ZetaTalk: Awakening
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[Note: for recent ZetaTalk on Crop Circles, the Cassiopaeian Org, Nancy in the media, Ning role and related subjects check the Q&A
The Zetas talk about how mankind is gradually realizing they are Not Alone and Awakening to the Alien Presence;
why for many the Time Table seems too slow as their First Impressions have been favorable, Signs of the Awakening
are apparent, and an Alien Welcome awaits. The Zetas talk about how we can expect Sightings to Increase and Not
Just UFOs! along with Mass Sightings and Glowing Ships and Mothership Sightings and recent Lights in the Sky and
Mexico UFO's on Film and UFO's in the News and Phoenix Lights have resulted; why mass sightings can be called an
Initiation Rite, thence Shared, but sometimes Faked; how sightings and Power Outages and pictures of Alien Bodies
will cause The Word to spread; why CNN's Arizona Coverage of a mothership sighting occured in step with Roswell
Revisited; how concurrently there will be an increased Demand for Proof from the debunkers and increasing Discord; how it is difficult to Disprove the Proposition when conflicting claims or Info or Disinfo seemingly merged are made and there are False Channels and False Claims like the Serpo Exchange; what role change agents such as Art Bell and
Hoagland play and why ZetaTalk and MUFON will no longer be suppressed, and Leaks increasingly occur; why there always seems to be an Element of Doubt such as during June Incoming and Sign to Mankind and Prophet Yehwah and
a Truth Test seems elusive; why Breaking the News is so difficult and if the ABC Special was a start; why the scare caused by Orson Wells was deliberate, as was the disappearance of Air Force One and a possible Staged Invasion;
how Alien Encounters will eventually occur during the Next Phase and occured in the Past; and how there are
Tumultuous Times ahead but Prophecy such as Zhuge Liang and a China Mirage and ZetaTalk 1999 Prediction can be a guide.
The Zetas talk about the world that will be, how some of our citizens are operating in the 4th Density Service to Others
mode already; how many contactees find they have met a Familiar Stranger and feel there is something they are
Supposed to Do but aren't sure what it is; whether Mass Consciousness spreads the word; why truth often comes from the Mouths of Madmen and the Steps and Stages in the Awakening process, and why Falon Gong is suppressed. The Zetas talk about how aliens will Walk Openly among us in due time; what they would like us to Tell Others about
them; why there are Language Barriers; and whether aliens are Hanging Around Saturn or living on the Moons of
Mars. The Zetas talk about why Stanton Friedman should be taken seriously; how sightings such as the Belgium Flap, the Gulf Breeze sighting, the original Mexico City incident, Russian Sightings, and the Israeli Sightings were real; why the Colorado Flap was staged, sightings reported by CSETI are false, and how Dr. Greer got cancer; what Dr. Reid
hoped to accomplish; what is different about UFO's in Africa; why Mt Shasta is a UFO haunt; and why humans hoping for contact cannot Call Down a Ship or influence the time of a Mass Landing; how Crop Circles give us Crop
Circle Clues and what meaning Circle Locations and the Crop Circle Video or Crop Circle Hoaxes or Renewed Circle
Hoaxes or Future Circles and the Windmill Hill circle. The Zetas talk about circle clues such as Crop Circle
Correlations, 2003? , Swept into Disaster, Tilting Leaning Dropping, Orbit Lock, Magnetic Trimesters, Crop Circle
Language, Magnetic Resonance, Flow Lines, Serpentine Dance, Slow 270° Roll, Buzz on Out, Asymmetrical Affair,
Ready to Tip, Juxtapositioned Planets, Not Nuclear, Time Line Clues, Mirror Ecliptic, Reminder Circles, #2, #3, #4,
Hoaxes, Contorted Path, November Reality, Circle Simplicity, 2005 Season, 2005 Circle Trends, and 2006 Season with
Magnetic Clash and 2006 Hoaxes and the 2007 Crop Circles.
The Zetas talk about Why They Care and describe the Zeta History on their Awakening and why ZetaTalk Predictions
are a truth test; how they want to ensure that people will not fall prey to Disincarnate Opportunists wanting to be walkins; and whether there is myth or truth in what Annunaki, Ashtar, the Confederation, the Council of Nine, Ma-Di or
DOMA, the Ummo, the White Brotherhood, or the WingMakers are saying or whether these alien groups are in and of themselves a fraud. The Zetas talk about whether Billy Meier is a contactee or the Andromedae Contact is from Andromedae and Scallion's source; whether the aliens in Whitley Strieber's book Communion, the face drawn by Steve
Neill, and the encounters reported by Ruth Montgomery are real; why the Hopi Indian myths and Lou Famoso NDE
http://www.zetatalk2.com/awaken/a00.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:21 AM]
ZetaTalk: Awakening
and Hercolubus prophecies are valid; whether the Beatles had a role or the book Celestine Prophecy is inspired or Way
of Explorers, Far Journey, Cosmic Voyage, ET 101, or Secret Vows are based on fact; whether reports from the
Farsight Institute or Commander X or Phoenix Group or Leading Edge or David Icke or David Booth can be trusted; whether the book Chariot of the Gods or the TV series Star Trek or Dark Skies or Taken or 10.5 or Discovery Channel
or the movies Fire in the Sky, Stargate, or ID4, or When Worlds Collide, or Signs , or War of the Worlds reflect real situations; whether the writings of the Theosophists, Seth, the Urantia Book, the Akashic Records, or Elizabeth Clare
Prophet, or Baird Spalding, or Sylvia Browne can help mankind figure it all out; whether Ramtha, Barbara Marciniak,
Alexander, Sheldon Nidle, Barbara Clow, Lysa Royal, Sollog, Jelaila Starr, or Anna Hayes are true channels; and why
ZetaTalk Accuracy is ensured.
All rights reserved: ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com
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Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning
Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning Archives
The weekly chats, Q&A sessions, have switched to the Earth Changes and Pole Shift ning. Answers to the questions posed during the week will
be posted by noon Satruday, EST. Questions posed will be selected based on relevance and whether the answers already exist within the body of
ZetaTalk. Rules apply . Nancy was live on GodLikeProduction every Saturday night, from Nov 12, 2005 through May 15, 2010. The GLP
indexed archives and content from those chats is available. The Zetas and Nancy are very grateful for the support Trinity and his crew of mods
at GLP gave during these years. The archives from IRC live chats between Nov 2001 and May 2003 are also available.
Feb 11, 2012
Ning Address
(Answers posted by noon on February 11)
Feb 4, 2012
Ning Address
Nuclear call, Obama bridge plan, Earth sounds significance, Contactee counts,
Nuclear Call
Patagonia tall people, Bolivia floods, Russian plans, Wobble weather, Korean
Answer Archive ship explosion, USGS roles, New Zealand interest, Spielberg's dilemma
Jan 28, 2012
Ning Address
Extinction Protocol website, Chile hot earth, Beijing floating hominoid, Aftertime
Answer Archive food production, Extinct Protocol comments scheme, Kerry's black eye, Lincoln
during State of the Union, Solar Flare excuse, Magnetosphere twisting incidence,
Scale changes, Buoy data suppressed, Iran boycott
Jan 21, 2012
Ning Address
Costa Concordia cruise, Planet X viewing, Survival Site cautions, Earth moans,
Answer Archive Plate movement proof, Nibiru on Russian TV, Chile in Antartica, Wobble winds,
Element of Doubt, Moon shape, SOPA, Hong Kong whirlpool, India sinking,
Nepal glyphs, DNA databases, Cartagena hot earth
Jan 14, 2012
Ning Address
James Forrestal, Bell Witch legend, Rotation Stop gravity change, Costa Rica
Answer Archive drums, Thailand river blockage
Jan 7, 2012
Ning Address
Norway stretch, Codex Alimentarius, Food hoarding
Answer Archive
Dec 31, 2011
Ning Address
Last Weeks counting, Telepathy distress, Magnetosphere torque, UFOs and
Answer Archive debris, Wobble clouds, Warm winter, Mariana Trench collapse
Dec 24, 2011
Ning Address
Philippine tsunami, Transmigration of soul, Wave cloud shape, Sloshing buffer,
Answer Archive CNN hints, Smog increase, Two Moons campaign
Dec 17, 2011
Ning Address
NASA misquotes Nancy, Michigan natural gas, Newt Gingrich, Australia floods,
Answer Archive Ohio fracking quakes, Netherlands flooding, Africa re-colonization, Ancient alien
warnings, 2012 agenda
Dec 10, 2011
Ning Address
Senate Bill 1867, Gun control, Tbilisi UFO, Venus writhing, FEMA camps,
Answer Archive Mercury UFO
Dec 3, 2011
Ning Address
Prince Charles in Romania, El-Baradei in Egypt, Olsen photo captures, Winged
Answer Archive Globe on SOHO
Nov 26, 2011
Ning Address
Australian prison camps, Mars missions, Christmas Hammer, Annunaki bones,
Answer Archive European missile sites, 2012
Nov 19, 2011
Ning Address
Drug Resistant germs, Iodine 131 in Europe, Trans Pacific Partnership, Neutrino
Answer Archive assassination, Rift/Zapper machines, Apec Travel Facilitation, Iran missile sites,
G20 Cannes Summit, Zhitomirskiy suicide, China desert grids, Europe in
receivership, Shenzhou-8 blue orb, Uranium deposits, Brazil CC, Cuszco mummy
Nov 12, 2011
Ning Address
Antarctica ice, Emergency test, Disclosure denial, Seismograph patterns, Phobos
Answer Archive probe, Red Dust effects
Nov 5, 2011
Ning Address
Bolivia pinch, Elite in Africa, Wobble pace, SE Asia borders, Rockies safety,
Answer Archive Pakistan safety, Ocean debris
Oct 29, 2011
Ning Address
Venus looming, Wasaga Beach dead birds, Auroras, Commonwealth conference,
Answer Archive Google Moon rovers
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/ningarch.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]
Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning
Oct 22, 2011
Ning Address
Balloon captures, Drone keystrokes, Red dust on Moon, Seattle bridge, Good
Answer Archive Samaritan reluctance, 7 of 10 progress, Gaddhafi's death
Oct 15, 2011
Ning Address
Yakutia boilers, Japan south island quakes, Black Knight satellite, Flooded cities,
Answer Archive Automatic writing, Carbon Footprint taxes, NASA's timing, Rena oil spill, Jell
blobs, Utah slide
Oct 8, 2011
Ning Address
NASA press conference, Market collapse, Seasons blending, Fuji springs, Elite
Answer Archive preparations, Pharma inventories, C2C return
Oct 1, 2011
Ning Address
Blackouts and debris, Canary Island quakes, Planet X viewing, Near Death
Answer Archive Experience, Norway vortex, Tiangong-1 module
Sep 24, 2011
Ning Address
Florida awash, NASA's Tatooine, NWO under attack, Cover-up assassinations,
Answer Archive Obama in Denver, Sub-Sahara Africa, Rebuilding civilization
Sep 17, 2011
Ning Address
Venus/Dark Twin looming, 7 of 10 Russia impact, ET intervention reaction, Fiji
crimes, European weather, Star Child population, NASA satellite excuses, 7 of 10
scenario interplay, Caribbean investors, Sinking cover-up, Subtle message
Answer Archive
Sep 10, 2011
Ning Address
Israel, Mexican drug trade, 7 of 10 land skews, San Diego grid down
Answer Archive
Sep 3, 2011
Ning Address
Tampa Bay howler, Neglected safe locations, Arizona, Boston, Blue Kachina, Sea
Trumpets and
of Azov landrise, Star Child increase, Elenin breakup, Thor, Cover-up history
Answer Archive
Aug 27, 2011
Ning Address
Wobble sloshing, Ireland elevation, N Korea agenda, Bahamas, Contactee rash,
Wobble Sloshing Japan seabed fissures, DC/CO quakes, ISS supply crash, East Coast migration
Answer Archive
Aug 20, 2011
Ning Address
Kiev trumpets, Australia elite plans, Self sacrifice, STS children, North Sea oil
Answer Archive leak, Siberian cities, New Zealand Coriolis, Madrid flooding, East Coast tsunami,
Windsor hum, Working for money, Fukushima lessons, Jubilee CC key
Aug 13, 2011
Ning Address
Orange goo, Barter evolution, Boston exercises, London riots, Transformation
Answer Archive teams, Magnetic field CC, Chinook crash, Lake Vostok anomaly, Rio Grande do
Sul, Alberta future, STO percentages, Eastern Russia, Japan quakes, N Dakota
floods, Americas map
Aug 6, 2011
Ning Address
Pisgah plume, Norway coverup, Cable wobble, Pisgah plumes, Denver vs 13575,
Pisgah Panic
China high speed train crash, Brazil stretch, Snake CC, Snake Moon Swirl,
Answer Archive Global shudders
Jul 30, 2011
Ning Address
Ohio, Oslo massacre, 7 of 10 Estonia tsunami, STO timidity, Bakken oil field, US
Answer Archive Debt, Sao Paulo UFO, OSCE agenda, July CCs, Buryatia rift, Aftertime borders,
Crop shortages, Alaska drilling
Jul 23, 2011
Ning Address
St. Petersburg, Obama conferences, China migrations, Aftertime jet stream,
Answer Archive Intelligent water babies, US debt crisis, Israeli war mongering, Executive Order
13575, Sweden UFO tracks
Jul 16, 2011
Ning Address
New Zealand overture, Steven Frayne magic, West Coast volcanoes, ISS future,
Answer Archive Looming Venus, India temple secrets, Murdoch scandal, Mt. Adams, Gullibility,
Michigan UFO, Media exodus, Earth orbit, Spiral CC
Jul 9, 2011
Ning Address
Chavez cancer, Barbury CC, Queensland for sale, Obama's assassination, Ural
Answer Archive bunkers, Athens, Elite migration, European aftertime, 7 of 10 pace
Jul 2, 2011
Ning Address
Telegraph UFO, California flood history, Dogma, Gryfino trees, Rugby invitation,
Answer Archive Kobuk sand dunes, Ardennes safety, Economic status, Chavaz, Radar circles, Red
dust Los Alamos fire, Cornwall tsunami, Mauna Kea light bubble
Jun 25, 2011
Ning Address
China Anhui mirage, Aftertime fishing, Hurricane season, Vancouver riots, Tbilisi
Answer Archive photo, N American deserts, Russian CC, Al Gore's role
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/ningarch.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]
Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning
Jun 18, 2011
Ning Address
Aftertime wind speeds, Pacific heap, Dogman myths, European tsunami warning,
Answer Archive Bilderberg 2011, Eritrea blackout, Wobble flooding, New Madrid vis USGS,
Ahmadinejad prediction, Hungary flooding, Newt Gingrich
Jun 11, 2011
Ning Address
ZetaTalk fame, Puppet Master media, Planet X capture, Lake Tahoe, Hot springs,
Answer Archive Norway, Singapore, Mermaids, China invasion
Jun 4, 2011
Ning Address
Altai mountains, Obama's UK visit, Sanctuary CC, Haiti/Honduras presidents,
Answer Archive East Asia summit, Planet X video, Argentina Cordoba mountains, Hackpen CC,
Netherland/Russia CC, Subconsious confusion, Ecoli in Europe, Tornado
increase, Territorial conflicts
May 28, 2011
Ning Address
Contrail glow, National Geo aliens, Russia migration, Queen's agenda, The
Answer Archive Event, Planet X position, Almaty UFOs, OSIRIS-Rex agenda
May 21, 2011
Ning Address
Media cover-up, IMF arrest, Lightning storm, Crimea UFOs, Montana, Zeta
Answer Archive Tape 06, Rogue planets, Crop Circles, Indonesia status
May 14, 2011
Ning Address
Human craft, Aftertime assistance, Cosmic ray hotspots, Hot springs safety, Rain
Answer Archive confusion, Skinny Bob reaction, Swiss franc, Flood induced quakes, Dark Twin
CC, Japan tail lashing, PLAN device
May 7, 2011
Ning Address
Shuttle launch failures, Bin Laden death, Zeta video, Global threat ploy, Real
Answer Archive estate changes, Einstein's gravity theory, Aftertime gardening, Shape-Shifting
Apr 30, 2011
Ning Address
7 of 10 quake timing, 7 of 10 dipping sinking, 7 of 10 Mexico participation, Union
Answer Archive busting, Art and Architecture, Blood types, Fake alien videos, Colorado UFOs,
Sputnik signals, Police crackdowns, Aftertime starvation, Holland CC, Africa
takeover, Asteroid excuse
Apr 23, 2011
Ning Address
Moon madness, Happiness, Whirlpools, Tail debris, Mercury, Japan radiation, S
Answer Archive America roll progress, Alien bodies
Apr 16, 2011
Ning Address
Water purification, C2C monster sun, STO behavior, Aftertime schools, Japan
Answer Archive UFOs, ESA plate monitoring, Sunspots, China entertainment restrictions, Murder
and mayhem increase, Asteroid excuse
Apr 9, 2011
Ning Address
Ottawa valley, Gadafi's exit, Jumbled speech, Blue Spiral, NASA probes, Florida
Answer Archive faults, Chicago UFOs, Japan quake flash, Pacific compress, Indonesia status
Apr 2, 2011
Ning Address
Japan rescues, Survival motivation, Dead starfish, Star Children missions, Alien
Answer Archive technology, New geography, Survivor slavery, Fukushima plant
Mar 26, 2011
Ning Address
Soul growth, Sunda Plate, Turkey, Rush to safety, Puppet Master's media, Nancy's
Answer Archive role
Mar 19, 2011
Ning Address
New Madrid, Japan quakes, Pacific compressing, ZetaTalk fame, Cassiopaeian
Answer Archive Org, The Call, New England quakes, Japan nuclear disaster, Newfoundland,
Sinking pace, Nuclear power squeeze, Hong Kong sinking
Mar 12, 2011
Ning Address
Riots increasing, NASA launch failure, Bush family agenda, Marquesas Islands,
Answer Archive Comet Elenin, Radon gas, New Madrid warnings, Migrations, Georgia Guide
Mar 5, 2011
Ning Address
Pole Shift delays, German tsunami, Mexico, Taiwan Second Sun, NYC safety,
Answer Archive Indonesia sinking
Feb 26, 2011
Ning Address
Ontario, Philippines, Africa, Moscow UFO, NASA asteroid excuse, S America
Answer Archive roll, Denver near miss, Africa revolution, Planet X location, Indonesia sinking
Feb 19, 2011
Ning Address
Trimester effect, Brittany France, Subconscious preparations, Salt Lake condos,
Answer Archive Montreal, Vietnam/Thailand, NYC manhole explosions, Europe overpopulated,
Tyche disinformation, Blending seasons, Folding Pacific, Indonesia sinking pace
Feb 12, 2011
Ning Address
China ghost cities, Norwegian summit, Internet future, Guarani Aquifer, New
Answer Archive Mexico gas outages, Chemtrails, India tar pit, Pennsylvania blast
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/ningarch.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]
Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning
Feb 5, 2011
Ning Address
Ozone, Egypt protests, Obama's message, Sinking pace, State Department
Answer Archive conclave, Star Wars, Jerusalem UFO, Wobble effect
Jan 29, 2011
Ning Address
Seasons manipulation, Azores, Africa roll, Java CC, Moon swirls orbs, Pacific
Answer Archive buoys
Jan 22, 2011
Ning Address
Indonesia video, Uneven sinking, China fracturing, China talks, ZetaTalk
Answer Archive forcasts, Philippine excuses, Greenland sunrise, Cuba, Lucas ETs, Imploding
buildings, GPS
Jan 15, 2011
Ning Address
7 of 10 timeline, Caribbean islands, Brazil flooding, 7 of 10 Central American
Answer Archive volcanoes, 7 of 10 blame UFOs, Methane pockets, Rain excuse, Appalachian
volcanoes, Fiji flooding
Jan 8, 2011
Ning Address
Windmill windspeeds, Dead birds/fish, Bonin Islands, Philippines sinking, John P.
