Chapter Nineteen A Day at Tessa’s Cakes

“Tess! Your hot guy is here!” Nora, one of my kids, called from the front of the bakery.

“And he’s got two mini-hot guys with him.”

I looked up from the birthday cake I was decorating toward the swinging half doors that separated the bakery part of the bakery from the public part of the bakery and within seconds I saw an amused Brock push through followed by his two smirking sons who it was plain to see liked being referred to as mini-hot guys especially when a pretty, perky young thing like Nora called them that.

I was happy to see them but surprised.

It was more than a week after the Damian Drama, it was Saturday and business was still booming. I’d been in the shop since seven because I had six birthday cakes to decorate by noon and an anniversary cake to decorate by three. I also had two appointments with blushing soon-to-be brides to discuss their wedding cakes.

It was now just after eleven and again (mostly) all hands on deck. Kalie was out on the floor with Nora and Suni and Kellie was back with me and my two other bakers and decorators extraordinaire and the place was humming.

“Hey Uncle Slim!” Kellie called, hands busy with rolling snickerdoodle balls of dough in cinnamon and sugar. “Yo, Joey, Rex.”

“Hey Kellie,” Joel called back.

“Hey,” Rex said distractedly, his eyes big and taking in the sights and smells of magic happening all around and his face registered exactly that – magic.

I giggled at Rex and my eyes went to Brock who’d greeted his niece verbally but came to me and greeted my physically by getting close to my side and kissing my neck.

Then his mouth moved to my ear and he whispered, “Sweetness.”

I shivered and my head turned, my eyes finding his.

“Hey honey,” I whispered back, his eyes danced, I got another shiver then I looked to the boys. “Hey guys.”

“Hey Tess,” Joey replied.

“Hey,” Rex mumbled, staring at the huge cake in front of me.

“Poppy seed with raspberry and cream filling and vanilla bean frosting,” I told him, he blinked at the cake, his eyes lifted to mine, he blinked at me then his eyes dropped back to the cake and he licked his lips.

I giggled again.

Then I shouted to the swinging doors, “Guys! Anything they want, on the house for my two boys!”

“You got it, Tess!” Suni shouted back.

Joel muttered, “Awesome,” and took off on a dash into the front.

Rex was already gone.

I giggled again.

Then I looked at Brock and asked, “What’re you guys doing here?”

I asked this because our plans for the day were set. Considering my schedule and the fact it was girls’ night in and Brock had the boys, I was working all day then hoofing it to Martha’s. Depending on my level of inebriation and the lateness of the festivities, I was either going to go to Brock’s later, call him to get me if I was hammered or crashing at Martha’s.

A visit to the bakery wasn’t on the agenda thus a surprise though a good one.

“You got a minute?” Brock asked in return and that was when I wondered if this surprise was a good one.

I looked down at the cake which was almost done. I’d baked them all the day before and only had to decorate them. This was the last birthday cake and next up was the anniversary cake. My appointments weren’t until after three. Therefore I had time.

So I nodded, put down the pastry bag and muttered, “Let’s go to my office.”

We went and when I closed the door behind me and saw Brock looking around with unconcealed surprise, I realized he’d never been back here. Not when we were seeing each other when he was Jake and not when we got back together when he was mine.

He looked at the chaos then at me and said simply, “Babe.”

“I know where everything is,” I defended myself.

He looked around again then back at me. “That’s impossible.”

“No, really.”

He grinned.

Then he tipped his head toward the door, crossed his arms on his chest and remarked,


I nodded. “I need to consider more hires, decorators for the back, staff for the front. It isn’t lightening up even on weekdays and special orders are getting out of hand so I don’t have time to help the girls keep the front stocked.”

“You need to consider opening new locations,” Brock returned and I blinked at him. “It’s a madhouse out there ‘cause this is the only place in Denver they can get your stuff so they descend en masse here. You open shops in LoDo, Park Meadows, considering additional foot traffic and convenience to locals, you’ll clean up.”

I had, of course, thought of this after I’d learned Brock was not Jake, we were apart for those three months and I was hell-bent on doing anything that might take my mind off being played but mostly losing him (an effort that, incidentally, failed). I’d even looked at locations for expanding, including one in LoDo or what lower downtown Denver was known as.

However, these activities clashed with my half-baked plans to sell my house and move to Kentucky so I didn’t fully investigate them. But also, I didn’t fully investigate them because already the success of my shop was cutting into the time I got to do the fun stuff. I had an accountant and outsourced payroll but that was it. All the hires, scheduling of personnel, ordering, inventory, my calendar and the rest of it I did. The idea of adding another shop to that load, or, worse, two, didn’t fill me with glee.

“I’m uncertain of my desire to be the Cake Guru of Denver. I like baking and decorating.

I’m not chomping at the bit to build and oversee a cake empire.”

He grinned then decided he was done with our distance, which, considering my office was tiny was only two feet so the distance wasn’t that distant but still, he obviously didn’t like it. I knew this because his arms uncrossed and one shot out, he grabbed my hand, tugged on it hard so I was forced to take a big step forward and I fell into his body. Then both his arms wrapped around me and I tilted my head back to look up at him as my arms slid around his waist. Then he gave me no time to make a comment or react to this change of physical circumstances, he casually continued the conversation like yanking me into his arms in the middle of one was a totally normal thing to do.

Which, I realized in that nanosecond, for Brock it was.

“So hire a business manager to oversee the shit you don’t wanna do at your different locations and spend your time baking and decorating,” he suggested.

This idea held merit but I still shook my head and explained, “Sometimes, when folks expand, things get out of hand. You lose quality. You lose personality. It starts to be about money, not about soul. I put a lot of work into what’s happening out there and my name is on these cakes.” I gave his waist a squeeze and said quietly, “To me, baby, this isn’t just cakes, it’s my vision, it’s me. And I need to control it.”

And it was my vision, it was me. I’d not that long ago finally discovered who I was and what was inside me and that didn’t only include a mountainous swirl of frosting under which was rich, moist cake. It also included robin’s egg blue and lavender and hibiscus blossoms and hummingbirds and smiling clerks and kids who walked in with looks on their faces like Rex and walked out with smiles on their faces like pretty much everybody.

“All right, darlin’,” Brock said softly and my focus went back to him. “You’d had a tough night so you might have missed it but over Mexican, your girl bitched… at length… about her job. She’s in a bad place, hates what she’s doin’ and she’s been lookin’ around now for months and findin’ nothin’. You told me your income quadrupled over Christmas and that isn’t slowing. Right now, you got the means to do this and you got someone you trust, someone who knows you and your vision and understands the importance of it to you. Talk to Martha, maybe she’ll be open to takin’ on a new gig. Even if you don’t expand, with how it is out there, you still could use someone doin’ what you do in here so you can get outta here and do what you prefer to do out there.”

Again, this idea held merit but this one held more. Like a lot more. Doable more.

“That’s a great idea, honey,” I whispered.

“It’s a selfish idea, baby,” he whispered back. “The more money you make, the more sexy nighties I get and if you get help, I’ll maybe see you sometimes when you’re not flat out exhausted and trying to hide it.”

See? Totally could not pull shit over on Brock.

“I’ll talk to her tonight,” I told him.

“Good,” he said on an arm squeeze.

