A/S/L Air Sub-Lieutenant
AD Accidental Discharge (of a weapon)
AFA African female adult
AFJ African female juvenile
AFS Advanced Flying School
ALO Air Liaison Officer
AMA African male adult
AMJ African male juvenile
amsl above mean sea level
AP Assembly Point
ASI Air Staff Instructions
ASR Air Strike Report
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATOPS Anti-terrorist Operations
AVM Air Vice-Marshal
B of I Board of Inquiry
BCR Bronze Cross of Rhodesia
BFM Belt Feed Mechanism (20mm Hispano cannons)
BFS Basic Flying School
Bravo Rhodesian time zone (Greenwich Mean Time is Zulu) Earlier hour zone going east is Alpha then Bravo and so on
BSAP British South Africa Policecasevac Casualty evacuation
CFS Central Flying School (RAF)
CMF Commonwealth Monitoring Force
CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa)
CSM Company Sergeant-Major
CT Communist Terrorist
DCD Defence Cross for Distinguished Service
DGSS Director General of Supporting Services
DI Drill Instructor
DZ Drop Zone (paratroopers and para-supplies)
EFJ European female juvenile
EMA European male adult
EMJ European male juvenile
FAC Forward Air Controller
FAE Fuel-Air Explosive
FASOC Forward Air Support Operations Centre
FIS Flying Instructors’ School
FL Flight level
FRELIMO Front for the Liberation of Mozambique
GAC Ground to Air Controller
GCV Grand Cross of Valour (Rhodesia’s equivalent to the VC)
GSU General Service Unit (equivalent to RAF Regiment)
GTS Ground Training School
HALO High Altitude – Low Opening (free-fall parachuting)
HF High Frequency (radios)
IF Instrument Flying
ILS Instrument Letdown System
INTAF Internal Affairs
IP Initial Point (starting position of jet run-in to attack)
ITCZ Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (meeting of warm Congo air and polar air)
JOC Joint Operations Centre
JSPIS Joint Services Photo-Interpretation Services
LTT Locally Trained Terrorist
LZ Landing Zone (applicable to helicopters)
MID Military Intelligence Services
MLM Member of the Legion of Merit (Operational or Non-operational)
MNR Mozambican National Resistance
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
OAU Organisation of African Unity
OCC Operations Co-ordinating Committee
OCU Operational Conversion Unity (advance pilot training for weapons)
OFEMA Français D’exportation de Matériel Aéronautique
PAC Pan African Congress
PAF Portuguese Air Force
PATU Police Anti-Terrorist Unit
PJI Parachute Jumping Instructor
PMC President of Mess Committee
PR Police Reserve
PRI Photo Recce Interpreter
PRAW Police Reserve Air Wing
PTC Pilot Training Course
PV Protected Village
QFE International Civil Aviation code for altimeter setting that will read zero feet at the selected ground position.
QHI Qualified Helicopter Instructor
RAMS Radio Activated Marker SSB
RAR Rhodesian African Rifles
R&R Rest and Re-training/Rest and Recuperation.
Ratpack Ration Pack
RP Rocket projectile
RSF Rhodesian Security Forces
RSM Regimental Sergeant-Major
RSO Range Safety Officer (air weapons ranges)
SAAF South African Air Force
SAAFCOL SAAF Staff College
SAANC South African African National Congress
SACP South African Communist Party
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile
SAP South African Police
SB Special Branch (of Police)
SCR Silver Cross of Rhodesia
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SSB Single Side-band radio
SSQ Station Sick Quarters
SSU Short Service Unit (refers to pilot training scheme prior to 1960)
Strela SAM 7 anti-aircraft missile
STO Station (or Senior) Technical Officer
SWA South West Africa
SWAPO South West Africa Peoples’ Organisation
SWO Station Warrant Officer
TF Territorial Force
TNT Trinitrotoluene (explosive)
TTL Tribal Trust Land
UANC United African National Council
UDI Unilateral Declaration of Independence
UXB Un-Exploded Bomb
VHF Very High Frequency (radios)
VNE Velocity Never to Exceed (maximum allowable flight speed)
VR Volunteer Reserve
ZANLA Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANU’s military wing)
ZANU Zimbabwe African National Union
ZAPU Zimbabwe African Peoples’ Union
ZIPRA Zimbabwe Peoples’ Revolutionary Army (ZAPU’s military wing)