Answer Archive Wheeler III murder, Cloud signs, Chupacabra, Queensland, Israel plans,
Polyjuice intent, Great Peninsula in Washington State
Jan 4, 2011
7 of 10 Update
Philippines sinking, Malaysia/Sumatra crumble
Jan 1, 2011
Ning Address
Saving history, Montana, Egypt, Music, Brazil, Vanuatu seismograph, Folsom
Answer Archive Lake, British Columbia, Cell phones, Russian army, Cover-up scapegoats, Arctic
sunlight, 7 of 10 shock, New Madrid effect, Gulf of Aden vortex, Gouging during
shortages, Africa 7 of 10
Dec 31, 2010
7 of 10 Arrives! Queensland flooding, Coral Sea bulge, Curve buoys, Caroline Plate drop
Dec 25, 2010
Ning Address
Chavez decree, ZetaTalk promotion, Gold, Indonesia waves, Scotia Plate,
Answer Archive Saratov, California elevation, Crowd control
Dec 18. 2010
Ning Address
Tsunami frequency, 8 of 10 overlap, ZetaTalk dependency, N Atlantic rip, Call,
Answer Archive Greenland/Iceland, Bunker living, Soul senses, Hong Kong tsunami, 7 of 10
cover-up, Mexico 7 of 10, Israeli UFO, Nuclear warning
Dec 11, 2010
Ning Address
Central America 7 of 10, X-37B agenda, Booms, STO cowards, Indonesia
Answer Archive sinking, Altay mountains, Pakistan rip, 7 of 10 Seaway, India focus, Matt Hughes
suicide, Norway tsunami, San Andreas fault, Lean to Left degrees, George Soros
gold obcession, Wikileaks re UFOs, Bank bailouts, Cover-up future, Moon on
SDO, Japan quakes, Brazil future climate, Arsenic microbs, Stereo deception
Dec 4, 2010
Ning Address
New Zealand faults, Planet X location, Christmas hammer, Northern hemisphere
Answer Archive booms, Rapid climate change, 7 of 10 movement, Reincarnation encounters,
Planet X 270° roll, Past lives, Planet X approach, Wikileaks, Moon Swirl
locations, 43% insane, EM flux influence, 8 of 10 details, STS sentence, Element
of Doubt during 7 of 10, Last weeks travel, Tilted Moon
Nov 27, 2010
Ning Address
S Africa fault lines, Quick STO lessons, East Australia lift, Fragile financial
Answer Archive system, Canary Islands, West Coast volcanic ash, Martinique safety, Brazil
quakes, Nuclear shutdown safety, Dalai Lama retirement, Migrating hoards,
Hawaii, India 7 of 10, Folding Pacific, Korea confrontation, Staying behind,
Kokomo visit, Michigan peninsula, Moon craters, Hong Kong, Magnetosphere
eddy, New Zealand volcanoes, Changchun City
Nov 20, 2010
Ning Address
Closed borders, G20 finances, Folding Pacific, Russian quakes, Pole shift
Answer Archive hurricane, 7 of 10 reverberations, Kazakhstan pentagram, Australia 2/3, Heroes,
NASA announcement, Pole shift gloom, Africa roll, Solar Wind, LHC agenda,
Karachi, Pole shift epidemics
Nov13, 2010
Ning Address
Crust shift, Fireballs excuse, UFO highways, STO viewpoints, ZetaTalk chats,
Answer Archive Indonesia buckling, Fluoride, Gibbs in India, Australia surveillance, California
contrail rocket, Stereo satellites, Seismograph wobble, Martial law, Kazakhstan
UFO, Unsparked souls, Farm land confiscation, Bush book tour, STS visitations,
Indonesia pipelines, Moons on SOHO/Stereo
Nov 6, 2010
Ning Address
Short wave radio, Sweden, Puget Sound, Iceland, Heads of State awareness,
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/ningarch.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]
Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning
Answer Archive Volcanoes, Indonesia's elite, China media, Low profile communities, Northern
Russia, Obama Asia tour, Planet X on Stereo Behind, Seasons blending,
Disclosure, Quebec, 7 of 10 Italy, Jewish culture, NASA gunman on CNN
Oct 30, 2010
Ning Address
Evil essence, Jesse Ventura, Inuit broadcast, NASA lies, Denver airport, Sitchin
Answer Archive RIP, Interference exceptions, Born wealthy, Dependent souls, Octopi transplants,
Nuclear failure, Prison gangs, Survival community size, Stockton fault, Non-
interference rule, Ozone depletion, France tsunami, Light form visitations,
Belarus, 7 of 10 precision
Oct 23, 2010
Ning Address
Nancy in media,Tidal bore, Krakatao, Clashing tides, Chile 33 rescue, Timeline
Answer Archive rules, New Madrid impact, Revenge, Pole shift estimates, Glen Beck warning,
Alien assists, Tribal awareness, Spiritual growth, Mother Shipton, Medicinal
Oct 16, 2010
Ning Address
NWO plans, Magic tea, Google/Yahoo sites, Japan 7 of 10 tsunami, New
Answer Archive Geography confusion, Aftertime children, Vigilante justice, SOHO appearance,
7 of 10 Sequence Indonesia 7 of 10 elevations, 7 of 10 prediction, Menstral periods disturbed,
Medicine availability, N Korea dictatorship, Annunaki in NJ, 10/13 prediction,
India 7 of 10 tilt, Magnetic sickness, German nuclear power, Mediterranean 7 of
10 tsunami, Plastic garbage, China 10/13 village, Webbots, 1984 movie
Oct 9, 2010
Ning Address
Microwave weapons, Safe site preparation, Lost history, Terrorism, Earthquake
Answer Archive lulls, Asthma, Incarnations, Self study schoolhouse, STS avoidance, 7 of 10,
Diaoyu Islands, Weather erratic, S American roll, Hartley 2 Comet, Red dust,
Electronics protection, Unfriendly ET, Hungarian pollution spill, Rattled wobble
Oct 2, 2010
Ning Address
Sierras, Egregors, UK tsunami, New Hampsire elite, Oil from tail, Texas safety,
Answer Archive Continental drift, Exploding light bulbs, UN disclosure, Gas line dangers, New
England rise, Government leadership, Falling in Love, Moscow UFO, Last weeks
CC, Mercury on SOHO, Roma explusions, Social Security threats, Japan South
Island tsunami, 7 of 10 speed, Elite space abodes
Sep 25, 2010
Ning Address
Chemtrails, Owens Valley Fault line, New Grange structure, Red dust
Answer Archive accumulation, Deagle Gulf Stream claims, Iraqi hot earth, STS soul vibes, Planet
X photo, Cults, New Madrid Fault reach, Oregon safety, Angry populace, Newly
dead, Herbal meds, Kazakhstan, Magnetic people, Nevada's Lake Lahontan, Birth
accidents, Vatican money laundering, Soul memory, Japan tsunami, Aftertime
atmosphere, Japan's Senkaku Islands, Jupiter rumors, Space debris
Sep 18, 2010
Ning Address
San Bruno Gas Explosion, European Tsunami reaction, Hand wringing, Grid
Answer Archive survival; Mount Bugarach; Perpetual batteries; Contact etiquette, Spain as
island, Compass, Wandering Stones, Colorado safety, Annunaki density, Montreal
safety, Cover-up techniques, Asymetrical crop cricle, Alien message, California
valleys, Media agenda, Intervention techniques, 7 of 10 reactions, Iraq safety,
Boulder safety, Vladivostok UFO, Mexico safety, Saudi arms deal, Denmark
Sep 11, 2010
Ning Address
Moon halos, Zeta protection, New Zeland quake, Equatorial bulge, 8 of 10,
Answer Archive Conscious contact, Australia bend point, Uneven crop circles, Mitch Battros,
Asteroid fireball excuse, 7 of 10 travel restrictions, Pole shift avoidance, Victoria
sloshing, 18 hour wobble, China dancing cloud, Location analysis steps
Sep 4, 2010
Ning Address
Soul awareness, Kenai peninsula, Mississippi sinking, Zapruder face, Trimesters
Answer Archive cause, New Zealand safety, Nazca Plate, Pakistan flooding, Tidal tables, Scotland
safety, Wobble CC, Land lines, Seaway split, 14 million miles, Star Child battles,
Ukraine safety, Wikileaks rape, Iraq combat end, Flip-Flop CC, STS conscious
contact, STS Call, Annunaki royalty, STO vs STS body types, Los Tayos cave,
Swaziland safety, Mariner oil rig explosion
Aug 28, 2010
Ning Address
Sunrise West, Finland safezone, Electric Universe, Ghosts, Point of Passage
http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/ningarch.htm[2/5/2012 11:38:22 AM]
Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning
Answer Archive triangle, Clock crop circle, London tsunami, Mayan knowledge, Elite attitudes,
New Madrid process, Below ground housing, Earth changes astonishment,
Rotation stoppage polar flood, Gulf microb, Walk-in experience, Mongolia,
Mount Kailash, Carbon dating, Incarnation critique, Incarnation climates, STO
vsw STS influences, Nursing home survival
Aug 21, 2010
Ning Address
Money, SETI, Woble crop circle, Hotspots, Superbugs, Spend Uranium,
Answer Archive Countering NASA, Bolivia dead fish, Victoria/Mineappolis UFOs, Denmark
NASA Gambit
during tsunami, Victoria tsunami, Winged Globe, African contact, Salvage post
pole shift, Azores quakes, Cell phone outages, Michigan oil spill, Japan mega
quakes 7 of 10 media response, Seattle booms, Australia safe locations, STS
babies, Cover-up leakers, Hazy skies, Chemtrail stoppage,
Guadalajara/Brandenburgo UFOs, Cloud orbs
Aug 14, 2010
Ning Address
The Call, Mustard Gas depots, G1.9 NASA backoff, Biobio River in Chile, Clang
Answer Archive crop circles, Contactee pets, Phillipines safety, Trimester crop circle, NASA
Last Weeks
cover-ups, Alaska Stevens/O'Keefe crash, Simons death, Last Weeks timeline,
Killing consequences, Quake proof homes, 675 foot invasion, Asteroid hits, Black
Sea heating, Giant frauds, Bosnia pyramids, Hurrican season, Rattle wobble crop
circles, American Indian lore, European tsunami warnings, STO rules.
Aug 7, 2010
Ning Address
Magnetosphere deforming, Contactee off-world, Alien cross-breeding, Venus
Answer Archive blooming, Human extinction, July 20, Hybrid longevity, Second Sun placement,
Heatwave crop circle, ISS safety, Aftertime Gulf Streams, STS empathy struggle,
Denisova hominin, C3 CME media blitz, USGS cover-up, GPS, Slavic paganism,
Jupiter wobble capture, Walk-ins, G1.9, Wobble crop circle, Gates Giveaway,
Auroras, Moon Swirl photo, UFO in WWII, Obama disclosure, Child visitations,
Taiwan UFO, STO voting process, Russia food exports, Simulated seasons,
Unconditional love, Inbound/Outbound cropcircle
Jul 31, 2010
Ning Address
Last Weeks crop circles, Conscious forgetting, Falcon HTV-2 failure, Planet X
Answer Archive photo, Nevada, Planet X sling orbit, Moon Swirl crop circle, Disclosure, Zeta
summary, Rattle wobble crop circles, UFO near Sun, Bigfoot, Occulted Moon,
Uruguay UFO blitz, White Baby in Africa, Rapper rules, Weatherman angst, TV
show clues, Themis space quakes, Human race extinction, Coldwave in S
America, Dark Twin, the Lift, Graduation missed, California safety, Corporate
STS, Ohio safety, Karachi crash, Rattle progression crop circle, 7 of 10
Jul 24, 2010
Ning Address
Aftertime organization, Arctic fault lines, Thermosphere contraction, China
Answer Archive UFOs, Fox News popularity, Conscious contact, DC quakes, Tangent crop circle,
Civilization recovery, Portugal safety, Aftertime mental illness, Ricochet crop
circle, Homeless mistreatment, Australia government, Kentucky safety, Aftertime
latitudes, False faces, Quake quickening, Karachi clams, Live seismographs,
Aftertime trade winds, Plate movement, Hybrid culture, Octopi worlds, Quake
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Jul 17, 2010
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crop circle, Humbolt ridge, Chongqing UFO, Asphalt volcano rumors, Tail
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Jul 10, 2010
Ning Address
Mississippi bridges, Survivor telepathy, NASA knowledge, Venus/DarkTwin size,
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Pre-shft actions, Serpentine Dance crop circles, Nebraska aftertime, Carolina
clay soil, Second Sun sightings, Wobble claims, Mooonraker reality, Caribbean
tsunamis, Post-tide mess, Supernova remnant claims, Crop circle competition, No
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Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning
poop diet, Continents won, Soul densities, 4th density babies, Close encounters,
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Jul 3, 2010
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Jun 26, 2010
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Jun 19, 2010
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artesian basin, Florida climate change, Jakarta safety, New Madrid adjustment,
Jun 12, 2010
Ning Address
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Answer Archive European tsunami, Polarized relationships, South Seas safety, Disenbodied
teammates, Polluted soil, Nuclear pollution, African Rift Valley, Aftertime
compass, Planet X on SOHO, Iraq oil fields aflame, Crop Circle hoax, Great
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exit, New Madrid expectations, Thunderbolts of the Gods, Stanton Freidman on
Fox, Forida tar balls, Acámbaro dinasaurs, Planet X locations, Seagulls missing,
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Jun 5, 2010
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Answer Archive silver, Dictators, Siberia methane, Aftertime communities, Guatemala sinkhole,
Stopped rotation heatwave, Hopi tablets, Korean ship incident, Vince Diehl
prophecies, Silbury CC, Liddington CC, Planet X shadow, Tribano CC, Last
weeks sloshing, Codford CC, Hatoyama resignation, Gore's divorce, Unaware
populace, 8 of 10 scope, Spinning fireball
May 29, 2010
Ning Address
Notched Pie crop circle, Planet X complex on SOHO, 8 of 10 hint, Heilongjiang
Answer Archive province, Spiral hoax, Canada border, "Why Live" motivation, Gulf Oil scope,
Mind/Soul interaction, Bronze Age collapse, NWO cabal, Rescued humans, GM
plants, NASA Moon Swirl disinfo, Sudden Silence during passage, Intuition, Land
ownership rights, Obama's options, Nuking the Gulf, Iraq holocaust, Politics
May 22, 2010
Ning Address
Dragon as Planet X, Hot Earth, Cracking cover-up, Canadian wobble weather,
Answer Archive Chinese provinces, Gravity anomalies, Amateur astronomers, Aftertime health,
Aftertime aliens, 7.3 week visibility, 360 day year, Species survival, Aftertime
axial tilt, Australian coastline, Volgograd bridge sway, Sinkholes
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ZetaTalk: Not Alone
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ZetaTalk: Not Alone
Note: written on Aug 15, 1995
The microcosm that is Earth first appeared to humans as the center of everything. The babe, in his mother's arms,
proceeds on the same assumption. She is there for his needs, solely. We hesitate to broaden our perceptions because
this minimizes the self. Mother does not exist solely for me, therefore I may go unattended. Father chats with the other
children, therefore I have not captivated his attentions and may go unnoticed. And in like manner we follow the child
into adulthood to discover the human species grappling with the concept of not being alone, the one and only. There
are other intelligent species in the Universe, therefore I am not God's crowning achievement. They can levitate and zip
about and disappear, therefore I am a technological dummy. All very deflating, especially for the pompous. The
reaction is reluctance, active denial, or a pout - non-participation. Look right at the facts and fail to process them.
