go somewhere and find out."

"Find out what?"

"We'll find out how much you like it when I eat your pussy."

A quiver went through her. "Oh boy! You come on fast, don't you?"

"All right, forget it."

"Na, wait a moment." He looked so hard and mean, but she had no reason to be afraid of him. "I didn't say no."

He snickered at her. He named a cocktail lounge not too far away and said he would meet her there for a drink.

"And after that I get to eat my lunch, right?" She blushed as she looked at his sunglasses. "Is that a promise?"

His name was Frank. In the cocktail lounge she found out he was singe and that he lived alone in an old frame house on the edge of town. They had only one drink and then he said his shift was finished and why didn't they continue drinking at his place? He'd already put the patrol car back in the motor pool and they could move right on.

She told herself she'd already more or less agreed to something. She said she would follow him in her car. They left the cocktail lounge soon after that, and then twenty minutes later she found herself in his living room.

He fixed a drink for her and told her to relax. "Make yourself at home."

"All right, I'll do that."

She relaxed on the sofa, half-lying on it as she held the drink in her hand. She was intrigued by him. He had such a strong look. And that hint of cruelty in his eyes. She thought maybe it was dangerous to be with him, but he was a cap, wasn't he? How could she be safer than with a cop? She chided herself for flirting with him and then agreeing to come to his house. For a woman who told herself she hated sex, she sometimes certainly didn't act like it.

She looked at him as he puttered with the stereo, and suddenly she wondered what he was like in bed. She wondered if he was as tough as he looked. She quivered as she imagined his cock. She was sure he had a big one, big and thick with huge hairy balls. A huge package of dangling fuckmeat.

Now he turned and gazed at her as he sipped his drink. Her dress was pulled back a bit and he could see her knees. A thrill went through Myrna as she remembered his offer to eat her. Yes, that's what she wanted. His mouth on her pussy. After that she could find some way to get out. Make up some story. If he thought he was going to fuck her he had another guess coming. What she wanted was that cruel mouth of his between her legs. They were all like puppies when they got to sniff at a wet pussy.

Before long some slow rock came out of the speakers and he talked her into dancing with him. "Let's get loose," he said.

She didn't mind. She danced with him. She felt good, full of energy, her hips and arms moving as she danced, her pulse quickening when she saw the interest in his eyes.

It wasn't long before he took her in his arms and kissed her. They danced some more, and then he backed her against a wall and kissed her again. The kissing was much hotter now. She had her back against the wall as he pressed against her and slipped his arm around her waist.

He was so strong. She could feel his warm breath against her ear. She kept her head turned to the side, looking around at the room as he pushed against her.

Now she could feel the bulge of his cock against her left hip. He had his hand close to the underside of one of her tits, and now he stroked the tit with his thumb.

Just his thumb stroking her tit through the material of her dress.

As she studied the room, she decided it was a bit seedy-looking. He was certainly no Arabian prince. Neal made more money than a cop. Was it really cheating if she just let the cop eat her pussy? She did want it. She could feel her pussy quivering for it.

She could smell the liquor on his breath now. He'd had more to drink than she. His hands were so strong. When she covered his hand with hers, his hand felt so huge under her palm.

He started talking to her about himself and about his job. When he asked if she was married, she told him the truth. She told him Neal was out of town. Frank nodded and told her to forget about her husband, just concentrate on him.

After a while they moved to the window. She stood at the window looking out at the dreary street while Frank moved partly behind her and started working at the zipper of her dress. He slowly pulled the zipper down and she kept her eyes on the street as he did it. So now it starts, she thought. She told herself she was crazy. Here she was with a cop, of all people. She was in the cop's house and about to be undressed.

Frank kissed her neck and she shivered at the feel of his warm lips. He was a lover, all right. His lips were hot and wet against her skin. He had one hand on her back and the other hand in front, and the hand that was in front now closed over on of her tit through ha dress.

He whispered in her ear. "I bet you've got a juicy pussy."

Myrna quivered. "You're fast."

He chuckled softly. "Only during this part."

His hand felt good on her tit. She wondered if he sucked pussy as good as old Mr. Perkins. She was excited at the idea of having this macho cop's mouth on her cunt. Oh yes, that would be nice. She wiggled her hips a bit to encourage him now. She wasn't awry any more. Just a little adventure while Neal was away. She'd been cheating with Mr. Perkins for a long time, so what difference would the cop make? Anyway, she deserved it. And it did save her a speeding ticket.

When Frank had the top of her dress down, he pulled her away from the window and they faced each other. He smiled at her bra-covered tits and then kissed her again. She did like his kisses. He covered her right tit with his hand, and squeezing her tit as he kissed her mouth. She moaned under his lip. She covered his hand with hers. He was so strong, the hand squeezing her tits was beginning to hurt her. She pulled at his hand, but she didn't have the strength to pull his hand away.

Finally she broke away from the kiss. "You're squeezing too hard."

He chuckled and kissed her again, his hand still squeezing her tit. Then at last his hand relaxed and he asked her what she was wearing under her dress below her waist.

She looked up at him. "Why?"

"Tell me."

"Pantyhose, what do you think?"

He frowned and said he had some things for her to put on. He said he liked his women in garter belts and stockings.

Myrna thought of old man Perkins and she laughed. She teased Frank, asked him if he also liked his women in five-inch spike heels.

The annoyance showed in Frank's eyes and he asked her once again to put the stuff on for him. "It's expensive stuff."

She told him she wouldn't do it. "I'm not a little dolly, you know."

He grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm and she cried out at the pain. He was hurting her. She struggled with him but she couldn't do anything against his strength. He continued holding her wrist as he snarled at her. "You're a little twit, aren't you, baby?"

"Let me go, you bastard!"

"You'll do whatever I want."

He twisted her arm again and she had to bend her body to the side to avoid the pain. She cried out that he was hurting her, but he didn't care. She begged him to stop hurting her, begged him to let her arm go.

He said now that he had her here, he wasn't about to let her get away from him. Then he pulled her against him and he kissed her neck. He still held her wrist but he stopped twisting it.

"Well have a good time," he said in a low voice. He said she turned him on. He said he was going to make her crazy sucking her pussy.

His face was very close to hers and she could smell the liquor on his breath. She was afraid of him now. She saw the violence in his eyes. He was definitely capable of hurting her. She was afraid not to do what he wanted. He had her in his house and she had to avoid him hurting her.

She found the stuff he wanted her to wear on the bed in the cluttered bedroom. She trembled as she slipped out of her clothes and then into things on the bed. Five minutes later she was into the living room again. She stood with her back against the wall while he gazed at her from where he sat on the sofa.

The stuff wasn't that fancy. What he'd given her to wear was a plain white garter belt and dark brown stockings and a pair of red pumps with stiletto heels. She'd found a shark's tooth necklace in the bedroom, and she had that around her neck, the long necklace hanging down to her belly-button.

She could see the lust in his eyes as he looked at her. He sat on the sofa with a long cigar in one hand and a drink in the other hand and he grinned at her. "That's nice."

He could see her pussy, of course. She wore no panties and he could see her thick dark cuntbush. She lifted her arms now. She put her hands an top of her head. "Do you think I'm pretty?"

"You're a knockout."

She wasn't afraid of him any more. She decided he was like all the others, just a little puppy.

His eyes were so hot as he gazed at her tits and cuntbush. "Show me the ass."

She did it. She turned slowly to show him her butt, to show him the full cheeks of her ass below the band of her garter belt. She did a complete turn and then she faced him again. She ran her hands over her tits as she smiled at him.

She said he promised her he would eat her pussy. "I'm just reminding you."

He gave her what she wanted. Before long, they were on the sofa together. Frank was on his back while Myrna swaddled his face. She had her cunt hanging over his mouth. In a moment he stuck his tongue out and he started licking her pussy.

She looked down at it with intense excitement, her hands sliding down to her crotch, her fingers spreading her cuntlips as he sucked her. She could feel the wetness, her cuntjuice flowing out of her pussy and into his mouth. She squirmed around on his face.

Go on, suck my cunt, she thought. She decided he wasn't as good as old man Perkins. Maybe Frank the cop was too macho. But she liked it anyway. And she was hot. Her nipples were hard. She shifted her hips to get his tongue on her clit. She was amused because the way he was sucking her cunt put his nose against her asshole.

She moved her hips steadily now. She fucked Frank's face with her wet pussy. He still had his clothes on, but when she glanced down at the front of his pants, she could see his hard-on. His cock looked big.

Then she told herself she had to think about hot to get away after this. She certainly didn't want to fuck him. She'd promised to let him eat her cunt and now that he'd done it he ought to let her leave. He couldn't keep her in his house against her will. The trick was to get away without him hurting her.

Of course she soon found out she wasn't going anywhere. When he tired of sucking her cunt, he pushed her away and he wiped his mouth and rose from the sofa.

He patted the bulge in his crotch and grinned at her. "I hope you like big cocks."

"Can I have another drink?"

"Later, honey. My friend here wants to meet you."

He unzipped his fly and brought his cock out. He wasn't bragging about being big. His prick was huge, the biggest she'd ever seen.

He came forward. "Get the head in your mouth."

Myrna shook her head. "I don't do that! I don't like doing it and I don't do it? I don't even do it to my husband."

Frank grabbed her head and snarled at her. "Then your husband is a fucking fool, lady. You either suck this cock or you get hurt."

When she tried pulling away from him, he slapped her head and forced her down on her knees on the rug. She whimpered as she realized she had to do it. She trembled with a mixture of fear and revulsion as she covered his fat knob with her mouth.

He had such a huge cock. She could smell him, the heady male smell of his cock and balls. She was horrified by what he was making her do. She hadn't planned on this. She hadn't sucked a prick in years. Not since the honeymoon with Neal, and after that she never did it again.

And this cock was so big and thick and ugly. A good nine inches. He made Neal's cock look small and she'd always thought Neal was big.

Frank grabbed her head now. He pulled her head towards him to get more of his cock in her mouth. Her jaws were as wide open as possible. He shoved his cock forward and she gagged when his knob pushed at her throat.

He chuckled and pulled back a bit. "Too much, huh? Be nice to it, baby. It's a big hunk of meat."

He started fucking her mouth slowly. He talked to her. He said she was wrong to refuse to suck his cock. He said he liked her. He said they were going to have a nice time together.

He said she had nice tits and a hot-looking ass. He said she looked good with her mouth filled with his cock.

"Hold my balls, honey. You don't want to suck a dick without being nice to the balls."

She did it. She was too afraid of him to refuse. She reached between his thighs and she closed her hand around his big hairy ball-bag. She held his nuts as he continued sliding his huge cock in and out of her mouth.

She was terribly afraid of him now. She realized she had better do what he wanted or he might get angry and hurt her. She hated sucking his cock. She hated the way his big prick stuffed her mouth and the way his cockhead pushed at her throat. She told herself a woman could choke on a cock like this.

Then with a shock she realized she'd have to take his come in her mouth.

Because if he didn't come in her mouth he would certainly want to fuck her.
