Chapter 10

Katherine arrived home for the weekend and decided to take Laura for a run. Laura loved to run and Monique usually made time in each day for Laura to get her exercise. Running with Katherine was always a challenge, though. Katherine always had her run naked. The forest bordering the estate didn't usually have anyone in it but occasionally they happened upon other people. This was always very embarrassing for Laura. Also, the frantic movement of her breasts made it uncomfortable. It was bad before Brigitte when her chest was a 36C. Now that she was a 38D, it was worse.

Katherine surprised Laura shortly before they departed for their jog through the woods. "I learned the most amazing thing," explained Katherine. "Some people train their subs to be ponies. I think you would be a beautiful pony."

Laura blinked. "A pony, Mistress? What's that?"

"You know. A pony. A horse. You would still be a girl. You will always be my girl. But I will train you to race or do dressage or something like that. Here, I even got you a tail."

Laura gasped at what Katherine was holding out to her. It was clearly a butt plug. Laura had worn those enough times to know what they looked like. But this one had hair sprouting from one end. The long blonde hair closely resembled Laura's own and she quickly realized what Katherine had in mind.

"Oh Mistress, please no."

"Oh, it won't hurt. Don't be a ninny. Just turn around and let me put it in."

Laura blushed furiously at the new indignity. She knew that it would end up in her butt one way or another so she turned around and obediently bent over, exposing her defenseless little pucker to her owner.

Katherine dipped her finger into a jar of lubricant and rubbed it over the plug. Then she rubbed it around Laura's little rosebud before sliding a finger into her girl to lubricate her there also. She placed the tip at the opening and pushed it slowly into Laura until it was fully embedded.

"It looks adorable," grinned Katherine. "Walk around and let me see how it works." Laura bit her lower lip and walked back and forth for Katherine. She felt it move inside of her and knew that it would be very distracting during the run. She also felt the tail brushing back and forth across the backs of her legs and felt her blush return.

For one last indignity, Katherine bound Laura's elbows behind her back. Katherine was the only one in the family who consistently used bondage. Pierre or Monique would occasionally bind Laura or her husband, but Katherine seemed to be fascinated by the way that a simple piece of rope or steel could mold a female form. She didn't tie up Steve; just Laura.

"Mistress, I don't know if I can run like this," complained Laura. Her shoulders ached terribly with the strain of having her elbows pulled together.

"Oh, sure you can, pet. We'll go slow."

They started off together, running side by side toward the path at the back of the estate. Laura's breasts immediately became animated and bounced wildly on her chest. Despite their firmness, they still moved and jumped. Laura was thankful her breasts were so firm or they probably would knock her out. She wondered how firm they would stay if she ran like this often.

"Oooooo," squealed Katherine as she watched the bouncing orbs. "Looks like Brigitte is going to get a milk shake tonight." Laura was not amused by the joke but knew better than to say anything. She just kept running and tried to ignore the wild motions.

They reached the lake, which Laura knew usually meant the halfway point. They would circle the lake and then head back. It was a pretty run. They had run through a pine forest and over some streams. Now they were running through the boulder-strewn fields that surrounded the lake. Sometimes, Katherine would stop here to either rest or to have sex with her girl but today she just kept tromping ahead.

They were passing between two boulders when it happened. Laura felt her shin hit something and she went down, landing painfully on her shoulder. When she looked around, she saw that Katherine had fallen also. Then she saw four boys jump down from the boulders next to the prone forms.

"This one's already tied up," exclaimed one of the boys. "Let's get the other one." All four of them descended on Katherine who had been struggling to get back on her feet. They knocked her back down and all of them sat on her to hold her there. While she continued to struggle, someone produced a piece of rope and, with some difficulty, they bound her wrists behind her back.

"Get off of me, you brats!" screeched Katherine.

"We aren't brats," one of the boys replied. "We're commandos and we just captured two enemy spies." Laura was able to roll onto her side to see what was going on but there was no way that she could get to her feet with her elbows bound together. She was able, however, to see what had tripped her. It seemed that they boys had strung a rope across the trail to deliberately trip and capture them. Laura couldn't tell how old they were but figured that they were in their mid teens. However old they were, they were obviously strong enough to handle Katherine.