Process them and refuse to accept the conclusion. Develop countervailing theories and attempt to substantiate them.
Close all the doors and windows and develop an avid interest in a hobby. Just don't have time for all that nonsense.
Well, of course, it won't go away.
Humans, adjusting to the concept that they are not alone, go through stages not unlike the small child adjusting to
nursery school. They feel, ordinarily, that they are the masters of their small Universe. A cry of distress brings Mommy
or an older sibling running. Throw out a beaming smile and an adult starts chirping. Works every time. Then comes
the shock. The babe is not alone. The first reaction to the sight of a room full of competitors and a distracted Mommy
substitute is to cling to Mommy. Humans, reacting to the alien presence, pray fervently. Save me! The babe may strike
out at competitors, bonking another playmate, or snatch toys away for a personal horde. The alien presence almost
invariably brings a cry from some angry human - leave us alone, the Earth is ours! Unable to mold the nursery to one's
liking, the babe may next pout. Sit in the corner, lower lip out, glowering. Want a cookie? No! Perhaps non-
participation will make it all go away. Some babes pout forever, and make it a lifelong practice. We find these humans
turning their backs on evidence of the alien presence. Non-participants are the least likely to turn and become actively
involved - curious and exploratory. In fact, the vocal skeptic is most likely to suddenly stop protesting and let it all sink
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ZetaTalk: Not Alone
in. Look to the history of avid believers and one will often find a skeptic. The skeptic gives birth to the advocate.
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ZetaTalk: Alien Presence
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ZetaTalk: Alien Presence
Note: written on Jan 15, 2002
Humans adjust to the new and familiar in accordance with its introduction during their lifetime. The babe, in its
mother's arms, heard conversation, occasional banging doors, occasional howling wind, and feels no sense of urgency
or alarm from the arms it lays in. Thus, banging doors and howling wind do not alarm it to the point of a faint in later
life! Extend this to the crowd of children the child later runs with, the workforce peers, the leadership of the clan, or
any other substitute for Mother. Where it is a known, or similar, or accepted occurrence, the human being can slot and
place the occurrence, and does not react with panic.
Where the alien presence is widely known and talked about, it is presented in various ways. Contactees describe their
experiences in terms that seem relatively harmless, but the elite, who do not want humans turning to the alien presence
with any but horror and rejection, paint a different picture. Disinformation is presented as though it were from a
contactee, an experiencer, and thus the general public is confused. Thus, when a contactee meets, for the first time, the
visitors it has been longing to meet and giving The Call to, the contactee is braced for the worst! Panic, and fainting,
occur when any unexpected encounter occurs, whether this be the announcement that someone in good health is now
dead, or that the lottery has been won and one is now rich. Sudden and unexpected encounters cause one to faint as
fainting is a protection, playing possum, which saved many a cave man from being eaten as he was assumed dead and
thus rotten by the predators.
Thus, for the general public to become accustomed to the alien presence, and to not react in this manner, the Council
of Worlds has determined to introduce actual sightings of aliens lifeforms, on video, for the general public to view.
These sightings have already occurred by the year-end of 2001, but are discounted often as fakes. However, the
increasing incidence, broadcast mostly as local news, is making the Earth's population comfortable with the alien
presence. You've seen an alien? So what. Shut the door and don't slam it please, I'm busy watching the news on TV.
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ZetaTalk: TimeTable
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ZetaTalk: TimeTable
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding making ourselves and our purpose evident. The timetable depends on people and how they react, their
awareness and acceptance. Being aware that there are other intelligent beings in the universe, besides themselves.
Welcoming this, rather than being frightened of this. They should be more curious and welcoming than frightened,
quantitatively. This is already happening, in some places. There will be some places where this will become
commonplace, and other places where the alien presence is not even known. The Awakening will proceed at a different
pace for different peoples and groups.
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ZetaTalk: First Impressions
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ZetaTalk: First Impressions
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Adjustments to the other are an issue that is present anytime intelligent beings first meet each other. In the past, when
humans thought not of creatures from outer space, they had no explanation if they caught sight of us or others from
other worlds. Deliberate suppression of conscious awareness was not done in the past, or at least not to the degree
done today. This is done today to reduce fear, but in the past curiosity was more often the reaction. What are those
strange creatures? They simply gave us names, many different names.
On our part, we too had an adjustment to humans. Such smelly, hairy creatures, always up in arms at the slightest
thing! Posturing to defend that not worth defending - the territory. Things we had put aside so long ago, ancient
memories, had to be dredged up just to allow us to understand, again. One of the hardest adjustments has been dealing
with the lack of understanding from humans, who in the main treat us like invaders. We are ascribed every sort of
motive, although in truth those in the Service-to-Self crowd deserve the title, yet we are blamed for their deeds without
even a trial. So quick to absolutes, those frightened humans. We have found it best to deal one-on-one. Where the
mass rises in the direction the leader points, the single human ponders and lets the truth sink in. Pebble by pebble we
build the mountain of truth.
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ZetaTalk: Signs of the Awakening
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ZetaTalk: Signs of the Awakening
Note: written on Aug 15, 1995
Biologists in the lab deal in closed systems and open systems. Where the experiment is to be a closed system, every
aspect of the biosphere is structured, and as many factors as possible are eliminated. If one wants to document how
mice react to more daylight, a longer day, one has a control group of mice where the light is fixed, and another group
of mice where the light is varied, steadily increasing. All else is rigidly structured for sameness. Same food, same
feeding time, same amount of food, same degree of handling by humans, same amount of cage litter - no variance at all
if possible. In an open system experiment few of the factors are tightly controlled, as there are too many variables.
How do two different strains of mice get along with each other, and which survives the competition for resources? Put
all the mice in one large cage, vary the environment with lots of exploratory debris, vary the feeding schedule, subject
the mice to extraneous noise once in awhile, and watch. The Awakening is now in an open system, where formerly
closed, and several trends are already apparent.
Decades ago contactees were visited on an individual or at most family basis. Almost always, a contactee vaguely
aware of this activity kept it to themselves or at most shared it with a trusted confidant. Closed system. Now
contactees are meeting each other, not only in their subconscious during visitations, but in support groups, Internet chat
groups, and while browsing at the book store. Government denial has become an indirect education program, religious
leaders are formulating their explanations, TV and movie producers want to be on the leading edge of a media
opportunity, and politicians are seen gladly accepting alien endorsements. Open system.
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ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome
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ZetaTalk: Alien Welcome
Note: written during the Nov 2, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
On October first of 2002, while vacationing in the Southern Chilean city of Concepcion, a group of family
members found what appeared to be a small humanoid creature. The miniscule being measures about 7.2
centimeters long. It has a relatively large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs. The discovery
was first reported by Mega News Service, which is the local news channel in the Santiago area.
Jeff Rense Site
The story of EBE, at Roswell, plays like a child's bed time story to mankind, eager to embrace the alien presence they
sense is present, but denied to them by their governments who have a palpable cover-up in place. The Brazilian
Roswell story in recent years shows the eagerness of the populace to embrace the alien presence, children leading the
way by caring for the injured aliens they discovered on their path home. Sightings of lights in the sky, UFO's, are cold
comfort for those who sense that these visitors mean mankind no harm. Thus, at the slightest excuse, all manner of
rumors of sightings are taken as evidence of aliens among the populace. No alien bodies, except those recovered at
Roswell and the Brazilian Roswell, which were deliberate, are in the hands of man. However, soon enough live
visitors will be at their doors, walking in the mist, and delivering help when life seems grim and hope gone. Thus, the
embrace is going two ways, in the heart!
Note: added during the Feb 15, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
As we mentioned at the start of ZetaTalk, in 1995, sightings would be on the increase, mass sightings would then
increase as the population affected became comfortable with such an event, and then sightings of alien lifeforms would
occur. This has occurred, during the intervening years, most often not reported in the news. Now, however, the
incidences have become so widespread, mass sightings, that it is almost common knowledge and thus, gets into the
news almost automatically. The reason for this oversight on the part of the debunkers is that there is so much
discussion that they forget when they are supposed to put on the brakes, or where. If the debunkers here this chatter during their commute, in the cafe, at the bar, in the bedroom, they just shrug and listen, knowing this to be true and
choosing no comment as an avoidance. Then comes the point where a newscaster reports a mass sighting, or a local
piece gets picked up and become national or international via press routes, and the debunker at first shrugs and then
realizes they let it pass! Oops, too late now, and better to ignore it else attention will be called! Thus, you are hearing more about this in the news, where it actually has been occurring all along, in recent months and years.
Often, those who have been witness to a mass sighting, or hear about it, try to establish a reason for the UFO's. If there is any event, like a disaster, as with the Mothman Prophecies, this is assumed to be a warning. Alternatively, there are
those who will assume the UFO's caused the event. None of this is the case. UFO's and mass sightings and mass
visitations of contactees in an area are all part of the plan, to establish a comfort level with the alien presence, so that
the next stage can begin. As Nancy reports in her Lifeform Orientation write-up, she herself was hardly comfortable with the types of lifeforms she was presented with. She reports that BeanBag Man (her term) caused her to faint for the
first time in her life. She reports that recalling the BugMan, standing like a giant cockroach in front of her complete
with waving antenna, was difficult for her to bring forward to her consciousness. Bear in mind that Nancy is hardly a
coward, nor the fainting type, and steps up to the plate no matter what.
So what would the average contactee, or group of contactees, do if presented in their conscious with such sights? To
prevent mass panic, or adverse reactions, they are first presented with the alien lifeform individually, to adjust. If in a
group, a single bad reaction would affect the whole, so individual presentations are done routinely. When the group,
be this a family or a neighborhood or small town or camping trip association, are familiar, then a conscious sighting
might occur. This would be at a distance, as a glance, like the sightings of BigFoot, so no threat exists but lots of
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discussion occurs afterwards. Thus, increased UFO sightings are part of the plan, newly into the news, and all should
anticipate the next stage, as they may be part of this!
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ZetaTalk: Sightings to Increase
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ZetaTalk: Sightings to Increase
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The subconscious is the heart of your awareness, and when the subconscious of the majority of your populace is
comfortable with our presence, there will be no need to conceal ourselves from you. Sightings will increase, and will include alien life forms. This will then move to telepathic discussions with these life forms, en-mass with groups of
people. An increasing number of photos and videos will develop, and although they will meet with the usual barrage of
skeptic-bunkerisms, these photos and videos will speak to the subconscious of many. There will always be those who
deny what they see. This occurs today, in your society, in all facets.
Where we and other benevolent groups speak to the subconscious, the subconscious also is cognizant of what the eyes
and ears perceive. For those in denial, discord sets in. If discord dominates, then a conscious recognition of an alien
ship or personage can induce fear. Should you be filled with resentment at this point over the delays, feeling yourself
free of fear, bear in mind that the fear mongers are not wining, nor will they. They have already lost. Their voices have
been lost in the din, and the benevolent messages are upwelling at the present time. The battle is over, but some of the
stragglers have not yet left the Earth.
Where sightings are on the increase, just where and when they occur depends on many factors, only one of which is
the desire of the local inhabitants to experience one. Some sightings such as the dramatic Mexico City sighting seen by
thousands and video taped by hundreds, hasten the Awakening by being broadcast and highly authentic. Some
sightings in remote locales occur because the majority of the residents are comfortable with the concept of being
galactic citizens and ready to experience a sighting without undue anxiety. Some sightings by individuals are like the
personalized sign many contactees are given, as encouragement that the path they have set upon is not a foolish one.
But likewise there are areas of the world that receive few sightings, and Muslim countries are included in this list.
Where the majority of the humans have been isolated from the gossip that flows freely elsewhere around the world,
and have been told that anything outside of the bounds of their tightly controlled world is of the devil, then sightings
would do more harm than good. If one cannot see a woman's face, could one be allowed to see a UFO?
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ZetaTalk: Not Just UFOs!
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ZetaTalk: Not Just UFOs!
written Nov 28, 2005
Would the zetas like to comment on the flying humanoid videotaped in Mexico City? [and from another source] Recently I stumbled upon a website that had an archive of UFO pics, videos, and stories and is updated almost daily. After looking through, I found a few alien pictures that I believe to be real. What I found strange was that these "real" photos were posted in mid to late 2004.
We stated early in ZetaTalk that sightings would be on the increase and progress to sightings of alien bodies, not just ships. We also stated that where previously photos or videos of ships almost always had failed to develop, the trend would be for photos and videos to be produced.
Sightings, mass sightings, of ships have swung upward and included undeniable and dramatic captures. Examples are the 1991 Mexico City
rash of videos, the 1997 Arizona mothership sightings, and the 2005 Prophet Yahweh call down filmed live by ABC. Starting with the Brazilian
Roswell, where living aliens were discovered nursing their injuries in the woods by young women on a walk, there have been a number of well documented sightings. Examples are of an alien walking along a highway, which occurred in Indiana, or floating away from farmers when discovered in their fields, as occurred in Israel.
How is the public to discern a real story from a fake? General guidelines can be used. Yes, aliens can levitate themselves and float away, but this is unlikely to be their main means of transport. They will thus be sighted, or make contract, while standing on the ground on par with humans. Yes, most aliens making contact are hominoid, to ease the shock of contact, but for an alien to be captured on film the body or body type will likely be radically different from the human form, for emphasis. This is not a mistaken photo of a human, will be the message. Thus, photos which show what could be the form of a child, or a man or woman, are unlikely to be some of those early photos of alien bodies. Yes, a single individual might snap a photo of an alien body, but in keeping with these early photos to hasten the Awakening, these opportunities are more likely to occur in front of a crowd, or at least a group.
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ZetaTalk: Mass Sightings
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ZetaTalk: Mass Sightings
Note: written on Jul 15, 1996
During the past few decades sightings have almost invariably been a personal experience, and in the main they will
remain that - an individual, alone in an isolated area, a family on a camping trip, a couple standing on a balcony
enjoying the star lit night. In step with the increased pace of the Awakening, sightings will become mass sightings,
affecting the whole populace in crowded or urban areas as occurred recently in Australia and the Netherlands. The
media will suppress the news, but they cannot prevent neighbors from chatting with one another or gossip on the
Internet. The word gets out.