“So,” I tipped my head to the side, “did you come here to advise me on the future of my bakery?”

He shook his head and answered, “Nope, gotta go to work. Mom’s got plans to go see a movie with friends. Laura’s got a gaggle of girls over because Ellie had a slumber party last night. Jill and Fritz are up in the mountains snowshoeing. I don’t think Dad’s up to it, Levi isn’t answering his phone and Kalie and Kellie are out there. ‘Cause of that, I need to ask you to look after the boys. If I can get hold of Levi, I’ll give you a call and send him ‘round to pick them up.”

It was then I noticed he wasn’t in a thermal and his leather jacket and faded jeans but in a navy blue turtleneck (again, one I bought him for Christmas), his nice jeans and his black overcoat.

Work attire.

“Someone get a cap busted in their ass?” I asked.

He grinned, shook his head in that way he did (that way I liked) when I knew he thought I was cute and answered, “Yeah, and that someone was done exactly the way another someone was done who hit my desk last week. I gotta get to the crime scene and I gotta look into that shit.”

Not fun.

“Okay,” I agreed readily and his arms gave me another squeeze.

“They’ll be cool,” he told me.

“I know they will,” I told him.

“If they can help out, put them to work,” he suggested.

“They just got KP duties,” I decided.

He smiled again. Then he dipped his head to touch his lips to mine.

The he lifted his head and murmured, “Thanks, baby.”

“Anytime, honey,” I murmured back but even at a murmur I meant it and he knew it.

Therefore, he smiled then that smile faded as a shadow drifted through his eyes telling me he wanted to spend a Saturday when he should be with his sons going to a crime scene and

“looking into that shit” about as much as he wanted to get a tooth pulled without Novocain then he muttered, “I gotta go.”

I pressed into him and whispered, “Yeah.”

I got another squeeze, another lip touch (this one on my forehead) then he let me go but lifted a hand to cup my jaw before he murmured, “Later.”

Then he was gone.

I followed him out, moved through the back and front telling the girls we had two new helpers, approached Joel and Rex at their table where they were finishing up devouring a slice of carrot cake (Rex) and a red velvet cupcake (Joel), told them what they were going to do to earn their keep and at this news their eyes lit.

Only kids would think clearing tables and washing up coffee cups, plates and forks in a bakery was cool.

Or maybe it was only Brock’s kids.

And lucky for me they did because I could use the help.

* * * * *

“Aunt Tess!” I heard shrieked, I turned from loading a cake stand on the back shelves with cupcakes just in time to see Ellie darting through the shop, heading for the opening at the end of the counter and rounding it.

Luckily, although her speed was akin to an Olympian who, with great dedication trained daily and maintained an athlete’s lifestyle twenty-four, seven, I had time to brace before she hit my legs, arms wrapped around them.

My hand not holding the cupcake tray settled on her head and then dropped as she arched her back at an impossible angle without releasing her hold and grinned up at me.

“Mom’s buyin’ us pink cupcakes!” she screeched then jumped back and clapped, “I can’t wait!

I smiled at her and was surprised to see she’d ditched the princess attire and was now a mermaid complete with flashy, green, iridescent tail and flat, lilac shells as bodice however this ensemble was marred by a winter coat and a cute, fluffy wool hat with a bobble on the top both of which didn’t exactly say “under the sea”.

“Ellie, come out from behind that counter right now,” Laura snapped, standing at the end of it. “What did I tell you about when your Aunt Tess is working? You don’t go behind the counter when Aunt Tess is working.”

This wasn’t true. Ellie always came behind the counter when she visited Tessa’s Cakes, that was, she came behind the counter if Aunt Tess was there in order to do what she just did.

“She doesn’t care,” Ellie shot back and this was the true but Laura instantly got a Mom Face that clearly stated without words that she was not in the mood for backtalk. Ellie read her mother’s face, she scrunched her face, looked up at me, unscrunched her face, gave me a toothy grin then skipped out from behind the counter.

“Go, sit down with your friends,” Laura ordered. “I’ll be there with cupcakes and milk in a second but I won’t be there with cupcakes and milk if you don’t behave.”

I could tell by Ellie’s face she took this seriously and I could also tell it by her ensuing actions for she did not delay in rounding up her three also mermaid-attired friends (obviously this slumber party had a theme) and herding them to an open table at the window.

Suni took my tray of cupcakes, I shot her a grateful smile and moved to Laura and the minute I arrive she started bitching in an undertone.

“Remind me never but never to do this again. I knew it, I’ve done it before but, like childbirth, you forget how freaking painful it is in between times and therefore convince yourself you’re good for another go. And Ellie gets invited to slumber parties all the time and it was our turn. I shouldn’t care. Turns don’t matter. Peace of mind matters. Not losing your hearing due to the constant shrieking of little girls matters. Sanity matters. If those girls’

mothers are fool enough to take on that energy and noise level, great, fine, more power to them. But I… am… not.

I nodded like I understood (when I actually didn’t) and opened my mouth to say something soothing but she kept bitching.

“And Austin abandoned me. He had four hours with the girls last night and he took off first thing this morning leaving me a note.

Oh man. Not a smooth move on Austin’s part. I had a feeling Austin was in the doghouse.

Laura kept right on going.

“Okay, so, he took the boys out to breakfast and then to a movie so I don’t also have Grady and Dylan to deal with but Grady and Dylan are a piece of cake compared to four four year old little girls. Ellie told them all about you and your cupcakes and that’s all they’ve been talking about so, to shut them up, I had to bring them here. But I have to tell you, Tess, I’m uncertain about injecting even a teaspoon of sugar into those four. They’re bouncing off the walls now. With sugar in them, they might explode through like four year old little girl Hulks in mermaid outfits.”

I bit my lip and waited for her to continue complaining so she could get it all off her chest but she didn’t. Her eyes suddenly wandered to a blackboard but she wasn’t reading it. They’d glazed over and I knew she was on a mental deserted island with a very strong mai tai and a romance novel.

I waited a moment to allow her to experience her fantasy before I was going to lift my hand and wave it in front of her face but I didn’t get the chance.

“Aunt Laurie,” Rex called, moving through the swinging doors followed by Joel.

Laura’s body jerked, her mouth tilted up into a smile and she said, “Hey kiddo,” and accepted a hug around her hips as she ruffled his hair then her eyes went to Joel and she said,

“Hey there, Joey.”

“Hey Aunt Laurie,” Joel replied, two years older than his brother and those two years were the two years you grew out of giving your Aunt a hug around her hips.

At the arrival of the boys, I took charge.

“All right guys, I’ve got a big job for you. Your Aunt Laura needs a breather so I want you to go over to Ellie’s table, get cupcake and milk flavor orders from those girls, put the cupcakes on plates, get the milk and get Kalie to make your aunt a coffee. And also, find out what treat your aunt wants and sort that out. Then I want you to hang with the girls and make sure they’re good. Can you do that?”

“Sure,” Joel said.

“Cool,” Rex said then asked, “Like, we’re waiters?”

I smiled at him. “Yeah, like that.”

“Awesome,” he muttered, his eyes alight.

Jeez, kids.

“You do the girls, I’ll do Aunt Laurie,” Joel ordered, all bossy big brother. Rex nodded, all used to being bossed little brother and took off. Joel headed to his cousin Kalie.