Two of them grabbed her arms and hoisted her to her feet and the other two moved to Laura. It was more difficult to raise her because of the way she was bound but they were able to get her to her feet without too much trouble.

"Why is she naked?" asked one of the boys to Katherine.

Katherine decided to change her approach with the boys. Yelling at them certainly hadn't helped out her situation. Maybe something different would work. "She's the enemy spy. I'm on your side. I captured her and was taking her to headquarters."

"Oh," said the one who appeared to be the leader with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know that he had any girls on his side. "I guess we better release her, then," he said to his commando buddies.

"Wait! Don't!" shouted one of the boys. "It's a trick! I saw this in a movie once."

"You saw a naked girl in a movie?" asked the leader incredulously.

"No. I saw the trick. One acts like a guard and the other acts like a prisoner until they get inside the fort and then they kill everyone."

"Ohhhhhhh" said the leader as recognition spread across his face. "Pretty tricky," he said as he turned back to Katherine. "Take them to the cave."

"Wait!" protested Katherine. "You can't do this. This is kidnapping!"

"Nah," responded one of the younger boys. "This is just commando training."

"Why does this one have a tail?" asked the youngest boy. "Oh my gosh!!! It's stuck in her butt!!" That halted the procession and all of the boys gathered around Laura.

"You never told us why she's naked," said the leader. "And why does she have a tail?"

"She's naked because I like her that way," replied Katherine. "And she has a tail because I think she would be a beautiful pony."

The leader shook his head and then the other boys shook their heads too, not believing the story again. The girls were prodded and started walking once again toward wherever the boys were taking them.

"Wait!" exclaimed one of the boys, causing the procession to stop. "Are you two lesbos or something?"

"Don't be gross," spat Katherine. "We are nothing of the kind."

"I am married if that makes you feel better," offered Laura.

"Well, that's good," replied the boy. "Commandos don't like lesbos."

"Rope ‘em and take them to the cave," the leader repeated. Each girl had a rope tied loosely around her neck and then they were led off across the field by the miniature warriors. Laura was neither in the mood nor position to struggle. She followed behind obediently. Katherine kept struggling and fell twice due to her wild antics. The boys merely helped her to her feet and continued their journey.

It only took about five minutes to reach their destination. The cave was more of an overhang with sides. It was like a huge box with one side open. Laura saw that it had been used by the boys earlier. A couple of backpacks lay in one corner and candy wrappers were strewn about.

"Tie them to the posts until we get a chance to interrogate them." The posts were actually vines that seemed to be rooted in the floor of the cave and then grew upward, along the ceiling of the cave, and then out into the sunlight. There were three of them and each was as big around as Laura's thighs. Laura was backed up to one of the vines. A rope was wrapped around her waist to secure her to it and then her elbows were released only to have her arms pulled behind the vine and her wrists retied. At least the strain was off of her shoulders. Now if they would only remove that infernal plug.

"This one's awfully pretty," said one of her captors. Laura just shook her head in disbelief.

They gathered around Katherine who was still struggling. "We can either do this the easy way or the hard way," said one of the boys who had heard that line in some movie or television show.

"Let me go!" shrieked Katherine and she started jerking on her bindings again.

"I think we should strip her first," said a boy.

"Yeah, I heard they always do that before they interrogate someone," agreed another boy.

"Don't you dare!" warned Katherine as she glared at the boys. "Don't even think about it!"

They backed her up to the vine and wrapped rope around her waist, securing her tightly to it. Two of the boys crouched down and slid her shorts and panties down despite Katherine's protests and her pressing her legs together to make it hard for them. But they got them off and then took off her shoes, leaving her naked but for her running bra.

"Better take off the other one's shoes too so she doesn't try to run away." One of the boys returned to Laura and quickly took off the only articles of clothing she had worn all day, leaving her completely naked.

They had trouble with Katherine's top. They released her arms now that she was securely tied to the vine and she started flailing them wildly. Two of the boys finally grabbed her wrists while a third pushed the top up. They couldn't get it above her shoulders, though. Her breasts were exposed but the top couldn't be raised any further because Katherine was struggling so hard.