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ZetaTalk: Glowing Ships
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ZetaTalk: Glowing Ships
Note: written on May 15, 1997
Sightings will become more dramatic as the Awakening progresses, and this is by intent. Initial UFO sightings were of
silvery crafts, hovering with apparent mastery of the force of gravity, streaking rapidly, and with the ability to change
direction instantly or otherwise maneuver in a manner unlike manmade crafts. These sightings posed enough questions
to those with an open mind that no further encouragement was needed. Those with a closed mind refused to believe
that what others were talking about, or perhaps what they had seen with their own eyes, was anything but a manmade
aircraft, a meteor, or their imagination! To encourage these humans to enter the discussion that is becoming endemic
worldwide, we and others involved in the Awakening process have moved to include glowing crafts into the sightings
that are increasingly occurring.
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ZetaTalk: Mothership Sightings
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ZetaTalk: Mothership Sightings
Note: written on Sep 15, 1999
There are dozens of motherships hovering around Earth all the time. There are many groups visiting Earth at this time,
and they all have their own craft. They are hidden from view, but will show themselves when appropriate. Indeed,
mass sightings are increasing, sightings of large craft that cannot be denied because so many people see them from a
distance, at angles that correlate. These people talk to each other at the local bars, if the media doesn’t carry the news,
and in general an area as large as one of the US states can become firm believers simply because they have shared
information among extended families and coworkers. This is what happened after the Arizona sightings in 1997.
Motherships are there all the time. You simply don’t see them. You can be right under one, and you won’t see it.
Why? Because we have distorted light rays and we give you a view of what is above the mothership, from below, so
you think you’re looking right through it where you are actually looking around it. If this seems amazing, think about
how light rays change when they go through water. People accept the fact that they see things at an angle when they
are under the water. Bending light rays is no big deal, and we do it all the time. The mechanism we use is not a gravity
field. It could scarcely be gravity, as the force required would compress us to the size of a pea, and of course we
would not live. We use other means, something that doesn’t affect us personally. Light is a particle ray, and is
influenced by many particles that are similar to it, repulsed or attracted, and we simply utilize those elements, which
are unknown to man. Man has scarcely scratched the surface in an understanding of subatomic particles. We don’t
claim to be experts but we are far more advanced.
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ZetaTalk: Lights in the Sky
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ZetaTalk: Lights in the Sky
written Oct 25, 2004
Strange beams of light are being observed in the midwest and
Canada. The National Weather Service theorized that the lights
were moonbeams shining through the clouds. According to the
National Weather Service, it was clear at the time of the incident.
An unidentified flying object (UFO) or a divine sign were just two of the explanations residents of South
Trinidad were last night speculating on after a mysterious red beam of light appeared in the sky. The
vertical red line, according to some eye-witnesses, was noticed shortly after nightfall.
On Wednesday morning September 22nd, 2004 a caller rang the WTAM morning show, Wills and
Coleman in the Morning, to report the sightings of strange colors in the sky. Other callers reported seeing
the same thing while others tried to describe and/or explain the image. Photos from the North Olmsted
We have gone on record, at the start of ZetaTalk in 1995, with the statement that Sightings will be on the increase, including solid photographic evidence. Would photos from the North Olmsted police videos qualify? We have stated
that Mass Sightings, involving large groups of people, would likewise be on the increase. That this has almost become the norm is now obvious from reports. Why are lights in the sky most often the introduction, the initiation route,
informing anxious humans that there is more to life than the dreary drudgery of their day-to-day, more to anticipate than an aging body and a burden of bills that seem to become ever heavier, more to control events around the world
than a few power mad politicians or heavy handed dictators. Man is Not Alone and his small world is about to burst into the arena of introductions to life from other worlds like a child dragged from a dark closet into a well lit room
engaged in a riotous party. Lights in the sky are the introductory mode because they invariable represent, to the
common man, a distance, a safety barrier from intrusion into their quiet life crawling about on the surface of their
world. Lights are stars or planets, afar and immutable, or meteors passing, not aiming at anyone, or airplanes or
satellites quite disinterested in those they pass over, so observing unusual lights in the sky does not at first glance
incite terror. This rapid increase in mass sightings and photographic proof, at this time, has a purpose, as man is about
to have his world torn apart by the coming pole shift, and as we have stated, the helping hands extended at that time, to
those practicing the Golden Rule and thus firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation, may not in fact be hands. Fear not, you've gotten used to the idea. Remember all those lights in the sky?
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ZetaTalk: UFO's on Film
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ZetaTalk: UFO's on Film
written June 3, 2004
Could The Zetas comment on the Mexico UFO sightings in the infrared. Are they helping us to become
aware that they are here?
In a rash of sightings, captured on film, UFO’s have suddenly moved from ephemeral objects whose film capture is
elusive to indisputable objects, regularly captured on film. No less than the Mexican Air Force came forward, having
been given permission by their President, to proclaim a capture in infrared. A new phase seems to have begun. Indeed,
we have stated that as the populace was ready for more solid proof, ready to accept this without panic and even
embracing the notion, that proof would come. The rule always, always, during the Awakening, is not to engender fear
and panic as this pushes the populace toward the Service-to-Self orientation. Thus, reading behind the current wave of
UFO capture on film and video, one finds increasing eagerness for contact with visitors from other worlds. In step
with this eagerness is a resignation by the establishment, preoccupied with Planet X in the vicinity and no way to
escape to Mars or elsewhere during the coming cataclysms. Realizing they have been duped by their allies, aliens in
the Service-to-Self, they are belatedly trying to make amends. Thus, the almost tepid response to news in the media
about all the sightings and film capture. Deflated debunkers, not longer encouraged.
Signs of the Times #830
Mexico Air Force Video Creates UFO Stir [May 11] http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?
type=scienceNews&storyID=5109891 ‘The Mexican Air Force has released footage of what a UFO
expert said were 11 invisible unidentified flying objects picked up by an infrared camera as they
whizzed around a surveillance plane. The ministry confirmed to Reuters it had provided the video,
filmed by the Air Force on March 5 over the eastern coastal state of Campeche. The film, recorded
by a plane looking for drugs trafficking near the Gulf of Mexico, shows 11 objects as blobs of light
that hover in formation or dart about, sometimes disappearing into cloud. Interviewed by Mausson
on another section of the video, the pilots said they grew nervous when the objects, still invisible,
turned back during a chase and surrounded the plane.’
[Note: see also Sign #813, the Iran UFO blitz on Apr 28, apparently a worldwide blitz occuring at
this time!]
Signs of the Times #829
UFO in Scotland [May 12] ‘Several people reported
seeing a huge silver object in the area as they drove
past at around 8.45am last Wednesday. Silver in
appearance and looked like the dishes you see on the
side of television transmitters. Colleagues in
Cumbernauld had seen a similar object around half an
hour previously, and alerted their South Lanarkshire
counterparts that it appeared to be heading in their
direction. Lee Close, of the Anglo-Scottish UFO
Research Agency, has been investigating last week's
events in tandem with the local UFO club.’
[and from another]
Callers Report Strange Lights In Central Fla. Sky
[May 13]
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http://www.local6.com/news/3301170/detail.html ‘Several people in Central Florida said they
spotted a series of mysterious lights in the sky Tuesday night.. One resident filmed the lights in Polk
County, Fla. Officials at Avon Park Air Force Station in Polk County were conducting regular
exercises in the area the same night the lights were spotted. The strange lights may have been flares
from the operations but officials would not release details of the operation.’
[and from another]
UFOs Reported Over South Texas Skies: Man Captures UFOs On Video [May 15] NBC5i.com ‘A
Texas man claims he captured the images of an unidentified flying object on his camcorder. The
man from Mission, Texas, doesn´t want to be identified but did say he was alerted to the object by
his dogs in the middle of the night. The man said the dogs woke him up by barking and he saw the
light when he went outside to investigate.’
[and from another]
Glowing UFO Photographed In Poland [May 12] http://ufo.internauci.pl/ ‘The photo [at right] was
taken by J. Puszkarewicz over the city of Rzeszów, Poland May 4th or 5th. Enlargement with high
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ZetaTalk: UFO's in the News
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ZetaTalk: UFO's in the News
written Jan 6, 2007
Would the Zetas care to comment on the recent report from Chicago's O'Hare Airport of UFO sightings?
Was it actually an ET spaceship or just swamp gas? Also, any comments on France's space agency
planning to put UFO reports on-line? Are they really going to come clean on this or just try to mislead the
These matters of disclosure and honesty in the media are not pressed forward so much by honest politicians and editors
as by ourselves and our brethren, Service-to-Other extraterrestrials. We mentioned in 1995, at the start of ZetaTalk,
that sightings would be on the increase, held back only by the anxiety of man. As acceptance increased, sightings would increase. Moving from individual or family sightings to mass sightings. Moving from a lack of any documented
evidence to un-refutable evidence. In the past, the establishment wanted to deny the alien presence for their own
security and stature. Politicians and the Church wanted mankind to cling to them as power figures, to look up to and
fear them, and were concerned about a loss of stature if the truth about the alien presence were known. Project Blue
Book in the US, harassment of contactees, and suppression in the media followed. But this campaign has not worked.
The public embraces the alien presence, eagerly. What will happen to those in the establishment long suppressing the
truth if undeniable sightings, and perhaps landings with waving smiling aliens, occurs? Worse than a lose of stature, as
the public will be certain that the establishment knew about the alien presence and attempted to keep this information
to themselves. The supposed leadership the elite assumes they have over the common man will plummet. Thus, seeing
they are being bypassed and the visitors are going directly to the people, with great success, such incidents will be in
the news, so the establishment can try to claim they too have only recently become aware of it. Dragged along in the
dust, as the thundering crowd rushes to embrace the alien presence!
Signs of the Times #1658
In the sky! A bird? A plane? A UFO? [Jan 1] http://www.chicagotribune.com/ A flying saucerlike
object hovered low over O'Hare International Airport for several minutes before bolting through
thick clouds with such intense energy that it left an eerie hole in overcast skies, said some United
Airlines employees who observed the phenomenon. Officials at United professed no knowledge of
the Nov. 7 event - which was reported to the airline by as many as a dozen of its own workers -
when the Tribune started asking questions recently. [and from another] FAA blames UFO report on
weird weather [Jan 2] http://www.cnn.com/ Federal officials say it was probably just some weird
weather phenomenon, but a group of United Airlines employees swear they saw a mysterious,
saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport in November. [and from another] This then was
mentioned on CNN, prime time. [and from another] People claim seeing a UFO in Istanbul [Jan 5]
http://english.sabah.com.tr/ Mysterious lights seen in Istanbul skies have baffled people. Witnesses
have claimed that the lights were coming from a UFO. People have called news agencies on
Wednesday night and reported unidentified white lights flying in the sky. According to the eye
witnesses, the flying object was revolving around itself and blazing. [and from another] Online
Archive of UFO Sightings [Jan 2] http://www.techtree.com/ Reportedly, the French space agency
has decided to publish its archive of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) sightings and other
phenomena online.
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ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights
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ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights
written Feb 10, 2007
Mysterious Lights Spotted Over Phoenix, Again [Feb 7]
Nearly a decade after the highly publicized 'Phoenix Light
Phenomenon', more strange lights have appeared in the
night sky over downtown Phoenix. Mysterious lights lit up
the western skies over Phoenix and soon after, phones
began ringing off the hook at radio, television and police
stations from witnesses wondering what the lights were.
Back in March of 1997, a huge object was spotted over
parts of Arizona that many witnesses believed to be an
extraterrestrial spacecraft that was drifting slowly and
silently over the region. [and from another]
http://godlikeproductions.com/ Flares hang in the same
place for 4 minutes? The military is lighting up targets
over a populated area to target? Did anyone hear
explosions? One flare at least that moves from right to left. Something does not add up here.[and from
another] These videos show a similarity to the Feb 7, 1997 Phoenix Lights phenomena when compared to
the recent, Mar 13, 1997, event.
There have been UFO blitzes, that hit the news, in Chicago O'Hare Jan 1, Istanbul Jan 5, Arkansas Jan 15, N Carolina
Jan 25, Hawaii Jan 27, London Feb 2, and Phoenix Feb 7 lately. Note the location of these mass sightings, and then
note our warnings about what parts of the globe are likely to experience disasters due to the stretch zones pulling apart
and related domino quakes as adjustments occur in other areas affected.
The St. Lawrence Seaway is stretching, a fact noted by Nancy for months lately as the Black Hills have been
wobbly on the live seismographs. On days when the rest of the world is quiet, the Black Hills stands alone
showing its wobble, occurring in 12 hours intervals in accordance with the tugging on the highly magnetized
Atlantic Rift by Planet X, which wants this surface magnet to stay in alignment with itself. The yawing Seaway
rumples the land in the Black Hills, which is why this land looks like it was thrown in the air, recently, as it was
during the last pole shift and in pole shifts prior. Is Chicago exempt from the stretch? Where cities on either side
of the Seaway will find they are merely riding along, it is where the stretch is ripping land anew that violence
will occur. Lake Michigan is a clue. Why do you supposed the Wisconsin Peninsula formed? Its land was
secured to the West, the weak point ripping the land under Lake Michigan, and this rip ending at the Chicago
We have stated that Africa is turning in place, its base at S Africa firmly nailed and unable to move, the top
rolling to the East as the Atlantic yaws open. This action is what is causing the African Rift to spread so rapidly,
in the Afar Triangle, where huge crevasses appear before astonished eyes and the land is dropping hundreds of
feet. The Mediterranean will be destabilized. The African plate is a straight line across the top, and when it turns
it will create a YAW in the Mediterranean, causing volcanoes in the area to become active as lava is exposed to
the surface, and certainly destabilizing countries just to the north of the fault line dissecting the Mediterranean
from East to West. The Mediterranean, in the past, was a swamp, but now is a sea. What caused the land to
drop? The Black Sea participated in this drop, being inundated where formerly land above water. Istanbul lies at
the center of the area that will first be affected when a serious roll of Africa occurs.
We have stated that the great Pacific is not one plate, as assumed, but numerous, uncharted by man who cannot
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ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights
plumb its depths. We have stated that Hawaii will rise during the coming shift, as the plate it is on is pushed up
while others subduct, thus giving Hawaii added protection from volcanic explosions, as their volcanoes will
ooze, not explode. But Hawaii will be subject to tsunami, aplenty, devastating its coastlines. Thus, UFO
sightings there, among those frolicking in the surf, are a warning.
London also is in the stretch zone, as its many derailing tube trains attest. Any significant adjustment of the
yawing Atlantic will result in further land pulls under London, and suddenly so.
We have stated that the New Madrid is under stress, pulling apart not only from East to West but pulling the N
American continent in a diagonal, the New England states moving in a NE direction while Mexico is pulled to
the SW. This will do more than rip every fault line from Mexico to Ontario, it will reduce the support under land
to the West of the Mississippi, dropping this land in elevation and flooding it. Arkansas, in the Ozarks, will find
itself suddenly land that many seek, in their panic.
The Carolinas were affected by the New Madrid quake, buildings needing to be stabilized, even though the
rocky Appalachian Mountains were not so affected. Why is this? There is a fault line running from the Gulf up
along the Eastern seaboard, and this will certainly participate in any New Madrid adjustment.
And why the anniversary blitz of Phoenix lights? Is not the flat dry desert of Arizona expected to remain relatively
undisturbed, during the coming pole shift? When the New Madrid adjusts, Mexico will be too far to the West for the
current comfort of the West Coast, which will bow in the Southern California and Arizona region. The fault line that
runs along Mexico's West coast runs just under the Arizona border, then on up along the West Coast of California.
Before the West Coast of the US starts adjusting to the new position of Mexico, with slip-slide adjustments, there will
be a bending of the Arizona desert area that will fracture the dry soil, create a breach in the great Colorado River dam,
and allow magma to rise in the calderas in the US - Mammoth Lake in California and Yellowstone. If the Hoover dam
breaks, whither the city of Phoenix, which lies on flat land and near farm land irrigated by the waters of the Colorado?
FAA blames UFO report on weird weather [Jan 2] Federal officials say it was probably just some
weird weather phenomenon, but a group of United Airlines employees swear they saw a mysterious,
saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport in November. The workers, some of them pilots,
said the object didn't have lights and hovered over an airport terminal before shooting up through
the clouds.
People claim seeing a UFO in Istanbul [Jan 5] Mysterious lights seen in Istanbul skies have baffled
people. Witnesses have claimed that the lights were coming from a UFO. People have called news
agencies on Wednesday night and reported unidentified white lights flying in the sky. According to
the eye witnesses, the flying object was revolving around itself and blazing.
UFO's seen over South Shore sky [Jan 27] The National Weather Service says nothing showed up
on their radar at the time of the sighting and the Federal Aviation Administration didn't report
anything unusual. The U.S. military conducted a missile defense test off of Kauai Friday evening but
the test didn't begin until 7:20 pm.
