NO SOUND MET HER EARS. NO DEMONIC BELLOWING, no Atrikan battle cry. No scraping. No footsteps. Not surprisingly, no birds sang in the trees. Only the gentle noise of the burbling fountain to her left filled the air.

She struggled to sit up, crying out at the pain in the center of her chest. Daggers of it shot through her at every movement and her right arm was numb. Her power was tapped. She'd drained it to the dregs in that one powerful, complicated burst. Claire hoped it had been worth it.

Footfalls on the gravel.

Adam ran to her side. "Are you all right, Claire? Gods, what were you thinking?"

"I'm fine," she wheezed. "Tapped my magick and injured myself, but I'm mostly okay." She swallowed hard and she struggled to stand, her palms pressing into the gravel. "What about Kai?" Her gaze sought the Atrika.

Kai lay motionless about twelve feet from them. Adam walked toward him.

"Adam, no, wait," she wheezed. She tried to follow and her knees almost gave out. She managed to grab the granite lip of the fountain with her good arm before she collapsed.

Adam approached Kai warily, sword drawn. He knelt and pressed his fingers to his neck. Then he called at her, "Do demons have a pulses in their throats like we do?"

She nodded, unable to raise her voice to answer.

Adam rose and gave her a look of incredulity. "Well, this one doesn't have one."

Shock rippled through her. "I killed him?" she half-whispered, half-mouthed.

"I think so."

"Oh, Houses," she said, her voice going stronger. She'd never in her wildest dreams believed she'd have enough power to take down an Atrika.

The doors behind them opened. Adam looked behind her, his expression of surprise closing back down into anger and protectiveness.

Claire turned. Rue and Tevan spilled into the conservatory, both bleeding acidic blood, both reeking of battle and demon magick. Tevan looked at the body on the floor behind Claire and sniffed the air, probably scenting Kai's death.

Rue stopped in his tracks and stared at Claire with utter shock on his face… which almost immediately turned to pride.

"Elium," rasped Tevan. "You used it."

"Second time is the charm," she said in her trashed-out voice. "This time I knew how to use it. Kai is dead." She didn't sound triumphant, only matter-of-fact. Claire didn't relish taking anyone's life, not even Kai's.

Tevan stared at her for a long moment. His eyes, already red, grew darker. Then he began to shake with absolute rage. "An aeamon killed Kai li Taelium?" he roared. "Impossible."

Rue threw his head back and laughed.

Tevan roared and then raised his hand to launch another assault on Rue.

Claire pulled her ace. This had to stop and it had to stop now. The blade slid free easily from the sheath attached to the waistband of her jeans. It didn't press so easily to her throat, but she forced it to go there anyway. She pushed hard enough to draw blood. It trickled hot and slow down her skin.

"Tevan, throw that power and I'll slit my own throat. Then no one will have the elium. It will wither and die as I do." Her voice was surprisingly strong and sure.

Both Tevan and Rue looked at her in surprise. It was nice to know she had the ability to stun the Cae of the Ytrayi and a military commander of the Atrika into silence.

"I will have the elium!" Tevan roared and rushed her.

Claire gasped at the sight of the Atrika in full murderous rage coming straight at her and took several steps backward, groping instinctively for her nonexistent stores of magick.

Rue shot a bolt of power at Tevan's back as he approached Claire. The back of the Atrika arched and he stumbled forward. At the same time, Adam stepped up and swung his sword in a wide, perfectly executed arc, cleanly taking Tevan's head from his neck. Fire arced along with the blade, likely from Adam's emotion. Tevan's head sailed into the foliage with a spray of acidic blood. Claire dove to the ground to avoid it, but some lightly dappled her clothes, smoking.

Quiet. No sound but her breathing.

Claire's entire body shook. Knowing she still had Rue to deal with, she pushed herself back to her feet when all she wanted was to crawl into Adam's arms.

Adam stood where he had before, breathing heavy and looking surprised as hell. The sword dangled at his side, smoking with demon blood. Tevan's head lay on the ground not far away. She jerked her gaze away from the grisly sight of his severed head and body.

Hand shaking, she put the dagger back to her throat and cast her gaze to Rue.

"Claire, put the knife down," said Adam in a taming-a-wild-animal voice.

"You won't do it." Rue lowered his hand and took a step toward her. "I know you, Claire. I raised you. You would never take your own life."

She held up a hand. "Stop right there." She pressed the blade in a little further. More blood welled. "You're not in a position to make any sort of prediction about what I might do. You don't know me. Rue, not really. I was your servant, your property on Eudae. That was no real relationship, nothing that truly provided a way for either of us to truly know each other."

Rue frowned. He actually looked concerned. "Please stop this immediately, Claire."

"I'm sick of being fought over like I'm some juicy bone all the dogs want. I hold the elium and I can take it away from you in a heartbeat if I choose. Maybe it would be better if the elium didn't exist at all. If the elium didn't exist, there would be nothing for the Atrika to covet, nothing for them to use against the Ytrayi and the other demon breeds. I could rid the universe, both of them, of this weapon right now. Consider it arms control."

