and stories in this context, and see what the picture paints! Most folklore is not story telling, but a serious attempt to pass on important information.

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ZetaTalk: Tumultuous Times

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ZetaTalk: Tumultuous Times

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

What will unfold in the near future will be immensely disturbing to the Earth's inhabitants. We are not speaking only

of galactic consciousness, we are speaking of the collapse of governments and entirely new social structures. People

will be without their usual mooring, adrift. It is in our interest, the Zeta Reticulan interest, as 4th Density Service-to-

Others entities, to reduce the amount of fear and anxiety that humans experience during these transitional times. We

are not alone in these concerns. Other alien groups are so concerned, and are actively working to reduce fear in the

Earth's inhabitants. You know them by many names, but there are vastly more groups that are participating in this

efforts than you are aware of.

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ZetaTalk: Prophecy

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ZetaTalk: Prophecy

Note: written on Oct 15, 2000

Studies show that the majority of the populace believes in the alien presence, in the likelihood of intelligent life

existing elsewhere in the Universe and being curious enough or having the capacity to travel to Earth for a visit. Since

the majority of humans on Earth are not contactees, where does this solid belief come from? This is derived from a

combination of factors, and when weighted by each individual human, leans heavily in the direction of life elsewhere

being a possibility. These factors include the diversity of life they see on Earth, the likelihood of some process like

evolution in that they can observe a similar skeletal structure on many different animal types, their own curiosity about

the greater Universe extrapolated to a desire for space travel by humans, and the persuasiveness of UFO sightings.

Regardless of statements by the establishment, the population believes otherwise. What factors, then, does the populace

take into consideration during any discussion on pole shifts, past or pending?

In spite of the pompousness of self appointed experts in the scientific community, the public in general takes them

with a grain of salt. The scientific community argues with itself, loudly at times, and presents contradictions to

confused students. Announcements are regularly made about recent discoveries that contradict past assumptions, with

new theories put forth as the new truth to be honored as fact. A jaded public listens with half an ear, giving other

factors greater weight. More weight is given the views expressed by local experts, individuals known to the

community for sober deliberation and solid conclusions that pass the test of time. When something momentous is

about to happen, all eyes turn toward these individuals, to see their reactions and conclusions. In that the coming pole

shift is expressing itself locally via weather changes and crop disasters, the global situation will not reach the local

level until little time is left. Thus, the evaluation or conclusions of scientists, who disagree and argue, or the

conclusions of local wisemen, is unlikely to cause the populace to conclude that a pole shift is pending.

Past geological upheavals are all around the common man, but go unseen as they have been there for the lifetimes of

those living. Sheer cliffs, torn continents, risen or fallen ocean levels - all are put into the category of something

unknown that happened before one’s time. The explanation that much of this happened eons ago, during a time when

the Earth was perhaps impacted by an asteroid, is accepted, and often this is due to the desire to believe that nothing so

horrific could occur during one’s own lifetime. The desire to be comfortable is strong, and denial an easy route.

Patterns showing that cataclysms are recent, and periodic, cause discomfort in most, and thus are quickly put to rest by

any alternative explanation - the study is wrong, the dates confused, or the reporter not credible. Such patterns, where

compelling to those who have accepted, emotionally, the coming changes, will not be accepted by those not ready to be

aware. Awareness must be preceded by a plan, steps to be taken by the individual, who must accept that their life will

be changed before they can allow themselves to believe it.

Folklore and prophecy speaks to the coming changes eloquently, in all cultures and through many mediums. These

stories and prophecies hold the populace spellbound, in the main, because the average man understands that for lore to

persist through time, or for a prophecy to be widely known, it must have had a great impact on all who heard it, and

thus it holds validity. This is a factor little understood by the establishment, who arrogantly assume that their

statements are taken as valid by the public. Thus, folklore and prophecy are ignored by the establishment, as

insignificant. They are wrong. Prophecies about albino animals, the White Buffalo, or a red sky accompanied by great

heat and drought, or snow in summer, are also prophecies that can be verified by the average man. That many

prophecies come true at the same time also holds weight. This - more than any argument in the media or

pronouncements by experts or careful pattern analysis of geological changes - affects the average man, and causes him

to consider the possibility that a time of global and spiritual change, as predicted, is about to occur.

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ZetaTalk: Prophecy[2/5/2012 11:38:52 AM]

ZetaTalk: Zhuge Liang

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ZetaTalk: Zhuge Liang

written Aug 4, 2006

Zhuge Liang wrote a set of Prophecy in the form of poems, 20 or more poems. The 15th

poem wrote about the sudden rise of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the last

sentence of that poem clearly refers that in 2005 the CCP will meet a great debacle. In

fact, it was in the spring of 2005 that a book 'Nine comments on CCP' was released and

caused a trend in China to resign from the CCP. Now there has been over a hundred

million former party members resigned. So the poems have a track record. In the 16th poem Zhuge Liang

wrote that the world will face a great danger. The red flood will destroy the land and many people will

die. At this time a saint will emerge and lead people to overcome the hardship. Finally China will be a

land of light and love. Since his prophecy indicated the demise of CCP, any information referring to his

prophecy has been blocked in China.

The poems after the one that described the pole shift talk about a kind of transformation process that

China will enter, a new kind of era. The 18th and 19th mainly describe that after the saint's salvation, all

different kinds of people, all different races of people will get rid of any misunderstandings or obstacles

and unite with each other. The whole world will become one. People will not care too much about fame or

individual interests. The saints or holy people will get off the stage and won't let people worship them. All

the lands in the world will enjoy light and love. I sense that in Zetatalk, most information is largely about

the US and the western world. So I hope the Zeta can comment on the Eastern Prophecy and give more

concern about the Eastern world.

Ma Qian Ke

In almost every culture, there is folklore and prophecy to warn about the coming changes, what the

Christians call the End Time. Revelations points to red dust and mountains being moved. Islam points to a

prophesied 6 days when the Sun will seem to rise from the West. And quite outside of organized religion

are the prophets in almost every tongue and backwater and island chain who have described what to look

for, signs in the skies, and what these signs will lead to.

ZetaTalk: Dragon's Claw, written Mar 9, 2006

In the twenty-ninth year of King Chieh [the last ruler of Hsia, the earliest recorded Chinese dynasty] , the Sun was dimmed... King Chieh lacked virtue... the Sun was distressed... during the last years of Chieh ice formed in

[summer] mornings and frosts in the sixth month [July] . Heavy rainfall toppled temples and buildings...

Heaven gave severe orders. The Sun and Moon were untimely. Hot and cold weather arrived in disorder.

The five cereal crops withered and died.

Written during the reign of Emperor Qin c.1600 B.C.

China has great history, much of it lost in past pole shifts. There are on occasion discovered great cities, or pyramids, burried and forgotten. Record keeping in Egypt suffered in the same manner. For hundreds of years, survivors are

discombobulated, wandering, starving, half mad, and keeping records the least of their concerns. No one knows why

the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built, as they certainly were not burial vaults. How could such information be lost?

Thus it was with the great cities of China, as the Chinese people have not just recently come to benefit from their

native intelligence and steadfast work ethic. They were great before, immensely so. Ideally, the records would be intact

and shared with the common man. Has this been the case in Western civilizations? The Kolbrin, a record of past pole shifts from Egypt, was hidden in Scotland and spirited away to New Zealand when the church hiearchy tried to burn

the Kolbrin entirely. Does the Catholic church share what they know with their flock? They lie. At the present time,

heads of state around the world have been alerted that there is a presence in the inner solar system, with contries such[2/5/2012 11:38:53 AM]

ZetaTalk: Zhuge Liang

as the US and Russia and France and China nervously watching the interloper Planet X with all the technology at their

disposal. Has the public heard about this? Not from these officials! Because of lost records, and the desire of leaders to

mis-lead their people about what is to come, prophets and mirages have emerged to fill this void.

Zhuge Liang was not a mere mortal, which should come as no surprise among those familiar with his

accomplishments. He was studious and intellectual, but also a great warrior and a natural leader of men. For a prophet

to be taken seriously, they need a strong track record or some other boost in fame that keeps they from fading from

view. Edgar Cayce is remembered in the West because he was a great healer and had insights into diseases that the

doctors were unable to grasp. Were it not for this, his predictions on the coming pole shift, the signs to look for, might

have been lost. In like manner Zhuge Liang stood tall, in legend, his words respected and recalled. His message was

more than a warning about the coming pole shift, the red dust and incessant rains, which he termed a red flood. It was

more than a warning to expect much death and hardship during these tumultuous times. He delivered a message of

hope! One does not deliver the devastating news without explaining the outcome. His description of times of light and

love, when men will stop fighting because of greed or the desire for power, but will instead support and love one

another, is an exact description of what we have termed the transformation! That he devoted more time to describing the future, and scant time to describing the current Chinese Communist Party and the time of the pole shift, speaks

volumes. He is saying, in essence, that this is what the Chinese people should focus on, the future, the time when those

operating in the Service-to-Other will prevail.

Zhuge Liang predicts a saint, a natural leader who will emerge during the time of the pole shift. This was a logical

guess, based on what he knew of the Chinese people and politics. He knew the Chinese people well. He understood

that their ability to work in consensus with one another would put them into a government that would approximate

Communism. He understood how corruption emerges in these settings, and that a dictator would likely emerge. The

insights he gained during his life as Zhuge Liang were augmented by what he brought forward from past lives in

China. In a past life, he had been close enough to the Dynasty leaders to see their reactions during a pole shift, and

knew there would be a repeat performance during the coming shift. We have often stated that the official leadership

will collapse during the times ahead, for many reasons. Cowards often strut around proclaiming their courage, as the

current leadership in the White House exemplifies. Bush and Cheney and Rove, all avoiding duty in the Viet Nam era.

It is the self focused and power hungry who claw their way to the top, by fraud and theft and intimidation and bribery

and back stabbing. They will have no answers for the common man during the coming times, and will go into well

stocked bunkers to save themselves. There with bedmates like themselves, the worst moral lot, without ethics or

concern for each other and each power mad to become the top dog, they will essentially destroy each other in savage

battles. Meanwhile, there stands the citizenry, without leadership. Natural leaders emerge, of a different moral fiber,

and it is this that Zhuge Liang speaks about.[2/5/2012 11:38:53 AM]

ZetaTalk: China Mirage

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ZetaTalk: China Mirage

written May 13, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction Radio show.

This was a deliberate sign - go to the mountains, leave the coast - this was the message given to them. They were

being given a telepathic message at the same time to their subconscious. What might come to mind is that movie Close

Encounters of the Third Kind, where a ship goes by and blasts with a ray of light certain individuals who have a

message into their subconscious, go to a certain hilltop in Wyoming, as unique volcanic spire. Then several individuals

managed to make it so that they could be included and leave the Earth in a spaceship, a mothership. This is not that

message, but there are similarities. They were given this holographic view at the same time they were told, it is not

safe to be on the coast where they obviously were, looking out on the ocean. The mountains, you should seek a city in the mountains, was the intent of this holographic view, a type of sighting.

Rare Mirage Appears off East China Shore

May 7, 2006

Thousands of tourists and local residents witnessed a mirage of high clarity lasting for four hours

off the shore of Penglai City in east China's Shandong Province on Sunday. Mists rising on the

shore created an image of a city, with modern high-rise buildings, broad city streets and bustling

cars as well as crowds of people all clearly visible. The city of Penglai had been soaked by two days

of rain before the rare weather phenomenon occurred. The mirage took place during the week-long

Labor Day holiday. The small city received over 30,000 tourists on Sunday. Experts said that many

mirages have been recorded in Penglai, on the tip of Shandong Peninsula, throughout history, which

made it known as a dwelling place of the gods. They explained that a mirage is formed when

moisture in the air becomes warmer than the temperature of sea water, which refracts rays of

sunlight to create reflections of the landscape in the sky.[2/5/2012 11:38:54 AM]

ZetaTalk: 1999 Predictions

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ZetaTalk: 1999 Predictions

Note: written on Apr 15, 1999

We predicted, in 1995 when ZetaTalk first started, the weather changes. This is a matter of record, because our

emissary Nancy has put on the web site a What's New page that traces all the way back to 1995. We predicted the

erratic weather that is occurring now where no one else did.

We stated in the beginning of 1995 that there would be weather changes of such a nature that there would be crop

failures due to crops being wrongly signaled, a spring coming too soon so that plants start off on their cycles and then

a dramatic reversal, winter returning. This can cause a crop failure as surely as an intractable drought or a deluge that

literally washes the seeds out of the ground. In addition we predicted that livestock and fish harvests would suffer,

because they are going to be affected by a tendency to have increased diseases, fungal infections and the like that can

run rampant through commercial operations. Private family homes, small operations, are more protected from that, as

they break the illness cycle. But, for instance, a warehouse of chickens can be wiped out in a wink because of their


So, what is going to happen in the next four years? Are we going to just trot along and arrive one day when the giant

comet comes roaring through and a pole shift occurs? Of course not. You're going to have increasing earthquake

tremblers. There has been a tightening up of the plates against each other that has not even appeared in your media,

thought the information is available and has been documented on the Troubled Times web site that our emissary and

her fellow co-workers have put out. Deep Earthquakes have skyrocked at an exponential rate since the mid 1980, and this indicates a tightening up of these plates. Where this has not translated to surface quakes, it soon will, and you will

find that because these deep plates are locked in that a quake in one place transmits to another, and you will have what

Nancy has been referring to as domino quakes. Rather than months going by before a repercussion is felt in another

part of the world, repercussions will happen almost instantaneously. This will be defused by the media which will fail

to report them. Some earthquakes in remote places will not be reported at all, but nevertheless, word will get around.

The oceans will continue, as will the weather, the ocean of air, to become more erratic. Winds sweeping in without

notice, sudden storms, deluges, tides that are greater than expected, especially along the Pacific coastlines. Warm

oceans will occur in places where they should be cool, and the fisheries will suffer from this because they can't predict

where the schools of fish will be. Likewise, you will find human populations beginning to migrate. These migration not

only happens in cases of severe starvation, such as in northern Africa south of the Sudan, where people just stumble

like sticks in any direction, looking for food, but also occurs when things get bad enough, when crop shortages are

bad, and people begin to wander. They're looking for something better. So you will have migrations and you will have

guards against migrations. Rifles at the border, pointed and saying don't come a step further and shooting people for

little reason. This is already starting to raise its head in the anxiety that the United States expresses about the people

south of their borders.

Cults will form, enclaves of people clinging to whomever or whatever promises safety. Don't buy into that, as no one

can give you safety. You have to look to yourself and be realistic. If it’s anything but relying on yourself, you're being

conned. But this type of grouping will occur. At this point, in early 1999, we'll stop predicting because it becomes

irrelevant. We will predict again in a year or so, restating our position. This is enough, for now, for people to be able

to discern for themselves what steps they should take in the immediate future.

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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Others

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ZetaTalk: Service-to-Others

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding what the future Service-to-Others Earth may appear to be, this will not be something strange. There are

many groups on Earth already who operate in the Service-to-Others orientation. They share their resources, address the

problems of each as though it were a problem for the many, sacrifice their own comfort for the better comfort of the

many, and do not impede the growth or awakening to knowledge of each other. In the Earth of the future, these

qualities will seem to increase in people, and groups will find less and less need for artificial controls on their behavior,

and more and more allowance for trust among each other. There are no human societies, however, that exemplify the

4th Density spiritual Service-to-Others community. Human societies are, in the main, populated by the undecided. This

colors the social structure, inevitably.