UFO sighting over Islington [Feb 2] http://www.islingtongazette.co.uk/ Unidentified flying orange
objects stopped traffic and left residents staring skyward in disbelief at around 5.30 pm. Islington
police informed Contact International UFO Research about the sightings. Between 12 and 15
orange lights travelling across the sky. Then they would stop and then they went upwards.
Air Force colonel reports lights 'not of this world' [Jan 17] http://wnd.com/ Col. Brian Fields, 61,
was cooking chicken at his Van Buren, Ark., home Jan. 9 when just before 7 pm he observed two
intensely bright lights as he looked to the southeast close to the horizon. The retired colonel spent
close to 32 years in the military, flying F-16s as a member of the 188th Fighter Wing of the
Arkansas Air National Guard. He says the phenomenon lasted an hour and 15 minutes.
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ZetaTalk: Phoenix Lights
North Carolina
911 callers report lights in sky [Jan 25] Emergency dispatchers around Charlotte handle wacky 911
calls each night. But Wednesday, agencies got the same type of unusual call: A hovering light was in
the sky. Others described it as a plane that might be in trouble. A blueish glow. A fire in the sky. A
light moving too slow to be a plane.
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ZetaTalk: Initiation Rite
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ZetaTalk: Initiation Rite
Note: written on Apr 15, 1997
For many, the Awakening is just so much joking around about aliens and space ships until they are one of many seeing
a mass sighting. Suddenly it’s up close and personal, and most particularly, no longer a joke. They’ve been initiated.
They’re now one of those special people who can speak from experience, and with mass sightings, the supporting
statements of others who shared the sighting make this experience one to broadcast, not shutter. Such sightings in the
past were denied by the government and suppressed in the media, so that the populace learned to speak only in hushed
whispers to others who shared the experience. But this time around the government is if anything adding fuel to the
fire by simply denying that the objects were theirs, and the media is granting the mass sightings coverage like never
Thus the return of mass sightings is stepping up the Awakening process in many countries, as the reception by those
excited by their recent initiation need not be contained. Personal experiences are talked about on the bus, in the
lunchroom, and are so commonplace as to no longer raise an eyebrow. This new liberal attitude toward those with
personal experiences to relate, the initiated, does more than encourage talk about new experiences, it frees those who
have long been experiencers to speak out, often for the first time. Memories suppressed due to fear of the reception are
suddenly open for recall, so more than recent experiences are being openly discussed. Thus a single mass sighting can
ignite a community, setting up an open forum on the alien presence that can not be repressed once begun. The
community itself has become initiated!
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ZetaTalk: Shared
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ZetaTalk: Shared
Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Where most of these sightings do not get into the press, they nevertheless occur and ready the larger pool of humanity
that is receptive to an open awareness of man not being alone in the universe, and the presence of alien visitors.
Famous, of course, are the Mexico mass sighting during the Eclipse, and the mass sighting that occurred in Arizona, where a large mothership was viewed by most of the state. Recently, in late 2002, some areas are being reported where
earlier they were hotbeds of sightings but not reported widely. An example is the mass sighting, by pilots and so
numerous and from various areas that no flip explanation could be given for what was seen, was reported in Turkey.
Lights moving at right angles, going up and reversing, are not a meteor or another plane, especially when reported by
pilots who know how planes behave. The tail reported was to exemplify, for all watching, just what direction the object was moving, as UFO's do not have an exhaust, but did so deliberately this time.
Likewise, there are spots in Norway and Southern California where sightings happen so often as to be local folklore, not at all disturbing to the residents. What is little known is that the red deserts of Australia are frequent spots, as the
local farmers as well as Aborigines are accepting. And the vast regions of China, where not news issues forth due to the repressive regime there, have light shows frequently, and missing time those evenings much the talk in the fields
the next day among those who take this as a source of pride, their involvement in these mass visits. In South America,
Brazil, especially since what we have termed the Brazilian Roswell, is a hotbed in spots of sightings, and missing time.
When this occurs together, there is an unmistakable correlation in the human mind, in that the sightings and sleepy
mornings the next day, and the sense that they have been a party to a visit, en mass, is strong. Thus, the light shows, in
the consciousness of those viewing it, opens the door to discussions about whether one is sleepy, slept well, had an odd
dream, or whatever. In the fields, the coffee shops, the local laundry, this is the talk.
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ZetaTalk: Faked
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ZetaTalk: Faked
Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The public is rapt an eager to hear about aliens, and the stage masters rise to the occasion! Following the legitimate
mass sightings in Mexico in 1991, during the Eclipse, there were faked sightings reported and produced on video
galore. The reason? The locals, having had a tasted of well-heeled visitors to their area, staying at the local motels and
restaurants and tipping well, wanted more. So, as we reported years ago when asked about this, the majority of the
follow-on sightings were simply faked. The Brazilian Roswell, a legitimate report of live aliens injured and on the
ground, seen by school children wandering home along a path through the woods, is being followed by faked
Abduction scenes. The fakes are clear, as there are burn marks in the shape of a body on the bed, on the wooden wall, enough such that the human involved would have body wide burns, life threatening in nature. Not at all what
contactees experience! Another report, from the Ranch Areas where cattle mutilations formerly keep visitors coming and reports in the local papers, we now hear of similar sightings. The body cannot be produced, the story told by word
of mouth only, but those in the US west who hope to keep the interest up will keep it up as long as they do get
reporters coming around. This is simply the human wish to keep a good thing going, attention, extra income, and is
likely to follow in like manner the increase in legitimate sightings that will be occurring during the Awakening.
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ZetaTalk: Power Outages
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ZetaTalk: Power Outages
Note: written on Jul 15, 1996
In step with increased sightings will be an occasional Power Outage, as where there are those who can deny a sighting no matter how dramatic and well documented it is, there are few who can deny massive power outages. As they affect
a broader audience, power outages are timed and placed for maximum impact. There is no point to a power outage that
affects only a rural area with a small or isolated populace, or to a power outage that might occur in the middle of the
night when few are awake to notice it. But beyond these considerations, power outages during the Transformation will
be timed to act as an exclamation point to other messages given.
The establishment movie ID4, scheduled to premiere on July 4th in the US, premiered early as those who would give a
false message to the populace, telling them that mass landings could occur and their only hope was a tight alliance
with their government and established leaders, were eager to begin their propaganda. Those aliens in the Service-to-
Others who deplore such lies for their tendency to create fear and a sense of isolation in humans, thus driving them
toward the Service-to-Self orientation, determined to sound a different note. Thus a massive power outage in the
middle of the day over the western half of the US was effected to coincide with the ID4 premiere. If aliens could mass
land at will, then when they are about in such numbers and with such power, why do they not land? A countering
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ZetaTalk: Alien Bodies
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ZetaTalk: Alien Bodies
Note: written on Sep 15, 1996
A recent trend in the deliberate Awakening of the populace has been the supposed discovery of pictures of dead aliens.
Following the Roswell autopsy film a rash of such pictures have emerged. This is not by accident, and is more than
just copycat behavior. Such pictures are deliberately being placed before the public to acclimate them to the concept of
visitors from other planets and the odd appearance that might be expected. Since rioting in the streets did not occur as
a result of the release of the Roswell autopsy footage, a carefully staged fraud which was intended from the start to be
discovered as such, those who would have the Awakening proceed post haste have encouraged other such nudges.
Accordingly a rash of pictures have come forth, all showing aliens in the most vulnerable of positions - dead, injured,
and lying on the autopsy table under the knife of human scientists.
Still pictures of dead bodies are easy to produce, as any film maker will confirm. Most of the dead alien photos are a
combination of real human bodies or body parts, augmented by putty or burns, thus the semblance of realism. If living
children are sold into prostitution by their parents around the world and the elderly abandoned, how easy would it be to
purchase the bodies of dead children and aged? Crematoriums are another source of such bodies, as one urn of ashes
looks much like another, and how would the family know otherwise? These dead bodies, all hominoids and none
larger than the average human, are to acclimate the populace to the concept of intelligent visitors from other worlds,
while reassuring the populace that such visitors can be killed in crashes just as humans are killed on the highway. The
intended message is that aliens visitors are not that much different from humans.
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ZetaTalk: The Word
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ZetaTalk: The Word
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Many humans who gain an understanding of the Transformation and its components feel impelled to get the word out
to others. Should others not become aware as quickly as possible of the pending pole shift, the spiritual choices to be
made, and the presence of galactic citizens in their midst? They are concerned that failure to act, to broadcast this
information, represents a dereliction of duty on their part and fret over how best to proceed in the face of resistance.
Is this necessary? Is this possible? And whose responsibility is this? This is certainly not the responsibility of those
humans who personally become aware. Each human who desires this information can and does give The Call and thus
receives a personal explanation. But what of those humans who, held in ignorance by a reluctant media, have not had
their curiosity stirred? Here also we assume responsibility, by limited sightings or visitations to start the ball rolling.
Likewise, issues of spiritual choices are not so much made based on knowledge that such choices exist, but on the
steady resolution of issues in one direction or the other. The entity sees the trend, and watching others, realizes the
choices that are possible. Should the pending pole shift be loudly announced to warn humans of the many changes
their lives will undergo? Any publication would meet with active resistance, such that the volume would mount to
meet the challenge. Truth of this matter will not be carried home to humanity by the media, much controlled by the
establishment, but by the Earth itself, which will present changes for all to see and none able to explain away.
Therefore, speak to those who will listen, but do not be concerned about numbers.
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ZetaTalk: Arizona Coverage
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ZetaTalk: Arizona Coverage
Note: written on Jul 15, 1997
The first mass sighting to get full coverage in the media was the large and undeniably alien object seen by thousands in
Arizona in March, 1997. Distinctive for its size, which could not be mistaken for a satellite or shooting star, this slowly moving and hovering gargantuan ship could only be a mass hysteria or an alien ship. Since the observers did
not consult with one another, mass hysteria simply would not fly as an explanation. More remarkable than the sighting
and the thousands who observed it was the reaction by the media, which reveals the extent to which the media is
controlled on matters of the alien presence.
Where windstorms that blow shingles off roofs are reported on the front page, what excuse does the media have for not
reporting on a sighting that absolutely proves that the alien presence is real! Lack of witnesses? There were thousands.
Lack of credibility? They had videos. A hoax? What could hold a ship the size of several football fields in the air, for
over an hour? An illusion? The sighting was visible all across the state, and a projected image, one placed against
background stars, can fool only those situated at the right angle. Was the delay due to examination of the evidence and
interviewing witnesses? The media traditionally operates by reporting first and issuing corrections later.
What caused the Delay in Reporting this astonishing sighting was not any issue with the evidence or witnesses, but conflicting orders from MJ12, often itself in conflict over how to proceed. Traditionally the media has been told to
clamp shut on all sightings, and proceeded with this approach automatically in Phoenix. Orders to the contrary were
questioned, and double checked, and when confusing confirmations were issued by MJ12, double checked again and
again. Better to be safe than sorry, especially since a story once aired cannot easily be retracted, as Roswell so amply
demonstrated. MJ12 operates like most intelligence organizations operate - on a need to know basis. Thus many in the
ranks were slow to hear the new marching orders, and contradicted their leaders.
All in all, a mass sighting that pleased those producing the extravaganza as much as it pleased the majority of the
audience, and one providing a second extravaganza, though one must read between the lines to see it. This second
extravaganza is the international cover-up, which has been in place since Roswell and affects all major media outlets,
bar none. In stark exception to the normal media reaction to truly newsworthy items, the media became catatonic for
three months, and then found its voice! Please note, world, the best evidence for the cover-up has just been handed to
you on a platter!
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ZetaTalk: Roswell Revisited
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ZetaTalk: Roswell Revisited
Note: written on Jul 15, 1997
Concurrent with the 50 year anniversary of the Roswell episode there have been dramatic sightings world wide. The
most notable, due to its media coverage by CNN, was the Phoenix sighting, but this was not the only dramatic
sighting. The others suffered the usual media suppression, but the local populace talked among themselves
nonetheless. The Roswell coverage was considered safe by the suppression advocates, as various stories countering the
truth had been concocted and issued. Thus, the public will have, as usual, a blitz of information to sort through. For
those willing to allow themselves to consider the truth about Roswell, there will be a breathtaking array of fresh
evidence that the alien presence exists to give the truth a boost. This was, as you say, not an accident.
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ZetaTalk: Demand for Proof
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ZetaTalk: Demand for Proof
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
You will find, as the awakening to galactic consciousness proceeds over the next few years, that the demand for proof
of our existence will increase rather than decrease. You will also find, in line with what you have already experienced,
that there will be no amount of proof that will satisfy these demands. Proof stands before the world today. Crop circles
and their residual impact on soil and vegetation, mass sightings, disappearing pregnancies. When one gets into the
game of proof, one is speaking to the wrong people. Do you have any doubts about the extent that people in denial will
go to? Speak to people accused of horrific crimes against their loved ones. It didn’t happen. It most certainly wasn’t
them. Homo Sapiens, as with most intelligent species, has the capacity to argue against unpleasant facts. As the
unpleasant nature of these facts increases, so do the arguments.
Have you heard the argument that the majority of a teacher, or parent, or manager’s time is spent on the troublesome?
This is certainly true of the efforts of the police, who are a corps only because of the troublesome. The troublesome are
few, but receive almost all the attention. We take a different approach in our contacts with humans. We ignore the
troublesome, as they make their own bed, spiritually speaking, and must lie in it. In addition, the troublesome don’t
hinder our efforts. We are beyond their reach. We communicate with those who will make a difference, who are either
currently dedicating their lives to worthwhile efforts or will presently do so. We direct our efforts to those who share
our goals.
Of course, if we were to give humanity absolute proof, there would be repercussions. It is rather deliberate that the
press of information that you are not alone as intelligent creatures in God's universe is very gradual. It is not by
accident that toys, TV shows, and everyday conversation in the workplace talk about aliens and have alien figures, and
that this is casually accepted without fear. This is because this has been slowly interjected. Were there to be aliens
marching down the street or appearing on TV next to the President of the United States, there would be heart attacks,
there would be savage attacks most certainly against those individuals who are contactees. They would be torched,
shot, or stoned as Pat Robertson has suggested, and it would not be a good scene.
Be advised that the rules in place guiding our contact do not allow us to dance in the skies at your command. They do
not allow us to manipulate your reality so that you can claim confirmation of our existence. You need not look far for
proof of these statements. It is common knowledge that photos and videos that would be too staunch in their veracity
simply do not develop. Likewise, the only physical evidence of alien biological existence or technology is in the hands
of your government and other governments in alliance with your government on the alien issue. If this seems to you to
be a double standard, it is. How the Transformation and the Awakening is happening on your Earth has been very
carefully thought through, and there are definite rules to abide by.
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ZetaTalk: Discord
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ZetaTalk: Discord
Note: written on Apr 15, 1996
Human society, like all societies, has microcosms within microcosms - different groups with different viewpoints.
Christians may belong to any one of a dozen or more churches, each of which may have liberal or conservative
sections, and a liberal group in one such sector may not be the same as another liberal group just across town. During
the Transformation, with increasing polarization of groups, these differences will only accentuate. How does the
diversity within a society affect its Awakening? Surprisingly, diversity speeds an Awakening along, as there is less
possibility of a single viewpoint becoming dominant. However, diversity creates discord, and in this respect differing
opinions or stances on becoming a galactic citizen result in just as much discord as differing religious views or
differing political affiliation or the gulf know as the generation gap.
Attitudes toward the Awakening, today, range from total denial to joyous embracing. Denial ranges from refusal to
admit the possibility to educated skepticism. Those embracing the Awakening range from unquestioning acceptance,
come what may, to selective affection and a hesitant handshake. Diversity will only increase, and concurrently discord
will increase, as the Awakening proceeds.
Note: below written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
EuroSETI recently announced that it will be publicly screening some extraordinary satellite images
gleaned by a Spanish-based team using two space-based satellites, images that are distinctly 'craft-like' in
appearance, and which defy explanation. EuroSETI reports that NASA initially tried to explain the images
away as pixel faults, passing meteors or asteroids, etc., but when a European-led consortium presented
them with images that clearly were none of the aforementioned, they 'clamped up'.
Shift2003 Chat
As with the Clonaid attention in major media, far outside the usual attention that alien hugging groups get, this is
another example of various parts of the establishment hoping to open up the Transformation to get more assistance
from aliens. There have been several competing and conflicting forces during the past few decades, since Roswell.
The Hug-Humans thrust
which states that aliens are evil, cannot be trusted, are out to colonize the Earth and eat or enslave
mankind, and that only by resisting visitations and hugging your governing bodies, your military,
your church, will you be safe.
The Hug-Aliens thrust
which states that the visitors are benign space brothers, here to help us during hard times, and if the
Earth gets in a crunch such as a pole shift will lift all away to safety and some magical life on
another planet or on a space ship.