I looked to Laura. “Do you want to take a moment of sanity in my office or do you want your coffee to go and Joey, Rex and I can watch the girls while you take a much longer moment of sanity walking through the shops of Cherry Creek?” I asked. “With Kalie and Kellie here as well as the boys, I’m sure we’ll be good with the girls and you can nip away for half an hour? Forty-five minutes?”

She grinned and stated, “Now I know why Slim loves you. I always thought it was your, um… endowments.” She tipped her head to my chest then explained, “He’s my brother; I know it’s gross but you can’t help but notice that stuff and he’s totally a boob man.”

I pressed my lips together to stop myself from laughing and to stop myself from informing her that she was not correct. Yes, Brock liked breasts and it had to be said he liked them a lot but it was a tossup if he went for the rack or the ass since he showered attention on both.

Then again, there were other, better areas he showered attention on so who knew? I only knew I was not going to share any of this knowledge with his sister.

Even so, Laura didn’t give me a chance because she kept speaking. “Olivia, she was busty too then she got her ball and chain on him and lost twenty-five pounds she didn’t have to lose which was not looked on favorably by Slim but all the rest of his chicks,” she grinned,

“totally. But now I’m seeing things more clearly. This place is crazed and you still offer a moment of sanity to a mother on the verge of breakdown. Very cool.”

“Well… thanks, I think,” I said to her.

“You’re welcome,” she said back then, I didn’t know why but something moved my eyes from Laura to the front window and at what they saw I got a chill down my back when I discovered I had a superhero power and it wasn’t super-cake-baking it was Bitch Radar.

And I discovered this because Olivia was standing in the window, glossy, Cherry Creek North bags dangling from her fingers, eyes staring at a Rex who had clearly taken orders from a gaggle of mermaids because he was heading back to Laura and me. Then her eyes moved from Rex through the shop and locked on me. Then her entire face got tight and she moved toward the door.

“Uh-oh,” I muttered, my eyes glued to her closing in on the door, my body experiencing an omen of doom and I knew when Laura clocked her because she muttered, “Oh my freaking God.”

Olivia opened the door and took two long strides in, did another scan of the shop, her eyes narrowed on Joel when she caught sight of him and then, if you can believe this, from across the room, she snapped loudly, “Where’s Slim?”

I quickly looked between the boys who both were close to me and were now frozen to the spot and staring at their mother.

“I got this,” Laura muttered and panic seized me because I was afraid she would “get this”

and how she would get it was not so good considering the fact that the last time she was near Olivia she attacked, nails bared but before I could stop her, she headed toward Olivia.

“You stay away from me,” Olivia snapped, again loudly, her hand raised with finger pointed at Laura and all my customers, and I had many, were starting to stare. Then her eyes came to me. “Where’s Slim?”

“He’s working and you need to go,” Laura told her.

“Boys,” I said quietly to Joey and Rex, “why don’t you go in the back?”

“No!” Olivia flared, getting louder, moving forward, skirting Laura and coming toward Joel, Rex and me. Then, if you can believe this, she announced, “Boys, come with me. We’re going home.”

I blinked in shock.

Then I asked, “What?”

This was at the same time Laura, who was following her, snapped (loudly), “What?”

Olivia ignored both of us and said to Brock’s sons. “Get your coats, let’s go.”

Damn! What did I do about this?

Both boys stared up at her, Rex with an open mouth, Joel with indecision warring clear as day on his mini-hot-guy face.

Okay, I didn’t know what to do about this but I did know I had to do something and whatever it was wasn’t going to be in front of the boys or my customers.

“Olivia,” I took a step toward her, “how about you come into the back and we can talk?”

She totally ignored me and snapped at her sons, “What’d I say?”

“It’s Slim’s weekend,” Laura told her, sidling close to her side and Olivia’s head turned sharply to her ex-sister-in-law.

“It is? Then where is he?”

“Like I said, he’s working,” Laura answered.

“Well, if he’s working then he’s working and that’s his problem but my sons are not with that…” she jabbed a finger at me, “bitch.” And at this there were a number of audible gasps.

Okay, now hang on a minute.

I was not a bitch and I was not about to be called one but definitely not in front of Rex and Joey and my staff and my customers.

“I cannot believe you,” Laura hissed, anger turning to fury as the attention around us went from curious to avid.

“That is way uncool,” Kalie stated from behind the counter.

Totally uncool,” Nora chimed in.

“Like, off-the-charts uncool,” Suni put in her opinion.

“How about we take this to my office,” I suggested again, holding tight to my control on my temper, “or, if that doesn’t work for you, outside.”

Olivia’s angry eyes slashed to me and she declared, “You do not exist.”

I ignored that idiotic comment and replied, “For Rex and Joel, please, Olivia, let’s discuss this elsewhere.”

She ignored me again and looked to her sons, “Right now, what did I say? Let’s go!” Then she started marching to the door.

“Kalie, go get your phone, call your uncle,” Laura ordered. “Rex and Joey, you stay put.”

Olivia stopped marching and turned to Laura. “Don’t you tell my sons what to do.”

“I’ll do what I like and stop making a scene,” Laura snapped. “This is where Tess works.”

“Do I care?” Olivia retorted.

“No, but I do and so does Uncle Slim and everybody else,” Kalie entered the fray.

“What’s going on?” Kellie asked from behind me, I turned to her, saw her eyes on Olivia, her face scrunched and then she muttered, “Oh, I know what’s going on.”

“Mommy, what’s happening?” Ellie called, her voice shaky, her eyes and all the eyes of her mermaid friends riveted to the activity and not in a good way.

“It’s okay, baby,” Laura called back, “Mommy’s just talking with Olivia.”

“Please, please,” I cut in, sensing the situation was deteriorating and, getting desperate, my eyes moving to Olivia, “can we talk about this in the back?”

Olivia ignored me yet again, her face going stone cold and her voice dripping with ice when she clipped loudly. “Joel! Rex! Now!”

I moved closer to her (though not that close, she had nails and I was afraid she’d use them) and said softly, “I’ll ask again, Olivia, because you’re distressing the boys and Ellie and her friends, can we talk about this in the back? When we get back there, I’ll call Brock and you can discuss this with him.”

“Fuck Brock and fuck you! ” she suddenly shouted, my torso jerked back like she hit me, Laura’s pissed off energy snapped through the air, I sensed movement behind the counter so I knew Kalie and/or Kellie were on the go and I opened my mouth to speak but someone beat me.

And that someone was Joel.

“That’s not nice,” he whispered, his voice trembling and I stepped aside and turned to see his face pale and his hands clenched in fists at his sides. “You shouldn’t talk to Tess that way.

She’s a nice lady, she’s nice to everyone and that’s not nice.”

Taking him in and hearing his words my hatred for his mother achieved new heights.

“Joey, honey, get your brother and go into the back,” I ordered quietly.

But as I was speaking, Olivia moved quickly, closing in on Joel, she wrapped her fingers around his shoulder and gave it a yank, snapping, “When I tell you to do something, you do it!”

More gasps filled the air, including my own, both Laura and I moved in on her and Rex shrunk back but Joel ripped his shoulder from his mother’s hold and stepped back but at the same time stood firm so I stopped and so did Laura.

“It’s Dad’s weekend,” he declared.

