I’d like to express my appreciation to Ken Landers and Clay Stafford, American Blackguard Film and Television and the supremely talented musicians who made this project possible, especially our wonderful singer, Treva Blomquist. For details on all the personnel, go to my website or www.americanblackguard.com. Treva’s website is www.trevamusic.com. A wonderful organization in North Carolina, Music Maker, also provided great assistance. Check out their website, www.musicmaker.org.
Thanks to my regular crew, Deborah, Cathy, Victoria, Vivienne, Betsy, Carolyn, Jamie, Francesca, Julie, Jane, Will, Tina… and, of course, Madelyn.
Finally, special thanks and all my best wishes to my friends at Simon & Schuster: Jessica Abell, Louise Burke, Amy Cormier, Jon Karp, Sarah Knight, Molly Lindley, Irene Lipsky, Phil Metcalf, Carolyn Reidy, Kelly Welsh and everyone else.
The lyrics to all the songs in this novel are © 2011 Jeffery W. Deaver.