Where Communism ascribed to a system where each gave according to his ability, and all were supported, this

of course did not occur. Corruption quickly gained the upper hand, black markets emerging, such that those

ascribing to the original philosophy starved and were worked half to death.

Capitalism on its face fails, as while supporting the greedy, who without hesitation step on the least of those

among them to raise themselves up, creates and enhances ignoring the suffering of the neighbor. Those who

espouse capitalism, saying that Capitalist nations are most successful, fail to count the suffering of the little man.

Success is not measured by the wealth and smugness of a few. Pollution, emotional deprivation, the dulling of

the mind and heart of the man on the street - these are the byproducts of Capitalism.

Religions likewise, even if based on the philosophy that the weakest among them should be cared for, and all

should give to the betterment of the group, fail. The Pope lives in splendor, gold and high ceilings everywhere,

while those supporting this structure starve and are given edicts of sexual suppression that the pedophile priests

hardly ascribe to.

Thus, even in the average family, the Service-to-Others 4th Density spiritual existence cannot proceed. Thus, other

than read what we have described as our existence, we cannot point to a human culture, a human philosophy, as a case

in point.

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ZetaTalk: Familiar Stranger

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ZetaTalk: Familiar Stranger

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Many contactees have the sense that they have met another before, and that there is some activity they are to do

together. At times they spontaneously recall a meeting with people they do not recognize, or have a flash of a person's

face, figure, or demeanor. Contactees are being introduced to each other by aliens who are coordinating activities. The

contactee may meet the others in their conscious life at some point in time, or such a meeting may never occur. If they

meet, they have a sense that there is something familiar about the other person, or perhaps think they know them from

some place. This, of course, happens all the time in human relationships, so comments about this cause no one to take

alarm. However, in the contactee's subconscious all remember the prior meeting and the issues being discussed, and

work together toward common goals without needing to mention them openly or to be consciously aware that they are

doing so.

Many contactees have become aware, through one means or another, that these types or meetings are occurring and

that they have met supposed strangers in their lives that they recognize, absolutely. This is being discussed in contactee

support groups, or among contactees who have become friends. This type of awareness will only increase as the need

for coordinated activity increases, and as troubled times approach.

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ZetaTalk: Supposed to Do

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ZetaTalk: Supposed to Do

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

When humans are given technological advice, or prepared in some manner for future possibilities, of having a role,

they often have no conscious memory of this. Many contactees speak of have a vague sense that they are to do

something, or that they have some special knowledge of how things work, outside of what they could have secured

during the normal course of events. Why is this knowledge clouded? Would not matters unfold more effectively if the

contactee was consciously aware of their role? There are many reasons why slumber is preferable.

First, many times the technological advice or coordinated activity planned for cannot take place for some time.

In the meantime, if conscious of the advice or plan, the contactee would be under tension not to discuss or give

any indication of the plan, fearing a number of repercussions. The technological advice could be stolen, if

revealed, or at the very least the contactee could be harassed to reveal it. The contactee could also be questioned

as to where the technological advice came from, and being at a loss to explain, be subject to ridicule. And if the

contactee has agreed to perform a certain role, the fear is that if others would learn of it, this role could be


Second, many projects being coordinated by ourselves, the Zetas, or our brethren in the Service-to-Others

groups, require humans to meet in groups. These meetings are no more remembered than the individual

meetings, but carry more danger to all concerned. The danger is in discovery, in that contactees are today subject

to various punishments if their contact is made known. Job loss, hostility in the mails or over the phone, loss of

support from friends and family and even divorce have occurred. There have been instances where death has

resulted, but we are not allowed to be specific regarding our knowledge of these instances. As many are involved

in these joint meetings, the risk of discovery is multiplied. These matters usually involve deep slumber, the depth

in proportion to the risk.

Third, the times are changing, and the rate of change accelerating. Contactees are given technological advice or

agree to a role in accordance with the scene as projected at a given point in time. Being only subconsciously

aware, they do not make changes in their lives to line up with the plan. The contactee may gather knowledge, or

emotionally prepare for a future role, but is not put out in any other way by the plan in place. If the situation

changes, there are no physical effects upon the contactee's life, other than a different plan to become emotionally

prepared for. If the contactee were to be consciously aware of the advice or plan, they would certainly adjust

their life to be in accordance. Then, when plans change, another and another adjustment would be made. In

addition to being disruptive to the contactee's life, this behavior would look erratic, and demean the contactee's

credibility with others. Slumber is preferable.

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ZetaTalk: Mass Consciousness

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ZetaTalk: Mass Consciousness

Note: written on Apr 15, 1996

Given that man is a social creature, adopting styles of dress, recipes, tools and techniques, and in general modeling

after one another in a thousand ways, might man not also share concepts, via telepathy, en- mass? A trend has been

noticed whereby without public notification such as media exposure, some ideas become widely populated. What's

going on there? Is the populace communicating with each other on a subliminal level, so that ideas are shared and

perhaps even discussed, subconsciously? Yes! This occurs on several levels.

Via telepathy, whereby everyone gets on the same wave length and shares thoughts. When this occurs humans

may find themselves mentioning to one another, casually, that they had been musing about this or that and be

startled to find they were musing about the same subject at the same time. No coincidence at all.

Via soul-to-soul conversations, when humans are in close proximity or on an Out-Of-Body expedition. In this

case humans may find themselves falling silent and brooding over their beers or perhaps enjoying the sunset

without speaking - a moment of silence. Later they may find that they mesh better on certain issues, and clash

less. They seem to have come to a consensus, and usually assume this to be just coincidence.

Via subliminal messages communicated through tone of voice or body language to a degree that would be

disbelieved by most humans. Where the concept of body language being communicated by the tension or

openness in posture, or a sense of tension or grief being communicated by the tone of voice, is not foreign to

humans who almost always have had personal experiences with this type of communication, they would

disbelieve that this communication vehicle could work en-mass through, for instance, the media. However, a

single individual's unconscious body language, seen by millions, has just affected the mass consciousness.

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ZetaTalk: Mouths of Madmen

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ZetaTalk: Mouths of Madmen

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

Humans in the grip of mental illness have long been known to entertain the sane with their delusions or paranoia, but

often those whose shackles to the rigid norms of what social propriety will allow tell the truth where others more sane

remain in denial. Pointing the finger of an insanity accusation is one of the most effective ways to discredit someone,

and thus those who have a history of mental illness are allowed to speak their mind and are not considered a threat by

the establishment. Thus, mentally ill contactees were never harassed by MJ12 or the establishment, and even if aware

of government plans or operations are seldom considered a threat. Because the boundaries between reality and

unreality as human society perceives it has already been blurred in those suffering from mental illness, they are more

prone to accept what their subconscious tells them. Thus, mentally ill contactees do not suppress their recall, but rather

relay it readily to others and muse about it.

There have been cases where street people, often mentally ill and living on the street to evade being institutionalized,

have been picked up to be handed over to aliens in the Service-to-Self, as part of an arrangement the CIA, as an arm

of MJ12, had with these alien groups. If these unfortunate derelicts had the inner strength to just say "no" to these

Service-to-Self aliens, they survived these encounters as by the rules aliens can only affect humans if they are given

permission. Thus, it has indeed happened that derelicts survived such encounters and were returned to the streets,

unharmed and with subconscious knowledge of what goes on. Underground chambers, the association of military

guards with aliens, trips on space ships - all this knowledge was expected by the CIA to be taken by anyone hearing

such tales from the mouths of madmen as simply delusions.

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ZetaTalk: Steps and Stages

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ZetaTalk: Steps and Stages

Note: written on Jan 15, 1996

Individuals becoming aware of the alien presence go through predictable steps in their awakening process, though the

pace or the intensity of a reaction may differ widely.

The first stage is denial, where in fact the majority of awakened mankind sits today. They may entertain the

possibility that the alien presence is real, may even loudly argue the possibility, and may be considered anything

but a skeptic by those who know them, but these individuals are still holding close, in their heart of hearts, to the

supremacy and uniqueness of man. Their life has not changed, society functions as before, and thus the alien

presence is considered just a possibility.

The second stage is unease, as circumstances in their personal life, or simple logic, erode their comfortable

cocoon. They spend quiet moments pondering what this might mean. They try on different scenarios and

outcomes, to see how this feels. They long to find another who is at the same stage, but find almost everyone

else still discussing if the alien presence is real. This second stage is lonely, but as this individual is usually

giving The Call almost incessantly, they are having many conferences and this assuages their loneliness among

humans to a great degree.

The third stage is anticipation, as, sensing what lies ahead the individual is impatient to have the world around

him, his human society, wake up. He now views the rest of society, with their comfortable beliefs, as old

fashioned and remarkably unobservant. He stops arguing about the alien presence, and begins making quiet

changes in his life. At this point he may encounter others who have the same quiet understanding and

convictions, and such meetings form groups that are the buds of a new, awakened, society. Individuals at this

third stage might meet an alien or sight a ship and not experience undue anxiety. They are ready, but are being

held back by the needs of the rest of the populace.

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ZetaTalk: Falon Gong

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ZetaTalk: Falon Gong

Note: written on Apr 15, 2002

Communism in China repressed several elements present in normal human society. They purged intellectuals,

glorifying the farmer over the historian and scientist. They repressed religion, putting Communism forth as the only

religion allowed. The goal was to have a totally focused populace, such that only the state, and working as a producer

for the state, would be tolerated in the eyes of the common man. But like all repressive regimes, they failed to satisfy

or leave allowances for the mind of man, seeking to address what they sense, but could not see. The thugs running the

Communist regime sought to destroy the elite they could not join, the University intellectuals, creative individuals, and

in their opportunity to have jealousy prevail, killed thousands and threatened untold others. In their desire to be

worshipped as saviors, as idols, they destroyed religion and the sense of mankind that the physical is not all there is.

But in their stupidity, the heavy-handedness of the thug, they assumed that by preventing eyes from looking elsewhere,

and thoughts from roving, they would have eyes and minds pointed in adoration toward them, but in this they were

naive. The intellectuals of China went underground, learned to limit their discussions among like kind, and went

overseas and to other countries in many cases, but did not desist or die. And religion, the reaching out of the soul for

the unseen and unprovable, but sensed, likewise hardly went away. In quiet households, traditions and discussions

remained, cautious but steadfast.

Where little is heard from China in the UFO community, this hardly means that sightings and contactees are nil there.

China is huge, the population immense, and the people bright and hard working, long suffering and tenacious. So what has happened, outside the view of western man and the nightly news on CNN? Sightings, and contacts made so

broadly that the common man and woman know about the alien presence more certainly than in western civilizations!

The Chinese people are intelligent, patient, and tend to business regardless of health problems, starvation, weather

problems, or the rigidity of their governments. They are thus very ready for yet another intrusion, the alien presence.

They handle this well, like all other burdens they must bear, stoically. Thus, as contactees, they proved to be ideal, and

when giving The Call got a proportionate response. Those contactees who would have their life destroyed, are given a

light response. Those who can handle it, a broad or intense response. The Chinese people have proved a group that can

handle it, and thus were given an appropriate response. CNN does not spread knowledge of the alien presence, which

can be a knowledge spread village to village, household to household, and in the farm fields, far from those who

would control the mind of China, in discussion during the day. Thus, China is more advanced in knowledge about the

alien presence, as few households do not know of someone, a friend or neighbor, who has had an experience.

The Falon Gong movement had a resonance with these people, such that they recognized others who had similar

experiences, and joined. The message was simply - man was not alone, the alien presence was real, change was at

hand, and a man was not a captive of his government, was free. This was an immense threat to the Communist elite in

control, so they thought, of China. Falon Gong advocates were tortured, killed, imprisoned, and treated worse than

criminals for nothing more than a desire to have a healthy lifestyle and a simple viewpoint. The over-reaction of the

Chinese government to this movement shows the threat free thinking and an open heart bear to them. This is, to a

minor degree, what the western world presents to contactees and those who would be free of government restraints. If

50% of the US population or better feel the alien presence is real, then why the intense debunking that goes on? If

mothers with babes in their arms are shot dead by the FBI, because of the threat of non-payment of taxes to the US

Government, then how free are US citizens to speak or think freely? Falon Gong is in China, but the heavy hand of the

Chinese government is not unique. Look about you and you will see a similar heavy hand hovering above you!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:38:58 AM]

ZetaTalk: Walk Openly

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ZetaTalk: Walk Openly

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding when and how alien life forms will walk among Homo Sapiens openly. This will never occur as expected,

as the inhabitants of Earth have been led to believe by watching the movies. You are not alone now, nor have you

been for many centuries. Your people's physical form will change gradually, such that you will be unaware of the

change. Intelligence will increase, as will the use of telepathy. In some areas life forms not of the Earth will

intermingle with the Earth's inhabitants, but these will be areas remote or involving few people. Word of these places

will spread, just as word of the far continents of the world spread during the past millennium. Gossip serves a purpose

in this respect. It allows for gradual acclimatization. In those places where many life forms intermingle, the people will

be aware that they are among friends.

Introductions will be made during times of tribulation. The heart is most open when all seems lost. The mind is open to

change when the world known before has been turned upside down. It is then that progress toward an open lifestyle

will be most rapid.

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ZetaTalk: Tell Others

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ZetaTalk: Tell Others

Note: written on Jul 15, 1995

Much is made in UFOlogy about differences, how aliens are different from humans - travel by different means,

communicate by different means, nourish themselves by different means, procreate by different means. When do we

hear about the similarities? Children are told, when first introduced to other little ones at nursery school, to remember

and realize the similarities. Don't bonk Johnny on the head, his head hurts the same as yours did when you hit it on the

table. Don't push Mary aside when lining up for cookies and milk break, she's hungry too. Similarities. When trying to

reduce conflict between the sexes, the similarities are stressed. Yes, boys can engage in football without bruising like

the girls do, but girls also learn teamwork from team sports, develop strong bones and muscles, get outside in the fresh

air, and cherish their awards. Similarities.

The establishment, wishing to retain control, cannot be counted on to make this shift when educating the public to our

presence. National leaders, wishing to keep the populace devoted, stress not the similarities between the nation and

those across the borders, but the differences. Keep the guard up. Resist encroachment. And above all endure shortages

and hardships without complaint, as the enemy is about to pounce. For Earthlings to become aware of the similarities

between themselves and beings from outer space is for them to let down their guard, express an interest in

communications, perhaps even extend an invitation. As the establishment cannot be counted on to encourage this, this

type of education must be done on an individual level. As you say, education begins in the home.

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ZetaTalk: Language Barriers

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ZetaTalk: Language Barriers

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

Where humans think of language as their premiere communication vehicle, right up there with symbols and pictures

but able to support a precision beyond any other vehicle - most misunderstand the mental process in the physiology of

the brain required to communicate in words or any other such abstraction. When the toddler says "dog" in reference to

the big fuzzy hulk he has been nuzzled by, whom everyone else is calling "dog", he has made Connection One, entity.

