
I am an expert in very little and thus rely on the kindness of strangers and friends. With that in mind, I would like to thank in alphabetical order James Bradbeer, Fred Friedman, Larry Gagosian, Gurbir Grewal, Shan Kuang, and Beowulf Sheehan. These people are top specialists in a variety of fields, and so if mistakes are found in this text, I feel comfortable throwing them under the bus.

Ben Sevier has been my editor/publisher for a dozen books now. The rest of the team includes Michael Pietsch, Beth de Guzman (reuniting with my editor on Tell No One after a lot of years), Karen Kosztolnyik, Elizabeth Kulhanek, Rachael Kelly, Jonathan Valuckas, Matthew Ballast, Brian McLendon, Staci Burt, Andrew Duncan, Alexis Gilbert, Joe Benincase, Albert Tang, Liz Connor, Flamur Tonuzi, Kristen Lemire, Mari Okuda, Kamrun Nesa, Selina Walker (heading up the UK team), Charlotte Bush, Glenn O’Neill, Lisa Erbach Vance, Diane Discepolo, Charlotte Coben, Anne Armstrong-Coben and, perhaps most important, Person I’m Forgetting Who Is Very Forgiving.

I’d also like to give a quick shout-out to Jill Garrity, Elena Randolph, Karen Young, Pierre-Emmanuel Claux, and Don Quest. These people (or their loved ones) made generous contributions to charities of my choosing in return for having their name appear in this novel. If you’d like to participate in the future, email for details.

Win is telling me that I’ve gone on long enough, but I know that he’d cut me some slack to thank you for requesting this book and taking the journey with us. You, dear reader, rock out loud. Articulate.