“If it’s your father’s weekend, where is he?” Olivia returned.

“He has to work, Mom. He’s got a job. Somethin’ bad happened to someone and he’s gotta find out who did it. With Dad comes Tess and if Dad has to work then we get to be with Tess.

We’re havin’ fun here, we like it here. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’ll see me now and I’ll talk to your father later about who he allows to spend time with his children,” Olivia retorted.

Joel stared at her and I saw him battling, my heart went out to him but I was completely at a loss of what to do. He needed his father but his father was working, my phone was in the back and I didn’t want to leave the boys with Olivia to go get it and call him. And if I did and he knew this was happening, he’d lose his mind.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Laura’s phone was in her purse and she started digging into it.

Joel spoke again, quiet, soft, scared but determined. “We don’t wanna see you now.”

Oh man.

“Well I don’t care, I’m your mother and you mind me,” Olivia shot back.

“We’re havin’ fun,” Joel told her.

“I don’t care about that either,” Olivia returned.

“I know,” Joel whispered, my heart clenched and I’d had enough.

But even so, I couldn’t do what I wanted to do which was, I was ashamed to admit, get in a bitch-slapping fight with her. I didn’t think that would be good although it would feel good.

So instead, I had to try and play it cool, for Joey, for Rex and for Brock.

“Please,” I said softly, “can we talk about this in the back?”

Joel ignored me and told his mother, “You need to go.”

She blinked, her shock apparent, then she asked, “What?”

He didn’t answer his mother. He turned to his brother and ordered, “Go to the back with Kalie and Kellie.”

I noticed then that Rex was watching this with wide eyes and he wasn’t about to move but he wasn’t given a choice. Kalie rushed forward, bent to grab his hand and gently pulled him through the swinging doors, Kellie following them.

Okay, one down, one to go.

“Joel, honey, why don’t you go with them?” I suggested.

Joel turned to me, shook his head then his eyes went back to his tight-lipped mother and he repeated, “You need to go.”

“I’ll say it one more time, Joel, go get your brother, get your coats and come with me.”

“No,” Joel replied instantly.

“Slim?” Laura said and all eyes moved to her. “I’m sorry, I know you’re busy but I have to tell you that Olivia is at Tess’s bakery, she’s making a scene and she put her hands on Joey.”

Oh no.

That was the wrong thing to say. Not that it wasn’t true or that there were any right things to say but that was the wrong thing to say.

Laura kept talking. “He rightly refuses to go, they’re in a showdown and all five hundred of Tess’s customers are bystanders. She won’t leave even though Joey has asked her to and she won’t go to the back to discuss the situation even though Tess has asked her to repeatedly. I’m sorry, Slim, but I think you’re gonna have to deal with this.”

To my shock, Olivia haughtily held out her hand to Laura and demanded, “Let me talk to him.”

But Laura snapped shut her phone and informed Olivia, “Too late, he’s angry, he’s hung up and I’m guessing he’s on his way.”

Oh no!

Time for emergency maneuvering. I didn’t need Brock to show being pissed off and filling my magical, happy bakery with his pissed off vibes or him entering the showdown with Olivia considering he didn’t shy away from the f-word either, or the c-word, m-word, b-word, a-word and a variety of other words. Things were crazy busy but I didn’t need my customers avoiding Tessa’s Cakes for fear of witnessing a tense, combative, foul-mouthed domestic scene. Or, as the case was, a worse one.

“I think,” I said quietly, “it might be a good idea if you aren’t here when Brock shows.”

“And I think it might be a good idea for you not to tell me what to do,” Olivia retorted.

I studied her, my heart beating hard.

Then I realized she was going to have her scene no matter what, she wanted it and she was going to have it especially considering now that scene earned her Brock’s attention which was what she wanted most of all.

So I shrugged.

My customers were just going to have to deal and I’d barricade myself, the boys, Ellie and her little mermaids and my staff in my office if it was going to be a blowout.

Then I said, “Suit yourself.”

Then I turned to Joel and ordered gently, “Sort out Ellie and her friends, yeah? Then go in the back with your brother and wait for your Dad. You cool with that?”

He looked up at me, nodded, his eyes moved through his mother then he dashed into the back to get the orders from Rex.

I looked to Laura, ignoring Olivia who had dropped her bags at her feet, crossed her arms on her chest, hitched her hip with a foot out and had a face like thunder.

I was right. She was in for the long haul.

Whatever. Her funeral.

So I told Laura, “I’ll get you a coffee. How do you take it and do you want a cake?”

Laura fell into the ignoring Olivia tactic, placed her order then went to her daughter and her girlfriends.

I made her coffee and got her a humongous chocolate cookie with peanut butter chips. Joel took care of the girls and disappeared in the back. Through all this, Olivia stood in her bitch stance, glowering at us.

I was delivering Laura’s stuff at her table when two uniformed officers walked in.

Olivia tensed. Laura grinned. I stared.

“We’ve had a report of a disturbance?” one of the officers asked the room at large then his eyes honed in on Olivia. “A blonde woman. Late forties?”

“Late forties, hysterical,” Laura mumbled gleefully.

“Her,” a random customer pointed at Olivia before I could say a word. “She came in being loud and nasty, used foul language and wouldn’t leave when she was asked, like seven thousand times.”

“Yeah, it was her,” another random customer unnecessarily confirmed. “And she did all this in front of little kids.” Then she added further unnecessary detail, “Kids in mermaid outfits.”

“And she put her hand on one and not in a nice way,” another random customer added.

“From what I could tell, he was her son but still. That ain’t right.” Then he went on to mutter,

“Though, he wasn’t in a mermaid outfit.”

“You come into a bakery thinkin’ to get a good cookie or a purple cupcake with sprinkles,” another random customer piped up. “Then, all of a sudden, some uppity chick storms in droppin’ the f-bomb and the b-bomb. I mean, what is up with that?

Clearly this was enough evidence for them for, after receiving these reports, one of the officers opened the front door and, eyes on Olivia, he requested, “Ma’am can you come with me?”

Her jaw set, her chin lifted and her eyes narrowed but otherwise she didn’t move. This was surprising evidence that she was stubborn and stupid as well as manipulative and a screaming bitch.

I had not been in trouble with the law, as in ever, except, of course, when Damian dragged me into his business but I was an innocent swept up in that, so I didn’t really have any experience with dealing with police officers. But still, I was smart enough to know when a cop asked you to do something, he did it politely or even if he didn’t, you should probably do it.

I found in short order I was not in error and I knew this when the officer explained things further. “If you’re waitin’ for Detective Lucas, he’s tied up and we can’t have you disturbin’

this establishment so you got two choices. You can come outside and talk to us or we can take you to our squad car, take you to the Station and you can explain things there. But you should know, the second option, you’ll be cuffed mostly because you’ll be arrested. Which way we gonna go?”

Olivia sucked in an audible breath.

Then she bent, snatched up her abundance of glossy Cherry Creek North shopping bags, stomped to and through the door.

The minute her feet moved over the threshold, the entire bakery erupted into loud cheers.

I bit my lip to bite back my smile and looked at a smiling like a madwoman Laura. Then her phone rang as one of the officers followed Olivia and the other one came to me.

“I’m Officer Petri,” he told me.