"Here, I'll cut it off," said a boy who fished around in his pocket and then produced a knife. Katherine looked at it in horror and realized they were serious. She would have nothing to wear once they got free if her top was cut.

"No wait! You can take it off." She stopped struggling and they quickly pulled it up and over her head, leaving her as completely naked as Laura. They gathered her wrists and then tied them behind the vine.

"This one's awfully pretty too," observed the same boy.

"Okay. What do we do now?" asked one of the boys. All of them looked at one another with confused expressions.

"Beats me," said one of the captors.

"We could torture them?" said another one as almost a question. "Maybe we could get them to talk."

"I think we play with them," said another. "They've got great knockers."

"Knockers?" uttered the smallest one of the gang. "Play with them?"

"Yeah. Knockers. You know. Hooters, boobies, titties." He grabbed one of Katherine's breasts and squeezed for emphasis.

"Oh," blushed the small one.

Laura was starting to get worried. It was obvious that these boys were too young to be around two grown females. Laura didn't want to have anything to do with the corrupting of young minds. But she also wasn't in any kind of position to make demands.

Plus, she remembered the time that they had encountered two other teenagers on a run. They had been older than this bunch but not old enough. And Katherine had volunteered her to give them blowjobs in exchange for them keeping their meeting secret. She hoped that Katherine didn't get any bright ideas like that today.

At least Katherine had settled down and wasn't likely to anger or provoke the boys. It seemed that being naked and bound had taken the fight out of her mistress. She knew from experience how vulnerable it makes you feel and wondered if that was going through Katherine's mind now.

The boy who had been admiring the two pairs of breasts wandered back over to Laura. He reached out and touched one of the full breasts. "You really are very pretty."

Laura thought about snarling at him but decided to reason with him instead. "You really should let us go. What you and your friends are doing is illegal, you know."

He seemed to enjoy the touch so much that he placed his hand flat over the delicious breast and squeezed. "Awww, we aren't going to keep you. We're just playing a game."

"Yes, I know," she responded as she glanced down and saw him holding her breast. "But we weren't part of the game."

"What kind of game were you playing?" Now each hand claimed a breast and he jiggled them, enjoying his first touch of a woman.

"Game? We weren't playing a game. We were just running."

The boy became fascinated with Laura's nipples and he ran his fingers around them, causing them to stiffen. Then he gripped them lightly and tugged and twisted on them. "Then why were you naked? And why do you have a tail?" He stretched one and then the other nipple away from her body.

"Oh," she blushed. How would she explain that? I'm a slave? I'm an exhibitionist? I lost my clothes in a bet? "Well, I suppose it was a game, after all. But it was a different game."

"Well, I want to play your game. I love these boobies."

Laura rolled her eyes. It was clear that reasoning would be difficult. She glanced across the cave to see how Katherine was making out. Things did not look good at all. Two boys were at her breasts, squeezing them and biting them and sucking on the sensitive nipples. The older boy must have read a book or seen a movie with sex in it. He had a finger pushed inside of her and was sawing it slowly in and out. "This could be a very long afternoon," thought Laura.

Eventually, another boy came over to Laura so each girl now had two captors tending them. The second boy decided to try what he had seen the older boy do to Katherine. It took a little fumbling around but eventually he figured out how a vagina worked and he slid a finger into Laura. Laura groaned but mostly because she was so disgusted with herself. She should not be aroused at all in this situation. And yet, the finger easily glided into her sex giving proof to how wet she was.

Laura heard Katherine groan and the boys jumped back from her, afraid that they had hurt her. Seeing the strain on her face and the quivering muscles of Katherine's belly, Laura knew that her mistress had just experienced an orgasm. Laura knew that she would not be happy about that. The boys finally realized that they had done no harm and resumed their exploration of Katherine's heavenly curves. "She does look so damned sexy when she climaxes," thought Laura.

"Why don't you have any hair down here?" asked the boy with his finger buried in Laura's sex.

"Because I shave it," replied Laura, feeling the digit worming around inside her body.

"Why do you shave it? She has hair."

"I shave it because some people like it that way."

"Like who?"

"Like her. She likes me smooth down there."

"Oh. Then you two really are lesbos!"

"No," replied Laura. "I told you earlier that I'm married. She's just my friend."