Alarm passed over Rue's face. "No, Claire. The Atrika are working on developing their own elium. If you kill yourself and destroy it, we will be weaponless when they eventually achieve their end. We'll have nothing to balance against their threat and we'll be annihilated." Rue visibly tried to relax his body. "We are your people. Don't condemn us all to die."

"My people?" She made a scoffing sound. "You're not my people. You only took me from my people, Rue. All these years you kept me from coming home, from having a normal life, from having friends and being loved. Is it any wonder I'm standing here now with a knife pressed to my throat?"

She glanced at Adam. Claire saw in his eyes that he understood. She was bluffing.

Adam reached out a hand to her. "Claire, you're starting to scare me."

"Back off, Adam," she said, moving away from him. "All of you, just stay away from me. Tell me why I shouldn't do it, just cut my own throat now? I'm caught between worlds. I belong nowhere. If I live, I'm doomed to a life either as a slave to Rue or running from the Atrika."

"You have that one who cares for you." Rue jerked his chin at Adam. "You were protective of him just minutes ago. You were holding his hand."

Uh oh. She lapsed into a steady stream of Aemni. "You know nothing of the customs here, Rue. You don't know what it means when a female holds the hand of a male aeamon. You know nothing of what it means when a male defends a female. You know nothing of intimate relationships at all… and you made sure I didn't either."

Her voice broke on the last part. It was all true what she said. Adam had taught her about intimate relationships, taught her what it was to truly love.

Rue's mouth snapped shut.

"So this is how it's going to work," she said, her voice a little louder and a little stronger. "You're letting me go free."

Rue stiffened. "You will not dictate to me—"

She rotated the knife, pressed until she winced and saw stars. Adam let out a sharp breath near her. "Yes, I will, Rue. Do as I say and you can have the elium back… but you can't have me."

"I thought you liked your life on Eudae." Rue actually sounded hurt.

"I was kept in a very nice cage and given anything I could desire." She paused. "But it was still a cage, Rue. I've had my taste of freedom, of home. If there's anything I have to live for, it's that. Take it away and I want to die."

And that was the unvarnished truth. Not a bluff.

"So," she continued in a calm, sure voice. "If you want the elium back, you'll take it from me… and then you'll leave. Promise me, Rue. Give me your word in an Ytrayi blood oath right now."

Rue hesitated and she stared him down. If he refused, she wasn't sure what she'd do. Her strength was returning somewhat, but she wasn't sure she could tap the elium again. Anyway, she didn't want to hurt Rue. She certainly didn't want to kill him.

Finally, Rue's eyes grew red and his fangs extended a little. Adam shifted uneasily beside her, not knowing that was exactly how she wanted Rue to react.

Rue bit his wrist and a trickle of blood trailed down his lowered hand and fingers, then dripped to the earth of the conservatory where it sizzled, popped and destroyed the green growing things within range.

He spoke in Aemni, "I, Rue dae Raemish Tor, Cae of the Atrayi have shed my blood to show I am bound to complete the following." He paused, raised his gaze to Claire's face and held it there. "Withdraw the magickal weapon, elium, from the one known as Claire Crane. I release her from her bonds of servitude so that she may live out the rest of her life where and how she chooses."

Claire had stiffened and gone still at the word Crane. "Is that my last name?"

Rue nodded once. "Forgive me for never telling you."

She took several steps toward him, lowering her knife. The oath was uttered out loud, blood was shed. Rue wouldn't go back on that. "What else do you know?"

Rue spread his hands. "That's all, Claire. You simply didn't need to know your last name on Eudae, so I never told you."

Claire bit back a scream of absolute frustration. "Let's do this," she gritted out.

"You must come back with me to remove the elium. I cannot do it here."

"What?" Adam stormed forward. "No way—"

Claire put a hand on his arm. "Rue has sworn an oath in the Ytrayi custom. He won't renege."

"I don't want you going back there for any reason."

Rue turned his head and stared at him. "If you want the elium out of her, she must. I don't have the things I need here to accomplish it. You can come along if you're so concerned for her welfare. Claire doesn't need to fear me. I would never harm her."

"Or Adam, right, Rue? You would never hurt Adam either."

Rue sighed. "No. Not now that I understand how much he means to you. I know you care for him, Claire. I know more about aeamon relationships than you think I do." He leveled his gaze at Adam. "But he'd better stop attacking me."

Adam replied through a locked jaw. "You first."

Claire turned away and headed out of the conservatory. Her stomach tightened at the damage from the battle. Here and there, witches picked through the wreckage of the corridor. "We're bringing Micah with us, too," she said over her shoulder. "And you won't hurt him either."

Rue, for the first time in all the years she'd known him, simply nodded and followed her.

"Claire…" Thomas sighed in relief when she stepped into the library. "You're all right." Jack stood with Mira at the far end of the room, their child held close in his arms.

She raised her gaze and surveyed the damage to Thomas's beautiful bookshelves. "Houses, I'm so sorry, Thomas."

Isabelle walked over and took her by her arm. "Never mind that. It's just a building: they're just books. You're all right and that's all that matters." Her voice trailed off as Rue and Adam entered the room, her gaze fixed on Rue. Isabelle's face shuttered and hatred flared in her eyes.