“Tess O’Hara,” I told him. “I, um…” I swung an arm toward the big sign confirming my next statement, “own this place.”

He nodded, his lips twitching then he said, “I know. I know Slim so I know who you are.

What I gotta know now is what you want us to do here, Ms. O’Hara.”

I opened my mouth to tell him I just wanted Olivia gone but suddenly Laura was there, arm extended, phone in hand.

I looked to her and she said, “Slim.”


I nodded, smiled a “give me a minute” smile at the officer, took the phone, pulled in a calming breath, put it to my ear and greeted with a soft, “Hey.”

“Make a complaint,” he growled at the same time he managed a new feat and that was filling the atmosphere with abrasive anger and he wasn’t even there.

“Honey,” I said quietly.

“Make a complaint, Tess. I want this shit on record.”

Oh. Right. That would probably be good for the cause.

“Okay,” I agreed.

“Too pissed right now to discuss this, we’ll talk about it later.”

Goodie. Something not to look forward to.

“Okay,” I repeated.

“Later, babe,” then he was gone which meant he was pissed, very pissed but I didn’t need that confirmed. I was pretty sure a layer of skin had been sanded off my ear from just having a twenty second conversation with him on the phone.

I snapped the phone shut, handed it to Laura and said to Officer Petri. “I’d like to make a complaint.”

“Dig it,” Laura muttered happily under her breath.

“It okay I talk to some of your customers?” Officer Petri asked and it wasn’t, I didn’t like that at all but they’d witnessed Olivia being Olivia, they showed they didn’t mind speaking up and their statements might help Brock get his sons with him and safe from anymore of these nightmares.

Therefore I said, “Yes.”

He nodded then told me, “I’ll come to you last, gotta get to ‘em before I lose ‘em.”

I nodded.

He moved.

I looked to Laura.

“Happy days,” she whispered gleefully. “That bitch is finally gonna get what’s coming to her.”


“I need to go see Joey and Rex,” I told her and her eyes slid to the swinging doors and they weren’t dancing anymore when they slid back to me.

“Yeah,” she replied. “Send Kalie or Kellie out to look after the girls and I’ll help.”

I nodded, whispered, “Thanks,” then moved.

I hit the back room and found with the boys that there were no tears but there was fear.

Luckily, we were in a bakery and surrounded by baked goods.

And baked goods soothed a lot of ragged emotions.

It was a Band-Aid.

But it worked in a pinch.

* * * * *

The cops were gone, Laura and the girls were gone and the boys were back to KP duties, albeit doing it with far less enthusiasm and this was because their minds were filled with their mother’s antics but also because wiping down tables and cleaning dishes had lost its luster (as it had a tendency to do, no matter what age you were) and I was in the back, icing sugar cookies when my phone on the stainless steel table rang.

The display said “Slim Calling”.

I pulled in breath, my eyes moving to the swinging doors to see if I could spot Joel or Rex and do a visual check on their state of mind as I reached for the phone. I took the call and didn’t see either before I put it to my ear.

“Hey,” I answered.

“Boys okay?” he asked as greeting.

“The bloom has gone off the rose of KP duty.”

“Right,” he muttered and I knew he got what I was saying. Then he told me, “Levi was at the gym when I called earlier. I finally got him and he and Lenore are gonna be around in the next half an hour. They’re gonna take them to a movie and then to get somethin’ to eat. I should be done by then so I can get ‘em and then they’ll be good.”

There it was. Lenore again. Hmm.

“Lenore?” I asked curiously.

“Babe,” Brock answered, not going to go there.

“All right,” I murmured, giving up.

“Laura called me and filled me in,” he informed me, I held my breath and he went on. “I called my lawyer at home and filled him in. She put her hand on Joel. He’s gonna go with that and see if he can find a judge who’ll hurry this shit along. She fucked up today. She fucked up two weeks ago when she cried wolf about intruders and the cops got involved. This is not the behavior of a stable woman who can look out for two boys.”

After today’s scene, I was thinking the same thing. Today’s behavior was beyond just being bitchy and manipulative; it was way out of line to the point of being scary.

I didn’t share this.

Instead, quietly, I told him, “Baby, you should have seen Joey. He stood up for me, for himself and he took care of his brother. It took a lot of courage but you would have been proud.”

There was a moment of silence then, “Yeah, Laura told me.”

“He was great.”

“I’m glad he was great, darlin’, just wish he wasn’t in the position to have to be great.”

This was, unfortunately, true.

“That sucks but silver lining, Brock, he was in that position and he was great. He didn’t back down and he looked after his brother. You should hold onto that because that means, like his Dad and his Dad’s family, you’ve got a strong, smart, loyal son.”

This was met with another moment of silence.

Then a soft, “Yeah.”

Then I assured him, “She put her hand on him, baby, and it wasn’t nice but she didn’t hurt him.”

“Your mother ever put her hand on you when she’s pissed or throwin’ a tantrum?” he asked.

“No,” I whispered.

“Mine either so I don’t know but I ‘spect that doesn’t feel too good.”

This was also unfortunately true.

“Right.” I was still whispering.

“Right.” Now Brock was whispering.

We both held those unhappy thoughts for awhile then Brock broke into them.

“No matter how drunk you get or how late you call, I want you in my bed tonight.”

“Brock, I –”

He cut me off. “I want you in my bed because I want you in my bed but I also want you in my kitchen makin’ my boys breakfast tomorrow. They need a good breakfast and they need to be around a woman who makes ‘em laugh and feel safe. Tomorrow is their last day with me, it’s a short one and then they gotta go back to her. I wanna make it as good as it can get.

Can you help me do that?”

“Yes,” I answered instantly.

Another moment of silence then, “Yeah, I know you can,” he replied quietly then I heard him sigh and say, “I gotta go.”

“Okay, I’ll tell the boys that Levi and Lenore are going to be here soon.”

“Great, babe. See you later.”

“Later, honey.”

Then I had dead air.

* * * * *

Twenty minutes later, Joel pushed the swinging doors open, held them open, caught my eyes and announced, “Uncle Levi’s here.”

“Right, honey, be right out,” I said, he disappeared and I stopped piping mountainous swirls of frosting on cupcakes, wiped my hands on a damp towel and headed out.

And sure enough, standing in front of my display case looking like beautiful, glamorous movie stars was my man’s gorgeous brother and his equally gorgeous girlfriend (or, I hoped she was his girlfriend).

“Hey guys,” I called.

“Wow, Tess, I’ve never been in here,” Lenore stated, smiling at me. “Everything looks awesome and I love the hibiscus and hummingbirds. They’re so pretty.

I totally knew I liked her.

“Thanks, babe,” I replied, giving her a quick hug and touch of the cheek then I did the same with an amused-looking Levi. I stepped back and turned to the hovering Rex and Joel,

“Guys, go get your coats, time for a movie and dinner,” and they dashed off, clearly very, very done with KP duty.

After the boys took off, Levi’s smile faded and his eyes got serious.

“Scale of one to ten, how bad was it with the bitch this time?” he asked in a low voice and I knew he’d been briefed by Laura, Brock, both or perhaps the entirety of the Lucas family considering time enough had gone by for news to spread.

“Um… I’ve only been around her once before and that was unpleasant but considering what I heard about her I’m guessing that was around a five so this was a fifteen.”

His mouth got tight.