The interrogation continued for quite some time. The boy studied Laura's reactions to his manipulation of her sex and learned what worked and what didn't. He started doing more of what worked and started moving her toward a climax. In the meantime, the first boy who had come to her had continued his studies of the female breast and had discovered that Laura was lactating. It didn't take him long to clamp his lips around her nipples and start suckling, which did nothing to help Laura avoid an orgasm. Eventually, she couldn't hold back any longer and she exploded into a climax.

"Wow, that was fun!" said the boy with the finger. "Let's do it again."

"Yeah," said the boy with the lips. "I love playing with girls."

The boys continued to play and experiment with their new toys. They delighted in the control they had over these two women. Their fingers could cause the women to moan and plead and beg. Their lips could elicit gasps and groans as they suckled on the firm, full breasts.

Laura's original admirer stuck with her the entire time. He was infatuated with her. The other three boys moved back and forth between the two girls so that there were always two boys with each. There always seemed to be a finger probing and there were always hands or lips claiming breasts.

The afternoon became a blur for both women as orgasm after orgasm wracked their bodies. Finally, the assaults stopped and they each tentatively opened their eyes. The day had turned into night. That meant that they had been captive for over eight hours by these four youths. Laura saw one of them packing his backpack.

"You're not going to leave us here, are you?" she asked desperately.

"Nah," he replied. "We're going to let you go. It was fun, though. You were good sports. Thanks for being our spies."

Laura didn't know how to respond so she remained silent. Each of the girls had their wrists untied and then tied again behind their backs. This time, their arms weren't around the thick vines, though. Finally the ropes around their waists were undone and they could finally move about again.

Katherine was given her clothes back. One of the boys had her open her mouth and he stuffed the edge of each garment into her mouth, letting her bite down on them to carry them. Their socks were stuffed into their shoes and then the shoes were tied together and draped over their shoulders. They now had everything that they came with, even if they weren't wearing them.

The boys headed out of the cave and Laura and Katherine followed them, anxious to get out of their prison. Then the boys headed off into the darkness in a single file with huge smiles on their faces.

Laura and Katherine looked around. Not only was it dark, it was pitch black. The clouds covered the moon and stars, leaving them in an inky darkness. Katherine spit her clothes out of her mouth.

"Wait! Come back!"

The flashlights changed directions and, one by one," the boys reappeared at the mouth of the cave. "What?"

"You can't leave us here," she implored. "We'll never find our way home. We'll get lost. And we are defenseless the way you have us tied."

"Hmmm," said the leader of the group. "We could take you to your home."

"Yes. That would be great." Then Katherine gave them the location of her house.

"We'll take you home on one condition," said the leader.

"What's that?" asked Katherine warily.

"You get to go home tonight if you promise to come back tomorrow. We want to try to capture you again."

There was a lot of bickering back and forth but, in the end, Katherine relented. She knew that they would get hopelessly lost in the dark. Besides, it was starting to get chilly.

The boys marched their captives back to the lake and then through the pine forest. They took them all the way to where the trail opened up onto the Chambeaux lawn. Then they tucked Katherine's clothes under her arm to let her carry them the rest of the way.

"Remember," said one of the boys. "A promise is a promise."

"Yes, I know all about promises," said Katherine. The boys then disappeared into the darkness to let the two naked captives finish the journey on their own.

"They got quite a sex education today," commented Katherine as they crossed the lawn together.

"Yeah. They ought to ace female anatomy when they get to it in school," replied Laura. "I can't believe we're going to do it again tomorrow."

"Oh, we're not," said Katherine.

"But you promised," responded Laura. A debate ensued.

"Do you want to go back?" asked Katherine after they had argued for a bit.

"No," said Laura. "But you promised."

"I didn't mean it."

"Then you shouldn't have promised."

Laura banged her forehead on the door to get someone's attention when they got to the house. Pierre opened it and grinned when he saw his two girls standing there, naked with their arms bound behind them.

"My, my. This should be an interesting story," he said as he stood aside to let them enter.

"I don't even want to talk about it," snapped Katherine. "Come, Laura." The two naked girls disappeared up the stairs together.