When the toddler says "Johnny go potty", connecting two such Connection Ones together with a Connection Two,

activity, he has made Connection Three - relationship. This goes on in increasing complexity to hundreds of


These Connections are not the same between intelligent species from different worlds, nor are they even the same

among factions of the intelligent species on a single world. Your Earth has many such languages, and for you to

assume that all such languages portray the same concepts would be shallow thinking indeed. There are concepts the

aboriginals in Australia hold that they cannot communicate to others, as there is no equivalent in other languages. This

is one source of communication glitches, where western thinking says, just give me the equivalent word, and taking the

closest candidate, makes a statement that carries a quite different meaning than was intended. Language barriers are

not just due to a failure of one party to memorize the vocabulary of another. One would have to be raised,

simultaneously, in the two cultures involved, to truly translate.

In ZetaTalk we are in a cooperative effort with our emissary, Nancy. We do not give her the equivalent word, in

English, to our word. In the first place, we do not use words. We give her the concept, in all its many permutations -

visuals, movements, emotions, timing, analogies. She puts the words to this, and plays back to us what the words relay

to her, a playback. If her words have described to her an erroneous concept, we go at it again, fine tuning. Thus, if

Nancy does not have a concept of chemistry, for instance, how crystals are constructed, then we must give her this

concept in terms she can understand, in order for her to relay our message in this regard. Just as a radio announcer is

limited by his vehicle, so we are limited by our vehicle, in ZetaTalk. However, except for those who wish to gain a

technological advantage from ZetaTalk answers, this has not proved to be a communication hindrance.

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ZetaTalk: Hanging Around Saturn

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ZetaTalk: Hanging Around Saturn

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

Since its discovery, Saturn has been a fascination for humans, due to its splendid rings. Its

beauty drew the attention of humans, who readily assumed it would do the same for those

visiting the Solar System. The fact that Saturn with its dramatic rings is utterly

inhospitable to life doesn't enter into the equation, it seems. The rumors that there are large

mother ships situated within the rings is positively silly. Alien visitors do not need to hide

their presence from humans in this manner, nor do they even need the gravitational anchor

that a planet can provide. Visitors are most comfortable when in 4th Density, and when in

that density they are invisible to humans. The mother ships aren't hanging around Saturn,

they're hanging around Earth!

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ZetaTalk: Moons of Mars

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ZetaTalk: Moons of Mars

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

It is rumored that one of the moons of Mars, Phobos, is inhabited by the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, and this

rumor is correct. They have burrowed into the interior of this relatively small moon to conduct a mining operation, but

this is not the only reason. As we have mentioned, they ruined the surface of Mars with these mining operations. What

thin atmosphere Mars had essentially disappeared when the water was diverted into underground caverns, cooling the

surface until the remaining water froze. Mining the caverns of Phobos allows these visitors several advantages:

They remain out of sight of Earth telescopes, and thus hope to evade interference of visits from curious humans.

Atmosphere and temperature control is easier within an enclosed space.

The moon's surface affords a thick and almost impermeable shield from bombardment from space trash such as

dust and small meteors, which would continually pepper them if they remained on the surface of Mars.

What occurs when one of NASA's probes drifts close to this moon? Monitoring equipment stationed on the surface of

Phobos by these visitors alerts them to the approach of something other than space trash. Not wanting to be observed

or to become the object of curiosity, the giant hominoids simply put the eye out of the probe. This is done with a laser,

the same mechanism they use to send signals to one another at great distances but devastating to delicate electronic

equipment at close range. Send a probe to Phobos and oops, the probe stops working! Any attempt to fly a manned

shuttle to Phobos to explore the operation would also meet with disaster and death, and such an attempt is therefore ill


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ZetaTalk: Stanton Friedman

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ZetaTalk: Stanton Friedman

Note: written on Dec 15, 1996

This Canadian scientist, with a solid background in physics, was an early researcher in what was then considered the

paranormal UFO phenomenon. He brings the weight of his considerable intellect to bear on the subject, examining

landing sights, mutilations residue and testimony, visual sightings by both private and government individuals, and the

authenticity of such frauds as the MJ12 Documents. He is thorough and precise, leaving no stone unturned or piece of

evidence out of consideration. Should he err, this is not because he has been less than thorough, and is most certainly

not due to his being a disinformation agent, which he is not. For those able to follow an intelligent discussion, Stanton Friedman’s reports are packed with information and sterling insights into complex issues.

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ZetaTalk: Belgium Flap

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ZetaTalk: Belgium Flap

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Periodically UFO flaps occur, and this is by design. They take folks by surprise and by the time everyone is setup to

record the incident - they are gone. This also is by design, as the element of doubt remains. The flap creates discussion

and debate, and some evidence always exists to support the argument. During the Belgium flap significant evidence

was left, as those in possession of the evidence were credible. NATO radar documented the UFOs during their usual

maneuvers, and this documentation lined up with credible witness testimony. As the parties were clearly not in

collusion with each other, the evidence was impressive. Nevertheless, as will be the case throughout the Awakening,

some were unimpressed.

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ZetaTalk: Gulf Breeze

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ZetaTalk: Gulf Breeze

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

The initial Gulf Breeze incident, reported by a true contactee of one of the hominoid alien groups visiting Earth, was

genuine. This was a carefully planned series of sightings, which succeeded in that dozens of highly credible witnesses

stuck to their story. Ed Walters received an inordinate amount of harassment for having reported this, but to his credit

he stuck to his story. Unable to break the man, his detractors set about to defame him, and when this failed to stick

they played their remaining card - false follow-on sightings. Gulf Breeze is periodically rumbled with reports of fresh

sightings, but these are staged. All of this is intended to crowd the stage so that Ed Walters will be less noticed, and to

some extent this ploy has succeeded.

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ZetaTalk: Mexico City

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ZetaTalk: Mexico City

Note: written on Sep 15, 1995

The initial UFO sightings over Mexico City, during the celebrated eclipse, were genuine, and for obvious reasons. So

much anticipation, folks from all over the world, video cameras at the ready - to film the eclipse! This was an

intentional sighting, to press the envelope on the Awakening. Since the establishment could not possibly confiscate

every video, they chose to counter this undeniable sighting by clamping down on the news. Did the Mexico City UFO

Flap hit the news - CNN, TV, major newspapers, front page, even the back page? In the main it was utterly ignored,

and not because it wasn't newsworthy. Man not alone, UFOs exist, undeniable proof - this is not newsworthy? As with

the Air Force and pilots in general, reporters have learned that their life is so much simpler if they leave the alien issue

alone. Why try to fight a battle you cannot win? Even MUFON is dictated to, in this regard. They can only report what

is approved.

After the initial, genuine, flap, Mexico went the way of most - it went commercial. Scores of visitors, bringing good

US dollars, running about pointing at the skies. They all need to be housed and fed, and the price of incidentals can

fluctuate to meet the demand. In Mexico, too close to being a third world country for comfort, incidentals are hard to

come by. All sightings closely following the initial slighting over Mexico City were false. The plasma ships, a concept

that doesn't even make sense if one stops to think about it, and the stiff little gray gnome walking off into the night - all

hokum. We expect this to continue, however, with fresh variations, as long as interest in visiting Mexico to see for

oneself continues.

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ZetaTalk: Russian Sightings

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ZetaTalk: Russian Sightings

Note: written on Mar 15, 1996

Russia has been rich in her history of UFO sightings, and most such sightings are factual. Unlike the sightings in

Mexico, which became fraudulent for commercial purposes after the original sighting during the eclipse, the Russian

populace could not commercialize on their experience during the communist regime. Thus, the facts were recorded,

stories shared among the peasants, and the poetic Russian soul set to pondering a bit more about strange

manifestations, but nothing more was made of it. As the rural Russian populace has been isolated from the world press,

there was little worry about suppression. They were already suppressed. So the populace was free to chat over vodka

about mysterious lights among the trees or marks on the grounds where ships had apparently landed, as no one

considered this a threat.

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ZetaTalk: Israeli Sightings

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ZetaTalk: Israeli Sightings

Note: written on Nov 15, 1996

In the rash of sightings during the year preceding the millennium, those in countries normally intolerant of mysticism

have the greatest impact on the Awakening. Brutally serious, the Israelis have scant tolerance for playfulness or what

some might call flights of fancy. They consider themselves under assault from all sides, and anything less than sober

and grounded guardedness to be in essence an act of treason. Thus, when sightings are simultaneously reported by

large numbers of Israelis, the world takes this seriously, knowing the source. At the least, such sightings would have

been investigated, without delay, by the highly paranoid Israeli air force. Unless also officially observed, the sightings

would not be reported.

That mass sightings were reported and accompanied by a personal encounter makes these reports all the more startling.

The sober Israelis, who all but prosecute false stories so as to save their energies for the very real emergencies their

lives are constantly called to address, would surely have given anyone reporting a personal encounter a hard time. It

was for this reason that the contactee, who had requested this role and knew full well what to expect, was left with a

residual coating of powder to back up his story.

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ZetaTalk: Colorado Flap

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ZetaTalk: Colorado Flap

Note: written on Dec 15, 1995

The Colorado sightings, filmed by Tim Edwards, are a fraud, even though a number of individuals are involved. As for

the video footage examined and verified by a former NSA agent at the Village Labs in Arizona, how likely would it be

that the truth would emerge from the hands of a former government agent, sworn to uphold national security dictates?

Some members of MJ12, having lost the battle to suppress awareness of the alien presence, still want to control the

process. Thus, rather than assist those experiencing real sightings, where the circumstances and individuals involved

have already been cast, they stage their own. The problem with this approach is that it invariably contains the slant of

the directors, and thus is intrinsically a falsehood adding to confusion and deception - not really a help at all.

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ZetaTalk: CSETI

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ZetaTalk: CSETI

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

CSETI is an organization fronting for the establishment, not at all what it claims to be. Under the guise of seeking

contact with extraterrestrials, and supposedly succeeding, they hope to accomplish the following objectives:

Denying the existence of MJ12. While not directly addressing MJ12 they are suggesting that the leadership

should develop contact with extraterrestrials. This gives the impression to their readership that this contact

doesn't currently exist.

Denying the nature of The Call. The Call for contact is being given incessantly by humans and answered

promptly by aliens on Earth at this time. By asserting that they achieve success at certain settings and by certain

rituals, they are giving their readership the impression that they succeed where others have failed. The opposite

is true. They have not succeeded, and are lying, while true contact is being made by the sincere individuals

giving The Call.

Denying the nature of the Transformation. The Transformation is not and will not be accomplished through the

establishment, though they would love for this to be the case. Accustomed to control and the eyes of the

populace pointed their way, they are asserting this as a truth, hoping that the populace will swallow this.

Transformation efforts utterly bypass the establishment, and thus, in their frustration, they founded CSETI.

When CSETI did not have the success they hoped for with their earlier campaigns, they changed tactics. The populace

virtually ignored them in their me-first contact escapades, so they gave this up almost entirely and switched to a pro-

active role in the Awakening process. CSETI openly challenged the legality of MJ12's operating procedure, which

made good press but will amount to nothing. In fact, since MJ12's charter allows them to take the life of anyone

breaking their oath to MJ12, there will be no volunteers who are genuine MJ12 members. Nevertheless, this tack has

stirred interest in the possibility of a secret government existing, and to this end is beneficial.

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ZetaTalk: Dr. Greer

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ZetaTalk: Dr. Greer

Note: written on Apr 15, 1999

The Announcement on July 3, 1997 by Steven Greer, CSETI’s leader, that he suffered from a “metastic malignant

Melanoma” when no primary site had ever been identified reflects the changing nature of UFOlogy and most

especially the fate of any who align themselves closely with strong armed factions of the establishment. This was not

done by MJ12 nor any other arm of the government. Malignant Melanoma did not develop naturally in his body. This

is a particularly sadistic form of murder, as a metastacized Melanoma will likely not be eradicated and could be

expected to result in a lingering and painful death. Such a move is not made to silence someone, but to set an example

for those who might be thinking of following in his footsteps.

This is a frequent means used by the CIA to punish people. They infect them, with something the body has a great

horrific time getting rid of. It's a horror that people step away from, like being infected with AIDS. They become

remarkably cooperative. Dr. Greer was much more in hand in the past and began stating that he wanted to become a bit

of a rogue, be more truthful with people, and those who were his former handlers could not tolerate that. We of course

are speaking of the people in the CIA whom we have little love for. Dr. Greer has nevertheless proceeded in a

courageous manner and is moving however slightly in the right direction, so it has not stopped his message and his

determination to steer away from the original CIA plan and toward a more truthful message.

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ZetaTalk: Dr. Reid

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ZetaTalk: Dr. Reid

Note: written on Jan 15, 1999

The story by a certain Dr. Reid of a confrontation in the woods with an alien, which he managed to club into near

death, is false.

Certain elites who do not wish to see humanity embrace visitors from other worlds are becoming desperate. These

people are used to the thought that they have a captive slave class, much like the kings of old or lords whose serfs

could not leave because where could they run but to the next lord's lands where they would be caught and returned, a

virtual slave class. The thought of the Earth being constricted, delimited, where citizens must carry passports and the

like is comforting to those individuals at the top of the pile who have come to think of the working class as their

virtual slave class. Now in come visitors from outer space, chatting with them in the woods, meeting with them in

ways that can't be measured by the police force or those who might tap the telephone lines. This is very unsettling. It's

as though their slave class was escaping.

Their reaction, no matter how illogical, is to try to convince humanity not to speak to aliens, to fear them. This reaction

is much like governments who try to keep their citizens in control by stating that their neighbors are about to invade

them, or are planning to lob poison gas over the borders. This creates a wariness and ensures that the people feel

entrapped and therefore obey and pay attention to the rules and procedures laid down. This is an attempt to turn

humanity away from alien visitors and their warm embrace, to ignore the intrigue and interest that the average person

feels when contemplating visitors from other worlds.

These elites put forth the concept of confrontations with aliens, and of course confrontations are not to be where the

aliens eliminate the humans, as that makes the lords and masters here on Earth seem powerless. So rather they are

confrontations where if anything humans are going to be able to do away with hostile aliens. They hope in this that the

average man will cling to his establishment and run to the military in hopes they will protect them, or run to the

church. Likewise the notion that an alien can be killed by a human is patently ridiculous. How do they suppose we got

here? Clearly our technology is advanced. Why would we or any visitor blithely walk into humans without a defense?

It should be clear that we can disappear into other dimensions, and likewise any visitor on this Earth can do so. Why

would this escape not be used when club is coming down? It's silly, and invariably these frauds are proved false.

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ZetaTalk: UFO's in Africa

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ZetaTalk: UFO's in Africa

Note: written on Mar 15, 1996

Africa has a unique experience with regard to UFO sightings, as this continent is targeted by aliens in the Service-to-

Self orientation who hope to get a foothold on the Earth during the Transformation, where they would otherwise lose

out entirely on a world scheduled to become a home for the Service-to-Other. Sightings in Africa, therefore, are not as

elsewhere where they are a gentle nudge toward the Awakening. Sightings in Africa are not meant to intrigue, to set

the curious to asking questions or the casual observer to pondering. They are, rather, within the bounds of the restraints

imposed on ambassadors from the Service-to-Self by the Council of Worlds, meant to intimidate. Thus, where

sightings elsewhere are most often observed by adults, recent sightings in Africa have been experienced by

impressionable children.

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ZetaTalk: Mt. Shasta

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ZetaTalk: Mt. Shasta

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Ourselves and other alien groups in the Service-to-Others reside in 3rd Density on the surface of your planet, but for

obvious reasons do not take up residence out in the open or in populous areas or fertile land farmed and tended.