"He won't hurt you," said Claire. "And I have him oath-bound to take back the elium and free me. The catch is I have to go back to Eudae for him to be able to do it. I thought maybe Micah would want to come."

"I'm going, too," said Adam.

"I don't want any of you to go," said Thomas forcefully. "Are you forgetting what happened to me when I ended up there?"

Rue held up his hand. "Peace, mage. I will not allow any of your people to come to harm. I understand more about your… witches now." The word was foreign to him. Aeamon were aeamon to Rue, at least before now. "The warlocks you fight are like the Atrika, but you and your people are akin to the Atrayi. Indeed, I believe you carry our blood. I think it would be wise to form an alliance with you."

Thomas smoldered, his hands fisting. "I don't see how that can be possible. Anyway, to what end? I can't see any reason we would need an alliance."

Rue shrugged. "Your Coven witches carry the daaeman genes of the Ytrayi. If this is true, I suspect your warlocks carry the genes of the Atrika. Don't think our goals might not be in alignment in the future."

Thomas only stared Rue down as though he could light the demon on fire with his hostile gaze alone. His answer was clear in his eyes and in his expression. It made even Claire want to retreat.

Isabelle stepped forward, a little bit in front of her husband in a defensive gesture. Claire understood how Isabelle felt, but Thomas hardly needed anyone's protection. "We don't want an alliance with you or your people for any reason, ever."

"I hope you never regret those words," Rue answered.

Micah walked into the room behind the demon. "I heard I have a chance to visit Eudae." He'd probably been called by Mira. Air magick could be handy that way. His voice held an undeniable note of excitement.

Thomas turned away.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to," said Isabelle.

Micah just gave her a look. "Do you know what I would risk for a chance to go there?"

"You have my word they'll be unharmed," Claire said. "I have Rue's word and so do you. I understand why you would be concerned, but in this circumstance, both Adam and Micah will be returned to the Coven without incident."

"Can you be sure of that?" Thomas growled without looking at her.

"I lived with the Ytrayi my whole life. Yes, I can be sure."

Thomas pushed a hand through his hair and turned to her. "I trust you."

She smiled. "You should."

"Let's go," said Adam. "I want that crap out of you, Claire. I want us back at the Coven so we can finally relax a little. Take a fucking vacation. Go to Disneyland or something."

"I want that, too." She glanced at him. "Give me a minute."

Claire walked to Jack, a lump growing in her throat. Jack watched her approach with curiosity on his face. "I think I'm your half sister," she said with a quaver in her voice.

"What?" said Mira. Soot smudged her chin and forehead.

Claire raised her voice so it would carry across the room. "Rue, what did you say my mother told you my last name was?"

"She said she'd wanted it to be Crane. But she said it wasn't legal, since she'd never… mated… no, married… your father."

"My mother was in the Duskoff, Jack. I think she had an affair with your father." She halted, swallowed hard. "I think I was the result."

Jack watched her carefully, shock clear on his face. He said nothing.

"Oh, my goddess," Mira breathed beside him. A smile broke out across her face. "If it's true, that makes you my sister-in-law." She gasped and held up Eva. "You're her aunt!"

Claire let out a sound that was half-laugh and half-sob. "I know! I can't believe it!" She pressed a hand to her mouth and forced herself to not dissolve into full-fledged tears. She closed her eyes against a sudden swell of emotion.

She'd thought she'd had no family, but maybe she did.

Jack pulled her against him and hugged her hard. "I would be so proud if you were truly my half sister," he whispered huskily.

She pulled away from him and wiped her eyes. "Yes, we can be the two Coven witches with Atrika genes." She laughed.

"Yeah," he said conspiratorially, "I'm not sure I'm buying that one."

"Claire." It was Rue. The sound of his voice made her jump. "We should go now."

She turned and followed Micah and Rue out of the library. Adam walked behind her, protective as always.

In the Coven foyer. Rue muttered a few words in Aemni and a doorway shimmered into view. It disturbed the magickal currents, rubbing up against their skin like a cat, and quivered through the air around them. Claire gasped at the vibrational frequency of the doorway as it quavered and then stabilized. Rue's magick was incredibly strong. It was why he was the Cae.

"How is it you can do that?" asked Micah in awe. "How can you just open a doorway when it's so difficult for the Atrika to do it and it's impossible for us to accomplish it?"

Micah was already asking questions and they hadn't even stepped through yet.

"I can only open this doorway because its mirrored on the other side. I am one of a few Ytrayi able to open them, but even for me it's not easy. It takes time and many resources to create a passageway like this one."


"It's an important part of how the universe works, Micah. If it were easy to open these doorways, there would be utter chaos. War, rape, and pillage. Much death. Much destruction I keep one established portal in Yrystrayi. All doorways are forbidden."

Without another word, he stepped through. Micah glanced at them, shrugged, and followed.

Adam took her hand. "Are you ready?" "To get back here, yes." He smiled. "Then let's get this over with. Together, they walked through."