The next day, they started their run at the same time. Even though Laura had no desire to go back and further corrupt the boys, she felt honor bound to uphold Katherine's promise. She succeeded in shaming her mistress into upholding her end of the promise. That had taken quite a lot of arguing back and forth between mistress and slave, but the slavegirl had been persistent. In the end, the mistress wanted to punish the slave, but couldn't bring herself to do so since Laura was in the right.

Both girls were dressed for this run and there were no bindings at all on Laura. That had been Katherine's decision but came out of the bickering after Katherine started to lose the argument.

"Those little shits will probably have all of their friends with them," Katherine complained.

"Then you should have made them promise not to tell anyone," countered Laura. Katherine was infuriated that Laura was always right, but did not punish her slave since she was indeed right.

They ran through the forest and Laura loved the freedom of movement that she had. This was much more like the exercise that she was used to. She also appreciated not having her breasts flailing about on her chest.

They approached the spot where they had been captured the day before. Katherine had finally agreed to come back after Laura had relentlessly guilted her into it but she agreed on the condition that they hop over the rope this time.

"We agreed to let them try to capture us. We didn't agree to be captured," she had explained. "We'll be there but we don't have to let them capture us."

"That's fair," Laura had agreed.

When they got closer to the spot, they saw the rope. Through prior agreement, they both effortlessly hopped over it and Katherine smiled smugly.

About five yards further on, though, they both fell to the ground. The boys had set up a second rope to fell their prey.

"We figured you'd do that," reported one of the boys as they claimed their prizes. As soon as they fell, the four boys appeared out of nowhere and were upon the two girls. This time, they were both stripped on the spot and then bound and marched off to the cave.

After they were secured to their respective vines, Laura decided to play along with their game. "Oh, I can't bear the thought of torture! I confess! We blew up the train station. We stole your battle plans. We assassinated your general."

"Oh," said one of the boys. "We're not commandos today."

"What are you," asked Katherine.

"Pirates," said another boy.

Laura learned the boys' names, although she could not keep them straight. Her constant admirer from the day before was Robbie and she knew him. The others were Jack, Tom and Ronnie but she never really figured out which name went with which boy. They did not bring any friends or others as Katherine had feared. So once again, two naked girls were held captive by four curious teenage boys.

The day progressed much like the day before. It seemed that there was constantly a finger inside each of the women and they were either on the edge of an orgasm or recovering from one throughout most of the afternoon.

One new twist was bananas. One of the boys produced two bananas and they were immediately buried in two feminine tunnels. Now the boys could use them to bring the girls to orgasm by moving the fruit in and out of them and could reach deeper than they could with their fingers. They also discovered the girls' clits and toyed with these with great pleasure as the girls writhed in their bondage and moaned.

The boys continued their fascination with breasts. All four breasts were equally fondled, squeezed, pinched and sucked. The night before, Laura had heated up formula for Brigitte since she had been so thoroughly drained by the four hungry mouths. It looked like Brigitte would be dining on formula again tonight. Even Katherine's breasts, which were not even lactating, were suckled and feasted upon by the boys. It was all such great fun for them.

It grew dark and, once again, the boys led the girls through the night to the Chambeaux home after extracting another promise to return the next Saturday. And once again, the two girls walked naked with their hands tied behind their backs across the expansive lawn toward the house.

"I'm surprised they didn't fuck us," remarked Laura as they walked side by side.

"I doubt that they even know what fucking is," replied Katherine. "And I'm not about to bring it up."

They walked a little further before Katherine spoke again. "Indians? Jeeessshhh!!!"

Katherine could kick herself for her weakness or stupidity or both. She had vowed that she would not make another promise but she had failed herself. And she knew that Laura wouldn't let her break her promise.

The boys had said that they were going to be cowboys the next weekend and that she and Laura were going to be Indians. They also said that they were going to be camping out and asked if the two girls could spend the night.

Maybe she was weak, thought Katherine. Or maybe it was just because the boys were so cute and she didn't want to hurt their feelings. Or maybe, she thought, it was because deep inside she really enjoyed being held captive and sexually tormented. No, it couldn't be that.

Once again, Pierre opened the door and grinned. "I'm not even going to ask," was all he said. He untied their hands and watched the two naked girls as they disappeared upstairs together.