Seeing that, to get his mind off it, I said quickly, “They’re looking forward to spending time with you and, um… of course, their Aunt Lenore.”

Lenore’s lips tipped up in surprised happiness at receiving the Aunt title and I saw this happen before she tilted her head demurely to the side and therefore she missed Levi giving me a look and shaking his head.

“They love their Aunt Lenore,” I added and Levi’s eyes moved to the ceiling. “Like, loads, ” I continued, Lenore’s gaze came to me and Levi’s eyes tipped back. I looked to Lenore and informed her, “I’m only ahead of you because I own a bakery. But I think I lost ground today because they’ve been clearing tables and doing dishes for four hours. You like football and your little brother plays for Notre Dame. After today, you might have taken the lead.”

She grinned but stated, “Not sure I can ever compete with your cupcakes and what I’ve heard are your totally awesome breakfasts.”

“I don’t know,” I replied. “They like their football and they’re their father’s sons so I haven’t hidden the catatonia I lapse into when I’m forced to watch it.”

Her grin got bigger and I looked to Levi.

“Sooooo,” I drew it out, “off to the movies and dinner with your girl and your nephews.

How domestic.”

He shook his head again but his eyes crinkled and his arm slid around Lenore’s waist at about the same time the boys raced back.

Then he confirmed, “Yeah,” as Lenore melted into his side and her grin became dreamy.

And when she melted into his side, Levi not only took her weight but also his arm got visibly tighter.

Yes. Oh yes.

I knew where this was going. Someone had finally woken up and focused on the sweet, beautiful, stylish young woman who was in his life who also adored him and had his back.

“Yeah,” I whispered, smiling at him because I was happy for him (and Lenore) then I released him from his brief (but deserved) torture and bent to Brock’s sons, kissing the tops of their heads in turn which they endured with shuffling feet and I ordered, “Have fun.”

“Right Tess,” Rex said.

“We will,” Joel said.

“Good,” I whispered then I couldn’t stop it but also didn’t try, I lifted my hand and cupped Joel’s cheek lightly and repeated a whispered, “Good.”

I watched a shadow pass through his eyes that broke my heart before warmth that was close to the kind that I often saw in his father’s suffused them and my heart instantly mended.

Then I let him go, turned back to Levi and Lenore and announced, “Okay, I’m officially releasing them from duty.”

“Good, then we gotta go. Movie starts it thirty minutes. It’s at the mall but we gotta get popcorn and shit,” Levi declared, moving Lenore toward the door with his arm still around her waist and the boys and I followed.

“Maybe we can do dinner, you guys and Brock and me, sometime soon,” I said to their backs, Lenore threw a dazzling smile over her shoulder and Levi sent me a beleaguered look over his.

“That would be awesome, ” Lenore breathed.

“We’ll set it up,” I told her.

Levi turned back forward but I heard him sigh.

I giggled silently to myself and followed them out into the cold. The boys raced to their uncle’s SUV, Lenore gave me a brief hug and followed them then Levi moved in and did the same but stayed close to murmur in my ear, “You smell like cake but you’re still a pain in the ass, you know that?”

“I’ve never had a brother,” I murmured back. “I’ve got forty-three years of older sister pent up in me so watch out.”

“Fuckin’ great,” he muttered, pulled away, I caught his eyes and grinned.

He shook his head but his lips twitched.

Then he turned and bleeped the locks on the SUV. Lenore opened her door. So did Rex.

So did Joel. Levi headed to the driver’s side. Lenore, Levi and Rex got in but Joey hesitated.

Then he turned, dashed back to me, gave my waist a quick, tight hug then he dashed back, jumped in, closed the door and instantly became absorbed in the complicated procedure of buckling his seatbelt.

I looked to the front of the SUV to see Lenore grinning wildly and mouthing, “I told you so.” Then I saw Levi and the look on his face made the tears already stinging my nose start to sting my eyes.

Suffice it to say, Uncle Levi loved his nephews and Uncle Levi was glad his brother had a decent woman in his life who would also be a woman his twelve year old nephew would take a hit to his reputation in order to hug.

Then I waved and rushed back into my bakery.

And luckily I succeeded in making it to my office before the first of the tears fell. Then I let the others fall.

Then I wiped my face and got back to work.

* * * * *

“You got sugar cookies with daisy sprinkles on the menu tomorrow?” Shirleen asked in my ear.

It was seven thirty. I was locking up the shop. Everyone was gone. I was exhausted from working a twelve and a half hour day and I wanted to go to girls’ night in like I wanted someone to drill a hole in my head. I would have begged off if I didn’t think Martha would send the National Guard to collect me and bring me in restraints to her place.

“Uh…” I muttered into the phone, turning out lights in the front, “they can be.”

“Good, ‘cause I’m bringin’ you three nighties tonight. All of them do not say ‘good time with a bad boy’, they scream it.”

I didn’t know Shirleen. Although she’d been given my cell number by someone and I’d received and returned a variety of texts from her, mostly about sugar cookies, nightie requirements and the upcoming girls’ night in, I didn’t know her very well mainly because we’d conversed solely about sugar cookies, nightie requirements and girls’ night in. This could be cool. It could also be scary. But with Shirleen, I was guessing I was in no position to argue.

Therefore, I told her, “Okay, then they are.”

“Okay, then you take your pick or take all three and I’m in your bakery tomorrow to collect the debt.”

“You got it.”

“See you soon.”

“Right, later.”


Then she ended the call.

I slid my phone in my purse then started to pay attention. No one had been shot at for over a week which was good and I hoped this luck continued but that didn’t mean I was going to fall down on Brock’s order to be vigilant.

I scanned the darkness outside, saw my car under its streetlamp, the coast appeared clear then I pulled out my keys, got them ready in my fingers, set the alarm, exited, locked the doors and quickly moved to my car, arm out bleeping the locks.

I had my hand on the door handle when vigilance was foiled.

I knew this when I heard Damian say from behind me, “Tess.”

I closed my eyes as my stomach clenched.

Then I opened them and said to the roof of my car, “You have got to be kidding.”

Then I decided to use the Olivia tactic and ignore him so I opened the door and started to move to enter but I was foiled with that too when he put his hand to my forearm, gently pulled me back and my door was shut in front of me.

But as he did this, I whirled. Twisting my arm to jerk it out of his hold, I took a step back and lifted a hand, palm out.

“Don’t touch me.”

He lifted his hand too, palm up and placating. “Listen to me, Tess. Please.”

“Why would I do that when you being here means you don’t listen to me? ” I asked, dropping my hand.

Before he could answer a voice came out of the shadows.

And it said, “You need to get gone, Heller.”

My eyes went in its direction and Vance Crowe, Brock’s friend from the Hot Guy Club, formed out of the darkness.


“Who are you?” Damian asked Vance.

“A friend of Tess’s,” Vance answered. “Now you need to move away from her vehicle and get gone.”

Damian stared at him. Then he looked to me.

Then he announced, “He’s dangerous.”

“Who? Vance?” I asked disbelievingly, not that I didn’t think Vance could be dangerous just that I knew instinctively Vance would never be dangerous to me.

“No,” Damian bit off, “Lucas.”

My body got tight and it got tight not because I believed him just that I didn’t believe he showed up at my bakery after a very bad, very long day to trash talk my boyfriend.

