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“This is where I live,” Faan said and pointed to the Beehouse. “I’ve got to go in.”

Dossan’s eyes went round. “You’re her The snake girl.”

Ma’teesee darted forward, touched Faan’s face, then went running off; Dossan followed more slowly, looking back several times before she vanished around a bend.

Faan gazed down the lane for several minutes longer, the back of her hand pressed against her mouth, then she turned, walked slowly up the steps and rang the bell so Panote would let her in.

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Ma’teesee and Dossan were waiting for her when she came out the next morning.

Ma’teesee rushed up the steps and caught hold of

Faan’s wrist. “Say you don’ mind, Faan. Say you’ll be friends. Fada, fada, say it, huh?”

Faan stared at her. “Why?”


Dossan giggled. “She told her mum what she did and her mum played pitta pat on her sitter.”

“Huh!” Ma’teesee said indignantly. “I was sorry anyway. Acting like Izmit and her lot.” She spat, grinned as a small black beetle scurried from under the sudden damp.

Faan wrinkled her nose. “Me, I got a scold.” She caught one of Maleesee’s curls and yanked. “That’s for yesterday.”


They walked down the steps together, joined Dossan, and strolled toward the school.

“How come you got it?” Dossan said. “You din’ do nothing.”

“Reyna said I should pay no mind to idiots like Izmit.”

Ma’teesee nodded. “Diyo,” she said. “Potzhead snerk.”

Dossan touched Faan’s arm and smiled.

“He said I’m gonna meet more’n I like of people like that and I sh’d figure out how to take ’em now.” Faan sighed. “I said I wanted to go Wascram. Can’t. He won’t let me.”

“Sa sa, parents.” Maleesee skipped ahead of them, turned and danced backward. “Can you really call snakes?”

“I don’t think so.”

Dossan primmed her mouth. “You don’t have to tell D.,esee anything, Faan. M’ mum says she so nosy, it’ll get bit off one of these days.”

“I don’t mind. Anyway, it’s all stupid stuff, something I don’t even remember, it happened when I was just a baby.”

Ma’teesee looked disappointed, then she grinned.

“Izmit don’t know it. Got ‘n idea, Fa. I’d do ‘t m’self but they won’t let me in there. There’s this l’il snake lives in our basement, eats mice I. think, I’ll catch it, you put it in her desk. That’d straighten her hair for her.”

“Deeeyoooo0h…” Dossan breathed.

Faan swallowed. The idea terrified her, but she couldn’t back down. “You bring it, I’ll put it,” she said.
