"You mean the bastard is lying out there dead in the driveway, now?" Newman said. He wore a green velour bathrobe and no shoes.
Hood said, "Yes. We'll have to do something with him." Janet said, "There's that big roll of polyethylene in the shed. You could wrap him in that if he's messy." "I'll get it," Hood said. "You get dressed, Aaron, and help me." "I'll come too," Janet said. Hood looked at her for a moment and then went to the shed.
When Newman and his wife came out of the house Hood had spread a large sheet of polyethylene on the ground beside Steiger's body.
"Help me roll him onto it," he said.
Janet looked away but knelt down beside Hood. New man hesitated, then crouched down beside them. They rolled Steiger's body over, onto the polyethylene.
"You got some tape or something?" Hood said.
Newman said, "I'll get some." He got up quickly and went to the house.
Hood and Janet folded the polyethylene carefully around Steiger's body.
Janet kept her head averted all the time she worked, looking only obliquely at the corpse in front of her.
Newman came back with a large roll of gray duct tape. They taped the polyethylene wrapping around the body.
"We'll put it in my Bronco and take it someplace and dump it."
"Where?" Newman said.
"Wherever we can, away from here," Hood said. "You don't want to explain this to the cops."
"You think it's one of them?"
"I should think so. I figure they decided to hit you," Hood said. "I was afraid they might so I staked you out."
"It has to be," Janet said. "It's too huge a coincidence any other way."
"That means there may be another one coming."
"Not if we get to Karl first," Hood said. "If he's dead there's no reason to kill you."
"Unless they suspect me of doing it," Newman said. He felt sick and very weak. It was hard to keep his shoulders straight.
"Well, first we have to take care of this," Janet said. "I think we ought to put him in the trunk of his car and put the whole thing, car and body, where it won't be found." "The car," Hood said, "Jesus, I forgot about his car. Good you remembered, Janet."
"Where can we put it where no one will find it, where they'll just disappear?"
Hood was silent.
Newman said, "The airport. You drive in, take a ticket, park the car, lock it, take the keys, and walk right into the airlines. We can pick you up like you were just coming in. Right in front of American on the arrivals level. Ground floor, you know?" "Not bad," Hood said. "People leave cars there like that for weeks. By the time he's found we'll have done Karl in. I'll see if the keys are in the car. If they are I'll back it in here." "And if they aren't?" Newman said.
"We'll have to unwrap him and find them." "Oh, Jesus," Newman said.
Hood walked fast to the rental Plymouth. He got in and started up and drove past Newman's driveway and stopped and backed up and swung in. He stopped under the tree and got out. They loaded the body in the trunk.
Janet and Newman took the feet, and Chris handled the head and shoulders. After they closed the trunk Hood said, "I'll need some gloves." Janet nodded and went to get them. While he waited Hood carefully wiped off the trunk and the door and the steering wheel with his handkerchief.
"I'll drive it," Hood said. "You follow me and drive me home."
"Leave it in the airport garage," Newman said. "And then walk into the terminal and we'll pick you up outside American Airlines like you were arriving." "Okay," Hood said. "That's good. We'll lock his gun in the trunk too.
Don't want to get caught with it."
Janet went for gloves. Newman got a flashlight from the kitchen drawer and found Steiger's gun in the bushes. He didn't touch it. He waited for Hood to come with the gloves on. They were leather work gloves with a drawstring that had a red ball on the end of the drawstring.
Hood picked up the gun and put it in the trunk of the rental Plymouth and got into the driver's seat.
"Meet me in a half hour at American Airlines," he said.
Newman nodded. "Okay, Chris," he said. "I know you saved my life tonight. And I know this is dangerous, what you're doing now…"
"Don't worry about it, just meet me at American. I'd hate like hell to have to get home by cab."
He started and pulled the Plymouth away from the curb. Newman got in his own car with Janet and drove after him.
It was after midnight and cool for late summer. The top was off Newman's jeep and the open air was a bit uncomfortable.
"There's spare jackets in the waterproof bag back of the seat," Newman said. "Want one?"
"Yes, I'm freezing."
Newman stopped and got two terrycloth-lined vinyl slicker jackets out of the bag behind their seats. He gave the smaller one to Janet and put on the bigger one. They were bright orange.
"Thanks for coming," Newman said.
"If that was one of them, and it must have been, we've got to get out of here tomorrow. When he's found, someone will come again. They'll have more reason to be angry. They'll assume you killed their first man."
"I know."
"We'll go up to Fryeburg and wait until Karl comes and we'll kill him quick and then it will be over."