Wilderness or inaccessible places have proved to be the best homes, and this includes mountainous or desert areas.

Mountains hold natural caverns, most of which have never been discovered by humans, and the caverns are ideal -

capacious, secure, and temperature and humidity controlled. Mt. Shasta holds many such caverns in its vicinity, and is

indeed home to more than one group of aliens in the Service-to-Other orientation. As with other such sites, UFO's are

occasionally sighted and word gets around. Contacts are not, however, made any more frequently at such sites than

anywhere else. The reason is obvious. Should contact occur more frequently there, crowds of people camping out

might ensue, as contactees not uncommonly linger at or return to familiar contact sites as this aids them in their recall


Drawing crowds and remaining secure in a hidden home are activities at odds with one another. Any reports of making

contact at Mt. Shasta are therefore either wishful thinking or spinning yarns.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:08 AM]

ZetaTalk: Call Down a Ship

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ZetaTalk: Call Down a Ship

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding deliberate attempts by humans to communicate openly with us by signaling our craft, hoping for a response.

This is a point of much confusion among humans. Are they not giving The Call? Why are we seeming not to respond?

We are not allowed to dance in the skies at your request. The Call is personal, relating to a chat with the person, and

this is done by speaking to the subconscious as your mass consciousness has not yet risen to the level where we can

present ourselves consciously. You give The Call, and may not know consciously that you have done so. Likewise,

whether you consciously or unconsciously give The Call, we will respond to you in your subconscious. If you recall

this, because you meditate or undergo hypnosis, our response may appear in your conscious. However, when

presenting this to the mass conscious, your public, your recall can be questioned, and this is by design.

If we cannot dance in the skies at your request, then what are all the reported sightings about? There are several

criteria that must be in place before a sighting can occur. First, all who will be able to see the ship, in 3rd Density,

must be sufficiently acclimated so as not to be alarmed. Second, the sighting must not be able to be recorded on any

media that cannot be disrupted. This precludes live TV, for instance. Personal cameras do not stop a sighting, as we

actively destroy film in personal camera at the present time. The picture simply does not develop. Third, the overall

impact of reports of the sighting must not trip the balance among other groups, such that they move from curiosity to

fear. Where humans complain when a local sighting is not reported broadly, this in fact furthers our progress. The

locals can be acclimated, at their own pace.

However cruel this may seem to those who desire contact, openly, with us, we must consider the welfare of the mass.

Most humans are aware that aliens exist, but are only comfortable with this on a theoretical basis. Meeting face-to-face

is another matter. Dealing with the hard reality is another matter. Fireside chats about these matters, when one is

comfortably at a distance, is much different than finding out that it is all so true.

We will relate this to an experience where an explorer packs up and plans a hiking trip. Yes, he knows that wild

animals roam the forests and hills. Yes, he knows that the wild animals potentially to be encountered will not harm

him, as they are deer or elk or small wild cats or foxes and the like. Nothing that would undertake an attack on a

human, and in fact, quite the reverse. The explorer sets out, all confident and well prepared. Then off in the hills, all

alone and at some distance from civilization, the explorer encounters a fox. Both freeze. The fox is in fact terrified,

frozen in its tracks, but the explorer, never having seen a fox before, is subject to all kinds of misinterpretations. That

mad gleam in the fox's eye, which is in fact terror, is interpreted as unmitigated furry and determination. That fluffy

tail, which is in fact a defense mechanism of the frightened fox, is seen as the fox's preparation to attack. Long after

the fox has bolted into the woods, the explorer will find his heart beating wildly, and he will be uneasy for the rest of

the trek.

Therefore, while we appreciate attempts to call forth a meeting, by individuals or groups, we cannot have these

meetings in your conscious. We would suggest, to those feeling disappointed, that they check in with their

subconscious. They may be pleasantly surprised!

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:08 AM]

ZetaTalk: Mass Landing

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ZetaTalk: Mass Landing

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

Regarding mass landings. This will not occur. This rumor has been spread by Service-to-Self groups, periodically,

because of the fear and anxiety this engenders in humans. This is by design, as frightened humans are more easily

pushed into becoming recruits for the Service-to-Self orientation in that these emotions tend to focus one on the self.

There will be no mass landing. None. The Council of Worlds will prevent this, and in fact has prevented this in the

past. As such a happenstance is much desired by the Service-to-Self, they have of course pushed endlessly for this.

Why has this not occurred to date? Because controls are in place. We will relay that the only circumstances that would

allow for a mass landing to occur would be for the majority of the Earth's inhabitants to turn to the Service-to-Self

orientation, and by majority we mean that almost 100% would have to be at that point. This high percentage is

required, as the Service-to-Self are not given to free will latitudes, being coercive intimidators.

To those in the Service-to-Others orientation, however, the concept of free will is natural. Those in the Service-to-

Others are not striving to raise the anxiety level or frighten humans during the Awakening. In fact all aliens visiting

Earth at this time are required to record a visit only in the subconscious so as not to trip the balance in the general

populace, as the orientation of the future Earth has been, by vote of Earthlings, to be Service-to-Other. It is not

ourselves in the Service-to-Others orientation, therefore, who would benefit from rumors of a mass landing.

Reports of pending mass landings periodically make the rounds. As this will not be allowed, why do these reports

continue to emerge? The answer lies in looking to who benefits from the reaction to these reports. As we are restrained

by the Rules of Engagement from discussing activities of those in the Service-to-Self, we can say no more regarding

any specific rumor.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:09 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circles

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ZetaTalk: Crop Circles

Note: written on Jul 15, 1995

Humans have always stood in awe of Crop Circles as you can be assured this is not the first era where they have been prevalent. They speak to the subconscious, which sees the patterns and senses their meaning, and the conscious hasn't

a clue. What is their meaning? Crop Circles are telling you, in a universal language, of coming events, and we are

speaking here not only of physical events, such as the pending pole shift, but spiritual as well. In the past these simple

but eloquent messages were left, with increasing frequency and urgency, leading up to the shift. This time, because of

the Transformation, there is more than one message to relay. What are these messages, and why not simply speak

them, or leave written word? Well, of course contactees are receiving these messages, face- to-face, but what about the

rest of the world. Crops Circle creation is managed by a group of aliens that cannot participate in the Earth's

Transformation in any other manner, as they are a life form that lives in the water, and thus their ships are filled with the atmosphere that they breath - water. Thus, this is how they serve.

Observers have noted that Crop Circles seem to appear almost instantaneously. They blink, and then notice that

something is different in the vista before them. By what process is this accomplished? If space ships are landing and

impressing the ground, then the time seems too short. If rays of energy or a force field are involved, all this passes the

notice of the observers. Crop Circle creation does not require a landed ship or physical force. The grain lies flat

because the structure of the stems has been altered, one side of the stem rapidly growing in a process the reverse of

what occurs when growing plants bend toward the light. This growth spurt occurs low to the ground, the particular ray,

like laser surgery, focused there. The swirls are created due to the circular motion of the affecting ray, which circles

like the hand of a clock, dropping the grain stalks such that they fall almost simultaneously.

Are Crop Circles more effective than words? Absolutely. They register in many parts of the brain, and tell the story

with greater depth. A picture is worth a thousand words. Symbols are used to relay astronomical occurrences, effects

of one planetary body on another, motion and direction, pace, change, and for those who have sensed their meaning,

they also relay ratios and relative force. Stand before these pictures and let your subconscious speak to you, and see the

forest and the sky, rather than the trees. Are not the patterns being presented in increasing complexity, in step with

your Earth's internal response to her approaching brother? Crop Circles began with a simple circle, stating that the

Earth is unruffled in her orbit. Then dual circles and rings, relaying the approaching interaction between the Earth and

her brother, the 12th Planet. The rings, of course, are the influence of gravitational pull, increasing. Long lines

connecting circles - does the 12th Planet, acting as a comet, not have an approach? Peripheral circles - the other

planets in your Solar System, or in the wider system that comprises the 12th Planet's journey.

And what of the Scorpion Tail, the connected and curving series of dots? Does not the comet travel with an entourage

of minor moons? As the giant comet dominates with its gravitational field, the moons are not pulled into conflict

regarding their place. They trail after their traveling master, like little ducklings in a row. Would not the 12th Planet's

moons circle, as do moons humans are familiar with? Where the orbiting motion of moons is assumed to be due to a

balance between the centrifugal force of the moon and attraction to the home planet, there are other variables. The

orbiting moons are in motion because they are reaching for the Sun and other planets, like a twirling dancer forever

undecided on a partner.[2/5/2012 11:39:09 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circles

The helix, misinterpreted by many to be a DNA strand, is a pictorial representation of the Earth's rotation and the

manner in which it begins to align with the rotation of the approaching 12th Planet. As we have explained, the Earth's

rotation is caused by the motion of elements in the Earth's core attempting to escape or approach influences in the

wider solar system. The Earth's rotation is already slowing, a fact noted by your scientists and various excuses already

published in the media. To those who would disbelieve that the 12th Planet's influence could be that strong from afar,

we point to the delicacy of many matters in nature. The Earth's normal rotation is a careful balance taking into account

all the factors in the solar system and beyond. It takes but a feather to trip the scales when they are perfectly balanced,

and the 12th Planet's influence on the Earth from afar acts in this manner.

The ball of overlapping circles, all touching an inner circle, is meant to convey a new phenomenon occurring on Earth,

preparing those who see it for the manifestation of this phenomenon. The Earth's magnetic field currently curves far

out in space, so that on the surface of the Earth a compass almost always points north. Increasingly, as the Earth's

swirling core is pushed to line up in opposition to the magnetic field of the approaching 12th Planet, it will send out

minor magnetic fields that do not point due north, but wrap back into the Earth in the manner portrayed by the

overlapping circles.

Crop Circles present an opportunity to understand, at a glance, the decade ahead. As the pole shift approaches, they

will present an accurate weather prediction, a guide to family affairs, a time table for settling matters and preparing for

the future, the truest touch stone that mankind will be given. Visit them often, if only in picture form, and let the

message soak in.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:09 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Clues

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ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Clues

Note: written on May 15, 2002

Mankind often complains that crop circles are not clear in their intent, their message. It is clear they are increasing in complexity, often have circles that might be considered planets or suns in a solar system, and their relationship by

some force or another. We have stated that the makers of genuine crop circles are speaking to the subconscious of

man, which understands the message even if the more rigid conscious resists. The subconscious understand the body

language of someone afraid, or feeling sexual, or resentful. The conscious is aware that the rules of society are being

followed, the right clothing worn, and the schedule on time. Thus, the conscious views crop circles and puzzles over

them, but the subconscious understands.

Mankind is aware, both subconsciously and consciously, that the weather has become unpredictable, the poles melting,

and the fauna and flora about him migrating and behaving out of keeping with what is expected. They see the Moon

with halos about it, the jet stream passing clouds overhead in odd ways, and note that no one seems to have an

explanation outside of what seems silly. If Global Warming is the issue, then why does the US excuse itself to pollute

merrily away? What crop circles are presenting is the relationship between the inbound planet and the other planets in

the solar system.

Where a scorpions tail is presented, this is the manner that the Moons of the inbound planet trail a traveling

planet. Thus, the message "traveling" has been given.

Where several planets are placed with lines drawn between them, this is presenting the many pushes and pulls

that planets have against one another. One such force is gravity, which both pushes and pulls, another is

magnetism. There are many other forces that affect the placement of planets in the ecliptic, but man is unaware

of these particle flows so we will not expound.

Where crop circles were simple at first, a single circle, this message was, they are static, established, and the

push and pull balanced so what you see perpetuates itself. What we call the equilibrium of the solar system.

When more circles are entered, and lines drawn, this represents the equilibrium being disrupted.

Large designs such as snow flakes, where there is a branching from central points, these central points then

connected, are relaying yet another message. Each of these planets has it's own kingdom, and influences its own

moons and the like. Yet they likewise affect each other.

We would suggest those curious about the meaning of these genuine crop circles do through their history, placing them

on a table by date, and pass their eye over them. They will see the equilibrium of the solar system being disrupted as

these circles progress over time. They will get the feeling of what is happening to the solar system, where many

planets and moons of these planets are exhibiting a disturbed equilibrium, changing, heating up, or whatever. Once

having gotten that feeling, the conscious is allowing the subconscious to speak more loudly, and this should be allowed

to continue. Never mind what other humans have told you are the explanation for crop circles, you listen to your


All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:10 AM]

ZetaTalk: Circle Locations

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ZetaTalk: Circle Locations

Note: written on Feb 15, 1996

Where crop circles do occur worldwide, they receive more press and attention in certain countries, most notably

Britain. Crop Circles occur just as often in third world countries, but where one is faced with starvation, crop circles

take a back seat. Long after the harvest, there is little to investigate. Britain was once the supreme superpower, ruling

the waves with her ships, and her people long yet to be first at something. Consequently, due to the press that is given

crop circles in Britain, some of the best crop circles have been placed there in anticipation of good press coverage.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:10 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Video

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ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Video

Note: written on Jan 15, 1997

During 1996 several breakthroughs occurred in the Awakening. Genuine implants were dug out of contactees and

examined by scientists, real UFO's were captured on video and shown to the public by CNN, and a crop circle was

filmed in the making. Filmed under circumstances that could hardly be questioned, the video nevertheless was roundly

criticized and pronounced to be a fake, which it is not! Where crop circle fraud, or at least fraudulent claims, had been running parallel with the real thing in England, here was the real thing! It has taken a bit for the reality of that fact to

sink in, but the validity of the video is now beyond dispute. It stands as testimony beside the human witnesses who

have stated that crop circles are laid down almost in an instant, something no human hand could accomplish.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:11 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Hoaxes

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ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Hoaxes

Note: written on Sep 15, 2001

Crop Circle hoaxes appears early in the game, when the populace became aware of legitimate crop circles and

entranced by them. Hoaxes were led at first by the CIA, as an arm of MJ12 and nervous government heads,

particularly during the Reagan/Thacher era. England, as we have mentioned, was a choice location for legitimate

circles as the populace is intelligent and given to puzzle solving, and publicized their circles well and with great pride.

The early Hoaxes were simply bumpkins announcing they had laid them with boards, and demonstrating this. This

took time, did not bend without breaking the grain, did not make perfect geometry, and left footprints all over the area,

but the media was instructed to give these bumpkins credit and being run basically by the establishment or friends of

the establishment, they did as instructed.

In 2001, a new brand of hoax appears, which was quickly recognized for what it was. Not given the major media

coverage that the early hoaxes were granted, these were left to be examined by talk shows and the public, who quickly

recognized the crude and unfamiliar characteristics. Where legitimate circles have perfect geometry, are laid down

almost instantaneously and without footprints, and leave the grain bend and growing, these lacked all of those

characteristics. More particularly, they were designed, rather obviously to be understandable to the public, with

recognizable features and symbols - the Face on Mars, data sheets, and automobiles. More grain was trammeled than

left standing, a technique to cover footprints, and any geometry imprecise. Who did these hoaxes in 2001, and why?