“Man, not gonna tell you again,” Vance warned getting close. “Step away from her vehicle.”

Damian had looked to Vance while he was speaking but he looked back at me and pleaded, “Please, Tess, you have to listen to me. I’m not here to start something, I’m not here to hurt you, I’m not here to get you back. I’m only here to help you. I’m here to stop you from making a grave mistake.”

To help me. Right.


I sighed and said, “Go away, Damian.”

“You don’t understand,” he said, leaning into me, I reared back and Vance was suddenly between Damian and me.

“Seriously, Heller, move the fuck on,” Vance growled, audibly and visually losing patience in a very scary way.

“I need to speak to her,” Damian clipped, ignoring Vance’s scariness.

“I see that, man, but she doesn’t wanna speak to you,” Vance pointed out. “Now, I don’t wanna get physical but I will, no fuckin’ joke, so get the fuck outta here.”

Damian glared at Vance then, being Damian, his eyes moved beyond him to me standing behind him.

“He put a man in the hospital,” he declared. “Was nearly suspended permanently from the Police Force because of it. Beat the hell out of him. He’s known to be –”

I cut him off. “I know, Damian, yeesh, you don’t think Brock would share that with me?”

Damian blinked. “You know?”

“Uh… yeah. The guy beat the crap out of his ex-girlfriend, raped her repeatedly and put her in the hospital for two weeks. Brock wasn’t down with that and I don’t blame him.”

I heard Vance chuckle, his scariness evaporating (kind of) and I saw Damian’s eyes narrow.

Then he stated, “He’s had sexual intercourse with suspects he was investigating.”

“I know that too seeing as I was one of them,” I informed him, Vance chuckled again and Damian’s narrow eyed look turned into a scowl.

Then he shared, “You weren’t the only one.”

“Yeah, her name was Darla and he had his reasons, he shared them with me but I will not be sharing them with you. What I will be doing is hunkering behind hot guy Vance while I call the police and inform them you’re harassing me again if you don’t go away.

Damian ignored me too and stated, “He’s not a good man, Tess.”

At that, I burst out laughing, so hard, I bent forward and had to wrap my arms around my belly because my sides were hurting.

I did this for a long time then straightened, wiped tears of hilarity from my cold cheeks and focused on a Vance and Damian who were both looking at me like I was more than a little crazy.

Then my eyes turned to Damian and I declared, “That was hilarious.”

“I’m not being funny,” he whispered.

“You wouldn’t know a good man if he walked up and tapped you on the shoulder,” I whispered back, suddenly deadly serious. “Brock Lucas is wild and he’s rough and he’s driven but he’s loving and affectionate and so fucking loyal it isn’t funny. He takes care of me. He makes me feel safe. He’s good through and through and that is the first and last fucking time I’ll listen to you talk shit about him. I’m done speaking to you or seeing you.

I’m reporting this incident to the police immediately and any future ones will also be reported. I’m done with you Damian and since you won’t listen to me, maybe the Denver Police Department can make you listen.”

Then I dug out my phone, touched the button to light the screen, slid my finger on it to activate it, got to my phone pad, dialed 911 and put it to my ear.

Vance stayed close and Damian stared at me.

“Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?”

“This is Tessa O’Hara and I’m standing outside Tessa’s Cakes in Cherry Creek North. My ex-husband is harassing me and he won’t allow me to get in my vehicle. Can someone come help me?”

“I’m trying to help, Tess, with this guy, you’re in danger,” Damian told me as the 911

operator informed me she was sending a unit to the scene.

I ignored his idiocy and told him, “They’re sending a unit to the scene.”

He stared at me. Then he looked at a Vance Crowe who was standing close to me, grinning his shit-eating grin, arms crossed on his chest.

Then Damian looked at me one last time, moved away and disappeared into the shadows.

Vance uncrossed his arms and dug his phone out of his back jeans pocket. “You stay on with the operator, I’ll call Slim.”

I nodded. Then I told the operator Damian took off but I’d like to make a complaint as Vance told Brock what went down and Brock told Vance he was on his way.

Then the operator released me after telling me to get safe and stay put and I called Martha and begged off girls’ night in thankful I had an excuse but not thankful as to what that excuse was. Martha, surprisingly, agreed that, after a visit from Damian I should relax at home with my boys. But she wasn’t allowed to let me go until Shirleen confirmed I would be at the bakery the next day to peruse my nightie options and for her to collect on her debt.

I confirmed this through Martha then Vance and I waited for the police.

“Good news is, he’s dropped his shit with Slim,” Vance said into the night and I looked up at his profile. “He isn’t diggin’ anymore. He found the only things he could find, laid those out for you tonight and his activities on that have ground to a halt.”

I turned my head and replied into the night, “That is good news.”

And it was.

“The bad news is, he isn’t done fuckin’ with you,” Vance went on.

I sighed.

“I know,” I whispered.

“Advice,” Vance said softly and I looked up to him to see his eyes tipped down to me.

“No more conversation. You see him, you pull out your phone immediately and you dial 911.

Even if he’s near but hasn’t tried to engage you, you make note of it, keep the card of the officer assigned to your case, you call him or her and you report it. Yeah?”

This sounded like good advice and Vance Crowe looked like a man who knew what he was talking about so I nodded.

“You want more good news?” he asked.

“Uh… yeah, more good news is always good.”

He nodded. Then he stated, “His shit is comin’ to trial. Word on the street is they got a fuckin’ great case. Word also on the street is, he’s scramblin’. This means he’s either gonna rat on factions higher than him which makes him a marked man and, with the scum he worked for, they’ll make certain he won’t live to see trial, or it means he’s gonna go down and when he does, that’ll be for awhile. You gotta live with this a little while longer, Tess, but, one way or another, it’ll be done. It just depends on how permanent that done’ll be.”


“Which way do you think he’s leaning?” I asked.

“Man moved up fast, he isn’t dumb, no way he’s stupid enough to rat.”

Conflicting news.

I didn’t want to think I was the kind of person who wanted to see her ex-husband dead regardless of how hideously he treated me but I was bone tired, standing outside my bakery, waiting for police in the dark cold of the night and this was the second official complaint I would make in a day when many people lived their whole lives without making even one.

Granted, a serious hot guy was standing beside me but he didn’t happen to be mine. Mine was arriving imminently and he was probably going to show pissed.

Therefore, although I couldn’t exactly say I wanted Damian dead, I could say when this was done I wanted it to be done the permanent kind of permanently.

“That conflict you got workin’ on your face,” Vance said quietly and I focused on him,

“we all got that inside us. Either way it goes down for Heller, he bought that trouble, that’s on him and it’s outta your hands. What I want you to take away is, soon this shit is done for you and it’s done for Slim. Hold onto that, be smart and stay strong.”

I nodded again.

Then I looked down at his hand and saw a wide, shiny, gold wedding band proudly displayed.

I looked back into his eyes. “You’re married?”

“Yeah,” he confirmed.

“She’s lucky,” I whispered and he grinned his shit-eating grin again.

“Sorry, Tess, that’s me.”

Great freaking response.

So great, I felt my face go soft and I smiled. “Bet she thinks differently.”

His face went soft too and he replied, “Yeah, she does, one of the many reasons she makes me lucky.”

