Do you know what to do to prepare for most emergencies—especially those pesky weather-inspired ones? Follow this simple advice:
1. MAKE A PLAN. Create a list of important phone numbers, including an out-of-town contact. Agree on a meeting place with your family or loved ones in case you become separated. Keep your list of numbers and meeting places with you at all times.
2. GET A KIT TOGETHER. Assemble everything on the Ready Kit Checklist below, or pick up a Ready Kit at a local store. Keep it in a safe, dry place at home. This is a recommended list of items. You may want to add things to it, especially if you’ve got pets, small children, or elderly people depending on you.
3. BE INFORMED. Know your local emergency plans, including those at your child’s school. Participate in workplace emergency drills.
Battery-powered flashlight
Battery-powered radio
Extra batteries
First-Aid kit
Dust mask or cotton T-shirt
Three-day supply of food and water
Wrench to turn off utilities
Plastic sheeting
Duct tape
Moist towelettes
Rain gear (ponchos and hats)
Warm clothes
Emergency blanket
Container for extra water
Extra doses of important medications
Personal identification
Leather gloves
Garbage bags and ties
Family communication plans
Special needs items
Visit to find out about different emergencies and how to prepare for them. Always listen to weather warnings from your local authorities, and seek shelter if bad weather approaches.
And please… leave stormchasing to the professionals.
Best wishes,
Rachel Caine