Factions have developed in the establishment, often running in different directions. Early in the cover-up of the coming

pole shift and alien presence was determined to fool the populace about the coming pole shift until the end and retain

the respect of the populace by keeping them ignorant of the alien presence. But in by 2001, a major faction had

decided that alerting the populace in some way about the coming earth changes would allow some to survive and

become farming communities, thus taxable and able to be ruled by an elite. Likewise, since the alien presence was

making itself known, absolute denial would lead the populace to ignore the establishment, a loss of respect. However,

within the establishment, resentment of the new approach lingers, and it was these rebels who perpetrated the hoax,

desperate to get the upper hand in some manner. Expect this to be followed by announcement of the human

perpetrators. Few who have viewed legitimate circles will be fooled.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:12 AM]

ZetaTalk: Renewed Circle Hoaxes

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ZetaTalk: Renewed Circle Hoaxes

Note: recorded during the May 11, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Re the Chilbolton circles, which show a face and a pattern akin to binary code or radio - there are several indications

that these are man-made, not genuine.

1. They do not follow the previous pattern, which is mysterious and circular, not rectangular and obvious.

2. They are crudely done, with broken grain which will not grow again and grain bend in all directions.

3. They are not the size of genuine circles, being tiny not massive, and thus able to be done by man in his fakery.

So what was the point? Why were they done? The early debunkers claiming to have done the circles with boards, in

England, got lots of media attention but were not, frankly, believed by the public. Those running the debunking

program wished for a fresh start, and these circles are an attempt to get back into the media. After awhile, the plan was

for them to come forward and present video of the making, and thus debunk afresh that crop circles are alien.

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ZetaTalk: Future Circles

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ZetaTalk: Future Circles

Note: recorded during the May 11, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Crop Circles will appear as long as a place to draw them exists, right up until the shift itself. If grain fields become

scarce, then desert sand might be used. As in Australia lately, carving rock strata might occur. In that the mankind will

be more fearful, more likely to be in touch with their subconscious, over this next year, going into the shift, circles will

have more impact and thus will most likely appear more often. They will, we predict, get less media coverage than before, becoming a local phenomena. But the impact may be greater for this, as visiting such as creation has an impact

far beyond simply seeing pictures.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:13 AM]

ZetaTalk: Windmill Hill

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ZetaTalk: Windmill Hill

Note: recorded during the July 27, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

This newest, and magnificent, crop circle shows a Closing Circle, not the relationship between celestial areas of influence only somewhat affecting each other. Notice the closing circle, the tightening noose. What is this saying? That

the time for distance, and nominal, affect, is past. It is saying that the hand that was only swatting at you, from afar, causing a whistling wind past your ears, is now gripping you by the ear, and shaking you! No more wondering about equilibrium, and what we mean by this when we explain how a planet so far away can affect your weather. Now you

will see this monster approach, and your governments quake as the increasing earthquakes, as it is upon you! This is what the newest circle in England means, in case this meaning escaped your notice.

All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:39:13 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Correlation

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ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Correlation

written August 8, 2003

The 6 appearing in various crop circles represents different aspects of Planet X, coming together, as well as a time sense. This has been a repeating theme of crop circles lately, so the point will not be missed.

Nancy has lately noticed that a third persona has appeared, in the form of a red cross, in photos, very recently. As the planet gets closer, red light that scattered before and did not form into a persona of note is now dense enough to be noted. This will not be the only aspect of Planet X of note, and when listed will encompass 6 - the red dust in the tail, the moon swirls, the debris that becomes meteor showers, the red persona which carries the volume of light, the white persona which represents the physical placement of the corpus, and the newly emerging persona of the red cross. During the week of rotation stoppage, these aspects come together, which the August 3, 2003

Boroughbridge circle shows.

In the August 4, 2003 Walker's Hill circle, there is a pointed reference to increasing size, over a 6 day period of the Planet X complex as viewed by the human eye from Earth. This 6 day period nicely matches the 5.9 day period of rotation stoppage before the shift, and this interpretation was the one intended by the makers. Crop circles are always given in a universal language, and a day, a full rotation of the globe, is something all cultures record in some manner or another.

Nancy has also noted that the July 20, 2003 Hackpen Hill circle has 6 circles after the small circle, and surmised this meant days of rotation stoppage after the 36 hour day when rotation rapidly slows to a stop. Here again the largest circles are related to visibility during that week, the increase in only days to that point.

All this leaves to conjecture just when rotation stoppage will occur, which is by design. As we have stated repeatedly, to give a date would allow those who would murder hundred of millions of innocents advance notice and opportunity to implement their plans.

July 20 Hackpen Hill

August 3 Boroughbridge

August 4 Walkers Hill[2/5/2012 11:39:14 AM]

ZetaTalk: 2003?

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ZetaTalk: 2003?

written Dec 12, 2003

Is a pole shift still a Certainty? Regarding the Ecliptic Rise analysis, what impact might these various approaches (left, right, under, or over, into Earth's orbital plane) have on Geographical safe/unsafe

locations, or the approximate stated 5.9 day window of stoppage/shift? I would imagine the Zetas took all

of this into consideration.

Though resented by many, who are looking for specific dates by which to wend their way through the obligations that

human social structures place on them, our lack of specific dates have distressed the elite, which would impose Martial

Law and bring pain and anguish to the majority of the world for their benefit, should they know a specific date. This includes those who moan that our lack of specificity, and the White Lie, have distressed them, however real their

distress might be. Work and school schedules, bill payments, family vacation plans, business arrangements, all stand in

front of any survival plans, for those more aligned to the social structures than to their own instincts for survival. This

is not our concern, but your concern, in this regard. In all these matters, only you can decide the right timing, the right choices, for yourself. We are not your parents, and would suggest anyone in anguish over this take their complaints to

NASA and the White House, and demand to be informed.

Martial Law, the entrapping and poisoning of hundreds of millions, the herding into work camps, the bonds of slavery

at pain of mutilation of your children before your eyes, these are only a few of the horrors that awaited you. Their

plans required exacting timing, as we have explained endlessly, and though we could tell you not only the date and

hour of the shift, but also the likely minute, we have been an endless dilettante regarding the specifics the

establishment needed for their evil plans: the distance of Planet X during the Spring of 2003 and into the present, its

exact location among the personas that appears in photos or to the naked eye, its likely pause points, points when it

changes direction, points when the magnetic fields will clash and to what degree. All have been withheld, to save the

majority of mankind from the horror they cannot imagine, in their desire for convenience in their schedules.

In 1995, when we stated what the heralding signs of the approach of Planet X would be, we studiously did not include

Moon orbit aberrations, Earth orbit aberrations, or the Earth’s rise in the Ecliptic which has occurred periodically to

place the S Pole of the Earth above the N Pole of the approaching Planet X. It can be quickly ascertained that all

heralding signs we predicted had a human explanation thrown into place going into this time. Global Warming for

weather changes, additional quake monitors for the increase in quakes, increasing asteroid traffic, and especially solar

flares for magnetic irregularities and interference with power grids and satellite communications and even by

implication what is sighted next to the Sun by millions, the Second Sun. Why did we leave out the orbit irregularities?

Note there is no explanation, or even discussion of these. Caught with their pants down, on something the common[2/5/2012 11:39:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: 2003?

man cannot miss, the Moon in the wrong place, and the Sun rising and setting too far south!

We would suggest to those wondering just what date will mean what change, when to stop paying bills, make their

move, risk the anger of those who are firmly in denial, that they look to this, the utter lack of explanation from the

establishment, the media in lock step with the cover-up, for their explanation of why no clue as to when major earth

changes will slam the Earth will come from us. They are still not telling you! They still hope to ease their path, better their control of you in the Aftertime, by keeping any information they have to themselves. What more proof do you

need for their agenda than to look at the Moon, the Sun, the skies, and understand that no explanation is forthcoming

from NASA, the observatories and scientists they control, the politicians bought and paid for, and the media so

diligent about bringing you the news that this is the last thing you hear about, the biggest news of your lifetime!

It should be noted that the body of ZetaTalk, collected over the years and representing great consistency

and accuracy, is valid, with the exception of the date of passage.

ZetaTalk: Earth Changes

The Earth, Sun, and [Planet X] will thus Form a Triangle in the Earth's orbital plane with a 23 degree

angle at the Earth, an 18 degree angle at the Sun, and a 139 degree angle at [Planet X]. It is at this point,

essentially, that [Planet X] is closest to the Earth, as with the angle of entry into the Earth's orbital plane

being 32 degrees at this point, [Planet X] essentially dives up through the Earth's orbital plane and

quickly passes on.

ZetaTalk: Entry Angle[2/5/2012 11:39:15 AM]

ZetaTalk: Swept into Disaster

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ZetaTalk: Swept into Disaster

written during the Jan 30, 2004 Lou Gentile Show

As we have mentioned, surprises in the dance between the Earth and the approaching Planet X have, overall, proved a

disaster for the cover-up, and a benefit for the common man. For all the exacting detail we relayed on the effects of the

shift and precursor events such as the increasingly erratic weather, worldwide crop disasters, increasing illness, the

lineal increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity, and most impressively the exact location during 2001 and into

May, 2003 where the inbound Planet X could be sighted in the skies, there were occurrences we left out, deliberately.

No mention was made of the orbit changes the Earth would take in her attempted evasion of Planet X, lifting up to a

higher Ecliptic plane and lately halting and reversing her orbit. No mention was made of the tilting the Earth has done,

while in the grip, magnetically, of the monster magnet Planet X. No mention was made of the reflected light the Moon

and Venus would show at this time, absolute evidence of light from Planet X. Taken by surprise, the cover-up artists

stand in stunned silence while the common man makes note.

In that we wish to continue to cause the cover-up to stumble, we will not reveal

cards yet to be played, steps in the dance between the planets that we know will

occur, but the cover-up artists will be ignorant of, and thus stumble and expose

themselves. But it is no secret that the Sweeping Arms of the Sun, occurring as

the classic crop circle depicting them shows, about 8 times a year, with

regularity. These arms are what cause the planets to all orbit in one direction, as

they are swept in that direction. The last arm swept by Earth around Dec 25, the

next expected by the anxious humans watching the drama to start around Feb 9,

2004. Each sweep causes the Earth to move forward toward Planet X, and the

monster moving in a retrograde orbit to jump over the arm toward Earth,

suddenly. The last sweep halted the Earth in her orbit, and she is now scuttling

backwards in an attempt to escape. This has put continuous stress on the Earth, as the sweeping arms are always

present to some extent, pushing her forward into the magnetic jaws of Planet X. A trap. A squeeze. An Unshakable


The next sweep will force the two planetary magnets closer together, with the Earth, as always, the loser. If crust

movement disasters have been on the increase, this is only a hint of what will occur when the magnetic grip on the

Atlantic Rift forces serious and steady slowing in the Earth’s rotation. Quakes will increase, disasters related to crust

adjustments will increase, as though from a cry to a scream. Take the effect of exploding gas lines and refineries,

ruptured water mains and dams, collapsing buildings and industrial accidents, derailing trains and capsized ferries and

ocean going vessels, disconnected or dropping bridges and emerging sinkholes, and multiply them ten-fold. Serious

slowing will commence, a certain sign we have mentioned as rule one in the watch for when to expect imminent

disaster. No longer confused by manipulation of sunrise and sunset times by the Navy, no longer confused by tilting or

bobbling of the Earth, but a clear steady beat of the drum warning of certain and imminent disaster.[2/5/2012 11:39:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: Tilting, Leaning, and Dropping

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ZetaTalk: Tilting, Leaning, and Dropping

written Feb 29, 2004

Have you considered posting more info about how off positioned the constellations and planets are? The

moon and whatever planet or star is always near the moon are way off, and Orion is too far south from my

view here in Eugene, Oregon.

As we have stated recently, there is strong evidence of the Earth rising up or as has recently occurred, down in the

Ecliptic, as many note the sun too high or low in the sky. Tilts are also in evidence due to a different arch in the sky

painted by the Sun, different rising and setting points for the Sun, and weather and cold patterns. But what does this do

to the view from Earth of the constellations? A tilt will cause them to be presumed to be too far south, if the tilt of the

Earth is toward the Sun, or too far north if the tilt is away from the Sun. Imagine a rowboat on rough seas, where the

prow of the boat is pointed up along a wave crest, the boatsman surprised to find his view of the shore below him. A

tilt will also change the direction of east and west. Imagine this same boatsman finding his boat rocking to and fro,

such that his left shoulder is much above his right, due to the restless waves beneath him. He glances to his left,

expecting to find the shore line, and finds he is missing the shore, as his left and right shoulders are not level. Were the

Earth merely Tilting, computations would be simple, but it is currently also leaning and Dropping below the Ecliptic.

All this changes the view of constellations, as N/S and E/W has changed somewhat, and the degree to which the

viewer must look over the curvature of the Earth to view the constellations has changed.

Where is the Earth, on this date, in relationship to Planet X? Remarkably, and not at all by accident, the ZetaTalk

Triangle which we detailed in 1997, and which appeared in dual July 4, 2003 Wisconsin Crop Circles, describes the position these planets are assuming. Planet X, as we have described, has its N Pole leaning toward the Sun's S Pole as

it passes this pole and rises to the Ecliptic, the Sun's middle. This causes Planet X to swing its S Pole outward, back in the direction from whence it came, Orion, as S Poles repulse. As it is moving in a retrograde orbit, it is carrying this

skew toward Earth, which it encountered on or about Dec 25, coming toward it. The Earth reacted by moving its S Pole

away from the S Pole of Planet X, as S Poles repulse, thus assuming a reverse skew and tilting its N Pole in toward the


What does this triangle say about a drama about to occur? We have stated, in our cagey dance with the elite and their

plans to murder hundred of millions of the Earth's populace outright, and selectively exterminate others, during the

coming pole shift, that any maneuver that will discombobulate the elite is justified, including confusion about what the

dance of the planets will bring. We have stated that rising and dropping in the Ecliptic, a move of the globe that can

hardly be missed by the common man, was not predicted by us, nor the erratic movements of the Moon, nor the

reflected light from Planet X that cause the Moon to be full days earlier and longer than anticipated. Thus unprepared

with a prepackaged excuse, the elite fall mum, saying nothing, and the common man takes note. We have stated

variously that Planet X would come to within 14 million miles of Earth during its passage, and elsewhere that it would[2/5/2012 11:39:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: Tilting, Leaning, and Dropping

pierce the Ecliptic approximately mid-way between Earth and the Sun, and recently, that the Earth would Draw Nearer

the Sun during this drama, both because of increased gravity giants on one side and because of the magnetic grip of

Planet X upon the hapless Earth. Thus, the ZetaTalk triangle shows Planet X closer to the Earth than a mid-way point,

as the Earth will move in.

Is tilting, leaning, dropping, and now tightening up the last phenomena, the last card to be played? Hardly. We note

that the elite have still not informed the public, the taxpayer, the little man used as drones in the work trenches, of

what is to befall them. They are still making their own arrangements, stock piling goods, defending the perimeters of

their enclaves, all without a word to the hard working families which they have used as virtual slaves, fodder feeding

their arrogant demands for comfort and power and prestige, caring not for the lives of innocents or the pain denial of

this vital information will cause. They still harbor in their hearts a desire to entrap and enslave the common man,

though expectations of being able to enforce Martial Law when the date seems so uncertain are fading. Blame anyone

for the lack of a certain date, blame them, as they are the reason no date can be given.[2/5/2012 11:39:16 AM]

ZetaTalk: Orbit Lock

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ZetaTalk: Orbit Lock

written May 29 2004

The incidence of 6 or more arms, seen in so many crop circles over the years, all

with a central point indicating, obviously, the Sun, is an unmistakable clue that

there is a pattern to the orbits around the Sun, guided, nudged, sorted out and

placed, by something emitted from the Sun. In this particular new Arkansas circle,

the counterclockwise motion created by these emanations is likewise clear. Where

the Sweeping Arms of the Sun were shown with a pattern of 8 per year, the

emanation that controls the orbit distance from the Sun is paced with 6 or more

sweeps per year of another kind of emanation from within the Sun itself. These

crop circles with diagrams of 6 or more always have an outer edge, indicating they are not infinite. Thus a planet

halted in its orbit, as Earth is, finds itself reminded of this distance more often than when traveling ahead of this

particle flow sweep. This reinforced reminder comes at a time when Earth is frantically trying to escape the magnetic

grip of Planet X, but, as we have stated, it cannot.