I heard the sirens and I suspected he was a man on the move and wouldn’t hang around long enough for me to offer him gratitude cupcakes.

So, quickly, I said, “Thanks for stepping in tonight.”

“Slim wanted you on radar, you’re on radar. You got eyes on you often but definitely anytime you lock up alone and he called and told us tonight you were lockin’ up alone.”

I didn’t know this but I liked it.

“Well, thanks.”

He jerked up his chin. Then he grinned. Then I smiled back. Then the cop car showed.

Ten minutes later Brock showed and I was right, the boys were in the truck looking freaked and Brock was in it looking pissed. I was also right about Vance; he made his statement, gave his card and took off.

Ten minutes after that, Brock and the boys followed behind my car as we drove to his house.

Ten seconds after I arrived, I turned on the taps in the bath.

* * * * *

“Babe,” I heard but didn’t move. “Tess,” I heard from closer and I still didn’t move.

But a noise escaped my lips and it was, “Mm?”

“How long you gonna stay in the tub?” Brock asked and I couldn’t see him, seeing as I had a wet washcloth on my face, but I knew from his voice he was crouched right by the tub.

“Infinity,” I muttered.

I heard a chuckle then I heard water splash then I heard Brock again. “Water isn’t even warm anymore.”

“If I don’t move,” I told the washcloth, “I can pretend it’s still steaming.”

“Tess, darlin’, get out, you need dinner. It’s nearly nine.”

“I’m too tired to eat.”

“You still gotta do it.”

“If I leave this tub, I enter the world. Damian doesn’t exist in here. Olivia doesn’t exist in here.” Reluctantly, I lifted a hand, removed the cloth from my face, looked into his silver eyes and suggested, “Let’s move in here. We can buy a mini-fridge, a tiny microwave and a camp stove and we’ll be set.”

He grinned. “I think, even for you, it’d be a challenge to make a carrot cake on a camp stove.”

“Yes,” I muttered, looking to my toes at the end of the tub, “that would be a drawback.”

His hand moved to cup my jaw and force my face back to looking at his where I saw his eyes had melted mercury.

“My sweet Tess has had a bad day,” he murmured.

“Yes, officially it becomes a bad day when you make a complaint to the police about your boyfriend’s ex-wife. Then it becomes a very bad day when you make another one about your ex-husband.”

He held my eyes as his hand moved, his fingertips gliding along my neck and down as he said, “Get outta the tub, get some food in you and then I’ll make the day go away.”

His fingertips were still moving down, now at my chest, they kept going, into the water, they slid between my breasts and kept going down as I felt my heartbeat escalate.

“You’ll make the day go away?” I breathed.

“Yeah,” he whispered, his hand gliding through the water at my belly and down and automatically I shifted my legs to give him access.

He grinned then his hand went down.

My eyes closed slowly and my lips parted.

“You want the day to go away, baby?” he asked quietly, his fingers moving magically.

“Yeah,” I whispered.

Then suddenly his hand was gone but his arms were around me and water splashed everywhere as he pulled me straight out of the tub and put me on my feet in front of him, my wet body tight to his, his arms wrapped around.

“Brock!” I cried, fingers curved around his biceps.

“Food, rest, hang with the boys until they go to sleep then I’ll make your day go away.”

“Okay, fine but you got the bathroom all wet and you all wet,” I informed him.

“I got dry clothes and the floor’s tile, sweetness, it’s not a big deal. What is a big deal is I can’t keep an eye on you and a finger on the pulse of your state of mind and my boys with you hidin’ in the bathroom, turnin’ yourself into a prune.”

“I’m fine.”

“You had a shit day.”

“I know but I’ll survive.”

He shook his head. “My job is not to help you survive, Tess. It’s to make it safe and sweet when you walk through my door. Now, my woman is not goin’ to bed hungry because my ex-wife is a cunt and her ex-husband is a motherfucking dickhead. She’s gonna eat, she’s gonna curl close to me, she’s gonna show my boys she’s okay and then we’re gonna go to bed and I’m gonna make her day go away. Yeah?”

That sounded like a good plan. Actually a great plan. Actually, I should have thought of it myself.

So, of course, I agreed and I did that by saying, “Yeah.”

He smiled. Then he dropped his head and kissed me lightly.

Then he said, “See you downstairs.”

He was at the bathroom door and I had a towel held up in front of me when I called his name and he turned back.

“Vance said you were the reason he was there tonight.”

“Yeah,” he confirmed.

“You didn’t tell me you’d –” I started but he interrupted me, his brows drawing together.

“Yeah I did, Tess. I said the bakery is on radar.”

I stared at him.

Then I told him, “I thought you meant the cops.”

“Cops, Lee’s boys, fuck, I even called Hawk fuckin’ Delgado and asked him to keep his ear to the ground and his eyes open.”

To that, I blinked. This was because I knew Brock was not the still unknown (even though he was Gwen’s man) Hawk Delgado’s favorite person but also because Brock had told me Hawk was not his favorite person either mainly because he screwed the pooch on the Darla deal and both of them were not over that situation as in way not over it and, now knowing the details, I got why on both sides.

“Really?” I whispered.

He crossed his arms on his chest and stated, “Babe, you think I found the woman of my dreams at forty-five years old and I’m gonna let anything happen to her, think again. That’s a long fuckin’ time to wait for what you want. I waited. I found it. I’m pullin’ out all the stops to take care of it. I know you feel the same for me so I’m doin’ the same to keep me safe for you. So yeah, really, I called Delgado. I made peace and asked a favor. His woman is in your posse so she wouldn’t be doin’ cartwheels, he said no and something went down with you or, for you, me. And he isn’t dumb, he’s a man who knows to collect favors and he’s a man whose business means he often has the need to call markers. So his ear’s to the ground and his eyes are open so if a cop isn’t cruisin’ by your house or bakery, one of Lee’s boys or one of Hawk’s commandos are. Smart people pay attention to who’s cruisin’ around people they want to fuck with and smart people will see cops, Nightingale’s men and Delgado’s crazy motherfuckers and, my hope is, they’ll steer clear. So, there you go. Now you got a full explanation of what I mean when I say you’re on radar.”

I heard all he said, I really did.

But I was stuck at the beginning part where he told me I was the woman of his dreams.

And that made me feel so warm and gushy, I was mostly incapacitated.

So the best I could do was force out an, “Okay.”

“Okay,” he replied.

Then I forced out, “I’ll be down in a minute.”

He jerked his chin up.

Then he walked out.

I stared at the door. Then I did it a little while longer as I heard him moving around in the bedroom changing out of wet clothes. Then I did it for longer after he’d left the bedroom.

Then I toweled off, got dressed in loose-fitting, drawstring lounge pants, a camisole and a light hoodie and I went downstairs. Brock fed me grilled cheese and oven baked tater tots. It was really good, Brock grilled a mean cheese sandwich and the tater tots were baked perfectly, crispy on the outside, soft in the middle. Then I hung out in front of the TV curled into Brock until he sent the kids to bed at ten. Then I hung out longer, curled into Brock.

Then, finally, Brock took me to bed and spent more than a fair amount of effort in taking my day away.

He succeeded magnificently and I knew this because, seconds after he curled me into his arms when he was done expending this effort, I fell into a peaceful sleep filled with really, really good dreams.