The Hug-Reality thrust
which points to past pole shifts or current problems such as starvation and disease that mankind
deals with, no rescue there, and the lack of a mass landing to colonize Earth, as evidence that neither
Hug-Humans or Hug-Aliens above are correct.
Enter the establishment, which is composed of the wealthy, powerful politicians, and church leaders, not all of whom
are logical thinkers. It was known that Reagan, while President, consulted a psychic, and the odd behavior of many
notaries would astonish the populace should the truth be known. Pressed to remain on Earth, no escape to Mars, and
fearing their underground caverns not to be safe during violent earthquakes, the establishment is looking with horror
toward the possibility of a pole shift. Might they have to experience it, like the public they have mislead and used and
had no intention of informing? Since the Earth changes have played out as we predicted, and the inbound planet is
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ZetaTalk: Discord
approaching in the manner and rate we predicted, many in the establishment are reading our words desperately for a
way to avoid what they were so happy to allow the general public to experience. In other words, how can they escape!
In that we have stated that if 89% of the populace were Service-to-Other, the Transformation to 4th Density physical
could occur even before the shift, allowing an escape from the shift, this is one route. However, how to force the some
50% of the populace to accept this philosophy, when guided by those in the establishment who can't even entertain the
proper concepts? Not feasible. Another, more likely, scenario, is to have the populace accept the alien presence,
embrace it, and thus with aliens walking about on the face of the Earth, ignoring the plight of mankind would be
embarrassing and they'd step in and effect a rescue, or so the logic goes.
Thus, you see groups Hug-Humans, and Hug-Aliens above, clashing. Clonaid gets on CNN, on Crossfire, where aliens
have never been the focus before. Expect more entertainment as the shift approaches, from an increasingly desperate
and shrill establishment. Images of space ships is not new, and NASA has endless images to access. A fight between
tight allies, such as Spain and NASA are, is staged, with the intent that both parties, Hug-Humans and Hug-Aliens,
would be happy.
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ZetaTalk: Disprove the Proposition
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ZetaTalk: Disprove the Proposition
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Disproving the proposition can often be impossible, given the parameters. How many angels are their on the head of a
pin? How long is a day 12 light years hence? How many life times does the average human repeat? These matters
cannot be settled, in human terms, and thus cannot be proved or disproved. Such is the situation where matters on the
alien presence cross the human desire for control. This is a multifaceted confusion. There are aliens in the Service-to-
Self orientation that can wield deception better than the most practiced human. There are humans in establishment
positions who will cloud the issue endlessly, as long as they can stay in control. There are humans who desire to profit
from the alien issue, and cook up scenarios and roles for themselves as long as there is an audience. Where does the
truth lie, and how can the truth be proven?
Unfortunately, this is not a matter that can be quickly put to rest. The issues at play are many, and involve the free will
of man, the engagement rules that govern alien interaction with man, the engagement rules that govern alien
interaction between orientations, and the mutability of truth itself. Different people see truth in different ways.
In all of this rises the issue of whether a given alien message, such as ours, is truly from ourselves or Nancy's
imagination or government psychics. How can this matter be proved? It cannot. Psychics can insert themselves into
others thoughts. Imaginative humans can and do concoct intriguing stories. And the truth can be before you,
unrecognized and even rejected. It is for you to judge, listening with your heart and pondering with your mind. And
when you have determined what is true, for you, then this you should hold to. It is, at essence, a matter of faith.
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ZetaTalk: Info or Disinfo?
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ZetaTalk: Info or Disinfo?
written Mar 11, 2005
Who is Sorcha Faal? Posting on whatdoesitmean.com as did David Booth. At first quoted IndiaDaily as a
news source, but IndiaDaily is a web site in New Jersey run by a single guy, not legit, claims about aliens
and the India government not supported elsewhere, for instance. Now Sorcha is quoting legit sources while
continuing to talk about the Earth changes and things in the heavens, no longer quoting IndiaDaily. Is this
disinfo? Another Booth?
We have mentioned that the public is increasingly restless in the face of weather extremes which create monster storms and alternating droughs and deluges, geological anomalies where the poles and glaciers are melting from the bottom
up, earthquakes so on the increase that denial from the USGS is suspect, and all of this with no apparent relationship to
the standard Global Warming excuse. We have explained that the elite anticipated being able to either hunker down
into underground bunkers or escape the Earth temporarily, but have come to realize that neither route to safety will be
available for them. We have explained that a decision was made to mentor survival communities, as a way to form a
stronger worker base in the future, with frank talk about the coming cataclsysm as a possibility in the media to begin this educational process. We have repeatedly mentioned that the elite who control the world by their great wealth, have
determined to make the Bush administration the scapegoat when the truth finally ruptures out into the open. They have been posturing themselves as the world’s superpower, were in control of NASA since the discovery of Planet X in
1983, and their hand thus clearly at the helm of the cover-up.
So where does this leave the resentful Bush administration, who as mere Puppets of the wealthy elite had plans to
become peers, controlling the worlds oil fields and the territories of the Americas from Alaska to Argentina? Clearly,
they don’t plan to cooperate, but they are likewise not succeeding in their plans to garner support behind them in their
self appointed role as world leaders in Democracy. World opinion is against them, and other countries hold and buy
the notes that the US needs as a daily fix to stay afloat. While the battle between the Puppet Masters and their Puppets rages, information, as well as disinformation agents, will emerge. In that takeovers can occur, especially when the
agent does not have a real identity and is only an Internet presence, the same agent may start out as one, then switch.
How is the public to sort this out?
Even where the owership of a media outlet is known, the propensity known, the message or tone may suddenly switch.
Such is the power of commands coming from the very top, or the threat of torture or assassination or financial calamity
or scandal placed upon a radio or TV host. As in a possession the media outlet may seemingly change, then return to its former self, exorcised. In this rapidly changing environment, where the cover-up is doomed to rupture and expose
the hands behind it, such flip-flops will be many. The Puppets are frantically pulling the strings of the media and
threatening all involved with maintaining the coverup with extreme measures should they even consider cooperating
with a plan for open discussion. The Puppet Masters are demanding that this open discussion begin. With the Earth
changes firmly behind the Puppet Master’s plan, the outcome is certain. Stay tuned.
Radio and TV announcers, newspaper editors, and scientists at Universities or on the government payroll
would be asked questions, and needed to know what topics were to be suppressed, what pat answers were
to be given, so the number of individuals involved in the cover-up grew. As with the meeting in France of
government heads, reportedly to talk about Iraq and mend fences, where the word given to these heads of
state was that there was a presence in the solar system, expected to float away, and at all costs the mission
was to reduce panic, these new enlistees into the cover-up were told this was all for the public good.
ZetaTalk: Credibility Issues, written Jul 5, 2003
Clearly, the establishment in the know about the coming cataclysms stands to benefit from a continuing
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ZetaTalk: Info or Disinfo?
cover-up. Public knowledge would cause their empires to collapse, banking failures, a stock market crash,
corporations devoid of workers, security workers vacant from their posts, crowded highways, looted
stores, and an infrastructure no longer there to support the elite high in their perches above the common
ZetaTalk: Cover-up Cracks, written Jul 5, 2003
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ZetaTalk: False Channels
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ZetaTalk: False Channels
Note: written on Jun 15, 1996
There is a confusing mixture of channeled information supposedly from various alien groups, and from various human
individuals or groups who may not actually be in contact with alien groups,. and this confusion is only going to get
Claims that one is in contact with an intelligence from another world is easier to foist upon the listener than a claim
that one is listening to the spirits of dead humans. In seances, for instance, the audience can state that the message
being relayed does not sound right, that it doesn’t sound like Uncle Joe, or something an old woman would say. But if
one is relaying a message that is supposedly coming from another world, almost anything goes, and it does. Fully half,
50%, of all individuals claiming to channel or the like are making this up, and they know it. The majority of those
genuinely in contact, another 37% or so, are giving a garbled message so that there is a mixture of truth and uneasy
feelings the channel may have. Thus only 12-13% of those making claims are relaying a true message. So the listening
audience is completely confused in the main. It’s like a kaleidoscope of information and colors. They are hearing about
worlds they have not visited, nor are they likely to, so they have no basis of comparison and certainly no way to prove
out what is being said. If one is going to tell a fairy tale, one tells it far out rather than with any basis of validation,
and in that way validation is never a challenge or a worry.
Each person must sort the plethora of information out for themselves. Balance this information against what you know.
What does the Earth itself report to you? What does geological history tell you? What do you, as scientists, know to
make sense? What does your knowledge of social science tell you about how people will react? And, last but not least,
what have we reported to you. Many times we cannot tell you that you are receiving incorrect information, because of
the Rules of Engagement. You must trust your own instincts. The majority of supposedly channeled information is
deliberately generated by humans looking to either disinform the populace or generate income.
Those looking to disinform do so for a wide variety of reasons. Some disinformation is to put forth a message they
wish the populace to believe. For instance, if some in your government wished the populace to believe that they have
cut a deal with aliens, so that immediate conquest by rampaging aliens had been held at bay by negotiating skills, they
would create a false channel to this effect. Some disinformation is to counter a message unwanted. For instance, if
some humans wanted the populace frightened enough of aliens that they would cling to the establishment for
protection, and an alien group, such as ourselves, reported that humans can repel unwanted visits from aliens just by
taking a firm stance, these humans would create a false channel reporting otherwise.
In all cases where a fraud is being perpetrated, the false channeler must create a massive amount of details, or a single
message as a standalone looks suspicious. Since none of this is provable, and the humans generating the fraud know
they won't be challenged unduly, they wax poetic. This situation is not an alien issue. It is a human issue. Look around
you at human society. The man who would maintain several wives in a society that allows him only one. What stories
does he invent to explain his absences, the wife's inability to contact him at work, his financial shortfalls? Story tellers
are in the main not punished by society, which pays good money for stories at the movies. Stories are seen as a way to
blunt the painful facts, and an adept storyteller is more often than not rewarded for his talent! What occurs when the
various wives discover each other? Most often, they all want the husband to be theirs!
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ZetaTalk: False Claims
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ZetaTalk: False Claims
Note: written on Nov 15, 1996
As the Awakening progresses, the flurry of increased sightings and communications from alien visitors will encourage
false claims, for many reasons. Even in the past, when contactees and those claiming sightings were harassed, false
claims outnumbered valid claims. Humans crave attention, in whatever form, as this is a trait that increases the
likelihood of survival. The infant that cries the loudest gets rescued from distress and fed so that the parents can get
some peace and quiet. The boy willing to step to the center of the group and present his ideas and plans is more likely
to be followed on a romp or adventure than one who remains silent and keeps his thoughts to himself, and thus is first
to the prize. The human animal demanding attention had the edge in survival, and as the survivor passed these genes
How does this human trait affect the Awakening?
Humans who see others receive praise and awards for good grades in school cheat on their exams even at risk of
discovery and punishment in order to step into the spotlight. Police files show that copycat crimes occur because
the perpetrator desires the spotlight, and those walking into the police station to confess are almost invariably not
a criminal but simply an attention getter. The desire to be the center of attention frequently overrides fear of
punishment or derision.
The desire to be the center of attention is strong, and where it cannot be satisfied otherwise can drive a human to
present false claims. Thus where UFO research groups interview contactees and occasionally publish their
stories, it is inevitable, in human society, that false claims of being a contactee would be made. False sightings
are another such claim, as are claims of alien identity. How does one sort out the false claims from the valid?
UFO research groups have long held back key data files from their publications, by agreement, so that false
contactee stories could be identified. The public, however, doesn't have access to the transcripts, nor are they
privy to the patterns the mass of data forms. The public can be fooled. False claimants have enough information
at their disposal to put together a credible story, claiming contactee status or a sighting.
Where the false claim includes alien identity, it is easily discredited, as no alien life forms exactly equate to the
human shape and DNA composition. All such claims are false.
Those wishing to sort out false contactee or sighting claims from the valid must learn how to do this themselves, as by
initial appearance they will both look valid. The false claim, however, will not hold up under intense questioning, as
with all lies the truth become entangled in the many embellishments that elaborate lies require, and contradictions
emerge. Read the valid literature published in the past by conscientious UFO research groups. Use this extensive data
as a basis of comparison. But most of all, learn to discern the traits and profile of the attention getter. They will tend to
embellish the story as the attention they get starts to wane, demand attention rather than react to it as it comes their
way, contradict themselves increasingly as the story gets more elaborate, fly in the face of logic or known facts and
well established trends, and answer questions evasively with a flood of irrelevant details rather than address the crux
or gist of the question.
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ZetaTalk: Serpo Exchange
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ZetaTalk: Serpo Exchange
written Dec 11, 2005
Planet Serpo www.serpo.org is an alleged exchange program whereby 12 Americans went in a large alien
craft to their home world, Serpo. This American group is said to have left Earth in 1965 for a 20 year
exchange, but returned a couple years later in 1978.
We warned several years ago that as the time of the passage approached, disinformation sources would proliferate.
This is in part due to the desire of individuals to get on the band wagon, onto the stage, as prophecy and predictions
are increasingly discussed in the media. But primarily this will be due to deliberate campaigns by the US and other
governments to try to control public perceptions. In the past, when the US government was determined to discourage
the public from any desire for contact with aliens, aliens were painted as demons, about to mass colonize the Earth or
chop humans into vats for consumption. The US government could not stop the populace from reaching out in
curiosity and giving The Call to visitors, so hoped to stop such contact at the start, within the populace, by instilling
fear in those about to give The Call.
Why has this approach changed? We have long explained that the elite anticipated escaping the effects of the coming pole shift by either going underground into well stocked caverns or going to the Moon or Mars. Thus, such enclaves as
Mt Weather, complete with underground golf courses, and the press to get a manned mission to Mars. These plans
were laid during the days when MJ12 was talking to, and listening to, alien visitors in the Service-to-Self orientation.
MJ12 and the wealthy elite they included in their membership were assured they would be given an assist when the
time came, but have come to realize that the Service-to-Self lie. Humans in the Service-to-Self lie too, as anyone
listening to the Bush Administration has observed, so this should not have come as a surprise. But only recently tests
on their underground enclaves have shown them not safe for human habitation, and calling upon the promise to be
taken to Mars have shown this promise to be false also. Now what?
Of course, MJ12 was introduced to ourselves and other aliens in the Service-to-Other in concert with the sales pitches
given by the Service-to-Self, and gradually realized that the spiritual orientations exist in aliens just as they do among
humans. Most are good hearted, but a few are self serving and manipulative. In desperation, seeing they will be stuck
on the surface of Earth during the pending pole shift, amid horrific tidal wave sloshing, Richter 9 quakes everywhere,
volcanic explosions and the gloom that follows, and a complete collapse of the infrastructure they rely upon - they cast
about for other solutions. If the bad guys won't help them, as promised, they are now sucking up to the good guys.
They noted that some contactees are protected from assassination, noting this when orders went out to assassinate these
individuals and the assassinations were repeatedly foiled. They noted that some contactees were given healings, kept
alive when their health would otherwise be failing. They noted mention of protection of good hearted communities
after the pole shift, communal living with high tech alien communities, and set about to posture themselves for
They reasoned that if the Council of Worlds is pacing contact with aliens based on the public's comfort level, so as not to increase anxiety, then the public should be made comfortable with the concept of the alien presence. If comfort with
the alien presence can be promoted to the extent that aliens are walking about and interacting with people, then surely
these friendly aliens would not let their neighbors suffer during the pole shift, and these helping hands would perforce
extend to them, the elite, also. They reasoned that to counter the disinfo of the past, where aliens were seen as
demonic, then disinfo where the aliens were seen as friendly and not that much different from people should be
promoted. Thus we have planet Serpo, where aliens worship in churches, play soccer, conduct warfare with other
planets, munch on vegies, use beasts of burden, and have a verbal language that can be understood by humans. True?
Utter hogwash.
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ZetaTalk: Serpo Exchange
Were exchange programs not part of the MJ12 history? Within the parameters of Alternative 3, where humans were
taken to the Dark Side of the Moon and to the Earth's Dark Twin, such travel with Service-to-Self aliens occurred, and
of course Service-to-Self aliens resided as guests of MJ12 on Earth. This was not considered an exchange program as
the Moon and the Dark Twin are tightly within your solar system. Aliens in the Service-to-Other also conferred with
and were available as envoys to MJ12, on Earth, but residence was elsewhere in another density, unlike the Service-to-Self aliens who do not switch density well and avoid accidents by staying in 3rd Density with the humans they are
assigned to interact with. Do we take humans off the surface of the Earth? Absolutely, as individual contactees, not as representatives of MJ12. Exchange programs do not exist, because contact with humans is guided by the Council of
Worlds, within the parameters of The Call, and this is best controlled by having the human resident on Earth where a
change of heart does not necessity a change of planet.