Why do the planets select an orbit ring, and stay in it? Venus and Earth are the same size, but Venus rides closer,

Earth further out. By what rule do they stay in their lane, even when seldom close to each other, and almost always

apart by large spans of space? Each planet stays at the outer edge of a particle flow emitted from the Sun, that outer

edge where that planet is comfortable, the flow not creating a crowded particle flow for that planet as an independent

system. Since we have stated that Earth once rode an orbit within the Asteroid Belt, and after collisions with Moons

trailing Planet X during one of its many passages arrived at its new orbit, this might seem a contradiction, but the mass

and composition of Earth changed at that time. It lost much of its core material, exploded into space as magma, the

stuff asteroids are composed of. It lost the majority of its water, spewed likewise into space, the stuff comets are

composed of.

This crop circle is reminding mankind that Earth cannot escape Planet X by leaving its orbit. It cannot leave as gravity is pulling it into the Sun. There is more than the Repulsion Force, the outward flow of gravity particles, keeping the

Earth at the distance it steadfastly maintains. There are hundreds of such particle flows, almost all unknown to

mankind, controlling orbits. Earth is positioned at the distance from the Sun she is, as at this point the crowding of this

particle within her system as an independent center is not creating a bumping outward away from the Sun. Earth has

come as close to the Sun as she can, and there is locked in her rut, her orbit. As the Dark Twin likewise cannot leave

his orbit, and has come up behind Earth creating havoc if the Earth attempts to back up away from the oncoming

Planet X, this lock into orbits is doubly significant. Can’t move back. Can’t move in. Can’t move out. Can’t move

forward, as there stands the monster Planet X![2/5/2012 11:39:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Orbit Lock[2/5/2012 11:39:17 AM]

ZetaTalk: Magnetic Trimesters

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ZetaTalk: Magnetic Trimesters

written June 6, 2004

Why is it the Sun, as the giant magnet dominating the solar system, points North and South with its poles in the

directions it does? For those late to this argument, the Sun does not reverse polarity every 11 years as NASA states,

and the solar Magnetic Field reaches beyond the outer bounds of the solar system, affecting all the planets. The Sun likewise is under the dictates of influences that surround it, and as the Sun goes, so go the planets. We have mentioned

that there are hundreds of particle flows that reach out from the Sun’s middle as it rotates, the most obvious particle

flow the one that brushes the planets along in their counterclockwise orbits, known as the Sweeping Arms of the Sun due to their regular Impact during the staring contest between the Earth and Planet X. The Sun likewise is subject to sweeps, from elsewhere, which affect her internal gyrations such that dozens of the particle flows moving into and out

from the Sun are affected, and this passes down to the lowly planets circling the Sun like litter caught in a whirlwind.

Since man is still arguing over our simple explanations of how gravity and magnetism work, and is still sputtering that

that their assertions about the Sun’s polarity reversals is correct, despite their own Ulysses probes findings, we decline

to detail all these particles flows as it will only result in endless theoretical arguments by those with big egos and small

minds. But will address their impact on Earth and their relationship to some recent crop circles.

We have explained that Orbit Lock occurs because planets are held away from the Sun at the particle crowding point they can tolerate. More than the gravity repulsion force is at play in holding them away from the Sun, as hundreds of

particles crowd toward the Sun. Some particles reach the crowding point, the orbit, and return to the Sun at that point,

a roiling that is a tug on the planet riding that orbit. Like a ship on a tossing sea, the planet is subject to this roiling.

For the Earth, one of those particle flows is in the electromagnetic spectrum, and varies three times during an Earth

year as HAARP Documentation shows. These flows affect the planets orbiting the Sun regardless of their placement

around the Sun, as it is an outburst from the Sun, not a sweeping arm directed and in synch with the Sun’s rotation.

Thus, the Earth’s halted orbit does not allow her to escape its influence nor affect the timing.

Summer Trimester (May-Aug)

Normally a time when the outburst is strongest. And as can be seen by a comparison for the

Summer of 2003 to the year before, the influence of Planet X coming into the inner solar system

created a conflict for the Earth. During this trimester, Planet X was skewing its poles to align with

flow lines on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth, creating a dissonance.

Fall Trimester (Sep-Dec)

Normally a time when the annual outburst is diminishing. And as can be seen by a comparison for

the Fall of 2003 to the year before, as the Earth approached the point where Planet X was entering

the inner solar system their conflict lessened as they both moved to share flow lines on the same

side of the Sun. In December, when the Earth halted in front of the approaching Planet X, in fact

almost striking a chord.

Spring Trimester (Jan-Apr)

Normally a quiet time when the outburst is quiescent, just ahead of the yearly burst during the

Summer Trimester. And as can be seen by a comparison for the Spring of 2004 to the year before,

with the Earth and Planet X being in close proximity, there is little discord.

What will happen during the coming weeks, when the Summer Trimester continues during a time when Planet X is

rising to the Ecliptic such that it will suddenly align with the Sun rather than skew along a magnetic flow line, and

when Earth is pressed into Planet X by the crowd of inner solar system planets behind and to either side of it - the Dark

Twin, Venus, and Mars. None are magnetic to the degree that Earth is, but add their influence to the distressed Earth[2/5/2012 11:39:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Magnetic Trimesters

by creating Whiplash scenarios. Like a magnetic cloud enveloping this grouping of planets and the interloper, Planet X, it will make any magnetic alignment more intense, more violent. This is the message these crop circles are relaying.

Ridgeway, May 25 2004

Falmer, May 28 2004

Beacon Hill,


Arkansas, 2004

Ohio, Oct 2003

Jul 4 2003

Aug 5, 2001[2/5/2012 11:39:18 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Language

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ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Language

written June 12, 2004

Look this instructive crop circle appeared in Italy [June 2, 2004]. Will

we see the Planet X so huge in front to the sun?

There are many clues that bind crop circles together, repeated symbolism,

occurring in conjunction with other symbols. The series of embedded circles, ever larger, implies to most all viewer a

growing presence or influence, a rapid engulfing, and in the most recent circle in Italy, a rapid supplanting. We have

stated that when Planet X moves between the Earth and Sun to the point it blocks or interferes with the Sun as the

dominant magnet in the vicinity, the setting for rapid rotation slowing and stoppage and an imminent pole shift will be

made. How have crop circles implied this, in a universal language that speaks to the subconscious of all, regardless of

the differences a culture may impose or the inability of man to understand the guttural sounds coming from the voice

box of another. The bow, swinging from one side of the halo circle to the other, seen in both Italy and Poland, implies

a supplanting of influence, a blocking, and is new in 2004. Has a Sun halo not been seen, increasingly, during the last

few months? The eye, at the center of the squeeze, links many circles and their symbolism. Whether coming up from

the South, below the Ecliptic, as implied in Ohio, or from the side as implied in Britain circles, the squeeze is the

same, to force a side by side alignment of the Earth's magnetic fields with those of Planet X. This is confirmed again in

the most recent eye squeeze from Britain, where the lay of the circle is clockwise, the retrograde orbit and rotation

direction of Planet X.

What in sum is the circle in Italy saying? That Planet X is moving past the Sun in a direction that will take it closer to

Earth, implied by the direction of the engulfing circles away from the Sun. That it will move from slightly below the

Ecliptic to above the Ecliptic during this drama, shown by the small circles placed within the concentric circles. And

that a full 90° turn will be the result, the pole shift, implied by the placement of a new pole in the Earth at a 90° offset

from the magnetic key in the Sun.



Sep 9, 2003

May 15, 2004



Aug 24, 2003

Aug 3, 2003[2/5/2012 11:39:19 AM]

ZetaTalk: Crop Circle Language[2/5/2012 11:39:19 AM]

ZetaTalk: Magnetic Resonance

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ZetaTalk: Magnetic Resonance

written June 16, 2004

Crop circles try to relay complex concepts with simplicity, and thus often show their relationship to each other by

simple symbols so the complexity can be comprehended. We have stated recently that Magnetic Trimesters exist, a fact that can be determined from the HAARP documentation, and that crop circles with a distinct pattern of three

curved arms, such as Beacon Hill and Ohio below, relate to these trimesters.

Beacon Hill

Ohio Oct, 2003

Jul 4 2003

Both these circles above are showing their relationship to another symbol, the evenly spaced balls around the outside

of a circle, something occurring in syncopation to the magnetic sweeping arms. Thus, when this same pattern of three

balls evenly spaced around a larger ball appears, shown recently in Falmer below, the syncopation relationship to

magnetic trimesters is inferred. What is also inferred is that this syncopation of three is repeated, outward, from the

Sun, a resonance during the trimesters.

Falmer May 15, 2004

In that a year ago in California two balls were shown in the trisection points, and in Ohio just four months later this

same two ball formation is shown leading into a dumbbell formation, a progression is shown. California implies that[2/5/2012 11:39:20 AM]

ZetaTalk: Magnetic Resonance

the balanced trimester resonance is normal, but Planet X, coming in from beneath the Sun, forces a distortion in the

resonance. Ohio shows that this disruption is caused by the angle of approach, not directly under the S Pole of the Sun

but approaching at an angle. This angle also creates a distorted resonance within Planet X.

California June 27, 2003

Ohio Oct 2, 2003

A common symbol in crop circles is also the timeline, a series of steps along a line. In the recent Hertfordshire crop

circle the pole shift is shown to be related to magnetism. During the approach the normal resonating trisections around

Planet X are distorted into two dumbbells due to the closeness of the Sun. The closeness of Planet X distorts the

resonance the Sun emits outward, represented in the midsection of the crop circle, into a distorted resonance. But as

Planet X passes the Sun, moving from the S Pole to align with the Sun's magnetism and exiting on the N Pole side, a

dramatic change in the polarity and position of Planet X as it leaves the solar system sets this back to the normal

resonance configuration. It also, during this transition, creates a 90° crustal shift in the Earth. This is not simply the

Earth adjusting to the passage of a large magnet, Planet X. It is that both Planet X and Earth are in a maelstrom of

magnetic particle flows, distorted, and eager to establish the usual balance. Both mere flotsam, in the magnetic sea.

Hertfordshire June 11, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:20 AM]

ZetaTalk: Flow Lines

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ZetaTalk: Flow Lines

written June 18, 2004

We have explained that as Planet X approaches from beneath the Ecliptic at a 32° angle and moving toward the Sun's

S Pole it Tilts and Leans, first turning its S Pole away along the line of approach, the magnetic flow line on that approach, and then swinging its S Pole to the other side as it passes under the Sun so as to line up with the magnetic

flow lines on the other side. At present, these flow lines are causing Planet X to assume a 45° angle from the magnetic

alignment of the Sun. This can be seen in crop circles laid down on the same day in Canada and Britain, Aug 8, 2003.

Planet X has a retrograde orbit, clockwise, and this is the direction of sweep in the key shaped symbols, often

embellished with lines indicating the direction of magnetic flow lines, which tighten as they approach the Ecliptic, the

center of the dominant magnet, the Sun.

West Overton: Aug 8, 2003

Saskatchewan: Aug 8, 2003

We have explained that the Normal Alignment for magnets is either end-to-end or side-by-side, so that having a large magnet swinging up at an angle along the magnetic flow lines is a stress on all other magnets in the vicinity, of which

the Earth is one. There is a tug to align with the 45° tilt of Planet X, and the normal insistence to remain in a side-by-

side alignment with the Sun. The side-by-side alignment is represented by parallel lines along the time line, with a

clear indication that Planet X changes position in this regard more than once. The cupped circle, at the ends of the

times lines in the Aug 8, 2003 circles above, represents Planet X punching through the Ecliptic where it can at last

make a rapid escape from the inner solar system. Does Planet X thus move to align first with the flow lines on one side

of the Sun, during its approach, then swing to align with the flow lines on the other side of the Sun as it passes beneath

the Sun, then align side by side as it arrives at the Ecliptic, then swing again to align with magnetic flow lines above

the Sun as it prepares to exit? What would this do to the Earth, caught in an Unshakable Grip, during these throes.

Manitoba: Aug 12, 2003

Ontario: Jul 23, 2003

Ringmer: Jun 15, 2004

Nancy was quick to note that the dual crop circles that appeared on July 4, 2003 in Wisconsin contained our ZetaTalk

Triangle. They also contain the 45° angle of tilt Planet X assumes along the magnetic flow lines as it approaches the Ecliptic where it will suddenly assume a side-by-side alignment with the Sun. Why then are there two sets of parallel

lines in this circle? Because as Planet X goes, so goes the Earth, in the Twirling Wobble we suggested would soon[2/5/2012 11:39:21 AM]

ZetaTalk: Flow Lines

occur. It is currently tilting toward the Sun and leaning toward Planet X, a situation that became more extreme over the

past few months so that the Sun is in the extreme north, the Sun arc high, many degrees beyond what is expected for

Summer in the northern hemisphere. The dance that will occur as Planet X dances past and through the Ecliptic is

complicated and full of surprises. Once again we remind the establishment that if they wish to have forewarning on

these matters, they are still not sharing what they know with the common man, are still maintaining the cover-up, and until the common man hears our message at the same time the elite do, there will be surprises, for all.

Wisconsin: Jul 4, 2003

Wisconsin: Jul 4, 2003[2/5/2012 11:39:21 AM]

ZetaTalk: Serpentine Dance

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ZetaTalk: Serpentine Dance

written June 23, 2004

The mysterious Yin Yang symbol, interpreted endlessly to be the balance between male and

female, aggression and passivity, the dark and the light, or any balanced element both physical

and spiritual that the human mind and soul can encompass. Interaction, the one growing, the

other diminishing, is inherent in the symbol. Crop circles have included not only the Yin Yang

symbol but a type of serpentine linking of such symbols. They also indicate that at the center of

a Yin or Yang half there is an orb, a planetary body. What happens when the magnetic fields of

planetary bodies, with dissimilar rotation directions, intertwine? We have stated that planets

with magnetic fields, like all magnets, want to align end-to-end or align side-by-side, but due to

the forces that hold planets in their orbits and at a distance from their Sun, they most often align

along magnetic flow lines also. Enter Planet X, which is not establishing an orbit that circles a Sun but is slinging

through. Of all the planets in its path, crowded around the Sun in the inner solar system, Earth is the only one that finds

itself in a magnetic dance with Planet X. Mercury is too close to the Sun, and escapes because Planet X by its mass is

held at a further distance from the Sun. Mars is outside of the sling orbit of Planet X, and escapes as a peripheral body.

Earth lies in the path of Planet X, as its orbit is crossed during the passage.

