Cover-ups, over the alien presence or of the presence of Planet X, can be tripped up during such events, which the

public cannot be dissuaded from watching.

With rising ocean levels, Bangladesh- is in serious trouble. Is this level 6.5?

Bangladesh has been in trouble since the beginning, since it is lowland subject to inundation during storms or heavy

rainfall. With the Indo-Australian plate being pushed under the Himalayas, all of India is being pushed below sea

level, steadily. Bangladesh will be the first to suffer. However, this does not change the overall rating for the status of the Earth changes prior to the pole shift, the 6 of 10 rating. This is a local issue only, for Bangladesh.

Would the zetas care to comment on the Bigfoot seen and picutred this past week in a Kentucky garden? I

can't attach the site from the Rense program. Sorry!

Since Bigfoot is quarantined, there will be no photos of Bigfoot that develop. This is your answer on authenticity.

Greetings from Colombia, South America. Can the Zetas comment about the military bases US

Government are going to use in Colombia with their authorization and the reactions this agreement

between this two countries are producing in Venezuela, Ecuador etc. Are any secret agendas here, what

do they want, etc.?

The Bush administration was intent upon invading S American lands due to the personal ambitions of the Bush family

to have influence there. They envisioned themselves as being in control of both Americas after the pole shift. This has all fallen by the wayside lately, but the worry about Venezuela's alliances with Russia and Cuba and Iran have

remained. This is a worry that the US military has, primarily. Venezuela and Ecuador are not going to fall or be

subject to a coup, although there are those planning such matters, because the White House is not on board with such


During Obama's speech on healthcare a Republican senator, Wilson, disrupted his speech with "You lie!".

What was this person trying to achieve? It appears to have backfired. What might be the consequences of


This representative virtually lives on funds from the health care lobby, and has refreshed his coffers since his outburst.

His motive is strictly financial!

Are Israel's plan for greater Jerusalem - 500 settlements - going to succeed?[2/5/2012 2:44:44 PM]

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

Israel will be distressed long before the last weeks arrive, as the Earth changes will require each country to focus on its populace. This includes Israel's allies, such as the US and European countries. Aid will stop, the US military will bring its troops home to help on the home front, and Israel will find the Arab nations reacting with more than quiet rage

during their attempts to take land from their neighbors. During the last weeks, there will often be revenge, thought we have predicted that both Arab and Israeli will cooperate in the Aftertime, forgetting what their politicians inflicted on both cultures.

Say there are two best friends, one's next incarnation is an octopi, the other's next incarnation is a hybrid.

Will the souls of the two friends remain in "eternal contact" with each other? Do souls rendevous with

each other after their bodies physically die?

This is possible, yes. The Spirit Guides can arrange such meetings if both desire it.[2/5/2012 2:44:44 PM]

Document Outline

ZetaTalk: Last Weeks Countdown

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for July 31, 2010

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live

ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live