Another, more likely, scenario, In all cases where a fraud is
There are several reasons why
is to have the populace accept being perpetrated, the false
there will be no public
the alien presence, embrace it, channeler must create a
announcement admitting to the
and thus with aliens walking
massive amount of details, or a alien presence. They are not in
about on the face of the Earth, single message as a
control of the visitations and
ignoring the plight of mankind standalone looks suspicious.
sightings ongoing, and this
would be embarrassing and
Since none of this is provable, lack of control is out of
they'd step in and effect a
and the humans generating the keeping with the posture they
rescue, or so the logic goes.
fraud know they won't be
take in front of the tax payer.
ZetaTalk: Discord,
challenged unduly, they wax
ZetaTalk: Break the
written Apr 15, 1996
ZetaTalk: False
written Jun 15, 1997
written Jun 15, 1996
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ZetaTalk: Art Bell
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ZetaTalk: Art Bell
Note: written on Oct 15, 1998
Few radio commentators have been as successful as Art Bell, who has enjoyed a long-lasting and lively career. This is
in no small part due to Art’s insight into the fascination that mankind has with mysteries and conspiracy theories. He
puts aside anger and focuses on the possibilities, endlessly stringing these out before his rapt audience so that they are
never disappointed. He has them staying up late and losing sleep, fighting to get access to his web site, and even
switching jobs to be able to accommodate this late night schedule. Will Art run out of mysteries and conspiracies? Not
during this era, which has them unfolding like the layers of an onion, each layer revealing yet another with a stronger
odor! The Kennedy assassination, the alien presence, government cover-ups, the millennium cataclysms - all just
beginning to break into the open. Just Art Bell’s cup of tea!
The flap about resigning from the airwaves in late 1998 was intentional, a publicity stunt. There were, however,
several factors that put Art Bell in a nervous position at that time. Being a good citizen, he has listened to those
government agents that have come to him with requests in the past, giving their shills a voice on the airwaves. The
megalith that is the US Government is not of one mind, and this is certainly true of such volatile subjects as the alien
presence and the coming pole shift. Thus, an increasingly intense tug-of-war has begun between the various factions
that wish to influence the outcome. The old CIA dominated crowd is losing out, with their desire to deny, spread
disinformation, and punish infractions. The new MJ12 crowd is wining these days, with their desire to have the truth
out there if only in the form of ZetaTalk and Indian legends with no punishment of those who speak the truth. Thus,
shortly after a serious disinformation attempt, the statement by a remote viewing shill that the Sun has periodic cycles
of 3,633 years, MJ12 called a temporary halt to reset the guidelines.
Below added on June 15, 2006.
Could you ask the Zetas about Art Bell, radio talk show host on Coast to Coast AM. I'm very concerned
about Art Bell and his young Philippina bride of 21 years. Do the Zetas know if she is insincere? Will he
come back to the States?
Art Bell is first and foremost a human being, subject to the same desires and grief that all deal with during an
incarnation. Those who point to his Mason membership and the odd times he has been off-air, rumors on his son being
kidnapped, and thus see in Bell a puppet of the establishment fail to understand that even puppets have their own
personal agendas, and certainly attempt to lead their own lives. Yes, as we have mentioned, Bell listens to the
establishment when they make requests, under the guise of national security. No, this is not the only thing going on in
his life. It was no secret that Bell was deeply attached to his former wife, now dead. It is also no secret that young
women in the Philippines, as in many Third World countries, are desperate for good marriages that will allow them to
escape poverty. Old men seeking young brides is certainly not unknown or a new phenomena. None of this means that
the marriage will not be happy, as it bodes well for bringing both marital partners what they seek.
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ZetaTalk: Hoagland
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ZetaTalk: Hoagland
Note: written during the Sep 14, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
This mishap by NASA, wherein images taken by the Mars Surveyor that could be overlaid to show what NASA has
been determined to hide were posted onto the NASA web site, will not be the last such mishap. The nervous peons at
NASA, increasingly asked to work miracles during a time of rapid change, unexpected events, and unknown factors
they are supposed to take into consideration, are dealing with rage. What causes mishaps? One can be worried,
distracted, and this certainly is the case at NASA. They are headquartered at Houston, clearly subject to flooding and
likely to be underwater early in the shift time, but at the same time they are expected to remain at their posts, loyal and
true! One can be weary, asked to carry too many tasks, asked to keep an eye on too many trends at once, all running in
different directions, and simply make a fatigue blunder. Autocratic bosses seldom consider the underling, who is
barked at, and asked to do more, and told they are failing and incompetent when the boss is under stress. The boss, of
course, can be incompetent, selfish, arrogant, but the underling is supposed to be unaware of that and try harder.
NASA peons are asked to maintain a cover-up of aliens, when their presence is increasing. They are asked to maintain
a cover-up of Planet X, soon to be visible worldwide, due to ZetaTalk fame and coordinates posting, and are hard
pressed as to what to say when. They are damned if they ignore it, damned if they identify it as some other object, and
certainly damned by their bosses when the public does not buy whatever tack is taken. The bosses, however, expect a
miracle, and none can be wrought. So if distraction, worry about getting the self and family to a safer location, and
fatigue at being asked to stretch beyond the human ability and capacity is not enough to cause an error, what is? Rage,
the seething desire to see the hated bosses fry, get caught, lose it on national TV, themselves get caught in the floods,
themselves get caught in a lie they cannot explain, anything but saunter around acting arrogant and untouchable,
sneering at the peons like they are less than worms.
So what happened, to allow Hoagland this perfect example of a cover-up, all pieces of the puzzle in place, marked by
NASA as authentic, and no explanation other than that some normal steps taken on these images were missed? More
than fatigue, more than distraction, but a subconscious leak, allowing these images to get there before a review was
done, as is a standard practice at NASA. Ooops, didn't this get reviewed? It was in that pile, in this queue, one
assumed, one was sure a comment had been made, what happened to that sticker on the monitor saying go ahead with
your days work, etc. This will not be the last such slip, and many will happen because of distraction and fatigue, but
more will occur because the peons are enraged. And what does the Summary Image show, of Mars? Indeed, given the mining operations there, avenues for water washing are clear in the images. The standard construction of hominoids,
on Earth, of geometric shapes, squares, rectangles, avenues straight away, not what nature designs but what many
running vehicles designs. These cities laid out along a bluff, protecting the city from wind, not into or over the bluff, but where the land lies flat. It is quite unmistakable for a human hand design, and none who see it mistake it, despite
the pathetic explanations of the NASA peons told to go forth and work miracles amid the public.
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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk
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ZetaTalk: ZetaTalk
Note: recorded during the June 22, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Has the cat been let out of the bag, no longer to be put back, out there yowling about declaring a pole shift in the
offing and a massive long running cover-up in place? Yes, simply stated, after 20 million listeners have heard Nancy
speaking, and caught her web site address, and visited, in the main, this web site address, the cat is loose! All other
guests, bar none, have been tentative, basing their statements on human measurements, or rumor. None have the
prediction track record of ZetaTalk, even including Scallion who is indeed a connected and legitimate channel. Where
is this likely to go, and what are the options? Can they stuff Nancy back into the bag, declaring her insane or
mustering various countering information or explanations? Not likely to be believed, and those who would
contemplate such an effort understand that this would more than likely backfire, making her renown increase.
Art Bell of course screens his callers as to their likely questions and personalities and has many on the line so he can
pick and chose as the show goes along. He clued the public in to his lead-in for the Open Lines that followed Nancy’s
interview, by stating during Nancy's interview that it would be a Mad Max world. Of course, this is what the lead-in
callers were talking about! View this as a test, which Bell was requested to host, to see how the public would react.
Those closely watching this did not want long whining and hand holding and talking about spirituality on the increase.
They wanted to cut to the chase, to find out what gangs would do, who would have guns and how they would use
them, and how the public would react to their government in bunkers while they were left outside. The result was that
solid citizens, with children, jobs, and responsibilities in general, would consider moving to safety rather than making
loud demands on the government. The talk of gangs, and rapes, and becoming a king were almost exclusively from the
immature, and taken that way by the audience in general, who discounted this talk as bragado.
Thus, the common man impressed their government, the elite who have been keeping them in the dark, with their
maturity and calm. It is for this reason that more outlets for Nancy of this sort should be anticipated. All those solution
sets on Troubled Times, so long labored over and web wrapped. All those contacts willing to answer email. Soon to be
called upon, thrust onto the stage, to address the masses with their questions.
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ZetaTalk: MUFON
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ZetaTalk: MUFON
Note: written on Jan 15, 1997
As one of the first UFO organizations, and one of the most influential, MUFON was early on seen by the secret
government as a threat. Thus, they ensured that MUFON would move in sync with the interests of MJ12, by one
means or another, and this control exists to this day. Where in early days MUFON was prevented from publicizing
some of its more striking discoveries, they are now being pressed to reopen the past and get noisy about it. Expect a
number of startling announcements from the scientists who form the core of MUFON, backed up with hard evidence.
In that the core of MUFON held fast to the truth through the hard times, it seems only fair that they should now have
an opportunity to be the vehicle by which the truth emerges.
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ZetaTalk: Leaks
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ZetaTalk: Leaks
Note: written during the Nov 30, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
Long withheld British Files on real sightings experienced by their military are suddenly forthcoming. Why? The Brits, in alliance with the US, are very busy these days, Blair trying to be a good buddy while taking intense heat from his
lawmakers and public. Bush trying to find reason for a war with Iraq, so their oil can be well in hand and Israel put in
charge of Iraq and Saudi oil prior to the shift, as planned. Where publicly waving and smiling, they are anything but happy behind the scenes, and they and their staff and increasingly ignoring relatively minor matters. Like children
who sneak out and raid the refrigerator when the parents are holding a party on the patio, one drink too many and loud
conversation and music, those in their governments long wanting to reveal these matters to the public see their chance.
Look behind these slips, the lack of oversight, to what must be going on in the smoke filled rooms of power! What
would be so engrossing that they would overlook what was in such tight control just years ago?
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ZetaTalk: Element of Doubt
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ZetaTalk: Element of Doubt
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Indeed it is true that on occasion a video or still photo produces what can arguably be one of our ships, but the point is
still hotly contested. In the minds of the populace at large, who cannot discern fraud from fact, the point is still open.
In the minds of experts, who on occasion are fooled, even a fraction of a percentage point puts the issue into the
category of arguable. We do indeed allow some shots to develop, and others not. Reports from disappointed humans,
who took a shot that didn't turn out, tends to strengthen skepticism, and we want some of that for the modulating
effect. Were there to be a flood of shots challenging the experts, from humans without the capacity to produce high
quality fraud, the level of anxiety would raise too rapidly. An occasional shot, even from a hick incapable of
producing a high quality fraud, is arguable. Perhaps the hick had accomplices in a fraud. It's arguable.
The rule is, and will be for the near future, we keep the issue constantly before the populace, with a steadily increasing
level of discussion, but always, always, with an element of doubt.
This element of doubt is necessary during the Awakening so your populace does not become unduly alarmed. A faint,
a palpitating heart, distractible excitement, arguing with friends and co-workers for a few days, and increased interest
in UFO subjects - none of this is considered a show stopper. Were the entire populace to react like this, there would be
no problem. The Awakening would occur tomorrow. What we seek to avoid is the nervous breakdown, the fear in
friends and co-workers raising to such a level that they take violent steps against the reporter, or the intensity of fear in
the observer that would make them susceptible, incline them, toward giving The Call to the Service-to-Self. For this
reason visitations are currently recorded only in the subconscious.
Note: below added during the Sep 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
The Element of Doubt rule must be interpreted in light of the absolute certainty that the alien presence is real, or not.
The majority of the populace polled believes that the alien presence is real, intelligent life elsewhere possible, without
any absolute proof in hand. The is what the Awakening desires, a gradual comfort level increase, without any
contactees being burned at the stake by hysterical religious leaders whose turf has been threatened. ZetaTalk Accuracy
is designed to allow the populace to discern truth in a message, vs newcomers to the scene who want the stage but
invent the message. This does not prove that aliens are real, as Nancy could be getting the message from the
government, be a front for release of this information, deniable where a straight-forward government source would not
be deniable. Thus, the Element of Doubt is maintained.
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ZetaTalk: June Incoming
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ZetaTalk: June Incoming
written June 8, 2004
I received this from one of my correspondents. ‘Snowball net comms check. All stations, clock sync,
impact at minus 146 days, 5 hours UTC. Standby for ACC link. [Response] Snowball this is burrow. You
are not secure. Repeat, you are not secure. Go green, go green.’ What do you think about this info?
Starting with an intercepted radio transmission and compounded by warnings from an Internet hoaxer, Aussie Bloke,
who rode the wave of curiosity about that intercept, rumors of comets or asteroids or dust clouds arriving at Earth in
June have been running strong. Since meteors and fireballs have been on the increase, is there some truth to this
intercept? Since the Earth stopped in its orbit during the Sweep on Dec 25, and has lingered at that point during the
months since, tilting toward the Sun and leaning toward Planet X, this has allowed a computation of the point when
the immense dust cloud filled with moon swirls and debris would arrive at Earth. We have mentioned that an attempt
to Nuke Planet X, to deflect it from its path, occurred during September 2003, when the Earth was warned that a flash in the sky, supposedly Galileo’s death by a plunge into Jupiter, might occur. Thus, they had intel on the length and
composition of the immense tail of Planet X. In the intervening months, the location and speed of Planet X has been a
top priority, daily checks made from observatories and any craft above the atmosphere in a position to take a reading.
We have mentioned that this dust cloud is Magnetic and flows predictably along magnetic flow lines in the Sun’s vast field. We have mentioned that as Dancing Partners the magnetic tilt of Planet X can be calculated from the Tilt and
Lean of the Earth, as What Magnets Do is not a mystery to man. Thus armed with data on the rate at which Planet X is moving past the Sun in its virtual straight line trajectory, its sling orbit, man could compute the likely arrival of the
dust cloud with all its many moons and debris. During a recent Interview we were asked about the June 8 transit of Venus, which did not occur, though by the planet jam-up in front of Planet X it has pushed alongside the Earth due to
the crowding the Dark Twin coming up behind the Earth in their shared orbit has created. We stated we were holding in abeyance our comments on the transit, so that the government would proceed with their plan to make much of this
transit, and have the world look. And what did they see? Certainly something in front of the Sun. Certainly many
things in front of the Sun, and moving. Is this Venus, or Venus clones? They are not as large as Venus, but are closer.
And the drama is only beginning.
But how many Venuses are transiting in front of the Sun?
A lone ham radio operator digitally recorded an intercept of a U.S. military SSB (Single Side Band) radio
transmission (before the transmission was suddenly shutdown because they mistakenly broadcast "in the
clear" or non-encrypted) on 26 January of this year referring to a mysterious "countdown" to an unnamed
event which (by the countdown) will occur around June 19 or 20 of this year. In the past few weeks,
however, naval units worldwide have been putting to sea in unusual numbers, sufficient to cause us to
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ZetaTalk: June Incoming
revisit the original message to assess movements and adopt a watch mode going forward into the June 19-
20 date area.
Prophecy Keepers
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ZetaTalk: Sign to Mankind
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ZetaTalk: Sign to Mankind
written June 6, 2003, image from http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/otisans.gif
Indeed, a mothership, or many during those times when visibility would be
disbursed. Positioned such that it can hardly be missed by the many now
looking for Planet X, and noticed casually by those gazing at the sunrise or
sunset. This has a two-fold effect.
1. causing them to look more often, in these days going into rotation
stoppage, and notice the second sun and its moons now also visible in
photos to those discerning;
2. causing them to challenge the establishment to explain the obvious black
object, as to what it is, and discover the establishment nervous and
slamming doors, the existence of a cover-up.
But an underlying message also is being relayed, that man is not the unique
lifeform he often assumes, alone as an intelligent and technological creature, so
they look past the coming disasters to what might be coming next, from the heavens. As this will be invariably
received as a warning, the human establishment reaction as a refusal to help, and thus the mothership remembered in
this context.
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ZetaTalk: Prophet Yehwah
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ZetaTalk: Prophet Yehwah
live radio during the Lou Gentile show, May 27, 2005
This is a true example of the Element of Doubt in play. We have mentioned since the start of ZetaTalk in 1995 that
there would be increasing sightings in the sky, mass sightings, and moving to captures on film and video, which has
occurred. Police videos, and more and more evidence where as on the early part of 1990, you scarsely found a valid
photo of a UFO, they just simply did not develop on film or on video. We have stated that this would occur as
readiness in the populace was there. Not anxiety but eagerness, but always with an element of doubt. This is a classic
case of this being experienced. Yes, UFO's do appear. No, he will not have 100% success. He will have crashing
disappointments just when he expects to have a big success. And we have belabored the element of doubt many times.