We have stated that the orbit of Planet X assumes a retrograde orbit as it approaches the Sun, hopping the sweeping

arms of the Sun to escape the crowding these arms impose. More than the orbit of Planet X is affected by this, and the

rotation of Planet X, a slow roll, also assumes a retrograde motion. The sweeps, being a particle flow, move all of the

planet, core, crust, and mantle, from the outer edges of the planet in, during the Sweep, and this effect is what creates the rotation direction. It is no mistake or accident that the rotation of the Earth is counterclockwise, as this is its orbit

direction. This is the direction both the planet and its molten mantle assume, nudged by the sweeping arms. The effect

of the sweeping arm, enveloping the Earth as shown in a recent crop circle from Honey Street, impels the rotation of

Earth counterclockwise, but, the arm has a different influence on Planet X, moving clockwise and rotating clockwise as

it passes through the inner solar system. This is a clash, a reversal for Earth when it encounters the massive field of

Planet X, and thus the serpentine influence, as in Tistead. This is also shown as a blocking influence, as in Windmill

and Ontario, where the rotation direction of the magnetic fields directly clash. Who wins in this? It is no contest, and one of the reasons for Earth's rotation slowing to a stop during the passage is this clash. The magnetic field of Planet X

is slinging at Earth's field, a constant barrage, as the distance between them closes.

West Tistead

July 20, 2003

Jun 7, 2003


Jul 20, 2003

Hackpen Hill

Windmill Hill

July 30, 2003

Honey Street

Jun 21, 2003

Jun 16, 2004

Waden Hill[2/5/2012 11:39:22 AM]

ZetaTalk: Serpentine Dance[2/5/2012 11:39:22 AM]

ZetaTalk: Slow 270° Roll

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ZetaTalk: Slow 270° Roll

written June 25, 2004

The pole shift has been described, at its simplest, as the S Pole of Earth being dragged along with the N Pole of Planet

X, thus turning the Earth on its head or nearly so, this process stopping before it is completed with a 90° turn of the

crust. In that Planet X moves along the magnetic Flow Lines of the Sun as it passed the Sun's S Pole, creating a Tilting

and Leaning of the Earth in its stalled orbit, it is clear that neither planet retains an alignment with the Sun during the passage. In addition to the flow lines, both planets have magnetic fields that rotate, in the direction of their respective

orbits, which creates a Serpentine Dance entwining their magnetic fields and forcing a blocking of the Earth's field when they clash as Planet X massively outweighs the Earth. The Earth will experience more than a twirling wobble

during the passage, more than a simple 90° turn during the hour of the shift, as a complicated magnetic dance is about

to ensue, beyond what man might imagine. If the distorted Magnetic Resonance detailed in Herfordshire will result in an 180° reversal of Earth's core and a 90° adjustment for the crust, what steps occur prior to this hour of radical


The possibilities range broad, and as we have repeatedly stated, we are not going to be specific until the establishment

starts to share what they know with the populace. Thus, the possibilities listed below should be considered speculative, at this time.

Both planets simply line up with the Sun's magnetic orientation, side-by-side, with the Earth grinding to a halt as

the rotation of the magnetic fields clash and the Atlantic Rift as a magnet on the crust is gripped. In view of the

complexity of the crop circles recently laid down, this seems too simplistic.

Planet X temporarily assumes the 45° tilt and lean along the flow lines we have indicated, pulling the Earth into

a 23° tilt and lean toward Planet X, both implied by Woodingdean. But there is a hint of a different alignment

directly out from the center of the Sun.

Planet X remains on the flow lines of the Sun, increasingly at an angle to the Sun, causing the Earth's tilt to be

more extreme, until, as Magnets Do, the Earth is in an extreme tilt, almost lateral to the Sun, the Sun virtually

rising at the N Pole as seen from Earth. Again, given the complexity of recent crop circles, not the last dance,

but implied in Fort Nelson in the angle of the small bodies, planets, caught in the magnetic maelstrom.

Planet X, finding itself tilting along the flow lines while close to the Sun, does a slow roll to align with the Sun

at its middle, the S Pole slung away from the Sun's S Pole, this direction and momentum continuing until it rolls

270° to click into a side-by-side alignment with the Sun. This is implied in Eastfield, a 270° roll both before

and after the timeline.

Planet X does more than one 270° roll, as the fastest way to align itself again with magnetic flow lines after

piercing the Ecliptic, as implied in Eastfield, the second roll culminating in the passage where the visible

presence of Planet X increases enormously during the week of rotation stoppage. The timeline implies a position

of Planet X prior to the passage that include angles of 45° on either side and a 180° reversal in between.

Planet X first approaches creating wobbles in the orientation of the Earth as it passes the Sun's S Pole, then a

tight lock while rising through the flow lines to the Ecliptic, then slinging the Earth in a radically different

orientation (denoted by the beak) during a 270° roll, and then halting the rotation of the Earth as the Atlantic Rift

is gripped in line with Planet X. Both Gopher and Woodborough imply this.

And where is the Earth in all of this speculation? More than a twirling wobble is implied. More than a 23° tilt and

lean. The Earth's magnetic field participating in a slow roll with Planet X such that no one on Earth could deny that

something is amiss. The cover-up, blow apart and shattered, without warning. The panic the establishment hoped to

avoid suddenly upon them. The controlled panic the establishment hoped to gain by open discussions on the issues

such that the populace is aware of what to expect, and what to do, and when, no longer possible because they had

failed to degrade the cover-up and focus rage on the perpetrators in time.[2/5/2012 11:39:22 AM]

ZetaTalk: Slow 270° Roll



Ft. Nelson



June 15, 2004

June 15, 2004

June 11 2004

June 20, 2004

June 21, 2004


Jul 27, 2003[2/5/2012 11:39:22 AM]

ZetaTalk: Buzz on Out

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ZetaTalk: Buzz on Out

written July 3, 2004

We have stated that of the Magnetic Trimesters the current time, Summer in the northern hemisphere, is the most volatile, and that crop circles with three points around a circle represent the trimesters. We have also stated that the

Magnetic Resonance has become lopsided, due to the presence of Planet X, such that one side of the solar system has become weighted, heavy, and distressed. Why is it that Planet X is ejected so rapidly from the solar system, that after a

pole shift human reports do not relay a lingering fire dragon in the sky, but rather a long day or night of horror and

then living in gloom and drizzle and leaving the shattered cities? A mere week, during rotation stoppage, when there is

without a doubt the presence of a monster with a writhing tail near the Sun. Does Planet X leave more rapidly than it

approached? We have relayed repeatedly that Planet X stuggles to pierce the Ecliptic, drops from a 11° angle below

the Ecliptic to a 32° angle for the passage, due to crowding at the Ecliptic. To what degree is a slingshot effect,

ejecting a body that has created an imbalance, come into play? The Ecliiptic is where a backwash of particle flows

return to the Sun, and Planet X is heading into this backwash as it attempt to leave the Sun, thus creating additional

crowding. It is not the direction of particle flows that matter, it is the degree of crowding.

What symbolism could the circle maker use to relay the thrumming stuggle of this massive planetary magnet, 23 times

the mass of Earth, as it attemps to punch through the crowded Ecltipic, facing a massive headwind but driven on its

path by the Repulsion Force from the Sun. It presses forward but this creates additional crowding, so is driven back a

bit, then another press forward. Is this not the anoying buzz of an insect? It is balance that is sought, in particle flows,

and when entering a side of the Ecltiptic where this particle crowding is absent, the Repulsion Force that has been

pressing Planet X forward on its path has free reign. A sudden, and violent, exit from the solar system!

California : June 27, 2003

Milkhill : June 26, 2004

California : June 17, 2004

Ohio : Oct, 2003

Utah : June 29, 2004

Tegdown : June 30, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:23 AM]

ZetaTalk: Buzz on Out[2/5/2012 11:39:23 AM]

ZetaTalk: Asymmetrical Affair

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ZetaTalk: Asymmetrical Affair

written July 8, 2004

Crop Circles are often noted for their beautiful symmetry, as though painted by an artist. What man sees as beauty is what God

has painted, as in nature balance is sought and achieved. We have explained that the planets maintain their Orbit distance due to a particle flow crowding near the Sun, are Swept along by an invisible broom of particles, rolled into the Ecliptic by a backwash of invisible particles, aligning themselves with a Magnetic field which is yet another invisible particle, and held at bay from the Sun by yet another Blast of invisible gravity particles. We have described the early signs that Planet X was beginning its passage, in 1995, as a disrupted Equilibrium in the solar system, the long reach due to the many particle flows that man is unaware of. Crop Circles that present symmetry are presenting the undisturbed solar system, and in a similar manner, Crop

Circles that present a chaotic picture are showing you how the passage of Planet X disrupts this symmetry. A common theme,

as we have mentioned, is that 23° is the Key. One can note, in the Crop Circles presenting an imbalance, that the resolution or exit point represents a 23° angle from the norm.

Why is 23° the key? It is not by accident that a 23° tilt of the Earth occurred during the swift pole shift during the Last Passage

when little lingering during a face-off occurred, as Planet X was already at the Ecliptic when the Earth arrived to face it. As we have mentioned, the Earth had barely started into a crust shift when it was jerked back into alignment with the S. Pole of Planet X, now quickly above the N. Pole of the Earth. And this was the angle at which Planet X was exiting. The core of the Earth gradually, within days, aligned magnetically with the dominant Sun, but by this time the Earth's rotation had already established itself, thus the offset between the geological and magnetic poles that exists today. If Planet X was exiting at that angle, might this be the angle it assumes, along the magnetic flow lines of the Sun, as it approaches the Earth in her orbit? Asymmetrical

Crop Circles are relaying the degree of distress, in crowded particle flows, in conflicting forces, that the passage of a massive magnetic planet too close too the Sun for its size, causes. This is not a happy time for man, as weaving too and fro, often with sudden jerks, Planet X creates particle flow distress for the Earth as well, in her wake. A wild ride, with many surprises, that explanations such as Global Warming or asteroid swarms scarcely cover.

Market : July 5, 2004

Rabley : June 30, 2004

California : June 17, 2004

Utah : June 29, 2004

Woodborough : Jul 27, 2003

Belgium : June 21, 2004

Utah : July 6, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:24 AM]

ZetaTalk: Ready to Tip

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ZetaTalk: Ready to Tip

written July 8, 2004

We have explained that Planet X aligns with the magnetic flow lines of the Sun as it rounds the Sun just beside the S.

Pole, and heads on out toward the hapless Earth halted in her orbit. We stated on June 18, 2004 that Planet X was at that

time leaning at a 45° Angle, N. Pole to the Sun's S. Pole, in accommodation. A close look at the most recent circle laid in Coventry, Britain, shows the placement of Planet X, as it strives to pierce the Ecliptic, to be passing that point along the magnetic flow lines, and poised for a potential 270° Roll. The Earth, already leaning toward her brother, will surely notice.

Coventry : July 4, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:25 AM]

ZetaTalk: Juxtapositioned Planets

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ZetaTalk: Juxtapositioned Planets

written July 14, 2004

We have mentioned that an Engulfing Arc represents the magnetic influence of Planet X supplanting the Sun's dominance. Planet X is rounding the Sun to the right of the Sun's S. Pole, just below the Ecliptic, and is coming almost

directly toward Earth, halted in her orbit. The trajectory angle is such that Planet X will shoot over the top of Earth, but

before this moment, much drama will occur. We have mentioned the Tilt and Lean of Planet X as it rounds the S. Pole of the Sun is the factor causing the Earth to tilt and lean, creating at present a Sun rising in the extreme north and a

skew such that the noon Sun is in the southeast, and moving steadily in that direction despite the Solstice having

passed. We have mentioned that Planet X might assume an almost horizontal alignment along the magnetic flow lines

prior to such a roll, pointing its S. Pole outward and thus creating an irresistible magnetic tug for the Earth's N Pole,

tilting toward Planet X such that the Sun almost rises over the N. Pole, a phenomena hardly explained away by Global

Warming or distracted by terrorism warnings. We have mentioned the possibility of a 270° Roll where Planet X would move to align side-by-side with the Sun's magnetic field by continuing the momentum already established rather than

a jerk back. We have mentioned the Earth participating in this roll in some manner.

In Crop Circles depicting the relationship between Planet X, the Earth, and their Sun during these gyrations, numerous

juxtapositions of the planets are presented.

The first position shows the planets beside each other, but not bound by a bar. Such a

position would occur only where the Sun's magnetic field is dominant for both planets, a

situation that prevails until Planet X is positioned between the Earth and Sun,

supplanting itself as the dominant magnetic voice the Earth hears. This is the current

situation, where both planets are on the Sun's magnetic flow lines, and where Planet X is tugging at the

Earth, it is not yet dictating to it, as the Earth is struggling to maintain its magnetic allegiance to the Sun.

The second is a position so close they are represented as being stuck on each other, the

smaller Earth a literal growth on the body of the larger Planet X. This implies an

extreme, and temporary, magnetic connection such as might occur during a 270° roll

where the planets, as magnets, have their poles lined up end-to-end, momentarily.

Where the pole shift we have described is swift, during the course of an hour, and caused by rapid

movement of Planet X out of the solar system in a slingshot manner as it escapes the extreme particle

crowding created by its presence, the 270° roll is a slower process, and thus does not tear the crust of the

Earth from her core.

The third position shows the planets held apart, represented by a bar between them, and

this forced distance can only occur in a side-by-side magnet arrangement where the flow

of magnetic particles around each planetary magnet requires some space. This, as we

have stated, is the alignment that creates rotation slowing to a stop, as daily the Atlantic

Rift faces Planet X or is in opposition to the larger field of Planet X, and is directed to remain in a side-

by-side alignment. This arrangement, the bar arrangement, is depicted in Crop Circles as occurring as a

last step in a sequence, as this is the position just prior to the pole shift.

The sequence is thus that Planet X first creates a tilt, lean, and wobble in the Earth as it rounds the Sun's S. Pole and

skews along the Sun's magnetic flow lines. Then creates a tight end-to-end lock with the Earth while rising through

these flow lines to the Ecliptic, where Planet X stands almost horizontally along the magnetic flow lines surrounding

the Sun. Then Planet X continues its momentum in a 270° roll to align side-by-side with the Sun, creating gyrations in

the Earth during this slow roll until the Earth likewise settles into a side-by-side lock with Planet X and rotation[2/5/2012 11:39:26 AM]

ZetaTalk: Juxtapositioned Planets

slowing to a stop begins. Crop Circles depicting the entire sequence look scattered or confused, as the various positions

in the dance of the planets seems slung from this side to that in the field. Do the planets in fact move about during this process? Indeed, yet another part of the drama we decline to discuss at this moment, as the establishment is still not

sharing the information they have with the public, and has still not positioned the media such that our message is

received by the public simultaneously to the elite being privy to it. We are implying here TV and radio broadcasts, live.

In the mean time, get ready for a magnetic dance of the planets beyond man's imagination.

