Yves Jégo and Denis Lépée

1661 is a year of destiny for France and its young king, Louis XIV.

Cardinal Mazarin, the prime minister who has governed throughout the king’s early years, lies dying. As a fierce power struggle develops to succeed him, a religious brotherhood, guardian of a centuries-old secret, also sees its chance to influence events.

Gabriel de Pontbriand, a young actor, becomes unwittingly involved when documents stolen from Mazarin’s palace fall into his hands. The coded papers will alter Gabriel’s life forever, and their explosive contents have the power to change the course of history for France and Louis XIV.

Fact and fiction combine in a fast-moving story of intrigue, conspiracy and love set in seventeenth-century France.

"... has all the life, spirit and momentum of the best historical novels’ Le Figaro

The heroes of the book are the stars of the era: Moliere, La Fontaine, Colbert... a book to savour’ Paris Match

‘A suspense-filled mystery, a cross between the Three Musketeers and the Da Vinci Code’ Europe 1


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