Where to reduce anxiety, the populace is not given absolute proof. There's always something that those who cannot
deal with the idea of the alien presence can cling and say 'it's all a fraud, it's all nonsense, they were all mass hypnosis,
a blip on the video' and the like. But he seems well able to handle this, the gentleman does, and it is part of the
Awakening process that is out there, getting buffeted about and making these claims and telling people to look to the
Signs of the Times #1440
Prophet summons UFO for camera [May 29] http://www.WorldNetDaily.com 'An ABC-TV affiliate
in Las Vegas broadcast images of a UFO summoned by a self-styled "prophet" who predicts many
more will be seen throughout the area next week. Ramon Watkins, also known as "Prophet Yahweh"
agreed to meet with a reporter and camera crew of KTNV at a location of their choice and time.
What they witnessed, and captured on camera, stunned the reporter and crew. Watkins claims to
have seen some 1,500 UFOs over the last 25 years and has learned to summon them by reading the
Old Testament.' [and from another source] Lou Gentile http://www.lougentile.com featured the
Prophet Friday night [May 27], interview available on his web site, and states 'Prophet Yahweh has
a very unique gift. He can summon UFO's at his command. Ok you may not believe this but check
out this video from KTNV ABC-13 News in Las Vegas Nevada! He actually does this live and they
appeared! mms://wm-ondemand.abacast.com/prophet_yahweh/ABCnews1.wmv
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ZetaTalk: Truth Test
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ZetaTalk: Truth Test
Note: written on Jun 15, 1996
The reality that can be sensed is based on many things, and all of these things carry distortions.
The physical reality that one perceives is distorted by the senses. Humans eyes, for instance, see but a small
section of the color spectrum seen by other life forms. Beyond the color spectrum there is clarity of vision.
Horses are nearly blind compared to humans, but the gliding hawk sees twice what a human does. Humans ears
hear but a small swath of the vibration frequencies that other animals on Earth perceive, as any owner of a dog
who respond to a dog whistle will attest. The human blows the whistle and hears nothing, but the dog comes
A limited view of the physical world can lead one to distorted conclusions. Mankind deals with gravity, and thus
in his mind has a down and an up. On the other side of the world there stands another man whose down and up
are contrary. Even the fact that the Earth is round is lost on primitive man, unless he calculates carefully the
movement of the skies and is given to deep thought on such matters. Humans speculate on the birth of the Solar
System, all the while having no real sample of the core of the Earth or more than a sniff or two of components
elsewhere. They are guessing.
Man is ego-centric, and barely pulls away from a completely self-centered notion of the world even when a
mature adult. He assumes the Sun revolves around the Earth until forced to deal with facts telling him otherwise.
He assumes that he as an intelligent creature stands alone as God's handiwork and balks at having to share the
spotlight with other species from other worlds. He develops pet theories that place him in the center of the
Universe, and is loath to let these theories go as he enjoys this concept. Reality is resisted.
Distortions are perpetrated by humans who stand to gain. The religious elite resist a more realistic view of the
Universe as this puts them out of a comfortable job. The establishment frequently resists truth as any change to
the status quo is likely to change their status, where they are perched at the top. This human desire to keep
others ignorant or confused is rampant, from the husband who keeps his housewife ignorant of the job
opportunities that exist for women in the work force to the distributor who keeps a competitors product off the
shelves through bribes. Truth must fight its way through the mud to emerge.
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ZetaTalk: Break the News
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ZetaTalk: Break the News
Note: written on Jun 15, 1997
Since news of the alien presence is so momentous, radically affecting all facets of human society, and increasingly
cannot be suppressed, many anticipate that there will be some kind of a presidential announcement or press release
explaining the situation. After all, this is done for other momentous matters, especially when the facts of the matter are
increasingly obvious. For the government to continue in silence makes them look silly, ineffectual, and hiding and
running from the situation rather than the impression they prefer to give - being in control, on top of the issues, and
cool and collected. Should the government fail to talk about a gathering hurricane, or the severity of a drought, or the
crash of a large commercial jet airplane, or an outbreak of the flu - they would seem to be out of touch and come under
question. So why the silence on the alien presence?
There are several reasons why there will be no public announcement admitting to the alien presence. Where there may
be selected private announcements, a general press release will not occur.
The alien presence is still deniable. Since aliens are currently operating under a rule that there remain an element
of doubt, so that the anxiety level of humans will not be raised during the Awakening, governments can rely on
this and continue to remain silent. Thus they can anticipate never being presented with a piece of evidence that
would force them to break their silence.
They have developed disinformation to bolster the story that it has all been a human generated hoax, and can
come forth with this disinformation should they deem this necessary. Many sightings, particularly of triangular
shaped ships that move in a manner reminiscent of jet planes with hover capability caused by jets turned
downward, are man made. Some contactee visitations are also staged by humans who drug their subjects so they
have spotty memories and conclude they are truly contactees. Should the government get pressed to address the
alien presence, they have this card to play.
They have numerous government sponsored studies, such as project Blue Book, which can give the impression
that they too have been puzzled but unable to come up with any firm answers. Beyond the studies that are known
to the public, there are many that have been prepared but are not yet released. These are held in abeyance, and
updated periodically to stay in step with the level of awareness in the public, and would be released should the
government get pressed to explain the increasing evidence that the Earth is being visited.
They are concerned that the whole story about MJ12 and past government involvement with aliens, much of it
shameful and even unlawful, will unravel and come out. In fact, the worse the past behavior, the more likely that
the cover-up will continue. As evidence of this reverse logic, look to how long after the fact the public learns of
government experiments on human subjects such as deliberate exposure to radiation or past ethical lapses of the
CIA. Decades pass, and at times half a century, before the truth is revealed. The worse the lapse, the longer the
cover-up before revelation.
They are not in control of the visitations and sightings ongoing, and this lack of control is out of keeping with the posture they take in front of the tax payer. All manner of results are feared, from tax payer rebellion to a
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ZetaTalk: Break the News
collapse on Wall Street. Since these issues can be endlessly debated, the debate is never-ending. Thus, there is
no point where a decision has been reached and they move forward to a press release of some sort.
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ZetaTalk: ABC Special
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ZetaTalk: ABC Special
written Feb 27, 2005
The ABC UFO special on Feb 24 ignored the late Dr John Macks life’s work (including his Harvard
tenure) with contactees that brought him to the conclusion that these volunteers and the hybrids with aliens
will re-populate the earth after a great cataclysm. The transcript of him stating this as his belief is available
at pbs.org.
Scarcely anything positive could be said about the much publicized ABC special on UFO’s, as it presented nothing
new and gave equal time to debunking any facts presented, and refused to debunk the debunk. In addition, it gave
prime focus on the triangular shape UFO, which we have stated is nothing more than a human stealth plane intended to
confuse the issue and claim a human origin for the UFO sightings at some point in the future. Was the Peter Jennings
documentary nothing more than an establishment shill? It was certainly sculpted by the establishment, who acted as
editors. Thus, the most profound statements on the subject of the alien presence were not included. The repeated
statement that there was no proof avoided the evidence, such as:
multiple captures on home videos, simultaneously, in Mexico during the 1991 Eclipse, movements showing, in
angle and speed changes, maneuvers not possible by conventional planes;
landing site anomalies, where plants refuse to grow at the site for more than a year in some cases, with no
conventional explanation;
crop circle nodes bent 90° and still growing, not crushed, where the crop yield is increased over crop not
included in the circle arena, and the geometric precision and almost instantaneous creation of huge circle
formations, none of which shows the hand of man but of the alien presence;
implants lately recovered from contactee bodies, simultaneous missing time and visitation reports from complete
strangers corroborating each other, and pregnancies confirmed by doctors suddenly disappearing;
the astonishing number of eye witnesses to the Roswell incident, who were intimidated beyond any weather or
spy balloon incident would have warranted, who saw alien bodies, which were then taken for autopsy, based
against any excuse produced later by the Air Force such as a project Mogul balloon, carefully constructed in the
1990’s to line up with the evidence from 1947.
Does the Air Force lie? They did during Blue Book, but the Roswell lie was taken at face value and not challenged.
Are Harvard professors, debunking away, a credible source? Then why not include the word of John Mack, likewise
an esteemed Harvard professor who had actual data to submit, not just opinions. Hypothetical explanations of the
abduction phenomena were presented, on equal time with contactee reports which are carefully based on hard data.
Why was this ABC special even produced? Why not let sleeping dogs lie? The establishment is aware that mass
sightings are on the increase, valid captures of UFO’s on video on the increase, and the public’s opinions on the matter
leaning in the direction of comfort with the alien presence. They are trying to grab the lead, be the force that is leading
the public perception, but will not succeed in this. Those who have had contact, or are intrigued enough to be seeking
this, know the truth. Those who have or will in the near future have a personal sighting see in such productions as the
ABC special a firm determination to turn the public from the truth, and are having their respect for the authorities
trashed in the process.
The overall effect of this special is, to disgust those who know the truth, to puzzle those new to the subject so they
seek more information, and to ultimately increase the suspicion that the establishment is lying to them. This begs the
question, why is the establishment so determined to keep the public in the dark? Tell a child not to peek in a closet,
and their determination to do so increases. Watch interest in the alien presence explode, and the truth spread around
like water into every crevasse.
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ZetaTalk: Orson Wells
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ZetaTalk: Orson Wells
Note: written on May 15, 1997
The presentation of the radio drama War of the Worlds some decades ago in the United States was, as many have
expected, a test. Given that the alien presence had up until that time been consistently presented as an alien threat, the
public reaction was hardly surprising. Radio dramas are often confused with reality by those tuning in, as there are few
clues that a fiction, rather than a factual scene, is being portrayed. On TV, the fact that one is watching a movie is
quickly apparent. There are clues in the settings, the time gaps and leaps, and the frequent intimate moments which
newscasters are not generally privy to. Thus, had War of the Worlds been presented on TV at that time, rather than as
a radio drama, the reaction would not have been the same.
This test, which the establishment knew would be taken for a real broadcast by many, was to determine not how the
public would react to a threat but rather to determine if they believed in the alien presence. They did, and thus they
reacted, and the strength of the reaction told an establishment which had been congratulating themselves on having
suppressed belief in aliens that they had not succeeded as they thought.
Subsequently suppression continued but got meaner, with mistreatment of contactees becoming more abusive and
physical. Since the establishment at that time was in the main under the impression that aliens were only interested in a
takeover, having made contact with Service-to-Self aliens first, and being unaware of the separation of orientations
that takes place after 3rd Density, they felt that the panic that ensued after the Orson Wells radio drama was inevitable.
They thought of themselves as holding back a flood, putting their fingers in holes in the dike, and looking out for
mankind's welfare. The few suicides that the broadcast caused, and the potential heart attacks, were not a concern to
the establishment at that time, as they considered themselves to be essentially at war and the nation in essence under
martial law. All rules of human conduct go out the window when the leadership is themselves in a panic.
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ZetaTalk: Air Force One
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ZetaTalk: Air Force One
Note: written on Jun 15, 1998
Of course the disappearance of Air Force One from radar screens, a situation which happened several times during
1998, was not just a technical problem. Why does this only happen to Air Force One? Planes do not disappear from
radar unless they are removed from the scope's range. And this is what occurred. How better to announce that we are
in communication with the US government? This is an awakening ploy, one approved by MJ12 as without their
approval we could not approach or affect such person as the President or his Secret Service guard. This does not mean
that anyone on board the plane was aware of their temporary removal from the air space, as they were awake only in
their subconscious during this time, or otherwise unaware.
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ZetaTalk: Staged Invasion
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ZetaTalk: Staged Invasion
Note: recorded during the June 22, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.
This rumor, spread by Greer, of a pending alien invasion, staged by the government, is unlikely to occur but as it is in
the hands of man, anything could happen. The problems facing such an attempt to get the public well behind an all out
Star Wars funding and effort would be to declare an invasion from space. The thought, also, would be to bring many
countries behind the US in this. Russia, of course, would not buy into that, being privy to the alien presence all along.
The primary problem with this plan is threefold.
1. they would have to stage an invasion that would equal in technological skill what much of the world has already
come to understand, or has personally seen, in alien technology - sudden disappearances, right angle turns at
high speeds, gravity control, etc. Thus, a poorly staged "invasion" would actually come back on the perpetrators,
a horror they contemplate continuously.
2. to announce an alien invasion would be to admit to the alien presence. Leaks around the edges of this story
would surely occur. Those reporting would forget what they were supposed to just have learned and start talking
about what they already know. The public would see past this, realize they had been lied to all along, and once
again, the perpetrators have shot themselves in the foot.
3. we, and our brethren, realizing we are to be used in this manner, could foil the staged invasion by a real display
of our technology, highlighting the difference in a manner no one could miss, and by our presence creating
blunders in the execution of the staged invasion so the truth would be out without question.
Thus, we predict, albeit with the caveat that this is in the hands of man and could change as their free will rules in this matter, that no such invasion will be stated.
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ZetaTalk: Alien Encounters
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ZetaTalk: Alien Encounters
Note: written on Feb 15, 1997
During the Awakening, sightings of alien ships will much precede sightings of actual aliens for a number of reasons.
Recall that a key concern during the Awakening is to guard against raising the anxiety level of the humans on Earth,
which would incline them toward the Service-to-Self orientation due to the self concern that is engendered during
threatening situations.
The Outcome: Any sightings of alien life forms must be in a setting where the anxiety is slight, and is balanced
overall by a sense of relief that alien encounters have been experienced with a reasonable outcome. The experiencer is
not harmed, has not been intimidated, and finds they can communicate with the alien reasonably well.
The Experiencer: Where sightings of alien life forms will be forthcoming during the Awakening, they will occur only where the humans involved are considered strong enough to arrive at logical conclusions rather than panic-driven
conclusions. These individuals are few and far between.
The Locale: Beyond the experiencer him or herself, there is the issue of how the humans in the immediate locale will react. The overall result must be a positive view of the alien presence. If an individual here or there will have a fearful
reaction, this in and of itself will not prevent the sighting if their reaction is balanced out by receptive reactions in
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ZetaTalk: Next Phase
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ZetaTalk: Next Phase
Note: written on Feb 15, 1998
The Awakening is not on a linear climb to some point in the future when it becomes obvious to the vast mass of the
populace that the alien presence is real, and among them. It is on a curve, akin to the rapid buildup that a parabola
represents. In the past, encounters were few and far between, and reduced to what was taken to be tales and myths.
When the Awakening was put upon a path that was to build exponentially until the Transformation was complete, the
rules changed to allow few sightings and encounters only recorded in the subconscious. This allowed a reservoir of
acceptance to build in the general populace, an acceptance those in authority in human society could not locate or
control, though they tried.
Each level of acceptance, within a culture or country, or worldwide, allows another level of exposure in the general
populace to ensue. Where are first sightings were deniable, passing quickly and seen by few and most often a single
individual, this moved in late 1997 into a phase where sightings are seen by many, are vivid and undeniable, and even
recorded on video or film. Still, they are being under reported by the media, and denied by many in authority. Those in
authority that realize the inevitable are seeking ways to give in gracefully, while those who are rigid in resisting what
they deem a takeover by outsiders are still shrill and becoming increasingly ridiculous in their denials.
The next stage will be glimpses of alien bodies, fleeting at first, and then increasingly solid views. Watch for cries of
"demon" from the religious elite, and "insanity" from those clinging to the status quo.
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ZetaTalk: Past
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ZetaTalk: Past
Note: written on Feb 15, 2002. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.
Prior to Roswell, visitors were not required to record their visits only in the subconscious of humans. As the book, the
Vedas, reports, humans saw their visitors as having all manner of shapes. In trying to relay their experiences, humans
often stumbled and struggled. Many described them as odd animals, but beyond the physical appearance of their
visitors, how to describe the phenomena that accompanied them? Levitation, space ships suddenly appearing or
zooming away, lasers, the ability to disarm humans without touching them, etc. Thus, fire, wind, whatever might relay
this experience, became the verbal story. This often confused those who came later, and could not ask for clarification
of the story teller. To further cloud the issue are the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, who lived among mankind
until a few millennia ago. They live in the Bible, as the giant Goliath, for instance, and are real visitors in hominoids form. They are the Gods of Mt. Olympus, the Visigoth in Germany, and giants reported elsewhere. Thus, visitors in
many shapes and forms are mixed in with myth, and current mankind is left to sort it out. In the main, take your myths