Czechoslovakia : July 4, 2004 West Kennett : July 13, 2004

Italy : June 2, 2004 Poland : May 15, 2004

Eastfield : June 20, 2004

Gopher : June 21, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:26 AM]

ZetaTalk: Not Nuclear

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ZetaTalk: Not Nuclear

written July 18, 2004

An increase in sun spots and solar flares occurred when Planet X first moved into the inner Solar System during the

Summer and Fall of 2003, and this is again the situation. At a time when the Sun is supposedly at solar minimum,

activity is at an all-time high. These solar burps are insignificant, however, no more significant than tree branches

moving under a gentle breeze, and merely reflect a change in the particle flow distribution due to the presence of

Planet X. This was true when Planet X zoomed at high speed into the inner Solar System in the early days of 2003,

creating a disruption due to its speed and then the sudden braking action taken as the Repulsion Force kicked in, both

actions a change for the existing particle flow distribution. The reverse is true now, with Planet X picking up speed as

it has passed the S. Pole of the Sun, and propelled by the Repulsion Force, is preparing to punch through the Ecliptic

and rapidly exit the inner Solar System. For those humans anxiously watching the Sun's burps and wondering if their

Sun is going nuclear, it is not. The most recent Woodbridge crop circle is clearly reassuring mankind, by using the

universal symbol for radiation warning, within the circle, within the Sun, bounded by many layers of protection. Your Sun will remain as you remembered it, and is not the source of danger you need to be concerned about.

Woodbridge : July 13, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:27 AM]

ZetaTalk: Time Line Clues

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ZetaTalk: Time Line Clues

written July 18, 2004

We have explained that the Bow engulfing the Sun represents Planet X supplanting the Sun's influence as it moves increasingly to a point directly between the Earth and Sun. This is again shown in the recent Southfield diagram as

coming from the side of the Sun, and below the backwash of the Ecliptic. From the time the diagram in Italy was laid, until Southfield, this supplanting of influence has increased from approximately 50% to 60%, for the observant, a

timeline to be watched. The circle makers conveniently placed their diagram along field lines to highlight this


Southfield : July 15, 2004

Italy : June 2, 2004

We have explained that the magnetic alignment of Planet X or the Earth, either along the magnetic Flow Lines of the Sun or in a side-by-side arrangement, are represented by the bars along the time line. In Asymmetrical diagram,

likewise, diverse placements of these instances represent the drama to come as different placements of the planets

during the dance of the passage. Where two bars exist, this is a single side-by-side arrangement for a single planet, but dual bars represent two planets in a side-by-side arrangement. Likewise, horizontal bars indicate more than one planet

aligned end-to-end along the magnetic flow lines of the Sun. What then is to be made of the diagram at Pegsdon,

where the 23° angle of exit of Planet X is clearly indicated as it approaches the Sun at a 32° angle from beneath the

Ecliptic? Here again a time line clue is given for the astute, as there are three magnetic planets in the inner solar

system now, Mercury, Earth, and Planet X. Pegsdon shows three horizontal end-to-end alignments, then a single side-

by-side where Planet X aligns thus with the Sun, then a disturbed switching about akin to the 270° roll we have

predicted for Planet X, with separate actions on the part of Earth and Mercury during this time, all prior to the exit of

Planet X where it again assumes an alignment along the Sun's magnetic flow lines.

Pegsdon : July 10, 2004

Wisconsin : July 4, 2003

We have referred to the orb with the halo as representing the Sun, often seen with a halo during this past year. What

then do dual suns on either side of the Sun represent? If the Ecliptic is a backwash of particle flows, then these[2/5/2012 11:39:27 AM]

ZetaTalk: Time Line Clues

particles emerge from the Sun at its poles. These particles are not magnetic particles which move from pole to pole,

but are particles that return to the Sun with a prime directive to avoid crowding, which they do by going under or over the Ecliptic, the farthest point from which they emerged. Thus those particles emerging at the N. Pole return under the

Ecliptic, and those emerging at the S. Pole of the Sun return above the Ecliptic. The particles involved in this dance are related, just as electro-magnetic particles are related and often dance together. This stability remains, unaffected by the

passage of Planet X, but the reason the Earth at present has a 23° Rotation tilt is not by accident. As we have explained, as Planet X exits, its rotation alignment assumes a 23° tilt to the Ecliptic, and as Beckhampton explains, this particle flow is assuming increasing importance as the point of passage approaches.

Beckhampton : July 15, 2004

Rabley : June 30, 2004

Belgium : June 21, 2004

Clearly reminiscent of the Insect diagram presented in June, the recent Windmill diagram presents more complexity, hinting at the sequence of events that will be encountered as Planet X punches through the Ecliptic. Reverberations of

four, then five, then reverberations that pile on one another, so that one does not end before another is on top of it,

creating echoes and a lateral spread under the Ecliptic that suddenly dissipates. For those wondering what a

reverberation is, we suggest visiting the documentation gathered on what Nancy calls the Sweeps, where planets halted in their orbits before the monster Planet X, coming at them in its retrograde orbit, are battered by the various sweeping

arms of the Sun as they are forced into each other and ricochet back and forth. For those watching the sweeps, and the

patterns they present, this again is a clue to the timeline.

Windmill Hill : July 17, 2004

Milkhill : June 26, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:27 AM]

ZetaTalk: Time Line Clues[2/5/2012 11:39:27 AM]

ZetaTalk: Mirror Ecliptic

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ZetaTalk: Mirror Ecliptic

written July 27, 2004

We have stated that long Line diagrams with distinct angles represent steps over time. Planet X has slung past the Sun's S. Pole at 45° angles, will assume a lateral position, then a 270° Roll to reach the heart of the matter, as Pewsey states, where its entry to the Ecliptic will be mirrored during its exit. This mirror can be seen in Pegsdon, where the

slight angle difference from the 32° approach to the 23° Exit can also be seen. Due to the rapid exit that Planet X

makes after piercing the Ecliptic, it does not align with the magnetic flow lines of the Sun as it did on its approach, nor

does it force the other planets into compliance with its orientation.

Diagrams, which imply, like a necklace with beads balanced on either side of a large center stone, as represented in

Margery and Waden Hill, are speaking to the Sling Orbit of Planet X. The fight with the Ecliptic is not present on its return passage 7 years later, as it pierces the Ecliptic on its approach to the Sun, going with the backwash particle

flows. The intensity of the backwash at the Ecliptic is show as increasing near the Sun, the true meaning of the heart

shape in Pewsey and the dew drop shape in Southfield and the pointed overlapping circles in the nose of the Milkhill insect. This backwash flow from the poles of the Sun round to the middle, unlike magnetic particle flows that go in

and out at the poles.

Pewsey : July 22, 2004

Pegsdon : July 10, 2004

Margery : July 18, 2004

Waden Hill : June 21, 2003

Milkhill : June 26, 2004

Southfield : July 15, 2004

x[2/5/2012 11:39:28 AM]

ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles

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ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles

written July 27, 2004

We have stated that the Yin Yang symbol or

We have stated that diagrams with

We have stated that Planet X

Serpentine motion or blocked serpentine

closed circles represent Orbit Lock.

creates an Asymmetrical Affair of

motion represents the clash of rotation

Planets cannot leave their orbits

particle crowding during its fight

direction between the Earth and Planet X, a

because this is where the gravity tug

to pierce the Ecliptic, moving into

factor in the Earth's rotation slowing to a halt. toward the Sun and particle flows that

the backwash. Planet X also

Pewsey20 is a reminder that the Earth is

planet is susceptible to are balanced,

assumes a Retrograde Orbit,

chasing ahead of the Sweeping Arms of the

unlike the Sweeping Arms of the Sun

jumping over the Sweeping Arm

Sun, which move counterclockwise, but is

which reach out to all the planets in the of the Sun. At the Point of

being blocked in this by Planet X, as

solar system. Orbit lock is heavily

Passage, it transfers this particle

evidenced by what Nancy calls the Sweeps,

implied in Etchilhampton by the

crowding from beneath the

which have been evident as distressful to the

primary numbers 13, 11, 7, 5. No

Ecliptic to above, predictably

Earth for this past year, four full quarters.

mixing or subdivision possible.

during a sweep.

Pewsey : July 20, 2004

Etchilhampton : July 25, 2004

Woodborough : July 21, 2004

Beckhampton : July 15, 2004

Southfield : 2003

West Tistead : Jul 20, 2003

Belgium : June 21, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:29 AM]

ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #2

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ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #2

written July 29, 2004

We have stated that a Pulsing

We have stated that the periodic

We have stated that Magnetic Trimesters exist

action will occur as Planet X

Shuddering, as shown on Live

for the Earth year, with Magnetic Resonance

pierces the Ecliptic. Again in

Seismos is caused by the impact of

created, and that the present of Planet X in the

Tan Hill we see this insect

Planet X coming head-on toward the inner solar system has created a distortion in

with its stinger pointed in a

Earth and the other planets, and that the resonance. This distortion creates a heavy

clockwise manner, ready to

the Reverse Direction of the

crowding near Planet X, which disturbs the

sting the Earth, sweep toward

respective planetary rotation is a

entire inner solar system such that to achieve

it in a counterclockwise

factor in the Earth slowing to a stop balance the crowding is light on the other side

manner. Planet X is rounding

in the week prior to the shift. That

of the Ecliptic, as shown in Strzyzawa. The 23°

the Sun in a Retrograde,

this point is about to begin is shown Angle taken on exit is a result of this, the easier

clockwise, manner.

in the recent Avebury diagram.

path to reducing the crowding.

Tan Hill : July 28, 2004

Avebury : July 26, 2004

Strzyzawa, Poland : July 7, 2004

Spain : June 26, 2004

Milkhill : June 26, 2004

Honey Street : Jun 16, 2004

Tegdown : June 30, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:30 AM]

ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #2[2/5/2012 11:39:30 AM]

ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #3

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ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #3

written July 29, 2004

We have stated that Planet X

does a dual 270° Roll as it

We have stated that Engulfing

We have stated that this Juxtaposition is caused

positions itself along the Sun's

Circles imply Planet X rising from

by the magnetic malestrom Planet X creates as it,

magnetic flow lines both above

beneath the Ecliptic, toward Earth,

a massive magnetic body too close to the Sun it

and below the Ecliptic, and that

supplanting the magnetic influence is passing, jerks into postion along the Sun's

the Earth participates in this,

of the Sun increasingly. Thalheim

magnetic Flow Lines. As both Patney and

being the lesser magnet. Brunoy shows us this engulfing occuring in Wylatowo show, Planet X is moving at an angle

and Taber both show this dual

two different directions, as the dual toward the Ecliptic, and thus an imbalanced

270° roll to be in opposite

270° Roll of Planet X will place the crowding occurs, tossing both it and the Earth

directions, and in close

planets in a radical Juxtaposition.

into voids during the 270° Rolls.

proximity to the Sun.

Brunoy, France : 2004

Thalheim, Switzerland : July 7, 2004

Patney : July 28, 2004

Italy, June 2, 2004

Wylatowo, Poland : July 6, 2004

Gopher : June 21, 2004

Ohio : Aug 24, 2003

Czechoslovakia : July 4, 2004

Taber, Canada : July 7, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:31 AM]

ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #3[2/5/2012 11:39:31 AM]

ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #4

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ZetaTalk: Reminder Circles #4

written Aug 5, 2004

We have explained that the Yin Yang

We explained that the Coventry

We have explained that Orbit Lock occurs

symbol represents the clash of rotation

diagram showed Planet X along the because planets are held where they

direction between the Earth and Planet X, a Sun's magnetic flow lines but still

cannot leave due to the gravity pull of the

factor in the Earth's rotation slowing to a

well under the Ecliptic, on July 8,

Sun, but can come no closer because of

halt. In both Westbury and Beacon, this

Ready to Tip into a 270° Roll . In

particle crowding they are sensitive to. The

symbolism is shown to be central, with

the recent Etchilhampton, it has

double lines seen around the Sun in

both the Earth and Venus now caught

reached the Ecliptic, centered on the Nukerke and Nashenden imply an

before the retrograde press of Planet X.

crop lines, a clear warning for

intensified lock, a lockdown, during this

The clockwise, retrograde, sweep of Planet mankind that their days of slow

time when the gravity pull of Planet X

X has now become the dominant influence awakening to what is about to grip

adds to the pull of the Sun. The planets in

for both. No escape for the hapless planets them have passed.

this lock cannot escape the coming clash.

in its path.

Westbury : Aug 1, 2004

Etchilhampton, Aug 4, 2004

Nukerke, Belgium : July 28, 2004

Etchilhampton, 2002

Beacon : July 30, 2004

Coventry : July 4, 2004

Nashenden : July 30, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:32 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hoaxes

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ZetaTalk: Hoaxes

written Aug 5, 2004

Characteristic of the recent hoaxes, all of which have appeared in Witshire county in the UK is their preference for straight, rather than curved, lines, and inclusion of mazes. No legitimate diagrams to date have included a maze, anathema to the intent of the circle makers which seek to educate, not confuse, mankind, yet hoaxes almost prefer them as a maze has straight lines. Hoaxes also tend to be small in size, or in locations distant from public view. Hoaxes lack the characteristics of legitimate circles which are crop bend at the growth nodes, not broken, and crop laid in different directions overlaying each other, and precision in line and curve. What is to be learned from the hoax circles? They take the symbolism of legitimate circles and distort them, not unlike the disinformation

distortion given our words. Legitimate circles do not include faces, as in a prior year hoax of the face of a Zeta or Art Bell, not mazes interpreted to be binary or other code. Hoaxes hope to grab public attention by such gimmicks, and when revealed as hoaxes, cast

aspersions on all circles. Legitimate circles have a resonance with other legitimate circles, like the cadences of a symphony, all building upon one another.

In addition to laying down original hoaxes, the hoaxers employed in Wiltshire county in the UK have been assigned the task of

ruining legitimate designs. Where Golden Hill was taken to be manmade, because the hoax team was seen emerging from its location, this is a legitimate circle. The team left because it did not lend itself well to sabotage. Note the Similarity to circles following in Beacon Hill and Westbury. A key indicator of sabotage is change after the creation date. Legitimate circle makers have no reason to delay, and their trademark is to create intricate circle over a broad area almost within seconds. Their design is in the computer, and it takes but the release of a switch to start the sequence, whereas hoaxes take time. An example of a sabotage is Silbury, where the hoaxers hoped to enhance their reputation by claiming this large circle. Here the sabotage resorts to lines and mazes. Contrast this with the belated change to Tan Hill, where the original makers returned after aerial photos had been taken of their intended message to create a contrast to the hoaxers. See the difference?

Silbury : Aug 2, 2004

Tan Hill : July 28, 2004

Golden Hill : July 26, 2004[2/5/2012 11:39:33 AM]

ZetaTalk: Hoaxes[2/5/2012 11:39:33 AM]

ZetaTalk: Contorted Path

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ZetaTalk: Contorted Path

written Aug 21, 2004

We have stated that Planet X does a dual 270° Roll as it positions itself along the Sun's magnetic flow lines both above and below the Ecliptic, and that the Earth Participates in this, being the lesser magnet. Just how contorted does this passage become? Crop Circles from over a decade ago, in the early 1990’s, and ancient depiction’s show this to be an almost unimaginable series of twists and turns. Does this passing planet indeed make these twists, and why would ancient man, and circle makers, be so determined to record this? Viewed from today, when the constellations seem not quite right and the Moon often out of place, the Sun rising and setting in a spot too far North, and the weather beyond man’s memory in its oddity, these twists seem bizarre and unimaginable. Just wait. As the approaching monster planet, with its entourage of moon swirls and loose debris slinging into Earth’s atmosphere as fireballs, begins the dance of its passage, it performs before man on the stage of the Sun such that the dance cannot be missed.
